Beseech The Devil

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 94 – Who killed my Su’er!

This arrow flew forth covered in Su Ming’s blood, whistling in the air as moonlight enveloped it, seemingly transforming into a bolt of crimson moonlight.

Bi Su also just happened to reach Lei Chen’s side, with a wicked smile still on his face, just as he was going to strike, he felt a sense of danger from behind. This dangerous feeling just came too quickly, without having anytime to think, the arrow had arrived.

But at this moment, a large amount of b.l.o.o.d.y mist was released from Bi Su’s body, transforming into a small NightWing, protecting Bi Su within it. This NightWing is capable of blocking any attack from below an awakened realm cultivator, and was something Bi Su could be certain of, since Bi Tu personally declared it.

But currently, from the arrow’s impact, the NightWing formed by the b.l.o.o.d.y mist actually let out a sharp scream, as if afraid of the blood on the arrow. Furthermore, the arrow had actually managed to pierce into it a visible rate, and then into Bi Su.

As a sharp pain erupted from his chest along with large amounts of blood, the body penetrated by the arrow fell by Lei Chen’s feet.

Bi Su’s body spasmed slightly as it fell onto the floor, his eyes were wide like a fish out of water struggling to breathe as he clutched his chest attempting to stop the bloodflow. But the arrow filled with Su Ming’s sorrow and frustration contained all of his cultivation as well, causing Bi Su to feel such pain.

“Im….. impossible…… Grandpa already said…… I don’t…” Bi Su’s face was filled with an indescribable horror, he just could not believe it, he could not believe that he was going to die just like this, his body grew colder as his eyes filled with despair.

He did not want to die, he was afraid of death, he was still young, he was not even twenty years old yet. He was the future of the Hei Shan Tribe, he should not have died like this, he was supposed to grow more powerful than even the Feng Zhen Tribe…… he still hadn’t managed to make Bai Ling his woman…… he had yet to dominate that Bai Ling beneath him…

“I still have many things that I need to…” Without finishing his train of thought, he had died, his death was so sudden, so unexpected, and just something he was not prepared for at all.

His eyes were wide open as he lied on the ground, his eyes staring at the blood moon in the skies, the blood red moon as well as the blood red mist Grandpa Bi Tu was in.

At the end of his short life, this was all he saw.

Bi Su had died!

The moment he died, the Hei Shan Tribe Patriarch panicked, his expression was filled with disbelief and fear. He was not afraid of the Wu Shan Tribe, rather he was worried about the Hei Shan Tribe Mán-Elder, he knew that Mán-Elder Bi Tu was a cold and cruel person, in his eyes all the other tribesmen were not his equal and not worth notice, except for this one person Bi Su!

This Bi Su was practically Bi Tu’s everything, and now that this Bi Su…… died…… the Hei Shan Tribe Patriarch instantly paled, but he was not the only one wrecked with fear, the two other tribesmen beside him were all instantly filled with horror, so much so that they even forgot to attack.

Su Ming’s body collapsed on the ground with a bang, blood flowed out his chest as pain filled his entire being. However, not a trace of this pain could be seen on his face, there was only a smile, a smile like a girl in love.

Killing Bi Su was Su Ming’s final wish, killing him was not only for him attacking Lei Chen and Nan Song, but also to get him back for his l.u.s.tful gaze towards Bai Ling back at the Feng Zhen Tribe plaza.

Immediately, from the forest several hundred Zhang behind the Hei Shan Patriarch, another wave of Hei Shan Tribesmen came bursting out.

But at this moment, from the b.l.o.o.d.y mist came a tragic and angry roar, that voice belonged to Bi Tu!

“Su’er!” This earth-shaking voice roared from the b.l.o.o.d.y mist. The ground continued trembling endlessly as the voice rumbled from the b.l.o.o.d.y mist. A sorrowful figure frantically rushing out from within the mist as he stared at the unmoving Bi Su!

“Who killed my Su’er!!! All of you go kill the entire Wu Shan Tribe, all of them must die!!” Bi Tu rushed over with an immense killing intent, but before he arrived by Bi Su’s side, a cold harrumph came from the mist as Grandpa Mo Sang raised his hand as blood dripped from his mouth. The skies seemed to transform as the black python rushed Bi Tu, firmly trapping Bi Tu, preventing him from descending.

Hearing Bi Tu’s roar, the Hei Shan Tribe Patriarch shuddered as he regained clarity. With fear in his heart, he knew that he had to perform more, otherwise he would have to bear the brunt of the Mán-Elder’s fury.

Rather than focusing on Nan Song, he had actually turned around and glare at Su Ming, and immediately dashed to him. He wanted to kill Su Ming, if he could get some credit from Bi Tu, he could hopefully still keep his life.

The two people by his side responded similarly, as they too dashed towards Su Ming.

Su Ming’s face was all smiles as he looked at the three people approaching him, he knew that he had done his part, all that he needed to do now was self-destruct and buy the last bit of time Nan Song needed.

But at this instant, Nan Song’s eyes shot apart as his body shook, a crack appeared in his forehead, and a green light flew out from within as Nan Song’s expression dimmed as if his vitality had greatly decreased.

The light moved in a blur as it rushed towards Su Ming and seemingly waved at the three Hei Shan Tribesmen.

With a bang, blood spurted out from the Hei Shan Tribe Patriarch as his body was sent backwards, while the other two people were smashed into a meaty pulp as they instantly died.

The moment the Hei Shan Tribe’s patriarch was sent flying, the ten or so Hei Shan Tribesmen had arrived, leading them were two blurry-eyed Hei Shan Tribesmen.

“You guys finally arrived…..” Nan Song’s voice came out of the glowing figure which floated in front of Su Ming, its hands smacking the ground as it spoke.

With this smack, the ground seemed to transform into turbulent waves, rumbling as two mud hands appeared out of the ground, entangling the ten or so people who appeared. Their cries could be heard as they remained trapped within.

The figure of light looked at Su Ming, its right hand raised as bits of itself slowly entered Su Ming’s body, causing Su Ming’s unconscious mind to slowly awaken, causing the pain in his body to slowly fade away and slowly recover.

The glowing figure eventually slowly floated back to Nan Song’s side, looking much dimmer than before as it slowly re-entered his forehead. After which, Nan Song’s lethargically opened his eyes, looking completely spent.

“These Hei Shan Tribesmen are not the main threat, it is the battle between the Mán-Elders which will determine the outcome? Bi Tu has not used his powerful Evil-Mán-Technique….. Quickly escape before he uses it!” Nan Song stood up and roared his instructions. Bringing Lei Chen and company, he quickly retreated. Su Ming too had recovered significantly, without having time to thank Nan Song, he could already feel a powerful aura of death coming from the skies, transforming even the snow black and withering the nearby forest.

Su Ming’s expression turned grim as he speedily escaped towards Nan Song and company, helping to carry Lei Chen, Bei Ling and the other survivors as they escaped towards the rest of their tribe.

Behind them, the forest decayed as wisps of black qi floated out from them, transforming the snowy ground black as well as it pursued Su Ming and company.

Time flowed on quickly and soon the black snow no longer spread behind Su Ming, however an intense roar came from the skies which seemed to shake even the skies as a deathly aura enveloped the lands.

Su Ming was worried for Grandpa, yet he did not turn back. While running alongside Nan Song, Lei Chen and company, they finally caught up with the tribe. Su Ming let out a sigh of relief as he saw the tribe free from additional injuries since the time they parted.

The Wu Shan Tribesmen who saw Su Ming and company return were filled with sadness yet also excitement. This sorrow came from the fact that nine people left, but only five returned.

The Marksman had lost consciousness and lost his legs, Bei Ling was severely injured as blood continued to escape his mouth, Lei Chen lost his right eye and his expression was terrible, Nan Song looked mostly normal but was deathly pale and seemed on the verge of death.

Su Ming was completely covered in blood, and the flesh near his chest was a mess, if not for Nan Song’s treatment, he would have probably pa.s.sed away as well.

As they returned, a few of the tribe’s doctor took the Marksman over and administered some emergency treatment. After Bei Ling brought his father back to the tribe, he too could bear it no longer as he collapsed in Chen Xin’s arms.

“The Hei Shan Tribe had external a.s.sistance…… They are definitely still pursuing us, even if I use my entire life force, I am unable to kill all of them, but I can at least hold them back and buy time for the tribe…… so quickly leave!” Nan Song panted as he spoke to the patriarch in the lead.

The Patriarch did not reply, but determination filled his eyes as he brought the tribe forward with even greater speed in their migration. But before walking for too long, the skies suddenly rumbled once more as ripples spread throughout the skies. A large black python fell from the skies, landing not far from the tribe with a bang as fractures filled its entire being. Meanwhile a pale old man slowly descended from the skies, this old man was precisely Grandpa!

Grandpa coughed out blood as his body slowly descended, behind him, was a large NightWing in pursuit, and behind it was Bi Tu! He angrily approached with great killing intent and a pale face and some blood could even be seen by his lips.

At this critical juncture, there was no one left who could save Grandpa!