Beseech The Devil

Chapter 66 – Kindling the blood once more!

Chapter 66 – Kindling the blood once more!

“This nuanced control, the further i progress the harder it gets…… at this seven hundred and eighty-first step, I can only reach the limit of two blood veins left, these two blood veins are too tightly linked, I just cannot get them to separate……” Su Ming softly lamented

“It is a pity that this is already the last number…… this mountain is truly a sacred placed for cultivation, once I leave here, it would be hard to find a place as good……” Su Ming’s brows slowly furrowed.

“Thirty two, seventy-nine, two hundred and forty-eight, three hundred and seventy-one, five hundred and sixty-three, seven hundred and eighty-one…… these six numbers should be the secret Grandpa discovered in the past, but…… just maybe, after the seven hundred and eighty-first step, there could be another step similar…… a step that even Grandpa did not discover……” Su Ming’s eyes transforming into an obsession.

After thinking for awhile, Su Ming took a look at the ranking tablet in his hand, seeing his name on the tablet, which made him excited and his qi surge.

“Second place……”

After retracting his gaze, Su Ming lowered his head, having a hard time stabilizing his emotions, as he returned to deep thought.

“I have already accomplished my goals, now…… I can already leave……” Su Ming mumbled with hesitation in his eyes.

“But the moment I leave, this nuanced technique will forever be stuck at this last stage, never becoming complete…… above, there must be another step where the forces are in equilibrium!” After hesitating for some time, he finally decided to not give up, he knew the risks he was taking, but he wanted to become stronger, to ease his grandpa’s worries.

“This opportunity, I must not let it go by, I must find that step that even Grandpa did not find!” Su Ming’s hesitation had completely transformed into a determined gaze, lifting his feet, he headed onwards to the seven hundred and eighty-second step.

The moment his feet landed, his body trembled as the intense pressure bore down on him. As his body shook, a large number of blood veins appeared on him, illuminating the surroundings, as the moon in the sky had almost already faded away, Su Ming could only sigh as he grit his teeth and advanced.

Seven hundred and eighty-three, seven hundred and eighty-four, seven hundred and eighty-five…… all the way until seven hundred and ninety-six, Su Ming’s hair was flowing and his body trembled, each step he took practically took his entire strength, his body in pain, the pressure putting him on the verge of collapsing, completely different from when he kindled his blood flame.

When he kindled his blood, the pressure came from inside, making his body feel on the verge of exploding, but here, the pressure came from outside, making Su Ming feel as if he was about to be crushed into tiny pieces.

The blood veins on his body fighting back as his blood qi circulated, supporting his body from crumbling, only under the moonlight’s nourishment the burden on his body could be greatly reduced.

Step by step, blood slowly flowed out of Su Ming mouth, his expression hideous, but within it, his staunch determination could be seen as well.

“I must find that last step!! I must attain completion!” Su Ming once more stepped forward onto the seven hundred and ninety-nine step, to the current Su Ming, his eyes were a blur, unable to see anymore than the next step.

The current Ye w.a.n.g looked extremely worn as well, his breathing was haggard, his hair a mess, blood veins all on his body as he struggled to step onto the eight hundred and thirty-seventh step, his chest throbbing with pain and his heart thumped, his mind dizzy.

But when he looked at the ranking tablet, his eyes turned frenzied.

“Mo Su!!!” Ye w.a.n.g raised his head as he growled, before continue climbing, his speed significantly slowing down.

Su Ming tried five times, but he was just unable to lift his feet, he felt as if there was a pair of huge hands pressing onto him, crushing his bones, making him unable to lift his feet!

That formless pair of hands mercilessly and coldly clamped down on Su Ming who could no longer stand upright, his back slowly bending before he eventually collapsed there.

Su Ming’s face was completely pale, his sweat flowing non-stop, his dizziness growing stronger, as a powerlessness grew in him. Gazing at the faint moon in the vast skies.

“O’ heavens, why do you weep alone!!” Slowly, this phrase floated out in his mind, making him smile, this smile made his body shudder with pain, but in Su Ming’s eyes, the image of the blood moon became clearer, a strong flame bursting out.

“I don’t accept this!!” Su Ming roared as determination welled up within him, lifting his left hand, he once more fiercely bit it, his eyes shining with a crazy glint as he wiped his index finer on his right eye once more.

The moment he wiped, the entire mountain shook, the mist rolled once more, the qi erupting out from the mountain once more, surging towards Su Ming in all directions.

In this instant, on the mountain peak, that same b.e.s.t.i.a.l roar resounded once more, like an illusion, this roar reverberated throughout the mountains and also into Su Ming and Ye w.a.n.g’s minds.

Blood spurted out Su Ming’s mouth, his body being filled with that strange qi, immediately emitting cracking sounds as the number of blood veins grew once more, he roared again as his bent back once more straightened, fighting against the formless hand, he was actually slowly standing up!!

That formless palm was no longer able to suppress the Su Ming filled with that strange qi, unable to suppress the kindled blood flame under the moonlight!!

Su Ming stood up!

In the sky at dawn, the already faded moon had already released its land shred of light as Su Ming slowly stood up. He fervently stepped forward onto the eight hundredth step and even continued further!

Eight hundred and two, eight hundred and five, eight hundred and eleven, eight hundred and fourteen, eight hundred and seventeen!!

Standing on the eight hundred and seventeenth step, Su Ming’s eyes were crimson red, the blood in his body seemingly on fire, his third blood kindling had already been done half-way, as half his eye had been rubbed with blood.

A powerful energy burst out from within him, making his body seem like exploding, Su Ming understood that if he were outside, this third kindling would have made his body explode, but on this mountain where the pressure suppressing him was so great, it had actually helped his body, preventing him from exploding, and providing him the opportunity of kindling his blood the third time!!

Su Ming’s left index finger shook, and in this instant, his entire right eye was covered with fresh blood as he kindled his blood!

The mountain shook, as more and more of the strange qi rushed into him from his pores and his entire body, accelerating the rate of increase of his blood veins.

“I have to keep going higher!!” Su Ming moved his feet as he advanced once more, eight hundred and nineteen, eight hundred and twenty-three, eight hundred and twenty seven, all the way till the eight hundred and thirty-ninth step, his entire body covered with a b.l.o.o.d.y mist, but his eyes were filled with determination as before!

The steps that he had crossed did not contain the equilibrium he sought, but Su Ming believed that in the remaining steps, it must exist!

“Mo Su!!!!” Ye w.a.n.g was furious as he stood on the eight hundred and forty-fifth step, seeing the number behind Mo Su’s name climb to eight hundred and thirty-nine, how could he not go mad!!

As the most outstanding person of his generation, he was proud, he did not believe anyone could surpa.s.s himself, even if he had to pay a great price, he had to be first!!

His face was swollen, his eyes bloodshot, his original aloof look was no longer present, it had already transformed into a hideous stubbornness. He struggled to lift his right hand to his chest, with a growl he released a huge amount of energy into his body, driving directly into his flesh and bones, especially near his chest, a blood coloured tattoo appeared.

It was a horn, a blood coloured horn, a blood coloured horn of a wild beast!!

This horn was a totem, it was not crimson red but rather slightly dimmer, following Ye w.a.n.g’s palm, a piercing red light shot out of that horn, before entering back into Ye w.a.n.g’s body, seemingly renewing his vigor, allowing him to once more lift his feet onwards!

Eight hundred and forty-five, eight hundred and forty-six…… all the way until the eight hundredth and sixty first step where Ye w.a.n.g spat out a mouthful of blood, and the glow of the horn in his chest faded away.

“Mo Su, you can be proud! You are the only person who has forced me to actually force me to use the Mán-Tattoo drawn by the Mán-Elder with thirty-seven drops of his Mán-Blood, which when slowly absorbed was used to help me achieve the awakened realm more easily!

I originally did not want to forcefully draw from it as there is no additional benefit from doing it so quickly…… Mo Su, you can be proud of this!” Ye w.a.n.g grit his teeth as he took a glance at the ranking tablet before widening his eyes in shock.

“This……this is impossible!!!”

He had saw the number behind Su Ming’s name increase at an increasing rate!

Eight hundred and forty-one, eight hundred and forty-three, eight hundred and forty-five, eight hundred and forty-nine…… as Ye w.a.n.g continued to stare, the number had already turned into eight hundred and fifty-nine!

Separating them were only two steps! Ye w.a.n.g had forcefully absorbed the Mán-Blood and yet not only did he not increase the gap between them, the gap had actually shrunk, if he had not absorbed the Mán-Blood, today he would have already been overtaken!

“This is impossible!!” Ye w.a.n.g’s eyes were filled with shock and disbelief, as he muttered, he once more raised his right hand and frenziedly pressed it onto the horn on his chest.

He coughed out a mouthful of blood, but on Ye w.a.n.g’s entire body a crimson glow burst forth, in this glow his silhouette was barely visible.
