Beseech The Devil

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Chapter 89 – Let Bygones be Bygones

He had understood, just like back in the Feng Zhen Tribe, in the same manner, it had been Su Ming who stood in front of him and faced Wu Sen,

He understood why back in the chlorite city, at the Wu Shan Tribe’s residence, the night he returned all lethargic, yet found a vial of his own Life Blood, the person he was searching for was also Su Ming.

And right now, seeing Su Ming’s back in front of him, it gave him the same feeling as the time he saw the figure returning from the first test under everyone’s gazes. The familiarity from that time had also been born from Su Ming.

All these memories flashed like lightning in Bei Ling’s mind causing his body to tremble as he did not dare believe what he was thinking, it was just too hard for him to believe. How on earth did Su Ming achieve this level of cultivation so sneakily, all of a sudden he was already someone superior to himself.

In his memories, this was a person he had looked down on but yet always remained indifferent towards, but today, he had become somebody who thrown his heart into such a mess.

It was so complex that he seemed to have forgotten that he was still in the middle of a battlefield, forget that he was about to die as his mind turned blank.

“How could this be……” Bei Ling mumbled, Chen Xin tightly hugging him, her eyes filled with tears. Su Ming did not appear in her eyes at all, only Bei Ling’s pale face and figure remained, as she was unwilling to part even in death.

Although this took a long time to describe, in reality it had happened in an instant. The moment the spear flew towards the knife wielding man, Su Ming had already arrived with his immense speed, a single silhouette rushing towards the remaining people who only had the cultivation of the fifth level of blood condensation.

They quickly retreated, their eyes instant contracting as a powerful sense of crisis came over them, however Su Ming was just too fast, before they could retreat, he arrived with the whistling winds and instead of striking with his fists, he smashed his entire body against one of the Hei Shan Tribesman.

A crisp crumbling sound rang as the Hei Shan Tribesman spat out fresh blood, his back suddenly rupturing, seemingly unable to withstand the force coming from Su Ming’s body, as his bones shattered as well. Before his body touched the ground, he had already died.

The hatred blazing in Su Ming’s eyes not only did not diminish, it grew deeper, he hated all these Hei Shan Tribesmen. Angrily turning around, he glared at the last Hei Shan Tribesman who struck against Bei Ling nearby.

This person was well built, but rather short, his initially excited and ferocious smile had transformed into a meek and grim one, his eyes were filled with horror as he stared at Su Ming’s fierce killing methods. A spear through one and smashing his body through another.

The clean kills gave this person a sense of Su Ming’s mad cruelty as his heart raced, as Su Ming turned to look at him, he almost cried out in fear as he retreated with all he had, he was afraid, in his mind, Su Ming was definitely one of the Wu Shan Tribe’s elites and was not someone he could defeat.

But before this man could take even three steps, a shrill whistling sound flew over towards the person, in an instant an arrow drew blood from that escaping man, piercing through his neck and into a tree.

The man held onto his neck as blood poured out his wound, his corpse landing on the ground and trampled upon by the various fighting tribesmen.

The Marksman in the distance withdrew his lethargic gaze, as he continued to fight an opponent of the eighth level of blood condensation.

Su Ming walked towards Bei Ling, stopping directly in front him and picking up the spear firmly impaled in the snowy ground. Fiercely pulling it out from the ground as he continued to search for more enemies to kill, until a complicated voice came from the nearby Bei Ling.

“Thank you……” This voice was very weak, almost hidden behind the sounds of fighting, as if having heard nothing Su Ming walked forward after pulling out the spear, but after a few steps he momentarily paused.

“Just let bygones be bygones…… for Chen Xin, you still have to properly live on……” Su Ming spoke before quickly rushing back forward into the fray.

Practically at the same time Su Ming rushed forth, a cold gaze landed onto Su Ming, it came from a tall man in linen clothes, his body well built like a paG.o.da, completely covered in blood, the blood of the Wu Shan Tribesmen.

His blood qi was powerful and from the looks of it was at least at the eighth level of  blood condensation, practically the same as Ye w.a.n.g who Su Ming previously fought.

After taking a glance at Su Ming, he raised his right hand while holding a bone knife, instantly cutting the heads of a Wu Shan Tribesman.

Before he had the opportunity to detonate his own blood veins, his head had already fell into his hands and was thrown directly at Su Ming.

Blood flowed out the head as it stained the ground beneath Su Ming red, quickly melting the snow into a b.l.o.o.d.y mess.

Su Ming’s feet stopped as he glared at the man with his bloodshot eyes, while mixed in the man, the man had sufficiently displayed his brutality, while he too saw Su Ming’s mad frenzy.

Their gazes locked for an instant, before the man rushed towards Su Ming, Su Ming too ran towards the other person at top speed!

What the person wore was not simple hide clothing, which also represented that his status in the Hei Shan Tribe was not simple, to kill someone like him would definitely adversely affect the Hei Shan Tribe’s morale.

The instant he moved, given his status, the nearby Hei Shan Tribesmen all took notice and were refilled with vigor as they let out a battle-cry.

The two got closer and closer, in an instant they collided and started another battle to the death.

But at this instant, from the front of the Wu Shan Tribe, the tribe patriarch spat out fresh blood as his face turned paled and he backed away, however, of the Hei Shan Tribesmen facing him, more than half had perished, but, there were two black robed men facing him with a frightening level of cultivation, instantly severely injuring the Wu Shan patriarch.

The black robed man’s eyes were dull yet filled with killing intent, taking large strides he advanced towards the retreating patriarch with two other Hei Shan Tribe cultivators, seemingly intending to finish him off once and for all. By the patriarch’s side, the tribesmen accompanying him had detonated their blood veins already, and the only person left in the front lines was himself.

In this crisis, the Wu Shan Tribe patriarch was no longer able to avoid death, but from mourning crowd behind him, suddenly a person rushed out from the crowd, it was actually an old man, the Wu Shan Tribe’s Nan Song!

The moment he moved, he let out a sigh as his right foot propelled him forward releasing a gentle sound. But in that instant, the black clothed man chasing the Wu Shan Tribe patriarch suddenly seemed startled as Nan Song appeared in front of him stopping their chase by engaging them in combat.

Of the two Hei Shan Tribesmen accompanying him, one of them was an archer with a large bow, as Nan Song arrived, he choose to continue pursuing the Wu Shan Tribe patriarch with eyes filled with a brutal excitement, thinking that if he manages to obtain the head of this patriarch, he will definitely be greatly rewarded in his tribe.

The Wu Shan Tribe patriarch bitterly smiled, he was only a few more Zhang away from the barrier, but he understood that he could no longer make it there.

But there was not a shred of regret in his eyes, only reluctance, he did not regret fighting to the end, as the patriarch, it was a honour to die for his tribe, only he was filled with reluctance…… he did not want to so quickly have to leave this tribe, he had not brought his tribesmen to a safe place yet.

The Patriarch’s predicament was captured in Su Ming’s eyes, and many others. But, under the Hei Shan Tribe’s a.s.sault, there was no one who could go. Even the Hei Shan tribesmen got excited as they even more fiercely blocked the Wu Shan Tribesmen.

Su Ming wanted to rush over, but the Hei Shan Tribesman in the linen clothes coldly smiled as he stopped Su Ming, preventing him from even having the chance at throwing his spear towards the patriarch.

At this critical moment, just as the Wu Shan Tribe patriarch was about to face his demise, there were about a dozen youths in the front within the barrier.

And amongst these youths, a single youth shuddered, he was one of the idlers in the tribe, he could not cultivate, neither did he have a st.u.r.dy body to do the daily manual labour, and only because his family had a few Mán-Cultivators who perished in battle, he could live leisurely. As long as he did not betray his tribe, he could have lived his life like this.

He did not forget the glory of his family, but choose not to inherit it, he had rather chosen to live under the protection of that fame and live his lazy life away.