Beseech The Devil

Chapter 35 – Ridicule of the ancient

Chapter 35 – Ridicule of the ancient

Su Ming was taken aback when he went to check again, the previously present red tint seemed to have been never there. Su Ming stared out those holes seriously thinking to himself, how could he have made a mistake in perception like that,

To Su Ming time seemed to pa.s.s slowly when he was not circulating his blood qi, slowly the blood red glow in the room faded away returning the room back to normal leaving Su Ming standing alone frowning.

“Perhaps I really imagined it……”Sighed Su Ming, just as he was about to shut his eyes and return to going about his own business, his pupils suddenly contracted.

“No, that’s wrong!” Seemingly catching onto some faint pa.s.sing thoughts Su Ming’s face became contorted.

“Red moon glow… …red moon… …red……” mumbled Su Ming, lowering his head to observe his body as the remembering the moment he saw the red moon. It was when the medicinal pill in his body had run out  and his blood qi circulating thus releasing the red glow which lit this cave.

His gaze clearing up as if he had suddenly figured out something, his mind constantly churning as he slowly understood. Without hesitation, his eyes opened as he circulated his blood qi, in an instant all nineteen blood veins appear on his body emitting a sharp blood glow which not only enveloped his body but also flooded the entire cave crimson.

Su Ming’s eyes stared at the numerous holes in the ceiling, under the bathe of this blood glow, taking a deep breathe he focused on the sights outside, gaining more understanding.

At this moment, the moon that he sees is indeed red.

The red however did not come from the moon, rather it was due to Su Ming’s released red glow which gave him the illusion that the moon was red.


“Those who seek my Mán

Coming from all eight directions,

Merge your blood with the flames,

At will,

Incinerate the Heavens.

When the blood moon rises,

Covering the land and skies……

This is the time to ponder

Kindle the blood flame

Nine is the Utmost

One is the pathway

Nine bows towards the Fire-Mán

Thus is the path of fire worship”

Su Ming muttered as he watched the red moon.


“Silently pondering when the time comes… ….silently pondering …… the meaning behind these word should be when one sees the blood moon, he should go and try and understand it, and try to imagine…… only what do I have to imagine… …Kindle the blood flame, Nine is the Utmost, One is the pathway, Nine bows towards the Fire-Mán, Thus is the path of fire worship”

…… that’s not right, this sentence should not have any like with it, i think that it should be an action.” Su Ming stood there frowning as he continued to circulate his blood qi, the red glow becoming more intense which also made the moon seem even redder.

“Imagine……” Su Ming eyes flashed as a flash of inspiration exploded in his mind.

“Could it be, this sentence should be read this way instead… …When the blood moon rises,

Covering the land and skies……This is the time to ponder If it was so, then the meaning would greatly differ, what it referred to is not when the fire moon appears, but rather when you imagine the fire moon!” Su Ming’s body shook as he felt that he managed to grasp a key point!

He let out a breath as he silently imagined, the moon hanging in the sky turning crimson, this scene repeatedly playing out in his mind, until eventually his whole mind was encompa.s.sed by this scene even forgetting to continue his blood qi circulation, not noticing that the blood glow had already faded as everything returned to normal.

His head pointing upwards, as he continued staring at the moon through those small ceiling holes, the scene in his mind overlapping with reality.

“A red moon… … a burning moon… …” Mumbled Su Ming, in his eyes the moon was tinted red, but that red glow was becoming increasingly rich until eventually the moon had turned completely red.

In this instant, the pores on Su Ming’s body unconsciously all opened, he could faintly sense that from the red moon in his eyes red threads seemed to have descended, entering through the small holes in the ceiling, they floated down towards him, merging with him as they integrated themselves into his blood.

A cooling sensation appeared in his body, after having been integrated into his blood, his blood qi started to circulate by itself, gently flowing. However, Su Ming was unaware of what was happening to him, currently he had already lost himself looking at the red moon which was only getting larger and clearer, everything else had already disappeared from his mind.

That red moon had a strange energy which melded into his body along with the red light.

Time slowly pa.s.sed and even Xiao Hong had long since waken up, blankly staring at Su Ming from a distance. Confused by what Su Ming was doing, it too stared out at the moon through those small ceiling holes, to it the moon seemed the same as usual, scratching its head, it just could not figure out why Su Ming was standing there like that.

Without anyone’s notice, currently in the WuShan’s five peaks where the NightWings slept, there was a strange change occurring!

Especially in the depths of the HeiYan (Black Smoke) peak, in the smoke covered basin, inside the giant red tree trunk, there were numerous red streaks moving about, the Nightwing’s faces were not grim or sorrowful, rather they seemed frenzied and excited.  

It is not known what they were excited about, but from the way they were bolting about inside the tree trunk, it could be seen that they were excited, infact they were extremely excited.

As if, they were rushing to break free from within the tree trunk but were somehow held back by an invisible force.

Yet it also seemed like they felt something, something calling for them…… like worship… …or perhaps they could feel the Mán that was lost to them tens of thousands of years ago.

The haze bellowing in the basis gradually settled down, the place in the ancient tribal grounds where the skeleton was was washed by magma. Yet everything in the tribal grounds remained the same, except for the place on the wall where Su Ming saw the ancient writing, now only a clean wall remained.

There was nothing there… … it was not wiped away by someone, rather it seemed like it had never existed in the first place.

The skeleton by its side was just bones, but at this moment, it seemed to have a proud expression on its face.

Perhaps, he was not mocking the scene of his death, but rather what is to come after his pa.s.sing……

After the moon had completely disappeared from the sky, just as the morning sun appeared at the crack of dawn, in the WuShan forest, a figure completely shrouded in black robes was slowly walking into the distance.

This figure was the person who was in the HeiShan tribe that day. He walked slowly, but every step he took seemed illusory as he stepped through countless trees.

“It’s not here as well……where on earth is it!!” Lamented the figure with a hoa.r.s.e voice, slowly walking into the distance. When the sun appeared, he was already gone.