Beseech The Devil

Chapter 86 – Hei Shan Tribe’s pursuit

Chapter 86 – Hei Shan Tribe’s pursuit

The northern winds bellowed as the snow was blown off the trees, aimlessly floating, similar to the people beneath it, leaving their homes as the silently advanced in this forest.

Eventually, no one spoke, even the children’s cries gradually stopped, as they grit their teeth, converting their sadness into determination and hatred.

Of the hundreds of people present, the vast majority of them were normal tribesman, and there were even old and sick people who could not keep up the pace, in addition to the crippling cold, their advance gradually slowed.

Surrounded by the Wu Shan tribe Mán-Cultivators, although they were sad, they still maintained their vigilance as they did not dare lower their guard. After all who knows when a battle to the death could erupt, and once they fall, there would no longer be anyone who could protect the tribe.

Su Ming hugged the little girl in his arms who was tightly holding onto Su Ming’s clothes, the weather was cold, but her dreams were even more cold…… However, perhaps from thee warmth from his embrace, this little child gradually calmed down as she slowly calmed down in her dreams. However, tears still seemed to occasionally roll down her face.

Slowly walking as he carried this child, his gaze constantly watched the surroundings, but as he saw the familiar faces walking by him filled with sorrow, filled with unwillingness, and seeing those feelings transform into determination.

Gritting his teeth, Su Ming’s eyes filled with hatred as he silently advanced step-by-step, frequently stepping up to help support the frail old people, helping them move just a little faster.

“If the tribe moves continuously, we should take about three days to reach the Feng Zhen Tribe, three days later…… I wonder how far can we go……. How many people will be left……” Su Ming was worried, not for himself, but for the familiar faces around him, three days later, just how many more would he never be able to see.

Su Ming knew that if there were other alternatives, Grandpa would have already used them to help travel more quickly to the Feng Zhen Tribe. For example, the Wu Python could quickly reach the Feng Zhen Tribe, but it could just carry far too few people at the time, and normal tribesmen were just unable to withstand the aerial travel, only the stronger ones like the Marksman can withstand it.

But for the current Wu Shan Tribe, once the strong ones leave, the remainder would definitely perish.

“Mama…….” As Su Ming was in deep though, the little girl in his embrace suddenly mumbled in her sleep, clutching tightly onto his robes.

“I definitely should have come back!” Su Ming gently patted the little girl’s back as he mused.

Time slowly pa.s.sed as evening quickly approached, the migrating Wu Shan Tribesmen had already come a long way from home, in this winter cold, deep in this forest, they grit their teeth as they bitterly moved ahead, as suddenly a frightening shout came from behind.

Following the shout, many excited cheers could be heard, as streaks of figures rushed out from inside the forest.

In an instant the entire Wu Shan Tribe was stunned, as killing intent poured out of Grandpa’s eyes, similarly, the Mán-Cultivators and the Marksman too exploded with killing intent.

The tribesmen were suddenly overcome with fear and instantly, the sounds of crying could be heard once more as they descended into chaos.

“The other protectors stay put and continue guiding the tribe ahead, only the rear protectors follow me to kill the enemy!” Grandpa immediately shouted his orders.

Su Ming handed the little girl in his arms to a normal tribesmen as he prepared to make his move, but hearing Grandpa’s shout, he halted and grit his teeth as he choose to continue guiding the tribesmen onward. At the back, grandpa and seven other Mán-Cultivators stood in a line, like a wall stopping all intruders!

Bursts of shouting erupted from the back as more than twenty Hei Shan Tribe Mán-Cultivators appeared, the sheer quant.i.ty of them startling Su Ming.

Their own Wu Shan Tribe barely had thirty or so Mán-Cultivators, but today, in the Hei Shan Tribe’s raiding party, there were already over twenty Mán-Cultivators, which was just hard for Su Ming to accept.

Among those people, the majority of them were at the fourth and fifth level of blood condensation, but there were five at the sixth level of blood condensation and even three more at the seventh level of blood condensation.

There was none at the eighth level of blood condensation, but leading those people were two blacked robed men who were dressed differently from the Hei Shan Tribesmen who at the same time released an extremely powerful blood-qi.

This blood-qi greatly outcla.s.sed the Marksman and Shan Hen and even the patriarch, their cultivation and the countless blood veins represented that they were at about the later stages of the tenth level of blood condensation.

But Su Ming could tell that these blacked robed people eyes were listless unlike normal humans, yet their movements were still extremely agile. Under their lead, these twenty or so Hei Shan Tribe Mán-Cultivators rushed towards Grandpa and company with a powerful blood-l.u.s.t.

From their mouths came a strange chant that seemed to cause all the normal tribesmen to tremble in fear.

“Quickly leave!” Grandpa turned and shouted before once more turning and rushing towards the Hei Shan Tribe Mán-Cultivators. With a flick of his robe, a black gale blew towards them dragging a large amount of snow towards the Hei Shan Tribe Mán-Cultivators.

The two black robed men at the late stage of blood condensation had a clear objective, without paying any heed to anyone else, they exploded with power as they ran straight towards the black gale towards Grandpa.

As for the remaining Mán-Cultivators, when the black gale struck them, about seven of them instantly coughed out blood as their bodies trembled before exploding into a b.l.o.o.d.y mess, covering the area with blood.

The killing has begun!

Other than Grandpa, there were only seven people protecting the Wu Shan Tribe at the back, their eyes filled with determination, behind them were their tribesmen, their families, they just could not retreat, they could never retreat.

Filled with sorrow and determination, the seven of them roared as they rushed the remaining ten plus Mán-Cultivators without care, they had to buy time for the rest of their tribe.

Their cultivation were not exceptionally powerful, the strongest was only at the seventh level of blood condensation, the remaining ones were mostly at the fifth level of blood condensation. But currently, from their bodies came an inexplicable strength, this strength came from their will to protect their home, their determination to protect their tribesmen, even if they were to die and ground to dust, they were not going to let anyone past them.

This was the wall formed by their human bodies, this was the barrier formed by their lives, this was a frenzied strength born from within their souls, this was their choice!

Su Ming’s eyes turned red, but it was not only him, the surrounding Mán-Cultivators all grew frenzied, even some of the normal tribesmen shouted frantically as they too wanted to rush into combat!

“Don’t look, our responsibilities lie in protecting the tribe as we migrate, we have to…… just keep on moving on!!” Just as Su Ming and the rest were about to turn and rush in, from in front, the Patriarch resolutely shouted.

His duty as the Wu Shan Tribe Patriarch was to let as many Wu Shan Tribesmen as possible live, to allow the Wu Shan Tribe live on……

Su Ming tightly clenched his fists, his eyes red as he forcefully suppressed his urge to kill, as the seven tribesmen stood guard barely ten Zhang from Su Ming, being attacked from over ten other Hei Shan Tribesmen. Along with the combat shouts, Su Ming could clearly see one of them cough out blood as his right arm exploded, taking several steps back before forcefully halting with his legs on the verge of collapse. But he still continued to resolutely shout and rush in head first, biting off chunks of flesh of a Hei Shan Tribe’s Mán-Cultivator’s neck.

The Hei Shan Tribeman’s expression suddenly turned frightful as his neck bled out, as he struck the Wu Shan Tribesman’s chest with his fist who coughed out blood from his mouth but quickly swallowed it back down along with the flesh of the Hei Shan Tribesmen, showing a brutal, crazy behaviour which only further shocked the Hei Shan warriors.

At the same time, the Wu Shan Tribesman who swallowed the flesh of his enemy turned to look at the escaping tribe, gazing at them, gazing at Su Ming with a warm and gentle smile, he was a thirty or so year old person and in his eyes, Su Ming was still but a child.

That smile was filled with a seniors affection, completely different from his frenzied rage from before, in an instant he once more turned to face his enemies, the fierce blood-l.u.s.t once more appearing in his eyes as his blood veins exploded with power surging through his entire body. In an instant, a loud explosion erupted from him as his body violently exploded. The Hei Shan Tribesman who was previously bitten wanted to retreat, but he was just too late.

This was…… Blood Vein Self-Detonation!! This was the last roar of one’s blood and flesh, this sound told the pursuing Hei Shan Tribesman that if you wanted to exterminate the Wu Shan Tribe, you better be prepared to pay an unimaginably heavy price.

Caught in the explosion, the Hei Shan Tribesman coughed out blood as both his arms were destroyed, quickly falling back further as he lost his fighting spirit, his spirit was shaken, he was afraid.