Beseech The Devil

Chapter 114 The Southern Lands!

Chapter 114 The Southern Lands!

The calm displayed by the adolescent did not seem feigned. He truly was not afraid. His expression would not be unusual for an experienced man, but for someone as young as him, it truly was rare.

He stared at Su Ming without any apparent traces of fl.u.s.ter or nervousness, and almost imperceptibly he was at the same time scanning Su Ming’s profile, as if trying to figure out Su Ming’s background from little details.

Su Ming sat where he was, his body wrapped under the beast-hide cloak. He was impressed by the actions of this teen who has just regained consciousness. Unfortunately, it was not possible for him to piece out anything from Su Ming.

“The injury on your body, it’s been there for many years.” Su Ming spoke in a voice with a tinge of hoa.r.s.eness, ignoring the adolescent’s question.

The teen’s expression did not falter. Looking at Su Ming, he remained in silence. Knowing that he will be at a disadvantage once he spoke, he might as well observe the motives of the one holding him hostage.

“It should be intentionally inflicted on you soon after you were born by a powerful individual.

His heart lurched inside him, but the teen’s expression remains unchanged.

“Try and feel if there are any changes to the injuries in your body.” Su Ming said flatly without a trace emotion in his words, before shutting his eyes.

The teen was taken aback, glancing at Su Ming warily, he hesitated for a moment, before closing his eyes to circulate the blood qi in his body as he had not tried to do so when he came to his senses earlier. Immediately, his eyes shot open. In that instant, he had clearly felt that the injury within him was somewhat better.

Although shocked, he forced himself to maintain his composure. He knew that his injury was a result of a Mán-Curse placed on him when his was five years old. The other party had intentionally keep him afflicted and not dying directly from it in order to stall his father’s cultivation by forcing him to deplete a large amount of his cultivation to sustain his vitality.

Such a technique was extremely evil, and over the years he had consumed great amounts of herbs, but even so it could only help prolong his life, completely insufficient to undo the injury. Even the Mán-Patriarch and elders were at their wits’ end. They had once mentioned that the only method to treat this injury was to remove its source by finding and killing the individual who planted this technique.

However currently, the injury in him showed signs of improvements and was something he have never could have expected. His breathing hastened and he quickly lowered his head to conceal the gleam in his eyes, as he pretended to check his body again.

He had beseeched the heavens numerous times, wishing to recover, to no longer burden his father. But as the years pa.s.sed and he looked at his father’s aging face, if not for his worry, he would have already left this world.

This time his tribe headed into the rain-forest he had tagged along not to heal his injuries, rather he wanted to prove that he too was a member of the tribe as he helped harvest herbs for the tribe.

But having to be guarded by his tribesmen along the entire trip made him inwardly sigh.

With his head lowered, his heart trembled. Raising his head, he could no longer conceal his feelings as he stared at Su Ming with a renewed hope and desire.

“You……:” the youth took a deep breath as he shakily spoke.

“Your injuries are severe and I am also unable to cure it, however to allow it turn for the better is still within my capabilities.” Su Ming opened his eyes and observed the youth from within the cover of the
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robe as he lightly spoke.

As Su Ming’s gaze swept towards the youth, he felt as is Su Ming could completely see through him. He was a very cautious person and his excitement was deliberately revealed by himself, as he heard Su Ming’s words he felt relieved. If Su Ming were extremely certain of himself, then he would have never believed Su Ming.

He understood his injuries very well.

“What do you want from me?” After silently pondering for awhile, the youth’s expression returned to calm. Deeply concealing his nervousness he softly asked.

“What is this place?” Su Ming did not waste his effort beating around the bush and directly asked. If he wanted to ask for information about the place, the other party would naturally be able to figure out some facts about himself anyway.

“This is the Vast Han” The youth softly replied but his heart stirred and he continued to speak “The Vast Han forest is very large, this is only a small section of it. If you were to head deeper there are more fertile hills which spread for an unknown distance. What I know is that, a month’s walk away in the direction I came from is the Han Mountain City which is a city built in the mountains. And because it is in the only way of the route to the Frigid Sky Chiefdom, it is usually very bustling.

“Frigid Sky Chiefdom……” Su Ming frowned as he let out a sigh, the furthest he had went since he was a child was the Feng Zhen Tribe, as for the other tribes further out, it was something he had never heard of.

“The Frigid Sky Chiefdom is one of the two great tribes of the Southern lands, Han Mountain City is located on the southern side of the Southern lands.” The youth took a glance at Su Ming as he spoke, he was very suspicious of this person before him, and as he probed he could feel that Su Ming was not a person from this lands, which greatly lowered his guard towards Su Ming.

What he had been most worried of was whether Su Ming was from one of the enemy tribes and after the previous exchange calmed him down plenty.

“Which tribe is the Han Mountain City affiliated with?”  Intentionally he had spoke a little more to let out more clues about himself.

These words clearly made the youth feel more at ease as a smile appeared on his face

“The Han Mountain City does not belong to a single tribe, rather it is controlled by three small tribes, namely the Pu Qiang Tribe, the Yan Ge Tribe and the An Fang Tribe.

(TLN: Respectively 普羌部, 颜戈部, 安方部, they aren’t really nice to have translated to english as they are more like names without an English equivalent. But feel free to correct me if I am wrong or you have better suggestions)

I am from the Pu Qiang Tribe, with senior’s ability to treat this juniors injuries, would senior be interested in joining my Pu Qiang Tribe as a guest. My Pu Qiang Tribe is very respectful towards our guests, if senior agrees, then you would be able to obtain a much better understanding of this place, and if the conditions permit senior might be able to obtain the qualifications to join the Frigid Sky Sect.”

“Joining a sect is too much difficult.” Su Ming calmly spoke, this youth’s actions could be seen through with just a glance. Compared to himself this person was no better than a La Su.

This youth rubbed his nose and jested: “What senior is saying is true but although joining the Frigid Sky sect is difficult but it is not impossible, ten years ago in the Han Mountain City someone managed to pa.s.s the test and join the Frigid Sky Sect.”

Su Ming lightly contemplated before standing up, he could tell that other than matters about his ident.i.ty his words should have been mostly true, after all these information was no secret and he had no reason to lie. After listening to him, Su Ming started to have a basic understanding of this place, a place completely different from his home.

Adding onto this, the night sky seemed to be a blend between foreign and familiar.

Su Ming who stood up did not look towards the youth, he did not even inquire the name of that youth, even if he did not mention that he was from the Pu Qiang Tribe he would not have asked. Either way, Su Ming did not truly believe that he was from the Pu Qiang Tribe in the first place.

In comparison, although this youth was smart he was still tender like a chick which had never weathered the storms, and from him Su Ming could see the reflection of his past self.

Until Su Ming left in the direction of the forest, the youth was in a state of shock, he had already prepared words for many situations to ensure his safety, but all these preparation was no use for the Su Ming who had already walked into the distance.

“To think he really is someone just asking about the region…… what a strange person, but he does not seem too malicious……” This youth touched his mouth as he remembered that Su Ming seemed to force something into it just before he woke up.

Given that his injuries had somewhat lightened, and the fact that Su Ming had simply left after asking his questions, this youth had finally decided that the person who was before him truly had no ill intent towards him.

“If he truly wanted to harm me, the was no need for him to help treat my injuries. If he had tortured me instead, i probably would have also spoken even some more private matters regarding my tribe……

But he didn’t, rather he first helped treat my injuries…… and even the black thorned beast that attacked seemed to be lured over by him was only about the seventh level of blood condensation which brother Ah Meng could handle by himself without and casualties to the rest.”
The youth’s mind turned as he saw Su Ming’s figure slowly fade into the distance, hurriedly he ran after him.

“Senior please wait!”

His words resounded through the forest but Su Ming did not stop, instead Su Ming had disappeared from this youth’s sight with a flash.

This youth chased a short distance before his face filled with regret as he could not find any traces.

“Ai, why does this person walk so fast, I was too cautious and missed the chance to treat my injuries” The youth was filled with more and more regret as he thought about things.

Currently, he could hear some rumbling in the distance and thus decided to wait where he was, he could feel that his tribesmen were approaching, and indeed, after not too long the youth with the seventh level of blood condensation burst out the jungle with all his other tribesmen behind him.

Seeing that the youth was safe, these people let out a sigh of relief, the youth called Ah Meng softly inquired as he approached, but the youth only shook his head without replying, completely not mentioning his exchange with Su Ming. In his mind were some thoughts that slowly formed.

In the rainforest, Su Ming silently advanced without the black cloak, his expression was filled with confusion as he headed towards the mountainous range infront of him.

“Southern Lands.”

“Han Mountain City.”

“Frigid Sky Chiefdom…… Frigid Sky Sect!” Su Ming did not know what the Frigid Sky Sect was but from the youth’s words and expressions, he could vaguely guess.

“This Frigid Sky Sect should be different from a tribe……”

“I wonder just how far away this southern lands is away from…… my home……” Su Ming lightly sighed, from the black robed man’s words the Wu Shan was within the Western Union’s lands, and the Feng Zhen Tribe was just the offshoot of the Miao-Mán Tribe.