Best Ex-wife: President, Don't Count On Me

Chapter 4 Agree on divorce with a requirement

Chapter 4 Agree on divorce with a requirement

  Wen Nuan closed her mouth lightly and said: “I plan to be the scapegoat.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  Fang Yu rudelygave Wen Nuan a beat on the head.

  Wen Nuan slightlylowered her curling, long eyelashes. She seemed to be quite calm.

  “I will have no hope for the marriage and that man!”

  “You’re right! Each young woman will meet several bad guys, right? You can change another man. You don’t need to give up a whole forest behind just because of a skew tree. I will support you!”

  “But, why do you want to take the blame for Di Juehao? Don’t you fall in love with him? You prefer to get yourself utterly discredited and sent away empty by Di Family rather than tarnish Di Juehao’s reputation, don’tyou? Why do you prefer to protect such a bad guy? Wen Nuan, ah, Wen Nuan, was your head kicked by a donkey? I want to kick you now!”

  Fang Yu walked back and forth around Wen Nuan.

  Wen Nuan looked at her helplessly: “You worried too much.”

  Fang Yu stopped and said: “Eh?”

  “Even if Iexposed Di Juehao’s conspiracy, I could not maintain the marriageor stay at Di Family any more. With such great power, Di Family can call white black and finallyget me utterly discredited.”

  “So you prefer to submit to humiliation?”

  Fang Yu again walked back and forth around Wen Nuan while pushing up her sleeves.

  “No, I must give him a bad beat!”

  “Not necessary. You don’t need to get your hand dirty for that man. To be honest, I preferred to sleep with a male prost.i.tuteor a beggar by the street last night rather than him, who made me so disgusted! But now, things already happened and I would finally be made utterly discredited. It’s better for me to win a chance for living a dignified life in the future by gambling with the so-called dignity and fame!”

  “Well, I will support you no matter what you want to do! But remember, no matter how bad the things are, you need to be OK!”

  WenNuan stood up, made a deep breath and nodded to Fang Yu with determination.

  “Fang Yu, you can go home now and clean the floor for your boyfriend. I need to go back to Di Family now. I will come to you after signing the divorce agreement with Di Juehao.”

  “Let me go with you! I did not tell you that just now when I came in, as plunging you into sadness is not my option. The hotel is surrounded by media. Both the front and back doors are sealed off by entertainment reporters. Let’s go out together and I will cover you!”

  “Fang Yu, thank you! But the event is too serious. I don’twant to get you involved!”

  “I will beat you if you say these again!”

  Fang Yu ran to the window and jumped up. She tore down a curtain immediately and covered Wen Nuan’s head, saying: “Let’s go!”

  Wen Nuan was touched and amused. She found that it was good to have a virilegirlfriend.

  They went downstairs and directly went to the hotel’s side door. Reaching the gate, they found a lot of entertainment reporters with cameras in their hands. They extended their necks and sealed the gate. Even if an 80-year-old lady came downstairs, they would rush to inquire about the information.

  Fang Yu wrapped Wen Nuan tightly with the curtain, leaving only her eyes exposed. She patted Wen Nuan’s back and said in a low voice: “Lower your head and walk. Don’t say anything. No need to care about anything else!”

  Wen Nuan nodded. Fang Yu immediately supported her to rush down the stairs. She shouted in dialect: “Make a way for us! May a way!”

  Seeing Wen Nuan in such a dressing, all the entertainment reporters came over and gathered. Due to the occupational sensitivity, they recognized that this person was Wen Nuan!

  Seeing these entertainment reporters coming over, Fang Yu shielded Wen Nuan in the front and asked them in delight: “Do you work for TV stations?”

  The entertainment reporters were stupefiedby the woman with a silly smile, who spoke in dialect. They stayed still and dared not move.

  Fang Yu kept on playing the fool: “I heard that people from TV stations know all the answers. Could you tell me where the hospital for infectious diseases is?”

  “Infectious diseases!”

  Someone screamed. No one dared rush forwards.

  “Yeah!”Fang Yu pretended to be anxious, “We came from the other place and heard that the hospital for infectious diseases here is very good. My younger sister had leprosy…”


  Before Fang Yu finished speaking, the entertainmentreporters sealing the door jumped aside suddenly.

  Everyone cares about his life nowadays, right? Headlineis important, but life is more important!

  “Ah, don’tleave so hurriedly!”Fang Yu kept a straight face, pulled Wen Nuan and moved forwards. She, in a pretended anxious mood, kept asking in dialect: “Where is it? Please tell me!”

  The entertainment reporters dispersed away farther. Oneof them pointed outwards casually: “It’s there!”

  “Thanks! Thanks!”

  Fang Yu supported Wen Nuan to go out very naturally. Once they went out from the entertainment reporters’circle, Fang Yu immediately pulled Wen Nuan to run away.

  “Quick, this way!”

  Fang Yu pushed Wen Nuan into her second-hand VW car, stepped on the gas and ran away.

  “No! It’s them! Catch them!”

  The entertainment reporters behindsuddenly realized it and started chasing them. But there were too many of them. Due to the sudden turning, they were thrown into stupefiedimmediately. Some of them fell down and got trampled. Some reporters’cameras were squeezed down and smashed their feet. Some reporters’shoes were rubbed off…The scene was in a mess. Each entertainment reporter acted like a fool.

  Wen Nuan and Fang Yu looked at them from the rearview mirror, screaming with laughter.

  After the scream with laughter, Wen Nuan was unexpectedly relieved a lot from her bad mood.

  “Fang Yu, I never know that you’re so talented in acting. If you entered the entertainment circle earlier, you must have won the Oscar Gold Prize!”

  “You’re right!”

  While driving the car, Fang Yu shook her head proudly.

  “At the university, I was always laughed because of the rusticdialect. My cla.s.smates made fun of me several times. You were the only one who did not dislike and avoid me. You even helped me correct the p.r.o.nunciation. I never expect that my dialect would be so useful today!”

  “To be honest, I almost burst to laugh when I heard your voice!”

  “Itwould be OK, even if you laughed at that moment. After all, Iwould find a way for you!”

  Wen Nuan twisted the curtain in her hand and got her eyes a little wet.

  Dozens of minutes later, Fang Yu sent Wen Nuan to the gate of Di Family’s villa.

  Compared with the hotel, it is much quieter here.

  Di Family was so powerful in A City that entertainment reportersreporters dared not guard the gate of Di Family’s villa, even if such big news took place. At the most, they would wait secretly nearby.

  Fang Yu stopped the car and covered her hand on Wen Nuan’s hand back, saying: “Do you need me to come in with you?”

  Wen Nuan shook her head: “Youcan go back now. I can handle it myself!”

  Fang Yu patted Wen Nuan’s hand back, saying: “I will wait for you here!”

  Wen Nuan got off, had a deep breath and entered the Di Family’s villa.


  Once Wen Nuan entered the hall, a cup was smashed beside her foot.

  “How dare you come back? You’ve lost fame of the whole Di Family!”

  Wen Nuan stopped and looked up. The old couple, Di Juehao, and Di Qingya were sitting on the sofa in the living room. They were waiting for censuring her!

  It was the old man Di Guohong who threw the cup. Hewas panting heavily with a black face, and he was staring at Wen Nuan with his bloodshot eyes. It seemed that he wanted to peel her skin, pull out her tendon, drink her blood and whip her body, so as to vent his hatred.

  Old Madam Bai Lanxin and Di Juehao’s younger sister Di Qingya were sitting by both sides of the old man. They stretched out their hands to ma.s.sage Di Guohong’s chest and guide qi downwards from both sides. Between whiles, they looked at Wen Nuan scornfully.

  Di Juehao sat on the lateral armchair alone with cold, indifferent looks on his handsome face. No facial expression was displayed.

  Wen Nuan walked over slowly and gave a deliberate glance at Di Juehao.

  He was still wearing the shirt he wore yesterday. It seemed that he came back in a quite hurry.

  Nevertheless, no messy sign was found on his body. He untied two or three b.u.t.tons on the collar, exposing a small half of the strong tan chest, which made him quite s.e.xy.

  Wen Nuan looked at the place where the third b.u.t.ton should be put. It was empty.

  As expected, he is a sc.u.m.

  Wen Nuan gave an ionicchuckle and said: “Juehao seems too busy to change the clothes.”

  Di Juehao raised his head suddenly, delivering a look of inquiry from his black, cold eyes.

  Wen Nuan moved her sight away slightly and feared that she would feel so disgusted and vomit up, if she looked at him for a long time.

  “Hmm, it’s too late for you to care about Juehao now. What did you do before?”

  Bai Lanxin made her mouth corners inversely splayed, showing an obvious look of dislike and disdain.

  Di Qingya appeared to be anxious and sad: “Sister-in-law, acknowledge your mistake and make an apology to my parents and my brother quickly! You know that fame is the most important thing for Di Family!”

  Every time when Di Qingya said something, things would be made worse.

  As expectedly, once Di Qingya finished her words, Di Guohong slapped the table and stared at Wen Nuan with his wide eyes in rage: “You’re too shameful to be a daughter-in-law in Di Family! Get a divorce with Juehao immediately! You will be sent away empty!”

  Wen Nuan looked to Di Juehao, finding him making a slight, un.o.bvious smile.

  “I agree with that, but I have a requirement!”

  “Dear! Sister-in-law, are you crazy? This matter…You don’t know how shamefully it was spread on the Internet! It’s lucky for you to keep off my parents’punishment. How dare you raise requirements for the divorce?”

  Holding the b.u.t.ton tightly in her hand, Wen Nuan stared at the blank part of Di Juehao’s shirt b.u.t.ton and said in a stressed, clear and determined voice: “I have only one requirement. I will sign the divorce agreement if you agree with it!”

  Di Juehao looked up at her and said in a cold voice: “Just speak it out!”

  Before Wen Nuan spoke it out, the old man gave an angry roar suddenly: “Forget the 10% shares of our company!”

  Wen Nuan smiled gently: “I want to study at Milan Designing Inst.i.tute.”

  This requirement was beyond everyone’s expectation to a certain extent. As everyone knew, Wen Nuan got married with Di Juehao just because of the 10% shares.

  Di Juehao lifted his eyebrows slightly: “You don’t want to save Wen Family, do you?”

  “I’ve done everything I could do. I want to live my own life in the future!”

  Wen Nuan still smiled gently. The indifferent, calm looks on her face expressedan unworldlysense.