Beseech The Devil

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 – He is the traitor!


From the pitch-black forest, eleven silhouettes sprung forth. Leading them was the Patriarch of HeiShan Tribe, who rushed over at great speed. A black cloaked man is also among the eleven, and he wore a befuddled expression on his face. It is evident that the barrier and terrain, as well as Nan Song’s Mán-technique had a great effect.

All of them seemed fatigued, without the excitement and shouting of before. In this battle between the two tribes, the deaths not only came from WuShan, but even more from HeiShan.

The Marksman of HeiShan had died, the hunting captain had died, the tribal chief had died. More importantly, their prodigy Bi Su had died too!

The deaths of many Mán-cultivators is a huge loss to HeiShan Tribe. If it weren’t for that few black-cloaked individuals and tribesmen who had their cultivation forcefully raised by Bi Tu using evil Mán-techniques, it will be hard-pressed for them to succeed in their mission.

HeiShan Tribe did not expect WuShan to be so difficult to eliminate, and they paid a heavy price for this mistake. This is something not even the Mán-patriarch Bi Tu could foresee.

He was completely restraint by Grandpa Mo Sang, unable to put his Awakened cultivation base into great effect in this battle between the two tribes.

If time could rewind, if HeiShan Tribe had foreseen this outcome… Perhaps they would have not initiated the battle immediately, but opted for more preparation instead.

Even if HeiShan Tribe win this battle, it will be a pyrrhic victory. Moreover, once the tribesmen of WuShan reaches FengZhen, then the death of the Black Mountain tribe would have been in vain, without any gains from the battle.

Besides the black-cloaked man, regret gripped the hearts of the individuals from HeiShan. Now that the battle has come to this, they have no other choice but to continue fighting. The death of Bi Su is all the more reason why the HeiShan Patriarch has to kill Su Ming.

Watching the eleven individuals, a cold glint rose in Su Ming’s calm eyes. With the blood scale spear tight in his right hand, he stood.

In silence, Nan Song and Shan Heng revealed their killing intent.

Only Lei Chen did not move, but his eyes revealed the same insanity and desire for ma.s.sacre.

At the instant the eleven came within 300 meters of them, Nan Song took a forceful step forward. His body shone with a blood red aura, but a wisp of it remains in connection with Lei Chen. On Lei Chen, the red aura is even more intense, seemingly forming a blood-red barrier.

Giving a low growl, the clothes on Nan Song’s upper torso burst open, and his age-worn complexion suddenly became youthful, especially his arms muscles which visibly swelled. With a roar, he shot his hand towards the ground.

Following this action, a huge vortex appeared underneath the feet of the eleven who were approaching. A swamp filled the vortex and hands of mud stretched out from it, grabbing at the eleven people’s feet.

Nan Song’s body rushed forth powerfully. Behind him, Su Ming charged at full speed towards the front. Shan Heng’s eyes revealed his killing intent and conflicted feelings. Raising his right hand, a crescent-shaped bone sword materialized in his grip immediately, and he drifted hastily towards the enemy like a spirit.

As for Lei Chen, at that moment his body trembled and his complexion suddenly aged, as though his vitality has been sucked away

The huge swathes of swamp restrained more than half of the HeiShan tribesmen, but was of no effect to the black-cloaked man. With a stomp of his right leg, the swamp under his feet exploded immediately, and he flew at Nan Song.

The fight to the death has begun.

All the while, Su Ming maintained his silence and ignored the black-cloaked man, nor did he target the HeiShan Patriarch. Instead, he went towards the remaining nine with a leap. Of this nine, the strongest among them was of the seventh layer of blood condensation, most were around the sixth layer. With Su Ming’s speed, as long as the HeiShan Patriarch is restrained, it will buy enough time for Su Ming to kill all of them.

Shan Hen stealthily moved towards his target who was also the HeiShan Patriarch, the two of them collided with a roar as they started their fight.

Su Ming moved quickly, ignoring the pain coming from his body, shrouded by moonlight from the full moon, his eyes revealed a clear image of the blood moon. As he approached a person, the spear in his hand whistled as blows were exchanged between them, an additional deep wound found its way onto his body while the other party’s head flew into the skies while pouring out fresh blood.

Su Ming’s body landed on the ground, his breathing stable as he continued his charge, moonlight surrounding his wounds, allowing him to slowly recover as he charged towards the remaining eight HeiShan Tribesmen, five of them choosing to try and engage Su Ming while the other three attempted to dashed towards the plains.

Seeing the three people darting away and although he was being approached by five other Mán-Cultivators, Su Ming did not hesitate as he threw the spear in his hand not towards the three people, as he knew that would at most kill one of them. Rather he smashed the spear towards the ground he was standing on.

In that instant, the spear shone with a crimson light, transforming into a giant eagle by Su Ming’s feet, a fierce qi burst forth shaking the bodies of the five people approaching him.

(TLN: Something like a rocket-jump)

Borrowing the recoil of this impact, he let go of the spear, allowing himself to be thrown towards the three people in the distance.

With this intense speed, and his two hundred and forty-three glowing blood veins, he shot towards the three of them like a crimson shooting star. One of them immediately stopped to fight while the other two glowed as brightly as a person of the sixth level of blood-condensation as they continued to run.

The person who stopped to fight used some unknown method to hide his cultivation, but as he approached, Su Ming could tell that he was at the seventh level of blood condensation as he exploded with power, prepared to stop Su Ming’s advance.

On his body, his blood veins quickly expanded as he seemed to be preparing to self-destruct!

If Su Ming continued to approach, his worn out and injured body would not be able to resist the explosion, whereas if he turned back he would be unable to catch up to the other two people heading towards the migrating tribe.

Just as the person was about to self-destruct, the wounds on his body reopened as blood spurted from them.

“Your WuShan Tribesmen are not the only ones who can self-destruct, we HeiShan Tribesmen can too!” The man shouted as he laughed towards the approached Su Ming. Su Ming’s eyes shining with determination as he not only did not turn back, but continued his advance at a greater speed. Just as he was about to explode, Su Ming suddenly flung his clenched fist and opened them as he approached the man.

A red ball mist flying towards the man’s wounds, causing his body to violently tremble, before his blood veins detonated, the blood in his body instantly vaporised, exploding into a much more harmless red fog.

This scene was caught in the eyes of the two further ahead, whose eyes widened as they felt gooseb.u.mps.


(TLN: was previously translated as Evil-Mán, but i felt heretic seemed to suit better, so it shall be replacing it from now on.)

“He is a heretic-Mán-cultivator!”

Surprised by the sudden outcry, Nan Song and Shan Hen’s attention was diverted, and the HeiShan Patriarch was even more shocked as his expression suddenly changed.

The expressionless black clothed men too were surprised as they turned to look, and their eyes quickly shone as they seemed to realise something.

But as they were fighting Nan Song, this moment of surprise gave Nan Song an opportunity.

As the explosion resounded, Su Ming’s body did not show any signs of stopping, rather he continued rushing towards the two people at a terrifying speed. The two of them grit their teeth as they choose to split up. Seeing this, Su Ming spat out a mouthful of blood which turned into a b.l.o.o.d.y mist as it flew towards the person on the right.

The b.l.o.o.d.y mist contained Su Ming’s powerful blood qi, as well as the Wu Blood Dust Technique while Su Ming himself continued towards the person escaping to the left.

Immediately after, numerous more wounds appeared on Su Ming’s body, his breathing suddenly becoming haggard as a b.l.o.o.d.y light enveloped him and then flew towards the person he was running after..

Behind him, in two separate directions were two unmoving b.l.o.o.d.y messes of a corpse.

On the battlefield remained only seven HeiShan Tribesmen.

Other than the Black Robed man and the Hei Shan Tribesmen, the other five were already deeply traumatised by Su Ming’s method of killing as they clearly showed signs of backing off.

But suddenly, Shan Hen who was battling the HeiShan patriarch, coughed out blood and crumbled to the ground and flew towards Nan Song as the HeiShan Patriarch landed a hit on his body. After which the image of a b.l.o.o.d.y bear appearing behind the HeiShan Patriarch as he let out a roar, a large b.l.o.o.d.y paw flying towards Shan Hen to end his life.

Just as the large b.l.o.o.d.y paw flew towards Shan Hen, as Nan Song was nearby, his expression shook as he rushed forwards without hesitation, catching Shan Hen while sending out a claw towards the b.l.o.o.d.y fist. With a loud bang, Nan Song was pushed back.

“Retreat and treat your wounds, let me handle these people……” Nan Song spoke before all of a sudden trembling and coughing out blood, his body quickly shriveling up as his expression turned sorrowful and he shot a fist towards Shan Hen.

Who after being rescued by Nan Song had actually somehow managed to stab his knife into Lei Chen’s blood veins and also deeply into Nan Song’s body at the same time.