Beseech The Devil

Chapter 17

Grandpa, I didn’t want to do it, but they were too excessive. They s.n.a.t.c.hed Xiao Hong away.” Su Ming muttered.

“They?” Grandpa was surprised.

“One second layer of Blood Condensation and one third layer of Blood Condensation.” Su Ming capped the vial, placing it aside on a table.

“Black Mountain Tribe? How did you escape?” Grandpa’s eyes flashed, revealing a hint of coldness.

“I didn’t flee. They died.” Su Ming raised his head, looking at Grandpa.

Grandpa was momentarily stunned. Impressed, he pondered for an instant and decided not to ask further. To him, Su Ming is akin to his own. He watched him grow and knew his character.

“The encounter was at Black Flame Peak, I guess? The information you sent back previously helped the tribe greatly. You should be rewarded. But you hid the fact that you became a Mán-cultivator from me, thus forfeiting the reward. Since you became a Mán-cultivator, stay here and I will share with you my cultivation experience. Grandpa will also cleanse your blood vein for you.” Looking at Su Ming, his face revealed a smile.

“Grandpa…” Su Ming shook his head. After some hesitation, he spoke lightly. “I was at fault. Why don’t you ask how I became a Mán-cultivator?”

“Why ask so much, everyone has their own secret. Grandpa only needs to know that my Su Ming has become a Mán-cultivator, that’s enough!” Grandpa laughed heartily.

Su Ming’s eyes were moist. Gazing at Grandpa, he nodded silently. He will never forget Grandpa’s kindness; the abundance of Black Dragon Saliva in his body; all these little things, these were all etched in his mind, his soul.

“Grandpa, I have some medicinal stones here…” Su Ming spoke to Grandpa lightly.

“Medicinal stones?” Grandpa was taken aback, but shook his head, smiling.

“You must have meant herbs, Grandpa knows you must have some uncommon herbs on you. But Grandpa is the Mán-Elder of WuShan Tribe, I have no shortage except for some rare ones… Yi!”

Before Grandpa finished his sentence, Su Ming retrieved two small vials, and placed them in front of Grandpa.

The two vials were full of green medicinal stones emanating a herbal scent, numbering over ten.

His eyes shining, Grandpa’s expression became stern. Holding the vial, he carefully looked at this unfamiliar specimen, and gave it a sniff. Instantly, his expression change.

“What an unique property. A mere sniff stimulates one’s blood!”

Grandpa mumbled, and observed meticulously. A moment later, he shut his eye in deep ponder. It was some time before his opened them, looking at Su Ming.

“These are called medicinal stones?”

Su Ming nodded, pointing at the small vial. He began explaining its usage and effect. Grandpa drew an obvious breath as he listened. Suddenly, his expression underwent a drastic change.

Without hesitation, Grandpa raised his right arm and gave a wave straight ahead. Immediately, a surreal Mán-statue materialised. Its appearance was that of the half-human half-beast statue of WuShan Tribe!

With the Mán-statue’s appearance, a surge of gentle energy instantly expanded into the surrounding, encompa.s.sing the whole room.

“Continue.” Seeing Grandpa’s serious expression, Su Ming’s heart palpitated. He unceasingly explained all of the enlightenment pill’s effect.

Grandpa had already rose from his sitting position. Having heard Su Ming’ words, he took an enlightenment pill and for a while observed, before swallowing it down. He trusted Su Ming and so did not hesitated. Following which, he retrieved a purple vial, and drank the remaining drops of medical extract.

He returned to sitting cross-legged once again. Quickly, his body emanated a large volume of shimmering blood red light. The piercing light filling the room. Su Ming retreated a few steps, his eyes revealed awe.

On Grandpa’s body were dense veins of blood that could not be counted in a moment. A wave of blood qi surpa.s.sing that of the WuShan Tribe’s patriarch enveloped the room.

Su Ming drew a deep breath, staring at the radiating Mán-statue that was mid-air. He could guess that if it wasn’t for the Mán-statue’s manifestation, the light released by Grandpa’s cultivation would have covered the entire tribe, probably even observable from afar.

The radiance dissipated as soon as it appeared. A moment later, Grandpa opened his eyes, the red light vanished from his body. His gaze revealed excitement. Looking at the enlightenment pill, he inhaled deeply.

“Su Ming, you must remember this!” Grandpa raised his head to face Su Ming.

Su Ming’s face became serious, and listened in respect.

“The matter of this medicinal stone, from now onwards, you must not tell anyone. Even if I am to ask you again, you must not speak of it! Henceforth, I will also not question you about this matter!”

“Even within the tribe, you have to bear in mind not to tell anyone. Not even Lei Chen!” Grandpa looked at Su Ming meaningfully, sombre in his words.

Su Ming hesitated for a moment.

Grandpa sighed. He understood Su Ming, that his character was too honest. Hence, he gravely said again.

“Su Ming, heed Grandpa’s words. Do not tell anyone!”

Su Ming nodded in silence, his expression resolute.

“The tribe.. it is not safe here…” Grandpa muttered, but his words shocked Su Ming, especially when he recalled Grandpa conceal his blood qi in front the the three tribe elders.

“There’s a traitor… in the tribe! As of now, only the patriarch, you and me knows of this, no other person. The traitor is too well concealed, we do not know who..”

“Along with the news you brought back, and the possibility of my old rival in Black Mountain Tribe having broke through… These days, I sense something amiss in the air… It feels as though catastrophe will soon befall upon us.

“Su Ming, these medicinal stones of yours are good, Grandpa will keep some, no need to give me more. If I am able to breakthrough, these will be sufficient, otherwise any more won’t help.”

“Grandpa isn’t lacking in herbs, but has reached a bottleneck, and requires an epiphany.” Grandpa sighed before speaking to Su Ming once again, unreservedly sharing his cultivation experience. He then retrieved a strange object that consisted of planks of wood joint together. Looking at it, Grandpa seemed to reminisce.

After some time, he solemnly handed the object to Su Ming.

“Grandpa obtained this while out on a journey when he was young. It is called a wood scroll, and could only be found in major tribes. It records the description of numerous plants and herbs. Take it.”

Su Ming received the wood scroll, and gave it a look of interest. Wrapping his arms around it, he was about to bade goodbye to Grandpa and return to his place.

It was then that Grandpa looked at Su Ming, his eyes shining, his face severe.

“Su Ming, Grandpa is happy that you could become a Mán-cultivator. But you have to know, when you step into the realm of Mán-cultivators, you are different from ordinary tribesmen. The path of Mán-cultivation is treacherous, life and death often hangs on a line. You must had felt as such back at Black Flame Mountain.”

“But us of the Mán, how can we fear death, or give up due to the precarious journey ahead?”

“Grandpa is aware of your dream. You want to step out of this place, and take a look at the world outside. Grandpa supports you in this!”

Su Ming listened without a word, nodding his head.

“You are a filial child. Grandpa has watched you over the years, I understands how you feel. But Grandpa’s cultivation is limited, and can only be of some help. For my Su Ming, nevermind if you didn’t become a Mán-cultivator, but if you did, Grandpa will give his all to make your journey a little easier…” Grandpa’s serious face revealed a smile, and his gestured at Su Ming.

“Come, sit before Grandpa, and circulate your blood as you do when cultivating.”

Su Ming looked at Grandpa who gazed benignly at him. His hair was white, and his face was creased. Even though he knew he is not related to Grandpa by blood, such kinship could transcend all else.

“Grandpa…” Su Ming mumbled…

“Just come over.” Grandpa said with a smile.

Su Ming obediently came before Grandpa. Sitting down, he drew a deep breath and slowly circulated the blood qi in his body. Gradually, six blood veins surfaced on his skin. As the six veins emanated a red light, the seventh vein could vaguely be seen as it begins to coalesce.

Su Ming could not form the seventh blood vein since one month ago, not even vaguely. This was a result of his hidden injuries. Now that he has been healed by Grandpa, the seventh vein naturally surfaced as he circulated his blood.

“I was already aware when you obtained the Mán inheritance from the Mán stature. To reach the third layer of blood condensation you will have to achieve eleven blood veins, while to reach the fourth layer of blood condensation you will need twenty-five blood veins.The fifth layer will require fifty-three blood veins, and even more after that… … all the way until the eleventh layer of blood condensation, at that point, you should need about seven hundred and eighty-one blood veins. But what most people don’t know is this number of blood veins required is not the same for everyone, this is just what the majority require. There are those people who are able to increase the number of blood veins in their body even more, giving them an even higher chance of becoming an awakening stage cultivator! Up till now, to the best of my knowledge, for the people who eventually become awakened cultivators, they had no less than nine hundred blood veins when they were in the blood condensation stage! For example, the FengZhen Tribe’s Elder whom I have know for many years, the amount of blood veins he has is as many as nine hundred and seventeen! Grandpa had also heard that in some medium and large sized tribes, there are even those blood condensation cultivators having more than nine hundred and thirty blood veins. Such is the Mán’s blood condensation stage… … In the history of our the Mán people, there are mentions of some people who manage to at the blood condensation stage achieve nine hundred and ninety-nine blood veins, all of thems ended up as famous seniors. Some stories even say that if you manage to obtain one thousand blood veins, it signifies the formation of a perfect blood condensation . It’s just that for such a perfect state, other than stories from tens of thousands of years ago, it is extremely rare for such a person to appear, perhaps there hasn’t even been one since. How it is like however, even Grandpa is too ignorant to know of.” Grandpa’s voice seemed to be transmitted by some strange force, echoing in Su Ming’s mind as he circulated his blood qi.

“After blood condensation is the awakening stage. Awakening means to merge all of one’s blood veins into pure Mán blood, and draw a Mán tattoo that belongs to oneself. The Mán tattoo is a reflection of one’s inner thoughts, desires… Grandpa awaits the day if you are to attain the awakening stage, and am curious as to what you will draw for your own Mán tattoo…”