Beseech The Devil

Chapter 104, 105, 106 – Stepping into the fight!

Chapter 104, 105, 106 – Stepping into the fight!

Bi Tu’s expression revealed his strong killing intent. From a single glance, he understood that what made him cowered in fear was that figure on Black Dragon peak, and it was fast approaching him.

Immediately, Grandpa noticed Bi Tu’s distraught and turned to look at Su Ming on Black Dragon peak. His eyes narrowed as he took a powerful step forward to hinder Bi Tu.

His tired body was engaged in battle once again.

As Bi Tu roared in fury, the dense mist behind his body suddenly condensed to form a pair of wings that could seemingly conceal the heavens, taking on an appearance akin to a Nightwing.

The Nightwing gazed at Su Ming, and its face revealed an intense struggle, as if there were two consciousness within its body. One is from Bi Tu, and the other is the spirit of the dead Fire-Mán, who wanted to bow to the figure that ignited the blood fire!

Su Ming watched the moon that hung in the sky, which appeared as a slate of red in his eyes. His body trembled as the index finger of his right hand ignited and struggled in motion.

“ The Fire-Mán Tribe of ancient times&h.e.l.lip; I, Su Ming, inherited the technique of the Fire-Mán, and today I ignite the blood fire on this Black Mountain. Descend, Fire-Mán, if you can hear me, a.s.sist me! As he muttered, Su Ming’s face revealed his resolution. With a firm swipe of his index finger, an acute pain penetrated his left eye, from which ma.s.sive flames erupted. Su Ming had ignited his left eye!

At the instant his left eye was ignited, the five peaks of Black Mountain quaked once again, several times more strongly than before. A ma.s.sive amount of rubble loosened and rolled off. It was as though within Black Mountain, there was a giant ent.i.ty trying to get on its feet!

Bi Tu who was in battle with Grandpa Mo Sang suddenly yelled horrendously. Blood leaked from his seven orifices as his entire body was swept backwards. His eyes were fully blood red, and a fuzzy silhouette of a NightWing fleeted in his pupils.

The present him looked utterly pathetic, disheveled, drenched in blood. Grandpa Mo Sang’s eyes glinted as he relentlessly gave chase. At the same time, the gigantic figure of the Nightwing in midair began to screech and tremble, as if there were two opposing forces clashing all out in its body now.

“Kill him, Nightwing formed of my Mán-blood, kill him!” Bi Tu bellowed and his right hand beat across his chest. Immediately, the Nightwing Mán-tattoo between his brows shone harshly, causing the Nightwing to cease struggling and a.s.sume the same killing intent as Bi Tu. Wings beating, it flew towards Su Ming on Black Dragon peak.

In his retreat, Bi Tu extended his arms, and wisps of white qi suddenly emerged from the ground and flew towards him, healing the injuries in his body. Taking a mighty step, he engaged himself with the approaching Mo Sang. Mo Sang, pale-faced, bit his lips to resist as the rumble of battle resumed.

Far off in mid air, the huge Nightwing moved at great speed, descending upon Black Dragon peak with murderous intent as if giant storm. Its howls turned into severe gales that threatened to uproot Black Dragon peak. The instant before it arrived, the cross-legged Su Ming suddenly stood. Staring at the giant Nightwing, his eyes revealed the silhouette of the blood moon.

“Back down!” Su Ming’s voice was calm. Shifting his right finger from his left eye to his right, he gazed coldly at the Nightwing that was the size of a mountain.

Compared to the colossal Nightwing, Su Ming’s thin frame seemed utterly insignificant. But following his unfeeling voice, the giant Nightwing began to tremble uncontrollably to stop just thirty m
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etres or so before Su Ming. The killing intent in its eyes melted into conflict and pain. 

Grandpa Mo Sang’s face revealed his disbelief at this scene. Furthermore, Bi Tu’s body began to shake violently, as if he felt what the Nightwing was feeling – an indescribable might erupting from the thin figure at Black Dragon peak.

As he trembled, Bi Tu shook off the hindering Mo Sang with a fist. Biting the tip of his tongue, he spat out a mouthful of blood and at the same, locked his right hand in between his brows. With a roar, he wrenched off the flesh imbued with the Nightwing tattoo from him. Enshrouded by spat blood, the flesh began to burn, releasing a voluminous red vapour.

At the same time the NightWing about ten Zhang away from Su Ming suddenly burst into a sea of flames, conflict disappearing from its eyes as it rushed towards Su Ming, covering the distance in an instant, seeming like it was going to devour Su Ming whole.

Su Ming’s expression remained calm, the moment the NightWing was about to arrive his right index finger swept past his right eye, instantly everything transformed, the clouds started to rumble, a thunderous roar burst forth from the Black Dragon Peak beneath his feat.

Kindling the blood for the fourth time, but this time Su Ming did not experience an increase in his number of blood veins, however the Black Dragon Peak beneath his feet rumbling reached the skies as the moon up high no longer appeared red only to Su Ming, but to everyone else as well.

It became a Blood Moon Night!

The moment the Blood Moon appeared, in the nearby lands, in the vast jungles, the hiding Hei Shan Tribesmen were all thrown into shock and horror the moment they the blood moon.

“The Blood Moon, why did the Blood Moon appear again!”

“Didn’t the Blood Moon just appear recently, ho-how can it be appearing again!”

Not only the Hei Shan Tribesmen hiding nearby, even those back at their tribe were hiding and cowering in fear.

Outside the Feng Zhen Tribe, alongside the migrating Wu Shan Tribesmen were about ten Feng Zhen Tribe Mán-Cultivators led by Ye w.a.n.g. He had received the Tribe Patriarch’s orders to help the Wu Shan Tribe, and accompany them to safely. These people’s expressions all too changed as they noticed the Blood Moon hanging up in the skies.

Then there was also the Wu Long Tribe who saw the Blood Moon!

They were thrown into shock!

Up in the skies above the black mountains, the moment Bi Tu saw the Blood Moon he was deeply shocked, yet joy also surfaced in his eyes. He, was just not afraid of the Blood Moon. Quickly, he shot towards Mo Sang, forcing Mo Sang to retreat back further, blood spilling out of his mouth and floating towards the ground as scattered droplets as he was. .h.i.t by an unknown Mán-Technique from Bi Tu, sending him tumbling away. Just as Bi Tu was about to continue his pursuit.

At this very instant, an angry roar came from the peak of the Black Dragon Peak like roaring thunder.

“Bi Tu!!”

The Black Dragon Mountains shaking transformed into a loud roar as a large amount of rocks were knocked off, by the foot of the mountain, large amounts of snow and dust were knocked away forming a barren ring centered around the mountain.

The sounds came from the numerous cracks within the mountains as the sounds of wings flapping and roars intensified, eventually numerous blood red eyes appeared within as the NightWings flew out one-by-one, filling the s.p.a.ce as far as the eye can see.

Shortly after, the Black Haze Peak and the other three peaks all burst into a rumble as the NightWings from within broke out from within the red tree!

This was completely unlike the times before it which was only a single appearance every several year.

The entire sky was filled with NightWing’s, at least in the tens of thousands, all flying around and surrounding Su Ming within, making a noise which even makes the heavens and earth tremble.

Their eyes filled with emotion and excitement, as they flew around, their voices seemed to merged into a reverent chant as they surrounded Su Ming, seemingly regarding him as their lord!

Bi Tu was shaken as he looked at this sight, his expression instantly changing as a never before seen shock filled his face. Staring at the numerous NightWings in the sky he practically even forget to breathe as his mind turned black.

He could also clearly feel coming from Su Ming’s body the aura of a powerful genuine Fire-Mán-Art that was heavens apart from the one he got with the help of some foreigner.

“This&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; this&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;” his words remained stuck in his throat as he could not finish his words, the faint image of the BloodMoon in his eyes was just so much more inferior to the one reflected in Su Ming’s eyes.

The gigantic NightWing which approached Su Ming instantly lost its killing intent which was instantly replaced by fervor and excitement as it similarly circled around the Black Dragon peak beneath Su Ming’s feet.

Su Ming’s eyes flashed but surprise did not appear on his face, the noise filled his ears and the streaks of flying NightWings filled his eyes, when he raised a palm, there would even be a NightWing which landed on it, squatting there with fervor and excitement in its eyes.

The current Su Ming was filled with a mysterious sensation, feeling as if he could control these NightWings and even use them for battle!

He could feel these NightWing’s excitement, he could feel their exhilaration, he could feel their long awaited thirst for glory.

Su  Ming clenched his fists as he headed forward, immediately the NightWings parted to form a clear path allow Su Ming to head directly to the edge of the mountain peak, without stopping he continued to take a step off the cliff.

The moment blank s.p.a.ce replaced the ground beneath his feat, it would be taken over by a NightWing, allow him to step on its body, supporting him, allowing him to walk in the air.

Su Ming did not stop as he raised his head up high, his eyes filled with determination and persistence, he wanted to help grandpa, he wanted to help grandpa fight that d.a.m.nable Bi Tu!

Bi Tu was someone Su Ming hated to the core, it was because of his fight that forced his tribesmen to unwillingly leave their homes and migrate amidst fighting for their lives. All these things originated from Bi Tu! 

Carrying this hatred and his persistence, Su Ming stood in the skies before rushing at Bi Tu as a  crimson streak with countless strands of moonlight flying behind him.

He could not fly, but with each step he took a NightWing would appear beneath his feet, practically allowing Su Ming feel as if he was walking on flat lands and thus moving with all his speed.

Surrounding him as he advanced was not only the numerous NightWings there was also Bi Tu’s gigantic NightWing waiting on him, frantically howling forwards.

From the distance it would look like someone drew a line in the skies, but what formed this line were numerous NightWings making Su Ming who could just so simply step forward a terrifying sight.

The countless NightWings followed behind Su Ming’s lead, forming a straight line which shot forth like an arrow.

Su Ming’s eyes were filled with killing intent and his speed greatly surpa.s.sed Bi Tu’s imaginations, even Grandpa did not expect it. Practically in an instant after he started stepping on the NightWings he had arrived in front of the tumbling Grandpa and stood in front to guard his exhausted Grandpa.

Although Grandpa still did not know why these NightWings appeared for Su Ming and why the so fervently obeyed him, he could still see a smile on Su Ming’s face which no matter how tired he was, how close to death he was, even if blood was flowing down his lips, he still felt joy at, after all, Su Ming had finally grow up!

He could finally help Grandpa. In Grandpa’s eyes that weak figure had seemingly transformed into a strong mountain.

“Bi Tu!” Su Ming knew that his cultivation was still too low and he was definitely not insane enough to fight directly with Bi Tu, but with these large numbers of NightWings around him, he had an idea, which was to let these NightWings fight for him.

This was the same thought that surfaced quite a while back!

Practically at the same time as when he shouted out Bi Tu’s name, Su Ming who was standing guard in front of Grandpa condensed all two hundred and forty three blood veins on his body into one and threw his spear in his right hand towards Bi Tu.

The spear whistled terrifyingly in the air as all of Su Ming’s blood qi was condensed into the spear causing it to streak across the sky like a crimson thunderbolt towards Bi Tu.

At the same time, Su Ming’s intention was pa.s.sed on to all the NightWings who while screeching rushed frantically forwards. The overwhelming numbers of NightWings poured  forwards in a scene hard to describe in writing.

In this scene, the NightWings flew towards Bi Tu alongside the spear, even the gigantic NightWing originally under Bi Tu’s control rushed forwards similarly madly.

With the spear as its arrowhead, the innumerable number of NightWings formed an arrow in the skies, in an instant approaching the shocked Bi Tu.

Having obtained his awakened realm powers from the NightWings, when they came back to take it back there was no way for him to escape his fate.

Bi Tu’s face was pale as he hastily retreated, the urge to prostrate himself before Su Ming and the NightWings grew more and more intense from within him, while in agony he fiercely stabbed his own chest with his own finger, causing a black qi to be released and surround his body which finally stopped that urge. However, this too came with a price, as he futher staggered and his expression turned even more pale, yet his eyes revealed a strange madness as he roared towards the approaching spear and h.o.a.rd of NightWings.

Alongside the roar, a black light flew out of his mouth and stopped in front of him, transforming into a black cauldron about the size of a whole person.

On the sides of the cauldron were numerous pained faces of anguish, loneliness, anger and some were even tear-streaked. The entire cauldron reeked with a cold qi, which seemed to instantly solidify the s.p.a.ce around it.

“Take note of that cauldron, he had already used it once on me, it is able to release a very strange power which if not for my seven life sacrificing needles, I would not be able to withstand. But now he should also not be fully able to release its power, furthermore after he uses it he will be weakened!” Grandpa’s expression changed as he hurriedly spoke.

“All of you, die for me!” Bi Tu ferociously spoke as he spat blood onto the large cauldron, which instantly blazed into a flash as Bi Tu instantly visibly withered, his flesh and blood and his very life force drawn into the anguished faces on the large cauldron.

In a flash, the cauldron transformed to about ten Zhang wide, the cold qi becoming many times thicker, the numerous faces on it seeming to come alive with the light as they floated out the cauldron.

After these faces appeared, painful cries started to fill the skies at the same time Su Ming’s spear and those NightWings neared.

The two at this instant collided like a pair of dark clouds, powerful rumbles and cries instantly shooting out into the surroundings.

Amidst the chaotic cries, the faces popped like balloons as the many NightWings charged directly into them, but even so, although the NightWings had st.u.r.dy bodies, after colliding into these faces, they too dissolved into a crimson mist and disappeared.

However, these faces after being shattered did not appear pained any longer, rather they seem satisfied, as if they appeared not to fight, but to seek death, to seek a resolution to their suffering.

Of these faces, some of them should have belong to the HeiShan Tribe, while there should have also been those from the WuLong and WuShan Tribe who had gone missing or died while even more of them came from who knows where as Bi Tu absorbed them into his Heretical-Mán-Tool, sacrificing them for this thing.

Cries continued to resound as the two forces seemed to exterminate everything in their way, the Scaled Blood Spear which contained Su Ming’s full-powered attack continued to directly pierce through face after face, before embedding itself in the large cauldron.

The moment it dug itself into the cauldron, the spear started to tremble as it shattered into numerous fragments which once more landed on the cauldron.

The cauldron shook, originally Su Ming’s attack should not have been able to harm the cauldron at all, but with the price of the Scaled Blood Spear’s destruction, it had exploded with all its power, causing cracks to appear on the cauldron’s surface.

At the same time, the numerous bloodwings constantly rammed against the cauldron in a frenzy, causing these tiny cracks to grow larger and larger.

Although this took a long time to explain, it in reality happened in just a moment, following the loud bang, the large cauldron directly split into two halves as it fell towards the ground.

The moment the Cauldron broke apart, more blood shot out from Bi Tu’s mouth as he staggered back even further. However on his face a vile smile appeared.

“Cauldron Slaughter!”

Su Ming too due to the destruction of the Scaled Blood Spear had large amounts of blood spill out his mouth. The Scaled Blood Spear was his first ever Mán-Tool and had also went through his battles at the Feng Zhen Tribe and the forests, it had followed him in his tribe’s migration and now it was destroyed, which hurt him more than with just the simple rebound.

But his sorrow had been forcefully ignored by Su Ming for now as danger approached, while the split cauldron fell to the ground, a large amount of black qi erupted from within, forming a gigantic face which only grew larger as the cauldron fell towards the ground.

The face was over ten Zhang wide as it opened its large mouth which could easily swallow numerous Su Mings whole.

Grandpa’s expression suddenly changed as he quickly stepped forward, preparing to push Su Ming away from the approaching face. But Su Ming too took a step forward remaining in front of Grandpa.

He spread his arms wide, immediately the NightWing’s eyes turned redder as they rushed towards Su Ming, pressing themselves onto him forming layers of protection, even the gigantic nightwing did the same.

In the blink of an eye as the large face approached, Su Ming’s body was completely enveloped by countless nightwings in the shape of an even larger NightWing.

What seemed like a single NightWing was actually formed by an innumerable number of them.

“Fire!” A shocking voice roared from within this gigantic NightWing’s body, this voice belonged to Su Ming and at the same time belonged to the innumerable NightWings. Following this voice’s appearance was a majestic boundless qi which did not belong to Su Ming, rather it came from these countless NightWings!

Su Ming’s body had become this NightWing’s heart, his mind had become this NightWing’s will, he could control the movements of this gigantic NightWing. As the word fire rang, moonlight condensed around this NightWing, forming a silvery sea of flames centered around this NightWing, spreading in the vast skies.

As the silvery sea of flames spread, the giant face coming from below revealed a pained expression, amid its painful cried it was burnt to ashes over ten Zhang away from the giant NightWing where Su Ming was.

Practically at the same time the face was burnt into ashes, the gigantic NightWing and the ring of flames around it flew towards Bi Tu in the distance.

Bi Tu’s face was ghastly white, his eyes wide open, as he was still unable to believe what was happening before his eyes. Still, he was an awakened cultivator with many years of battle experience, immediately he retreated as he quickly regarded Su Ming as a more important target than Mo Sang.

“Green Seeking Art!” Bi Tu raised his right arm and pointed towards the sky as a tear appeared between in brows. Similar to when Nan Song utilised the technique, however this tear continued to spread all the way to his belly b.u.t.ton as if his entire person was torn apart.

A green qi burst forth from the tear and surrounded Bi Tu quickly forming numerous streaks of green chains!