Beseech The Devil

Chapter 55 – The Night, belongs to him!

Chapter 55 – The Night, belongs to him!

On the seventy-ninth step where Su Ming stood, he glanced at his surroundings before gazing at the moon in the night sky, it was a little more to midnight, but it can be said that this nighttime is where Su Ming felt the most comfortable.

Ever since he started cultivating the Fire-Mán-Technique, Su Ming started to like the moon, and become filled with antic.i.p.ation towards seeing another full-moon. After all, since he started cultivating this technique, he had not seen a full-moon.

Although a full-moon had pa.s.sed, the skies that night were obscured by plenty of dark clouds. While he was in his cave he felt his body turn restless, but ultimately there was not much change. However, according to Su Ming’s judgement, if the skies that day were not obscured with those dark clouds perhaps he would be able to feel a clear difference.

It is a pity that today was not a full-moon night, yet Su Ming felt as at ease as usual, at the same time, he could feel that the pressure of this mountain increase as he went higher and higher, also it increased as the moon rose.

“It is indeed as the Feng Zhen Tribe Mán-Elder mentioned, the pressure is really higher at night.” Su Ming lightly smiled, not caring much about this matter, although at night the mountain’s pressure increased, at the same time it is when Su Ming’s strength truly reached its peak.

Su Ming at night was much more terrifying that he was in the day!!

Retracting his gaze towards the moon, Su Ming sat down cross-legged on this seventy-ninth step, taking a deep breath he slowly felt what was different.

This place was as he expected, this was the second place in this small path where the pressures of the adjacent steps were able to reach an equilibrium, while at the same time still much stronger than the equilibrium at the thirty-second step. It was an extremely suitable place for him to practice controlling his blood veins, allowing him to more accurately make them appear or disappear.

Not to mention that the current Su Ming had already manage to control the three extra blood veins that he obtained on the way here, with just one more, he would be able to reach the fifth level of blood condensation!

This filled Su Ming with an even greater sense of antic.i.p.ation, he really wanted to find out whether after he cultivated on this seventy-ninth step and moved on, would he obtain even more blood veins!

Su Ming gently closed his eyes, slowly circulating his blood qi, once more entering the nuanced state of manipulation, slowly manipulating the speed of his blood qi’s circulation, slowly slowing it down at will.

The fifty-two blood veins on his body constantly transformed in number as time slowly elapsed, until he slowly reached the level of control at the thirty-second step only this time he had an extra three blood veins. At the moment there were only forty blood veins left on his body.

Su Ming’s expression was calm without even the slightest trace of nervousness, slowly he circulated his blood qi deep in the realm of nuanced manipulation. Like this time pa.s.sed, and very quickly two hours was over.

Currently on the mountain, there were already many who gave up advancing and choose to sit on a step meditating. As they cultivated they would take note of the names on the tablet in their hands while they waited for daybreak before continuing.

Wu Sen was panting, his face pale, gritting his teeth he advanced until the two hundred and ninety-fifth step before reaching his limit, sitting on the side, his expression was gloomy, while gazing at the fog he seemed to be at a loss.

“My Corpse Qi LifeBlood…… d.a.m.n it, that person stole my Corpse Qi LifeBlood, without that blood my Cultivation cannot advance, in fact it would begin to weaken…… I can already feel myself becoming weaker……

This matter cannot reach Grandpa’s ears, if he were to find out that I lost the Corpse Qi LifeBlood, even if he helps me get it back, I would never be in his sights again……” After thinking about this terrifying end, Wu Sen clenched his fists as a trace of fear could be seen in his expression.

“I even more so cannot let other people know of it, especially those who helped offer me Corpse Blood, these few years I managed to suppress them because of my strong ident.i.ty in the tribe, once they know I lost the Corpse Qi LifeBlood they are sure to immediately betray me.

What to do…… what to do……” Wu Sen’s expression turned ferocious as he grit his teeth, but as before you could also clearly see his confusion.

Chen Chong was breathless, cursing as he walked, seeing the fog surrounding him getting illuminated by the moonlight, he had intended to rest for the day, but as he looked at the tablet in his hands, he noticed that that Bi Su person had overtaken him, as such only after climbing two more steps was he willing to stop.

“f.u.c.k, I don’t believe this!” Chen Chong grit his teeth as he continued advancing.

Currently Bi Su from the Hei Shan Tribe was similarly panting, seeing the tablet in his hands, he grit his teeth as he endured the pressure boosted by the moon to continue advancing like Chen Chong.

After an hour, Chen Chong’s legs were already trembling, with a roar he sat down, shouting towards the fog around him.

“Walk, you just keep walking, f.u.c.k, I will stop competing with you for today, tomorrow I will be back!”

Not knowing if he felt the same way, Bi Su too sat down with a thud after several more steps, seeing his ranking on the tablet, his lips curled into a smile.

Lei Chen had also stopped on the hundred and thirty plus step, panting with an uncomfortable expression.

Many people have already stopped, but there was still a person who continued to advance.

“Five hundred and sixty-three……Five hundred and sixty-seven……Five hundred and seventy-two…… this Ye w.a.n.g is actually still advancing even though it’s already night!”

“The second place is taken by Bi Su who is only at the three-hundred and ninety-seventh step, this Ye w.a.n.g is already at the five hundreds, is he really going to ignore the pressure from the night and continue advancing!”

“Indeed worthy of being called the number one of his generation, this kind of perseverance is something the others really cannot compare to!’

The hundreds of people present on the plaza were all eyes the rankings on the statues, at this point in time, only this first place name was still constantly transforming.

Everyone else who is taking this first test had already stopped.

“Five hundred and eighty-seven! Five hundred and eighty-nine!”

“It changed again, this time it’s already five hundred and ninety-five!!”

From the plaza came many excited voices, all of them focused on the name in the number one position, even the leaders of the various tribes started to sigh with admiration towards this junior Ye w.a.n.g.

“Mo Sang, this Ye w.a.n.g from my tribe is really talented, how is he compared to your youth?” The Feng Zhen Tribe Mán-Elder Jing Nan smilingly looked at the names on the statue as he spoke.

Grandpa Mo Sang’s expression was calm as he smiled slightly.

“Not bad.”

Jing Nan snickered but did not speak much more about this.

Currently on the mountain, Ye w.a.n.g carried a determined expression, his forehead filled with sweat but still his hands were behind his back as he continued advancing, each step was extremely difficult for him but he did not have any sense of hesitation as he finally stepped onto the six-hundredth step. Only then did he finally stop, a content smile appearing on his face as he sat down cross-legged there.

“Previously on the first day I managed to reach the five hundred and eightieth step, this time i managed to advance twenty steps further, this should be good enough…… I wonder if this time anyone managed to realise the test at the five-hundredth and sixty-second step…… it should be the same as before, where no one is qualified to feel the heart refinement at the five-hundredth and sixty-second step.” he muttered with a proud expression. The five hundredth and sixty second step is the hurdle where he failed on his first try, being successful on his second try, this time he did not pay much more attention to it. In his point of view, the other partic.i.p.ants this time are all not qualified to compete with him, and even more unworthy of his attention.

(TLN: In case you all need a reminder, 562 is not one of the numbers mentioned by Mo Sang, the closest would be 563)

This whole day he had not once looked at the tablet, after all the person he was competing against was not any of the other compet.i.tors but rather himself.

When he stopped, on the plaza outside, the voices of people’s discussions exploded, to them, this first day of the test was considered to have ended once Ye w.a.n.g stopped. From now on, they would have to wait for the next day before things will continue.

“First place is Ye Want, second goes to Bi Su, third is Chen Chong…… twentieth is Wu Sen…… currently in the top ten there is only one person from an outside tribe, the rest belongs to our Feng Zhen Tribe!

But the ranked forty-eighth Bei Ling and the ranked forty-ninth Si Kong are also outsiders, I wonder if they would be able to stay in the top fifty tomorrow, this is still the first day, after all tomorrow’s performance is more important!’

“Just what tribe is this Bi Su from, to actually have such shocking results to be placed at the second place, managing to overtake Chen Chong, after this test he will certainly become an ill.u.s.trious person!”

“It is not over yet, you never know if there would be an upset……” Those discussing voices gradually softened, of the hundreds of people gathered here, they mostly also sat down cross-legged waiting for tomorrow to arrive.

Slowly, other than the sounds of people’s breathing, it was quiet.

“Mo Sang, let’s go back to the tribe and continue playing chess and come back tomorrow to see if your Su Ming is able to enter the top fifty.” Jing Nan lightly smiled as he gazed at Mo Sang.

Grandpa did not reply, rather he looked at the statue where Su Ming’s name was on the hundred and twenty third position and silently nodded.

As the two of them were about to leave, Grandpa’s eyes suddenly widened. Shortly after, the people who had not went to rest on the plaza and were still occasionally checking the rankings suddenly gasped.

“It moved!! That Mo Su fellow moved!!” This shout immediately roused the people whose eyes were already shut, looking towards the statue with surprise.

Jing Nan who was prepared to leave too stopped and watched attentively.

Not only him, everyone in the plaza including the Wu Long Tribe Mán-Elder, the Hei Shan Tribe Patriarch, and the other leaders of the various tribes all looked towards to statue. To think that currently late at night, after everyone stopped, this single person’s sudden rise became all the more obvious!

Deep in the mountain, Su Ming who was on the seventy-ninth step meditating suddenly opened his eyes, after becoming able to suppress his cultivation to having only twenty eight blood veins, he had reached his limit and was unable to continue. This time could already be considered more successful than the previous time, taking much less time than before, because it was currently nighttime!

Under the moonlight, in Su Ming’s eyes a faint red mood existed, he slowly stood up, gazing at the winding steps before him, his eyes flashed.

“The next step……” Su Ming lifted his right foot. Under the night sky, in this mountain plunged into the night, be it Chen Chong, be it Bi Su, be it Ye w.a.n.g, there was none who dared to advance further, only he Su Ming walked ahead!

The Night, belongs to him!