Beseech The Devil

Chapter 48 Thunderous Strike!

Chapter 48 Thunderous Strike!

Outside the house, Su Ming’s footsteps stopped, standing in the dark like a hunter. After staring at the house for awhile, he gradually frowned. As if realising something, he reached the side of the door in a flash, stepping inside he found out that there was actually no one inside.

“Interesting.” Su Ming mumbled, lowering his head and looking about, he found out that at the end of the house was a hole.

After hesitating slightly, he inspected the hole, touching the surface of the hole with his hand, he realised it was made up of really dry mud, signifying that this hole had already been there for a long time.

A light flashed in his eyes as he lowered himself into the hole, without making a single sound Su Ming sped into the tunnel, as he proceeded he approximated that this tunnel seemed to be leading outdoors, past the base of the city walls.

On the tunnel floor, messy footsteps could be seen, lowering his body, Su Ming inspected and counted these footsteps.

“It seems like there are about seven or eight people.” Su Ming thought to himself as he took out his bone axe, as he walked, he effortlessly dug out a deep hole in the soft muddy ground.

At some places, Su Ming could see supporting pillars to prevent the tunnel from collapsing, as he noticed them, the edges of his lips turned upwards.

Soon, Su Ming had walked several thousand Zhang, but suddenly he stopped, in the distance, he could see a shred of moonlight illuminating the cave, meaning that must be the exit.

Vaguely he could make out some sounds of people outside.

The voice sounded as if it was singing, barely audible as if it was fairly far away. Su Ming paused at the base of the exit before quickly taking a step back after looking upwards.

As he looked up, he saw someone meditating cross-legged by the exit guarding the hole.

“There is only one guard, from his blood qi it seems like he is only of the fourth level of blood condensation.”  Remaining calm, Su Ming jumped out of the cave, shocking that cross-legged youth whose eyes fly open.

Just as he was being surprised, Su Ming’s right hand lightly waved, and that young man’s body was wracked with pain, as a red light seemed to spread in his eyes piercing him like numerous needle causing him to cough out fresh blood. While wanting to call for help, a powerful cold hand extended from behind him, viciously covering his mouth, preventing him from crying out, leaving him struggling in pain.

Soon, his body convulsed as he fainted.

Standing behind him was the calm looking Su Ming, after gently putting his body down Su Ming squatted down and inspected his surroundings. It was currently late at night and the surroundings were extremely quiet, in the distance the outline of the chlorite city could be seem, as well as the bonfires flashing in the surrounding tribes.

In the opposite direction Su Ming could also see a campfire, only the colour of the flames were not red, it was actually green! That green light emanate a strange feeling, under the cover of the moonlight it was hidden in the dark.

That singing voice could once more be heard coming in the direction of that strange green bonfire.

While frowning, Su Ming approached the darkness in the forest, squatting down nearby he saw a mind startling sight.

That bonfire releasing the green flames was vigorously burning atop a large quant.i.ty of dry twigs and leaves, however, within them Su Ming could actually see some corpses. Those corpses apparently had been dead for a long time and as they burned in the pile, the constantly released strange popping noises.

Surrounding the flames were seven people sitting cross-legged, of which one was sitting directly in-front of the flames, while the other six were sitting by the side in two rows of three, Bei Ling was one of them.

The person sitting alone was a bald youth in black robes, he looked extremely handsome, however under the glow of the flame, he looked diabolical.

Su Ming remained silent as he attentively watched them, eventually he picked up some information, from the six people beside the fire a shred of qi could be seen exiting their orifices, making them turn pale as their bodies started trembling.

Not long after, one of the six people stood up and walked towards that bald headed youth, kneeling down on one knee, he strongly patted his chest with both arms, the trembling of his body growing more and more intense, on his forehead, a drop of green blood slowly materialised and flew towards that bald youth. At the same time, by the bald youth’s forehead, a fingernail sized agglomeration of blood materialised and merged with the other youth’s blood sacrifice.

After fusing with that green drop of blood, on that bald youth’s body numerous blood veins appeared, however within those blood veins, a shred of green could be clearly seen.

An extremely powerful blood qi erupted forth from that bald youth’s body causing Su Ming’s eyes to narrow, he realised that he had made a mistake, that person was not at the eighth level of blood condensation, neither was he at the seventh level of blood condensation, he was actually at the sixth level.

However he was at the peak of the sixth level of blood condensation, and seemed like he was on the verge of breaking through the seventh level.

“It would appear that I have overestimated the people of the Feng Zhen Tribe.” Su Ming remained unmoving as his gaze moved onto Bei Ling, other than Bei Ling, the rest of them had already stood up to sacrifice a drop of blood from their foreheads before returning to their original position.

“Wu Sen…… the past few days I have already given you ten over drops of blood, and have been greatly weakened, in the morning will be the day of the test, let me just give you one drop today okay?” softly speaking, Bei Ling’s eyes opened as he gazed at that bald youth.

“En?” That bald youth was precisely Wu Sen, his stared at Bei Ling with his eyes filled with contempt.

“You want to go back on your words? Didn’t we agree that you will help me breakthrough to the seventh level of blood-condensation and if then I manage to obtain the Man-Elder’s Man-Blood, I will share a small portion with you just like the previous years. At most you can skip out on the first two tests, and for the last test I will give you some Man-Blood to help you easily reach the top fifty.”

“This……” Bei Ling was hesitating but soon after, he grit his teeth and walked forward, kneeling in front of Wu Sen, he hit his chest with both palms, causing his body to tremble and a drop of green blood flew out from forehead.

But as this drop of blood was flying out, Bei Ling became tired and sluggish. As he was standing up Wu Sen eyes flashed as he stuck out his right hand, directly tapping the defenseless Bei Ling’s forehead.

“You!!” Bei Ling body shook, just as he was about to counter attack, that finger landed. A slip appearing on his forehead as  drops of blood flew out!

“Don’t worry, we are friends, I won’t kill you, I am just helping to prevent you from going back on your words, just one sacrifice will be enough for the whole night……” Wu Sen smiled and withdrew his finger, intending to absorb the blood he forced out of Bei Ling into his body.

But at this moment, Bei Ling’s body trembled as his eyes widened, before he could even absorb the drops of, he stumbled back a few steps and fell into the bonfire.

He could only see a black flash of light, as a black spear whistles in the wind, soaring forward like a black dragon over the crowd, streaking past Bei Ling flying straight towards that bald youth.

That fire pile burst apart with a loud bang as a large amount of green flames burst out to the surroundings, a powerful looking figure suddenly appearing in front of Bei Ling in a flash, grasping with his right hand, he managed to obtain both Bei Ling’s blood and the blot clot of Wu Sen.

That burly man with an unusual appearance was precisely the transformed Su Ming.

“This blood is not bad, I will be taking it.” His voice sounded hoa.r.s.e as he waved his left arm, the black spear embedded in the ground turned into a black smoke and reappeared in his hands.

Su Ming slowly spoke as he gazed at the rapidly retreating Wu Sen, Wu Sen’s gaze was solemn with a hint of cruelty.

“You are seeking death!” Wu Sen shouted, a large amount of green qi surging out of his body instantly surrounding his body, impressively turning him into a three zhang tall figure, that green coloured figure gave a silent roar as it raised its arms jumping towards Su Ming like a zombie.

(TLN: A chinese zombie specifically, google it if you don’t know how it looks like)

At the same time, the other people all reacted as their blood qis circulated, this time not to sacrifice their blood, they who are currently weaken wanted to strike Su Ming, only to see him stab his spear into the ground.

His blood qi flowing into the spear, a large amount of black qi bursting forth. The instant the spear penetrated the earth with a bang, the ground started to shake as air waves surged out with Su Ming in the center, knocking back each of those weakened individuals.

Immediately after, Su Ming’s body flashed as he rushed towards Wu Sen with great speed, at the same time his left hand wielding the spear, black qi bursting forth transforming into a black hawk, spreading open its wings and creating a gale as it rushed towards that ferocious zombie figure.

At the same time, the moonlight condensed without anyone’s notice and integrated with the black eagle to concurrently attack that green figure.

After a loud thunder like bang, Su Ming’s body rolled backwards, after staggering slightly he quickly retreated back towards the hole and jumped in.

As he retreated, an angry roar followed behind coming from the collapsed gren figure, from within the forest Wu Sen had a grim expression as fresh blood spew forth from a wound on his chest.

“You actually dare hurt me!!” His eyes filled with contempt as he rushed forward.

Two people, one in-front of another quickly disappeared into the tunnel, the remaining people, including Bei Ling, were filled with dismay as the stayed back, too afraid to pursue.

Shortly after, a m.u.f.fled roar came from the earth, it would seem that the underground pa.s.sageway had collapsed, which was followed by more angry roars. After some more time, Wu Sen re-emerged from the hole, looking extremely distressed, releasing another monstrous roar, unable to hide his rage from the rest.

“I managed to s.n.a.t.c.h my corpse qi back, but we won’t be cultivating anymore tonight, you all better find that guy for me, you must find him, he is not from the Feng Zhen Tribe! After finding him, I will personally break his neck!!”