Beseech The Devil

Chapter – 63 Heart refining step!

Chapter – 63 Heart refining step!

The moon hung hing in the night sky, the moon this night was slightly different from the norm, the skies were cloudless, making the moon seem even brighter than before as it illuminated the lands, like a curtain between the heavens and the earth.

In the distance, it looked truly stunning, but on this mountain where the peak cannot be seen, the moon had transformed into something terrifying!

Under the moonlight, the pressure of the mountain increased at a terrifying rate, constantly bursting forth, forming a formless gale encompa.s.sing the entire mountain such that even if one stood at the foot of the mountains, their surroundings would seem distorted.

Currently at midnight, the moonlight was at its peak, it was also when the pressure from the mountain is at its peak as well! The three people standing at the five hundred plus step could barely feel the mountain’s mist, from the bottom of the mountain, one would be barely able to see their figures, the three of them seemingly standing at the edge of the skies, able to touch the skies if they just raised their arms.

From the five hundredth step onwards, they had already stepped into the skies, currently Ye w.a.n.g was ignorant of the matters happening outside, not knowing about the three people competing behind him, he only cared about his path, step by step advancing slowly while breathing haggardly.

“Today I must reach the eight hundred and third step!!” Ye w.a.n.g grit his teeth, his eyes blazing with pride as he advanced.

Under this kind of pressure, if one did not have a firm sense of dedication one would not be able to make more than a couple of steps onwards, Bi Su was dedicated, but this dedication was not born from confidence, otherwise, he would not have to stare at the rankings each time he took a step.

“Five hundred and fifty-sixth step, five hundred and fifty-seventh step…… this d.a.m.n Chen Chong is actually catching up, he is already on the five hundred and fifty-eighth step.” Bi Su’s expression was bitter as he continued climbing with grit teeth, but the moment he took this step, his entire body shook as he seemingly heard a powerful roar coming from the mountain peak.

That roar was not something a human could make, it came from a beast!

The moment the roar reached him, Bi Su’s body shook, his chest piercing with pain as he spat out a mouthful of blood, his body shaking as he almost collapsed.

His expression was fearful, as if in that instant the entire mountain had transformed into a mythical beast roaring straight at him.

Similarly experiencing this was Chen Chong who stood on the five hundredth and fifty-eighth step, just as he wanted to advance his body trembled, raising his head with blood shot eyes, he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Su Ming’s entire body was covered in sweat, his determined gaze not waning the slightest, rather it intensified, step by step he advanced, five hundred and forty-eight, five hundred and forty-nine…… all the way until he was standing at the five hundred and fifty-seventh step where he too heard that terrifying roar.

This roar revealed a monstrous rage as it came crashing down onto Su Ming, the moment it reached him, his body shook, his chest wrecked with pain, blood uncontrollably flowing out his mouth, that roar seemingly oppressing anyone who stood against it.

Just as the crimson red blood flowed out,the blood red moon in Su Ming’s eyes burst out with an intense light!

He will not give in!

Su Ming subconsciously lifted his head towards the mountain peak as he let out a loud thunderous roar, resounding in the surroundings, Su Ming’s hair fluttering, his burning flame in his eyes bursting out as he fiercely stamped his foot onto the eight hundred and fifty eighth step.

The instant his feet landed, Su Ming’s entire body shook, his veins swelling, his blood veins appearing, a formless torment erupted in his body, but Su Ming had not given up!

He wanted to walked up to the five hundred and sixty-third step, he had wanted to continue practicing his nuanced control, he did not want to give up this opportunity, he did not want to disappoint Grandpa, Su Ming did not easily make his move, but when he did, he did not want to leave any room for regret!!

What he wanted to achieve was no regrets, no matter what he did, he must now have any regrets!

Five hundred and fifty-nine, five hundred and sixty, five hundred and sixty-one! Su Ming advanced three more steps, each step he took, his body would tremble intensely, his body making an unimaginable noise, the kind of noise made when all the bones in the body were breaking, that kind of pain was something a mere sixteen-year old should be able to bear.

“Still lacking two more steps, just two more steps!!” Su Ming cried out in his heart, constantly telling himself that he must get onto the five hundredth and sixty-third step!!

Su Ming roared once more, as he lifted his feet to take another step! The moment he took this step, he felt the earth shake, but he knew that in reality what shook was not the mountain but himself.

This kind of feeling made Su Ming’s face pale as he glanced at the heavens, the skies seemingly moving further and further away from him, the heavens seemingly slowly moving in his eyes as time seemed to dilate.

Su Ming could feel his own body slowly collapse, the earth did not move, the mountain was not shaking, it was just his body being no longer able to tolerate it anymore, it had reached its limit as he slowly fell backwards.

“Five hundred and sixty-second step is a hurdle……” Su Ming’s lips bitterly parted.

“The earth did not move, the mountains did not shake, only this body trembled, everything was the same as before……”

“Grandpa, why is it that when i was running, the trees by my side seemed to be moving? I have been confused, i was not sure if I was moving forward or if those trees were moving backwards, Grandpa why is it so?” In Su Ming’s bitter mind, memories of a question he asked Grandpa when he was younger surfaced.

“The eyes deceive a person, you will understand when you grow up La Su, what you see with your eyes might not be the truth, perhaps your eyes are lying to you. Look at that tree there, is it really moving? Is it truly the tree moving, or is it your body moving…… or is it something else?”

Su Ming remembered that when he heard this answer, he was still confused and did not know what it meant, but when he thought about it now, he shuddered.

“You cannot change the earth, you cannot change the mountains, because the body moves, everything else also moves…… in reality, the earth did not move, neither did the mountain…… what moved was……” Su Ming’s eyes suddenly widened as if suddenly understanding something.

“What moved was my heart!!”

“When I was younger, while I was running about, my body was moving, the trees were not, but in my eyes the trees were moving, that was because of my mind…… my mind was being deceived because my heart had been moved……

The earth, the mountains, the trees, whatever it was, even if i was my own body that moved, as long as my heart did not waver…… nothing will move! The other parts of my body can also be deceived, my eyes, my entire body, everything can deceive my heart and make me feel as if I am moving……” Su Ming’s body shook once more, the moment he understood this a roar erupted in his mind, this powerful roar made his dizziness fade away, when it was all gone, Su Ming realised that he was still standing there.

Looking down at the steps beneath him, then once more looking at his surroundings, the current him was still standing on the step as before, his right feet on the five hundredth and sixty-second step, his left feet still standing on the five hundred and sixty-first step.

His body was the same as before, as if nothing had changed since the previous moment.

While in deep thought, Su Ming lifted his left leg, only after he firmly stood on the five hundred and sixty-second step did he take a deep breath, both his eyes revealing a sense understanding.

“I got it…… if the heart is still, the world is still! This is what it means to be nuanced……” Su Ming mumbled, stepping onto the five hundred and sixty second step a smile appeared on his face, slowly sitting down cross-legged. After attaining understanding, this is the first time he truly entered nuanced control.

This time was completely different from the previous four times, previously without understanding, he only used his power to control his blood qi’s circulation speed. This was just an external force!

Now, after he had realised the truth, he knew that true nuanced control did not involve using his strength to control his blood qi’s circulation, but rather through using his heart!

If the heart moves it moved, if the heart does not move, then blood qi will not move!

The moment Su Ming sat down, Bi Su let out a roar filled with injustice, his right feet hovering above the five hundred and sixty-second step, but for some reason he was unable to put it down, he had the feeling that the moment he took this step, he would no longer be able to withstand it any longer. This sort of feeling was so intense that slowly, he had chosen to stop, he …… did not dare take that risk!

Chen Chong’s expression was solemn, this look rarely seen on his face, standing on the five hundred and sixty-first step he gazed at the five hundred and sixty-second step, after thinking silently for a long time, he remembered the story of this step……

In the next instant, Chen Chong grit his teeth as he took a step forward, but the moment he took that step, his expression became dull, his eyes listless, a breath of time pa.s.sed, then after seven breaths of time, Chen Chong spat out a mouthful of blood as he collapsed between the five hundred and sixty first and sixty second step, in the end, he was unable to continue onwards, he could not overcome that heart refining step.

But compared to Bi Su, Chen Chong possessed a stronger heart!

The plaza was completely silent, without any voices of discussion, everyone were still breathing excitedly as they stared at the names on the statues, the shock in their hearts all replaced by their own thoughts.

Ranked first, Ye w.a.n.g, eight hundred and three steps.

Ranked second, Mo Su, five hundred and sixty-three steps.

Those two lines captured the gazes of everyone, Mo Su, a completely normal name, one that no one had heard of before the test had now become ill.u.s.trious!

Time slowly pa.s.sed, this night is bound to be extraordinary, and destined to be even more shocking than last night, this mountain peak is destined to be the  final battle ground for these two people!

On the plaza, none were impatient, they were all in deep thought, slowly waiting, waiting for the moment one of them started moving once more! As night pa.s.sed, and daybreak was nearing, the number behind the two words Mo Su started changing once more!

This movement was not accompanied with the the skies turning, nor did it stir the clouds, yet in each any every observer’s heart, a tempest had been born!!