Best Ex-wife: President, Don't Count On Me

Chapter 28

  Di Juehaotook about an hour to finish the doc.u.ments on the table and then stood up, wentout.

  Wen Nuan’s eyes fell down onhistall and long back involuntarily. Shesecretly lamented:

  Beinga boss isso goodthat you can skip the work anytime, anywhere!

  And do nothave to worry aboutdeduction in pay!

  Or the blame from the superior!

  Wen Nuan shook herhead, took back hergaze and continued to work hard.

  A few minutes later.


  Someone was walking in high heels. The sound was getting closer.

  Wen Nuan was drawing draftswith herhead down. Suddenlyshe smelleda strong perfume andfrowned gently.

  YuLulu wore a pair ofsuper high heels, and walked to the front of Wen Nuan, holding herarrogant chinup.A long finger with delicate nail polish knocked on Wen Nuan’sdesk.

  "Miss Daisy..."


  Yu Lulu just wanted to open hermouth, and she was beaten directly by onebig sneeze. Wen Nuan’s saliva and snivel squirted her face!!

  "Oh! You, you, you..."

  Yu Lulu screamed and took a few steps back. She reached out to clean her faceslowly.

  "Sorry, I am allergic to perfume."

  “Especially, the bad one!”

  Wen Nuanpickedup a tissueto cleanher noseand then threwforward. The paper ballflew over Yu Lulu’s skirt.

  "You!" Yu Lulu jumped upto avoid it. Herface turnedwhitebecauseof anger, "How dare you throw the garbage atme?"

  The tissuewith booger!

  Wen Nuan innocentlyshrugged hershoulders.

  "It’s a coincidence. I was supposed to throw the rubbish into the trash. Who knows thatyou just stoodthere!"

  YuLulu turned around. Shejust saw the tissuedrawinga beautiful arcand rollinginto the trash.

  For a time, she didn"t know how to answer.

  Her face withexaggerated makeup wasgettingredand white.

  Yu Lulu was so annoyedand she stampedon the floor.

  "Hey! When Juehao comesback, I willsue you!"

  Wen Nuan pointedherfinger to the door, and put on aharmlesssmile. But what she said was without the slightest temperature:

  "I suggest you go now!"

  "You! Hey!"

  In addition to "you" and "Hey", it seemed that Yu Luluwas unable to find a third word to express her feelings. She turned around annoyedly and left.

  After a few steps, she suddenlycame to her senses.

  Yu Lulu thought that she was coming to take the oath of sovereignty. Why shouldshe go away in vain?

  Here was the domainof Di Juehao, in other words, the territory of my future husband!

  Why thisfake foreign girlcould be so arrogant?

  For what?

  At once, Yu Lulu found self-confidence. She raised her head and turned back, as proud as a peac.o.c.k showingoff its tail.

  She wavedher bodys.e.xilyand came back in thecatwalk.

  "Do you know that in addition to being the a.s.sistant of Di Juehao, I have another ident.i.ty?"


  Wen Nuan was preparing to pick up the protractor to calculate the scale on the design. She answered the question withoutraising herhead.

  YuLulu suddenly felt embarra.s.sed. Her smallred face appeared anger, which was even worse than eating ten feces.

  "You are wrong! I am hisfiancée!"

  Like deliberately concealing herguilty, Yu Lulu shoutedvery loudly.

  In particular, the word "fiancée" was deliberately aggravated by herand was said out one syllable after another.

  Wen Nuan still kept busy, and didn"t want to respond at all.

  Yu Lulu thought that Wen Nuan was. .h.i.t by herself, and put on a s.e.xy smile on her face.She reached out to touchher own wavy hair, and blinked her charming eyes. Then she askedarrogantly and slowly:

  "Miss Daisy, after hearing this news, you have nothing to say?"

  Wen Nuan raised a little hereyebrows. While correcting a small detail on the design, she respondedperfunctorily:

  "IfI get thesalary on the day of your wedding, I will pack a big red envelope!"

  Yu Lulu felt herstrongfist hit the cotton.

  Soon, she found a step for herself:

  "Oh, this is pure envy!"

  At this time, Wen Nuan raised herhead and hereyes fell on Yu Lulu"swell preparedface. She moved herlipsslightly.

  "To be honest, the gustoof Di Juehao isreally comparable to his character!"

  "Miss Yu, now it is working time. If you don’t have anythingto tell me, pleasego back to your position.Look,yourmakeup is messed up. You are a person who lives on your face. So you shouldtake more time to take care of yourself.Otherwise, if he is tired of seeing you one day, youwill be replaced!

  "Hey, because you can"t eat the grapes, you say that theyare sour! It is also a skill to liveon the face! You are justenvying me!"

  Unconsciously, Yu Lulu was cheated by Wen Nuan’s words.

  When she admitted that she lived on the face, wasn’t a confession that she wasjust a tool for warmingthe bed?

  Unfortunately,Yu Lulu did not realize this point. Shewas stillshoutingarrogantly:

  "Daisy, I warn youthatdon"t flirtDi Juehao. Otherwise, don"t blame me for being rude!"

  Wen Nuan didn’twant tosay half a word to her. So she bowed her headto do her own things.

  Yu Lulu felt boredand quickly retired.

  She was a person who paidgreat attention to her appearance. When Wen Nuansaid thather makeup was messed up, her heart was panicked.

  For five years, she hadnot been able to let Di Juehao marryher. In every minuteshe was really afraid of being abandonedby Di Juehao!

  Wen Nuan thisbad guy, she instantly poked the place where Yu Lulu was afraidof!

  Within half a day, nothing special happened.

  At noon, Yu Lulu received a call from Di Juehaowho askedher toordertwo meals from the CityARoyal Hotel.

  Yu Lulu was very happy, and her smile even spreadinto the back of herneck.

  After hanging up the phone, she immediately ran to ask fortwo valentine sets. She personally took themback, waiting anxiously in Di Juehao’soffice.

  Wen Nuanwasa person who waseasy to forget sleep and eatwhen she was busy.In theoff-worktime, she was still studying the design drawings, and did not find thatYu Luluwa.s.sittingin the office.

  At 12:15, Di Juehao camebackhurriedly. Just sitting onthe boss chair, he pulled his bow tie offand glanced at Wen Nuan coldly.Seeing that the silly woman was still busy, hecouldn"t help but show a smile.

  Looking back, Di Juehao was facing the charming eyes ofYuLulu.

  Di Juehao said calmly: "You can go!"


  Yu Lulu openedher eyeswide, and at that moment, she almost suspected that there were some problems with her ears.

  Di Juehao took a meal from the lunch box and handed it to Yu Lulu.

  "Or, yougive this to her?"


  Di Juehao’snarrow and long eyes movedgently to Wen Nuan’s side.


  I made efforts to take back theValentine set . But it wasactually prepared for her?

  YuLulucurledher lips angrily, “No!”

  Di Juehao movedhis lips reluctantly and softly persuaded Yu Lulu: "Hey, Wen Nuanis the technician sent by SK. She is not only responsible for design, but also has the responsibility of project inspection. Wecannot make herhungry!"

  "I haven"t had lunch yet. Don"t you want tolet me hungry?"

  With the tearful eyes,YuLululookedpitiable.

  WhoknewthatDi Juehaowas looking at her like an idiot.

  "Ourcompany has a staff restaurant. If you are hungry, why not eat there?"

  "Di Juehao!"

  Yu Lulu stretched the tone and began to shed tears.

  "I thought you were coming back to have dinner withme. So, I ordereda valentine set, who knows that you are so rude to me!"

  Di Juehaofrowned.

  Today, a.s.sistant Xu was on a business trip. Beforehe left, he called to saythat the newarrived Miss Daisy was very hard working. Shewas easy to forget about eating, so he calledto remind her a.s.sistant to prepare lunch.

  Originally, the call was destinedtoFang Yu. But unexpectedlya.s.sistant Xu dialed Di Juehao’s phone number.

  At that time, Di Juehao did not eatlunch. He had plannedto eat outside.When hearingabout it, he wanted to go back to the office to havethe lunch. So he asked Yu Lulu to buy two meals. Di Juehaodidn’texpectthat she made such a mistake.

  WhenYu Lulu was crying here, Wen Nuanhadalready packed up things and was about to leave.

  The gla.s.s doors on both sides were opensothe sound insulation effect was not so good.The loud cry of Yu Luluwasreally making trouble to her creation.

  Wen Nuan’soffice was inside. When she came out through Di Juehao’soffice, she looked at him without being humbleor pushy. With a calm and indifferentexpressionon her face, she said coldly:

  “I would like to ask Boss Di tosend someone to get my office done as soon as possible. Idon’t careif it’s simple!”

  Di Juehao thought: You are so eager to befar away from me?

  Di Juehaofelt uncomfortable.

  He thought:The more you want to be far away, the more Iwant to pull you closer!

  "We can talkabout itlater!"

  Di Juehao opened his mouth coldly.His black eyes showed an unpleasant look.Hepointed atthe lunch box in front of him, "Eat!"

  Yu Lulu immediately showeda painful expression.


  She thought: It ismy valentine set!

  Wen Nuan glanced coldly at the already opened lunch box. It was obvious that she found it was prepared for lovers. She curled her lips softly and showed some kind of ridiculoussmile on her face.

  "I will not disturb youtwo. Can Boss Dijust tell me where I can buy a meal card?"

  "Goout and turn left!"

  Yu Lulu couldn"t wait to hold the lunch box, and quickly took a spoonful of riceinto hermouth, asif she was afraid of that the lunch box would be robbed by others if she acted slowly.

  Di Juehao gently frowned. Whenhe looked up, Wen Nuan had already gone out.

  He thought: Such a stupid woman who could not tell good from bad

  Di Juehaowasannoyed. He looked down and saw that Yu Lulu was holding the lunch box and eating happily.Looking at this troublesome woman, he instantly lost his appet.i.te and threw the fork into the box.

  "All for you, I am full!"

  Yu Lulu tooka large mouthful of shrimp rice. She gotshocked and opened her eyes wide. She immediately swallowed the meal, and almost was killed by the rice.

  "Hey, you haven"t eaten yet, are you full?"

  Di Juehaothought: Iwould be full when seeing your face.

  Di Juehao faintly twisted hiseyebrows, but did not say much. Hepicked up a working plan next to himand began to read.

  Yu Lulu put down the lunch box and stared atDi Juehao with a sad face. She said:

  "You likethe new arrived Daisy, right?"

  "I have found that you are different since she came here."

  "Isn’t she a little morebeautifulthan me?Isn’ther figurebetter than me? She is just a gold medal designer, right? Besidesthese, is there anything else?"

  Looking atYuLuluwho was abouttocry, Di Juehao was mad.

  He would like to askYuLulu: What else can you do?