Beseech The Devil

Chapter 103 – Place closest to the skies

Chapter 103 – Place closest to the skies

Su Ming silently stood there as he watched Shan Hen’s body collapse before him. As for his betrayal, Su Ming still felt extremely conflicted, killing him not only did not bring respite, but rather worsened his feelings.

Even if he did something he had to die for, who would be willing to with their own hands slay the person they so respected as a youth.

Su Ming stared at Shan Hen’s vacant eyes, blankly looking at a place Su Ming could not see, never going to figure out what he thought just as he died. Tightly holding onto the small infant’s bone dyed red with blood, as if it was the most important thing in his life.

Su Ming still did not have answers for why Shan Hen betrayed the tribe, lightly walking forwards he knelt be Shan Hen’s side, his gaze becoming kinder as the original memories of Shan Hen resurfaced.

Su Ming held out his right hand and swept it by his eyes, closing them for the last time, his actions very warm and gentle, as if afraid of disrupting Shan Hen’s spirit.

With a light sigh Su Ming prepared to stand up, but his gaze fell onto the small leg bone in Shan Hen’s hand.

“Is it because of this……” Su Ming thought as he picked up the bone, unable to figure anything out from it as he eventually put it away.

Standing up, he looked at the familiar surroundings, it was already late into the night but the round moon still hung on high in the skies, the moonlight brightly illuminating the snowy lands and reflecting back into the skies, making them seem less dark than expected.

As he started to leave, a warm feeling suddenly came from his chest, after feeling about, he recovered a piece of bone given to him by the WuShan Tribe patriarch before leaving.

“If this thing turns red, it represents that the tribe has already reached safety?…” A smile which had not appeared on Su Ming face for a long time slowly grew as the bone heated up and shone red.

“The tribe, is safe now……” Su Ming let out a sigh of relief, but at this moment from the Black Haze peak of the Wu mountains in the distance came a heaven shaking roar.

Su Ming raised his head and looked at the Wu mountains in the distance, the Black Haze peak seemingly bursting apart along with the loud noise, large amounts of shattered rock flying into the surroundings. Along with the debris flying in the sky, Su Ming saw in the background Bi Tu and Grandpa engaged in combat.

And Grandpa was constantly falling back, his figure looking grievously injured.

Behind Grandpa was the same monstrous red mist in the shape of a NightWing, which a single person stood atop.

This battle had been dragging on for a long time, the Hei Shan Man-Elder thought that after having reached the awakened realm, he would have been able to quickly end the fight. Never did he expect that up till now, he would still be locked in combat with Mo Sang.

Most importantly he could clearly tell that this Mo Sang had not reached the awakened realm, however he had just too many techniques most of which he had never seen in his life, what’s more the might of his Man-Techniques could rival the strength of an awakened cultivator.

If he had not mastered his heretical Man-Technique and had been constantly draining strength from the earth itself, this fight would have been much much harder. Currently Mo Sang was sent rolling into the distance while Bi Tu continued to charge onwards atop the NightWing, afraid to send the NightWing  out by itself anymore ever since the previous incident of losing control which left a shadow in his heart.

Currently he still could not understand why his Man-Blood gotten more and more vigorous as if slowly going out of his control on the verge of bursting out at anytime. This feeling was out of his control, it was as if his body itself wanted to move and pay its respect towards a certain direction.

If not for his using his awakened realm’s cultivation to suppress that  pressure, this battle would have been practically impossible to fight.

Su Ming stood in the tribe as he watched the scene unfold, his body shooting forwards towards the Wu Mountain, as he was unable to fly, he could not partic.i.p.ate in the aerial battle, however, he could still stand atop the Wu Mountains on its peak, where he was closest to the heavens.

Only there would he be able to help Grandpa, Su Ming continued to silently advance, his eyes flashing with a strange glint, the numerous strands of moonlight floating behind him.

“Since the tribe has already reached safety, I can go without any regrets…… given my cultivation it would be impossible to enter this battle between the Man-Elders, and I probably will end up making Grandpa worry even more.” Su Ming expression remained calm, although he was anxious.

“If not for having experienced controlling the NightWing previously I would not dare continue onwards, but now it would appear that perhaps…… I can really be of a.s.sistance to Grandpa!” Su Ming turned into a red streak as he dashed into the forest along with his moonlight strands.

“The place nearest the skies is also the place nearest the full moon, which is where I shall kindle my blood flame!” The crimson streak rushed onwards through this dense jungle.

This idea was not something he just thought of, it was actually vaguely conceived when he first saw the red misty NightWing appear behind Bi Tu.

After being able to control the NightWing the notion no longer remained vague, it had become a clear plan.

“Within the five peaks of the Wu Mountains reside a large amount of NightWings, the last time I kindled my blood flame nearby I think I could vaguely feel the NightWings grow anxious?… If I am not wrong, under this full moon and atop the mountain, if I try to kindle my blood flame I should be able to create an even greater reaction from the NightWings, and hopefully also affect…… that strange NightWing made from Bi Tu’s Man-Technique!” In these few chaotic days, Su Ming had finally learnt to not be as rash, but to calmly think.

He did not choose to go up the Black Haze Peak, but rather the black dragon peak, the red streak travelling a huge distance in a flash, very quickly traversing the whole of the jungle, following a familiar path he approached the Black Dragon peak.

Su Ming could no longer remember how many times he climbed up this mountain peak and so he was extremely familiar with each nook and cranny of the mountain. In a few leaps he had scaled the mountain without stopping, constantly moving closer to the mountain peak.

Su Ming used all his speed to scale the mountain, and because he scaled it from the back side, Bi Tu and Mo Sang who were locked in combat in the air did not notice his movements at all.

As the two of them were locked in an intense fight, they could not afford to lose concentration and fully observe their surroundings, but for some reason Bi Tu felt his heart race, as his Man Blood quickly grew more and more out of control, as if his blood was boiling sending his mind into disarray, forcing him to quickly retreat as he had to spend more effort suppressing it, his expression changing even more greatly as fear surfaced.

“Just what is going on!” Bi Tu was alarmed but he did not have much time to think as Grandpa Mo Sang quickly took the opportunity to approach and attack.

He was already a spent force and extremely exhausted, but as the fight had come to this point, he no longer thought of trying to escape nor was he even able to escape, as the Feng Zheng Tribe’s Jing Nan still had not arrived, Mo Sang’s heart was just unable to be at ease.

Currently Su Ming was still moving towards the Black Dragon peak, along the way, he could vaguely feel once more that in the depths, the NightWings were moving again,

“I believe that I must be right!” Su Ming’s eyes flashed as he continued his climb, soon he reached the Black Dragon Peak’s peak, the winds howling through his hair, his broken robes flapping in the wind as he remained standing there. Looking towards the sky, the b.l.o.o.d.y mist roaring by the Black Haze Peak.

Even mightier pressure came from the clash of Man-Techniques between Grandpa and Bi Tu, which even caused the surroundings to warp.

After taking a deep breath, Su Ming sat down cross legged with his head pointing towards the moon in the sky, the round moon shone brightly into Su Ming’s eyes, his body slowly heating up.

“Grandpa, Su Ming is here to accompany you!” The image of the blood moon becoming clearer in Su Ming’s eyes, as his blood started to boil, the warmth traversing his entire body, as he raised his right arm, biting a tear into his finger before pressing it onto his left eye.

Kindle the blood, for the fourth time!

The instant the blood on his finger touched his left eye, the ground beneath Su Ming instantly started to rumble. In fact, all five peaks of the Black Mountain Range started to tremble.

At the same time, within the five mountain peaks, all the NightWings started to cry out, wanting to rush out of their red tree trunk, madly clawing at the tree, their eyes all crimson with excitement as they chirped. They had to rush out, they had to greet their lord!

Also occurring at the same time, the Bi Tu who was fighting Mo Sang in the red mist suddenly felt his entire body tremble, forcing him to quickly retreat, his expression filled with fear, all his Man-Blood suddenly becoming very hard to control, constantly going against his will, his heart became gripped with an intense impulse to kneel down towards the Black Dragon Peak and pay his respects.

“Why is this happening!” Bi Tu’s hair was a mess blood spilling out his lips as he forcefully prevented himself from doing that impulsive act, at the same time he finally saw the weak and skinny person sitting on the Black Dragon Peak.