Beseech The Devil

Chapter 81 – No!

Chapter 81 – No!

To reach the seventh level of blood condensation, one needs at least two hundred and forty-three blood veins!

At his current speed, the number of blood veins he had had already reached two hundred and twenty-four and he was only nineteen blood veins away from the seventh level of blood condensation! This speed of improvement would shock anyone who seen it, but this was different from the time he was climbing up the mountain. On the mountain, Su Ming practiced nuanced control, although it seemed as if his cultivation had soared, it had followed the proper gradual path of self-improvement, increasing his blood vein count one-by-one.

But currently, things were different! Su Ming’s soaring cultivation was brought by the consumption of large amounts of Sieved Cloud Leaves’ sap, and also through the forceful absorption of a drop of awakened Mán-Blood.

Using this kind of method to boost one’s cultivation was something someone with a shred of common sense would not do, after all doing something like this was not only harmful, it could be deadly! Otherwise, many people would have tried boosting their cultivation like this.

But what choice did Su Ming have…… either he stay back and forget about his tribe and ignore their survival, ignore the possibility that grandpa cannot come back, ignore the imminent destruction of his home.

If he were to forget everything else and only care for his own survival, he could silently wait here, there might be some suffering, some bitterness and sorrow to come, but at least he would be safe.

This would perhaps be the right thing to do, the path that Grandpa had pointed him towards.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Su Ming was just a weakling, going back would only mean death, completely unable to change anything.

But Su Ming did not allow himself to make that choice, all the strength he had obtained, he obtained for this tribe. He was no brave warrior, but at the current point in time, his cowardice had been deeply buried away, faced with the current situation all that remained was his steadfast determination.

Since he was a child, the people in the tribe had treated him kindly, he had friends in his tribe, the warm bonds he had with his fellow tribesman, his ‘mothers’ who took care of him as he grew up in the tribe, Grandpa and the kind tribesman who taught him how to read and speak, he just could not forget all the bits of kindness the tribe showered onto him in the past sixteen years.

He could not bring himself to turn away while he knew the tribe was facing imminent danger just to save himself. He could not turn his back while knowing his fellow tribesman are fighting for their lives, let alone the fact that they could all be annihilated. There was also a single person still silently waiting for his return.

He was but a youth, a young boy who was not even seventeen yet, he naturally feared death as well…… he did not understand many things, be the one thing he knew was that the tribe was his home!

As danger approached his home, how could he possibly stay still, even if he were to die, he wanted to die protecting his home!

This was Su Ming.

Perhaps he was too rash, perhaps he was a little crazy, but this madness something you could not understand. All this was deeply carved into his bones, he had long since regarded the Wu Shan Tribe as his only home.

As his home was being threatened, his friends in danger, the possibility of never being able to see his Grandpa and the many kind people who took care of his as he grew up ever again, how could he not go insane…….

Su Ming howled towards the skies, his entire being shaking as he constantly absorbed the Mán-Blood into his body allowing the number of blood veins on his body leap ahead once more.

Su Ming’s eyes were bloodshot, his expression grim revealing a certain madness, looking like the devil himself. As his blood veins surged, a powerful strength appeared on Su Ming’s body, allowing to rush forth once more with a roar. This time, rather than using his head or his fists, he rammed his shoulder towards the sealed door.

With a bang, Su Ming’s body collided against the door, causing it to tremble as cracks appeared once more on the snowy totem.

But the seal was after all personally set by Grandpa Mo Sang, it would not be something so easily broken by Su Ming. Grandpa’s intentions were extremely obvious, he had intended to completely stop Su Ming from leaving this place, so as to keep him away from danger as he waited back here!

But, Grandpa made a miscalculation, he had never expected that Su Ming would be so determined in making his way out that he would do something this drastic. This was a point that Grandpa never expected.

He had only guessed that Su Ming would feel unreconciled,  but given Su Ming’s cultivation, he would not be able to leave the room! In Grandpa’s eyes, Su Ming would forever remain a child.

Tears rolled down Su Ming’s eyes which mixed with his blood, making it seem as if he was crying tears of blood. However, Su Ming still did not give up, taking a few steps back, he once more rushed towards the seal, roaring with madness as he attacked the door with his body.

As he was attacking, the number of blood veins on his body rose once more, from two hundred and twenty-seven to two hundred and thirty-one to two hundred and thirty-three!

Creeeeeak!! The entire room shook, as if it was on the verge of collapse, like a cage sealing an extremely powerful beast. Currently, as this beast struggled, the cage seemed on the verge of breaking down, the number of cracks on the snowy totem continued to increase seeming about to break apart at anytime, but it still remained there!

“I must protect my tribe……” Su Ming’s vision had turned blur, his thoughts a muddle, in his alf conscious state he still exhibited a frightening strength, blood trickling down his lips as he continued his attacks.

With a boom, the number of blood veins on Su Ming’s body once more increased as more of the Mán-Blood became absorbed, growing to two hundred and thirty-seven blood veins from two hundred and thirty-three.

“I want to go back to the tribe……” Su Ming disregarded everything else as he once more ran towards the door, the creaking noise reverberating around the room as the gap in the door grew even wider than ever. Fresh blood covering the interior of the door, the blood that represented Su Ming’s determination!

“I must fight for the tribe!!!” Su Ming roared as he once more rushed forwards with his head, a bust of strength appearing from within Su Ming’s body as two hundred and forty-three blood veins appeared on his body.

This burst of strength was brought forth by his advancement into the seventh level of blood condensation, which along with Su Ming’s body collided into the door.

A shocking bang resounded as the door shook even more, but with a click, the snowy totem outside seemingly cracking into many small pieces of snow, completely losing its form!

However, the powerful seal seemed to remain there at the limits of its strength!

Blood spurted out Su Ming’s mouth as he wobbled a few steps backwards, a b.l.o.o.d.y light shining from the two hundred and forty-three blood veins on Su Ming’s body, filled with power as he broke into the seventh level of blood condensation!

The seventh level of blood condensation!

From the seventh level of blood condensation to the eighth level of blood condensation, one needed at least three hundred and ninety-nine blood veins, which represented once reached the top of the middle levels of blood condensation! Just one step away from the late stage of blood condensation at the ninth level of blood condensation.

It should be known that in the entire Wu Shan Tribe, to Su Ming’s knowledge the Marksman and Shan Hen were at the eighth level of blood condensation, and the patriarch should be even higher than them, if not yet at the ninth level of blood condensation, he should be infinitely near it.

Although the eighth level of blood condensation was powerful, the seventh level of blood condensation was similarly rare! In the entire Wu Shan Tribe, there were not none at the seventh level of blood condensation, but those few people were all of the same generation as the patriarch and were mostly part of the archers or hunting party.

Within the juniors, the current Su Ming was undoubtedly the number one in the Wu Shan Tribe! Although this was exchanged for with a certain amount of danger, and his strength was not stable yet.

But Su Ming did not care, he saw a glimmer of hope as the room shook, seeing the snowy totem outside shattering, he once more rushed towards the door.

But the door remained on the verge of collapse, even though the totem had shattered, Su Ming’s continuous attacks had not managed to open to door. Clearly, his cultivation at the seventh level of blood condensation was not sufficient in breaking Grandpa’s seal, he was still lacking a little bit.

Unfortunately, this was already Su Ming’s limit, the snowy skies outside obscuring the moon from him, preventing him from borrowing the moonlight’s strength to once more kindle his blood flame.

Although the snow seemed to have weakened, after some more time it might stop, perhaps then the moon would appear past the clouds, but Su Ming was just unable to bear the torture of waiting aimlessly.

His current frenzy was born out of his desire to get out of this room and rush back with his great speed, afraid of waiting any longer as disaster approached his tribe……

Seeing the door remain shut, despair appeared in Su Ming’s eyes as he stumbled backwards, a wry smile appearing on his face. But he still had not given up, with a roar the two hundred and forty-three blood veins on his body circulated.

“Nuanced control…… nuanced control!!” Su Ming’s expression was filled with madness, intending to burst forth with all his power using the method of nuanced control which he mastered while on the Feng Zhen Mountains. The number of blood veins on Su Ming’s body disappeared one by one, two hundred and fifteen, one hundred and eighty-six, one hundred and sixty-two…… all the way till ninety-three, seventy-five, forty-seven……

Until finally, all but one blood vein had faded away, raising his head, Su Ming’s eyes shone with a frightening light.

“Grandpa…… you did not want me to return to the tribe!” Su Ming slowly shut his eyes before opening them in a flash as an increasingly growing red glow burst forth from the last blood vein.

Although it seemed like a single blood vein, as the red glow grew, it was obvious that under Su Ming’s nuanced control, within this single blood vein, more and more blood veins were appearing. Practically in an instant, the glow had reached its peak as within this single blood vein, two hundred and three blood veins overlapped.

This was the true explosive power of nuanced control!

“I must go back to the tribe, I Su Ming am a person of the Wu Shan Tribe, If I die, I will become a ghost of the Wu Shan Tribe!!” Su Ming clenched his fists, all two hundred and forty-three of his blood veins compressed into a single blood vein. Within the blood red glow, Su Ming’s right fist shot forward.