Beseech The Devil

Chapter 27 – Empty tears

Chapter 27 – Empty tears

(TL By: PiggyBottle and 生豆)

Just as the WuShan Tribe Grandpa spoke those words, the blood-red mist had covered the entire sky here and huge numbers of NightWings surrounded the tribe. The hissing and the sounds of wings flapping seemed to have become the only sound left in this blood moon night.

One by one the bloodied captured animals were tossed by the tribesman into the sky, before they even started to descend they were s.n.a.t.c.hed apart by the countless NightWings in the mist. As they cried out, their bodies were covered in NightWings, an innumerable number of sharp teeth bit into their body as the NightWings sucked out their blood and life.

All that remained were bags of skin and bones dropping onto the floor with a clang, at most twitching a few times before dying.

There were an innumerable number of NightWings in the sky, some of which ignored the beasts thrown up by the people and dived straight for the tribesman below, a cruel and bloodthirsty look flashed in their eyes as they targeted the Mán-pract.i.tioners in the tribe.

The sounds of screams, cries and roars melded together alongside the hissing of the NightWings, creating a gruesome melody which resonated throughout this strange night.

However the strange fire which surrounded the tribe was actually some sort of physical barrier, as the NightWings approached it, they let out cries of pain. Although the thatched huts were unaffected by the flames, it was capable to fatally injuring these NightWings.

“Throw more!” Grandpa imposingly stared at the sky from within the sea of flames.

Immediately the tribesmen below, fearfully threw the animals they had captured throughout winter into the skies non-stop, sacrificing them to feed the NightWings in the skies.

As time pa.s.sed, the animals they had captured throughout winter had became food for the NightWings and returned to them as bags of bones. The NIghtWings in a feeding frenzy, started to charge into the flame barrier in large numbers, thrusting into the flames hoping to be able to enjoy the blood of the Mán-pract.i.tioners they had l.u.s.ted for.

Grandpa waved his right hand, the sea of flames instantly turning into a blazing whirlpool, attempting to use one man’s strength the fight against this sky of NightWings, at the same time arrows shot forth from the tribe, piercing through the blazing inferno towards the NightWings.

But to these strange lifeforms, these almost undying NightWings, injuries of that level were practically completely negligible. The cries of the NightWings along with their wingbeats, made the hearts of the WuShan Tribesmen tremble.

Whats more, not long after a few NightWings actually managed to breakthrough the sea of flames, flying about the tribe causing a huge uproar.

This same scene was also playing out at the WuLong tribe.

Only in the HeiLong tribe things were different. Every single person within the tribe were prostrated on the ground, not daring to move. In the sky the HeiShan tribe’s Mán-Patriarch Bi Tu, his arms outstretched with a frenzied expression as he uttered an incantation.

Around him were an innumerable number of NightWing’s, many of which were on his body, their sharp teeth piercing into him sucking out his blood.

But that Bi Tu seemed to have lost all feeling of pain, without the slightest resistance, rather he seemed even more crazed as his complexion slowly turned pale while he loudly recited his incantation.

“Thou sacrifices the blood of thine, o’ Fire-Mán tribe of ten thousand years past, ye have obtained immortality, transforming into the NightWings, the Mán-blood you all devoured, shall in turn draw the blood of the fire-man, into the body of thine!!” Bi Tu shouted towards the skies, immediately a piercing black light burst forth from his body, as it spread, all the NightWings on his body immediately cried out as they shriveled up, the glow in their red glow eyes immediately fading, falling to the floor as they lost their lives.

However, even more NightWings manically rushed forth.

In this cycle of repet.i.tion, a large volume of Nightwing blood was absorbed by Bi Tu. His body became visibly bloated, and an immense blood qi can be felt emanating from his body.

Under the enticement of the blood qi, not only Nightwings above Black Mountain Tribe crazily flew over, but even those that were heading to WuShan Tribe and WuLong Tribe.

Not far from the Black Mountain Tribe was a figure adorned in a black robe. His appearance did not fit with the Black Mountain tribesmen who are currently prostrating. Just his black robe alone was un.o.btainable in the region’s small tribe. Standing there, he watched the Black Mountain Mán-Patriarch who was in midair, and a sinister smile crept on his face.

“I taught you the method of using those moon stones to summon the Nightwings of the Fire-Mán, and told you the quickest way of attaining the awakening stage. Whether you succeed or not, depends on your fate…”

Compared to the violence outside, Su Ming was presently safer within the cave. Pushing aside the rock, he quickly leapt out. Numerous blisters could be seen all over him. His lips were dry, and his heart pounded.

“This…is a resting place of Nightwings!” Su Ming stared deadly into the depths of the cave. He had heard many legends about the Nightwings since young, and knew how terrifying the beast was. Especially about it being undying which made Su Ming eyes shrink.

Pondering for a moment, he gradually crawled towards the cave entrance. As he approached it, he gave a quick look outside. Just this glance made he drew a deep breath. The entire sky was enshrouded in red mist, within which a howling sound made by countless Nightwings could be heard.

Su Ming hastily drew back his body, and slowly retreated in hesitation. Returning inside the cave, he began to debate.

“I don’t know how the tribe is doing.. I cannot step out now, it will immediately attract the attention of those Nightwings.” Su Ming’s brows furrowed. Anxiety filled his heart, his was extremely worried about the state of the tribe.

But he knew he was powerless to resolve it. With a flash in his eyes, staring into the depths of the cave, an idea came upon him.

“This time, the number of Nightwings if far more than usual. Looking at this, the cave’s interior should be empty…” Su Ming had a moment of hesitation, before he advanced forward, past his refinement spot, into the gut of the cave. His eyes showed resolution.

“Might as well go take a look at what exactly is in there, that the Nightwings choose it as their resting spot. I might even be able to find out their secret and tell it to Grandpa. It might be useful to him.” Su Ming’s body moved as he hurried into the cave’s unexplored depths.

Strangely, while the cave was usually hot, and emitted waves of unbearable heat, as Su Ming advanced into its depths, he did not feel even a trace of heat, but rather a chill seemed to be coming from the depths.

As Su Ming got deeper inside, the three tribes at WuShan had broke into chaos.

In WuShan Tribe, there were over a hundred Nightwings that got past the sea of fire, targeting the tribesmen. The Mán-cultivators of the tribe were engaged in battle with them. Bei Ling’s eyes flashed coldly, protecting Chen Xin who was behind him. A stream of cold air emanated from his right hand into the surroundings to form streaks of sharp snowflakes. Many wounds could be seen all over his body, and blood seeped from his mouth. Suddenly, his attention was caught as he looked afar. Without hesitation, he drew an arrow from his back and lodged it in his bow.

Aiming his bow, a killing intent exploded from Bei Ling. His left hand drew the bowstring. With a flash, the surrounding snowflakes were concentrated at the arrow tip. A shot was then fired at where he was aiming!

Some distance away, Lei Chen fought with bloodl.u.s.t. Several Nightwings were on him, but he ignored them. Instead, as though insane, he grabbed one of the Nightwings on him, and gave it a bite.

“You dare to absorb your drink Lei’s blood, I will drink yours too!”

However, the moment he bit that Nightwing, he immediately sense several tens of them in sky flying towards him. Given his cultivation, he was unable to defend against so many of them.

At this critical moment, a cold streak of air pierced the sky. An arrow encircled by snowflakes exploded above Lei Chen, saving his life as the tens of Nightwings fell to the ground.

Stunned, Lei Chen turned around to see Bei Ling who kept him bow without expression. A trace of convolution flashed in his eyes.

With his blood qi roiling, wielding silver javelins in his hands, was the patriarch of WuShan Tribe. A resounding boom came with every throw. Shockwaves in the air forced the Nightwings to unwillingly disperse.

But even so, the Nightwings that descended upon them were overwhelming. Ordinary tribesmen screamed as they were about to be caught by those Nightwings.

It was then Grandpa made his move, with a wave of his bone staff, the entire tribe seemed to quake. A gigantic Mán-totem manifested in the air, its eyes cruel, seemingly alive. Especially the dragon in its arms, gave a roar at the heavens. Its surreal form began to sweep the surroundings.

As the night of the blood moon slowly pa.s.sed, the battle within the tribe grew more intense. Towards the end, the Nightwings stopped absorbing blood, but begun to catch tribesmen to bring back to their nest.

When the first light began to appear over the horizon, in WuLong Tribe, a shrilling scream was heard. Among the numerous Nightwings was a white figure. Her beautiful features were pale, and she wore a look of despair. Along with several tribesmen, she was caught by the Nightwings which flew back towards WuShan.

Behind them, were their pursuers.

However, not long after, the pursuers gave up the chase, choosing to return to protect their tribe instead. Among them was an elderly lady, her gaze mournful.

Watching the white figure afar, tears flowed from her eyes.

The teardrops vanished in midair, none knowing where they went.

As the sky began to lit and the blood moon disappeared, a large number of Nightwings which had spread out in all directions began to fly back towards WuShan. Among them were those that had caught some tribesmen, including the lady cladded in white. They all flew towards Black Flame Peak, and tunneled into the numerous small holes