Best Ex-wife: President, Don't Count On Me

Chapter 7

Publishedat 22nd of May 2019 06:16:52 AMChapter 7

Chapter 7 Di Qingya, a hypocrite

  Wen Nuan still dared not kiss Di Juehao on his s.e.xy thin lips . So she started kissing Di Juehao’s body . She had no idea where she kissed . With eyes closed, she bit him slightly like a little animal, appearing to be unskilled and casual .

  Di Juehao did not move, stiff like a stone .

  Wen Nuan felt frustrated after biting him randomly for a while and then stopped .

  At the moment when she intended to give up, Di Juehao pounced reversely on her body all of a sudden .

  Feeling the sudden spinning, Wen Nuan did not know what happened, only to find their positions reversed totally .

  Staring at the handsome face close within sight, Wen Nuan felt so nervous that her heart almost jumped out .

  She dared not look into his eyes and put aside her face stiffly: “You…”

  “As you wish!”


  Feeling the sudden pain, Wen Nuan screamed in a low voice . Her body seemed to get broken into halves due to the pain .

  When Di Juehao felt the obstacle, he numbed for a second but continued without any mercy .

  Wen Nuan put aside her head and tolerated it with her teeth gritting .

  The night was too long to tolerate .

  Wen Nuan got asleep unconsciouslyand seemed to hear the phone ring in a daze . Accordingly, Di Juehao got up and went out with the phone . He did not come back .

  Whilewaking up the next day, Wen Nuan felt her whole body seem to get broken .

  With a side glance, she found the bed empty .

  She touched it and found it quite cold .

  Wen Nuan’s eyes turned dim . She exerted her strengthto get dressed, wash her face and brush her teeth . She knew there were many rules in a rich family . Her parents-in-law would feel unhappy if she got up late on the first day after marriage .

  Wen Nuan opened the door and went downstairs, finding everyone there .

  Di Qingya, Wen Nuan’s sister-in-law, ran over and pulled Wen Nuan to sit down, giving Wen Nuan a cup of milk eagerly .

  “Sister-in-law, this is the fresh milk delivered from the pasture . Drink it to intake nutrition!”

  “Thank you!”

  Taking it with a smile, Wen Nuan drank up the cup of milk under Di Qingya’s eager look and did not think of anything else .

  Blinking her naive eyes, Di Qingya asked: “Hmm, where’s my brother? Was he too tired last night? Is he still sleeping?”

  Bai Lanxin gave Di Qingya a blaming glance, saying: “A girl shall not speak like this . Don’t you know?”

  Di Qingya pouted, protested: “Sister-in-law just turned 20 years old, right? I’m only months younger than her . ”

  Changing the smiling face, Bai Lanxin turned to Wen Nuan seriously: “Where’s Juehao? Why doesn’t he go downstairs?”

  Wen Nuan lowered her head: “I…I don’t know . ”

  “You don’t know?”

  Bai Lanxin raised her voice .

  Di Guohong also turned to Wen Nuan with a serious look: “You two justgot married last night . How could you have no idea where Juehao is? It seems I overrate you!”

  Di Qingya started mediating the dispute: “Ah, please do not blame sister-in-law . She is quite sad as my brother left her at home and went out to play . ”

  Wen Nuan gave Di Qingya a grateful glance, but soon found that Di Qingya was not that naive .

  Di Qingya turned around and asked Wen Nuan: “Sister-in-law, you don’t like my brother, do you?”

  Wen Nuan was shocked by this question . Actually she was not familiar with Di Juehao and got married with him by accident . For now, she did not like him very much in fact .

  But Wen Nuan’s shock expressed another meaning to people of Di Family .

  What was worse, Di Qingya add fuel to the fire: “In fact, my brother can be easily coaxed by , particulary a beauty like you!”

  At this moment, the steward Mr . w.a.n.g came in, saying: “My Lord and My Lady, young master already got on the plane for a business trip to M Country . He asked me to tell you that . ”

  All of a sudden, Di Guohong poked the walking stickheavily on the floor . The sound was heavy and dull .

  Mean as she was, Bai Lanxin curled her lips, saying: “You’re so useless . You cannot even make your newly-married husband stay at home . ”

  Holding her cheeks, Di Qingya looked at Wen Nuan and sighed: “Alas, my brother is so outstanding, rich and handsome . Why don’t you like him? Why can’tyou make him stay?”

  Wen Nuan wanted to talk back: “How did you know that I did not want to do that?”

  But in the end, she failed to say this .

  Di Juehao already went to M Country . It was useless for her to say anything more .

  Di Juehao went there for a month .

  One-month stay in Di Family made Wen Nuan fully realize that Di Qingya was a real hypocrite . Instigated by Di Qingya once and once again, Mr . Di and Mrs . Di got increasingly angrier with Wen Nuan .

  Di Guohong did not think highly of Wen Nuan, but cared about the grandson very much . Accordingly, Di Guohong forced Di Juehao to return from M Country after knowing from the physicalexamination report that Wen Nuan did not get pregnant . Asrequired by Di Guohong, Di Juehao could not leave until Wen Nuan had a baby .

  Due to Di Guohong’s order, Di Juehao burnt his boats and played a trick on Wen Nuan, making their marriage on the rocks . .


  Curled up by wind, the curtain kept patting the wall . The sound discontinued Wen Nuan’s memory .

  Wen Nuan stretched out her hand and wiped her tears quickly . Accordingly, she sat up, and put away the materials of Milan Designing Inst.i.tute . Having taken out the small suitcase, she packed a few of clothes she had brought to Di Family into it .

  Carrying the case, Wen Nuan stood at the door and gave the last glance at the room decorated in a too joyful style . Accordingly, she turned back and left without any hesitation .

  On the stairs, Wen Nuan met Di Qingya .

  “Sister-in-law, are you leaving now?”

  Witha clear voice, Di Qingya gave a sweet smile .

  All of a sudden, she patted her head: “Alas, I nearly forget it . You’re going to get divorced with my brother . It will be improper for me to call you ‘sister-in-law’in the future, right?”

  “You know, if you have a baby with my brother, my parents may have mercy on you and allow you to stay here . But you have a bad luck . Gosh…”

  Wen Nuan looked down at Di Qingya .

  “I wonder why you hate me so much . ”

  Di Qingya gave a naïveand cute smile: “It’s a secret!”

  Reluctant to talk with Di Qingya anymore, Wen Nuan left with the case .

  While pa.s.sing by Wen Nuan on the stairs, Di Qingya suddenly turned round and whispered to Wen Nuan: “I hate you because I hate every woman a.s.sociated with my brother!”

  Wen Nuan muttered: “Why is Di Juehao’s younger sister so abnormal?”

  “This is the reason why she went against me all the time, but behaved so naively in front of her parents!”

  Shocked as she was, We Nuan recalled something all of a sudden . She stopped and did not turn around, asking Di Qingya word by word: “You gave me a cup of milk the second day after Di Juehao and I got married . Did you add something in it?”

  Di Qingya smiled sweetly: “You can guess it!”

  “I don’t need to guess it . The answer is meaningless to me now . ”

  “Ho-ho . Even if I did not add anything in the milk, you might still fail to have a baby with my brother…I did that to get things safer!”

  Wen Nuan smiled indifferently: “Di Qingya, I hope you would never get what you want!”


  Leaving behind the raged Di Qingya, Wen Nuan strode out of Di Family’s villa with the case .

  Out of Di Family, Wen Nuan found the air much fresher and her breath much smoother .

  Stepping out from the grand gate of Di Family, Wen Nuan saw the second-hand VW car of Fang Yu .

  In front of the magnificent gildinggate, the dusty second-hand VW car looked like an agresticvillage girl .

  But at this moment, We Nuan felt the “village girl”as affable as her mother .

  She rushed over: “FangYu, why are you here?”

  All of a sudden, Fang Yu threw Wen Nuan’s case into the trunk and close it heavily .

  “I worried Di Juehao would eat you!”

  Sipping her lips, Wen Nuan did not spit out a word .

  Wen Nuan knew that Fang Yu would surely rush in to punish Di Juehao if Fang Yu knew what had happened in the room just now . Fang Yu would get bullied as bodyguards of Di Family were so strong .

  Wen Nuan opened the door and sat on the co-driver seat . Fang Yun turned round and looked at Wen Nuan .

  “Did you cry?”

  “No . ”

  “Your eyes are as red as a rabbit’s eyes . Why are you lying?”

  Fang Yu lifted Wen Nuan’s chin: “Tell me what happened!”

  “I…got divorced and the scene made me a little sad . That’s all . ”

  “Bulls.h.i.t . Wen Nuan, youjust turned 20 years old . You’re so talented and beautiful . A lot of outstandingmen will woo you! Baby, do not feel sad anymore!”

  Saying this, Fang Yu rubbed Wen Nuan’s head and got Wen Nuan’s hair into a mess as if Wen Nuan was a pet dog .

  “Ah, OK . Let’s go home!”


  Fang Yu started the second-hand VW car, taking Wen Nuan farther and farther away from the villa of Di Family .

  Looking at the increasingly vaguer villa of Di Family from the rearview mirror, Wen Nuan started crying .

  It was over . Everything came to an end .

  From beginningto end, the marriage only had deals and utilization of others .

  Butwhen everything was over, would the couple go back to the origin?

  The united marriage of Di Family and Wen Family was based on a deal .

  Wen Family engaged in clothing business . However the business kept going into decline these years due to the huge market compet.i.tion and poor operation, and finally reached the verge of bankruptcy .

  Wen Zhongyong sought for help but failed . He threw the helve after the hatchet and targeted at Di Family, the rishest family of A City .

  Wen Zhongyong took his two daughters to the economic annual meeting of A City after hearing the only son Di Juehao of Di Family had come back from M Country . . Wen Zhongyong expected to connect with the richest family of the city by marriage .

  Before the evening party, Wen Zhongyong muttered to his own daughter Wen Xin for a long time and gave her a bag secretly .

  Wen Nuan, a girl who only cared about fashion design, did not pay much attention to her father and younger sister who behaved so mysteriously .

  At the dinner party of the annual meeting, Wen Xin tried her best to attract Di Juehao, but failed . Luckily, Wen Zhongyong had bought over a waiter and asked him to add something in Di Juehao’s wine . Afterwards, the waiter took Di Juehao upstairs to have a rest .

  Dressed as pretty as a flower, Wen Xin had already waited there with full confidence .

Chapter 7 Di Qingya, a hypocrite.

  Wen Nuan still dared not kiss Di Juehao on his s.e.xy thin lips . So she started kissing Di Juehao’s body . She had no idea where she kissed . With eyes closed, she bit him slightly like a little animal, appearing to be unskilled and casual

  Di Juehao did not move, stiff like a stone

  Wen Nuan felt frustrated after biting him randomly for a while and then stopped

  At the moment when she intended to give up, Di Juehao pounced reversely on her body all of a sudden

  Feeling the sudden spinning, Wen Nuan did not know what happened, only to find their positions reversed totally

  Staring at the handsome face close within sight, Wen Nuan felt so nervous that her heart almost jumped out

  She dared not look into his eyes and put aside her face stiffly: “You…”.

  “As you wish!”.


  Feeling the sudden pain, Wen Nuan screamed in a low voice . Her body seemed to get broken into halves due to the pain

  When Di Juehao felt the obstacle, he numbed for a second but continued without any mercy

  Wen Nuan put aside her head and tolerated it with her teeth gritting

  The night was too long to tolerate

  Wen Nuan got asleep unconsciouslyand seemed to hear the phone ring in a daze . Accordingly, Di Juehao got up and went out with the phone . He did not come back

  Whilewaking up the next day, Wen Nuan felt her whole body seem to get broken

  With a side glance, she found the bed empty

  She touched it and found it quite cold

  Wen Nuan’s eyes turned dim . She exerted her strengthto get dressed, wash her face and brush her teeth . She knew there were many rules in a rich family . Her parents-in-law would feel unhappy if she got up late on the first day after marriage

  Wen Nuan opened the door and went downstairs, finding everyone there

  Di Qingya, Wen Nuan’s sister-in-law, ran over and pulled Wen Nuan to sit down, giving Wen Nuan a cup of milk eagerly

  “Sister-in-law, this is the fresh milk delivered from the pasture . Drink it to intake nutrition!”.

  “Thank you!”.

  Taking it with a smile, Wen Nuan drank up the cup of milk under Di Qingya’s eager look and did not think of anything else

  Blinking her naive eyes, Di Qingya asked: “Hmm, where’s my brother? Was he too tired last night? Is he still sleeping?”.

  Bai Lanxin gave Di Qingya a blaming glance, saying: “A girl shall not speak like this . Don’t you know?”.

  Di Qingya pouted, protested: “Sister-in-law just turned 20 years old, right? I’m only months younger than her . ”.

  Changing the smiling face, Bai Lanxin turned to Wen Nuan seriously: “Where’s Juehao? Why doesn’t he go downstairs?”.

  Wen Nuan lowered her head: “I…I don’t know . ”.

  “You don’t know?”.

  Bai Lanxin raised her voice

  Di Guohong also turned to Wen Nuan with a serious look: “You two justgot married last night . How could you have no idea where Juehao is? It seems I overrate you!”.

  Di Qingya started mediating the dispute: “Ah, please do not blame sister-in-law . She is quite sad as my brother left her at home and went out to play . ”.

  Wen Nuan gave Di Qingya a grateful glance, but soon found that Di Qingya was not that naive

  Di Qingya turned around and asked Wen Nuan: “Sister-in-law, you don’t like my brother, do you?”.

  Wen Nuan was shocked by this question . Actually she was not familiar with Di Juehao and got married with him by accident . For now, she did not like him very much in fact

  But Wen Nuan’s shock expressed another meaning to people of Di Family

  What was worse, Di Qingya add fuel to the fire: “In fact, my brother can be easily coaxed by , particulary a beauty like you!”.

  At this moment, the steward Mr . w.a.n.g came in, saying: “My Lord and My Lady, young master already got on the plane for a business trip to M Country . He asked me to tell you that . ”.

  All of a sudden, Di Guohong poked the walking stickheavily on the floor . The sound was heavy and dull

  Mean as she was, Bai Lanxin curled her lips, saying: “You’re so useless . You cannot even make your newly-married husband stay at home . ”.

  Holding her cheeks, Di Qingya looked at Wen Nuan and sighed: “Alas, my brother is so outstanding, rich and handsome . Why don’t you like him? Why can’tyou make him stay?”.

  Wen Nuan wanted to talk back: “How did you know that I did not want to do that?”.

  But in the end, she failed to say this

  Di Juehao already went to M Country . It was useless for her to say anything more

  Di Juehao went there for a month

  One-month stay in Di Family made Wen Nuan fully realize that Di Qingya was a real hypocrite . Instigated by Di Qingya once and once again, Mr . Di and Mrs . Di got increasingly angrier with Wen Nuan

  Di Guohong did not think highly of Wen Nuan, but cared about the grandson very much . Accordingly, Di Guohong forced Di Juehao to return from M Country after knowing from the physicalexamination report that Wen Nuan did not get pregnant . Asrequired by Di Guohong, Di Juehao could not leave until Wen Nuan had a baby

  Due to Di Guohong’s order, Di Juehao burnt his boats and played a trick on Wen Nuan, making their marriage on the rocks .


  Curled up by wind, the curtain kept patting the wall . The sound discontinued Wen Nuan’s memory

  Wen Nuan stretched out her hand and wiped her tears quickly . Accordingly, she sat up, and put away the materials of Milan Designing Inst.i.tute . Having taken out the small suitcase, she packed a few of clothes she had brought to Di Family into it

  Carrying the case, Wen Nuan stood at the door and gave the last glance at the room decorated in a too joyful style . Accordingly, she turned back and left without any hesitation

  On the stairs, Wen Nuan met Di Qingya

  “Sister-in-law, are you leaving now?”.

  Witha clear voice, Di Qingya gave a sweet smile

  All of a sudden, she patted her head: “Alas, I nearly forget it . You’re going to get divorced with my brother . It will be improper for me to call you ‘sister-in-law’in the future, right?”.

  “You know, if you have a baby with my brother, my parents may have mercy on you and allow you to stay here . But you have a bad luck . Gosh…”.

  Wen Nuan looked down at Di Qingya

  “I wonder why you hate me so much . ”.

  Di Qingya gave a naïveand cute smile: “It’s a secret!”.

  Reluctant to talk with Di Qingya anymore, Wen Nuan left with the case

  While pa.s.sing by Wen Nuan on the stairs, Di Qingya suddenly turned round and whispered to Wen Nuan: “I hate you because I hate every woman a.s.sociated with my brother!”.

  Wen Nuan muttered: “Why is Di Juehao’s younger sister so abnormal?”.

  “This is the reason why she went against me all the time, but behaved so naively in front of her parents!”.

  Shocked as she was, We Nuan recalled something all of a sudden . She stopped and did not turn around, asking Di Qingya word by word: “You gave me a cup of milk the second day after Di Juehao and I got married . Did you add something in it?”.

  Di Qingya smiled sweetly: “You can guess it!”.

  “I don’t need to guess it . The answer is meaningless to me now . ”.

  “Ho-ho . Even if I did not add anything in the milk, you might still fail to have a baby with my brother…I did that to get things safer!”.

  Wen Nuan smiled indifferently: “Di Qingya, I hope you would never get what you want!”.


  Leaving behind the raged Di Qingya, Wen Nuan strode out of Di Family’s villa with the case

  Out of Di Family, Wen Nuan found the air much fresher and her breath much smoother

  Stepping out from the grand gate of Di Family, Wen Nuan saw the second-hand VW car of Fang Yu

  In front of the magnificent gildinggate, the dusty second-hand VW car looked like an agresticvillage girl

  But at this moment, We Nuan felt the “village girl”as affable as her mother

  She rushed over: “FangYu, why are you here?”.

  All of a sudden, Fang Yu threw Wen Nuan’s case into the trunk and close it heavily

  “I worried Di Juehao would eat you!”.

  Sipping her lips, Wen Nuan did not spit out a word

  Wen Nuan knew that Fang Yu would surely rush in to punish Di Juehao if Fang Yu knew what had happened in the room just now . Fang Yu would get bullied as bodyguards of Di Family were so strong

  Wen Nuan opened the door and sat on the co-driver seat . Fang Yun turned round and looked at Wen Nuan

  “Did you cry?”.

  “No . ”.

  “Your eyes are as red as a rabbit’s eyes . Why are you lying?”.

  Fang Yu lifted Wen Nuan’s chin: “Tell me what happened!”.

  “I…got divorced and the scene made me a little sad . That’s all . ”.

  “Bulls.h.i.t . Wen Nuan, youjust turned 20 years old . You’re so talented and beautiful . A lot of outstandingmen will woo you! Baby, do not feel sad anymore!”.

  Saying this, Fang Yu rubbed Wen Nuan’s head and got Wen Nuan’s hair into a mess as if Wen Nuan was a pet dog

  “Ah, OK . Let’s go home!”.


  Fang Yu started the second-hand VW car, taking Wen Nuan farther and farther away from the villa of Di Family

  Looking at the increasingly vaguer villa of Di Family from the rearview mirror, Wen Nuan started crying

  It was over . Everything came to an end

  From beginningto end, the marriage only had deals and utilization of others

  Butwhen everything was over, would the couple go back to the origin?.

  The united marriage of Di Family and Wen Family was based on a deal

  Wen Family engaged in clothing business . However the business kept going into decline these years due to the huge market compet.i.tion and poor operation, and finally reached the verge of bankruptcy

  Wen Zhongyong sought for help but failed . He threw the helve after the hatchet and targeted at Di Family, the rishest family of A City

  Wen Zhongyong took his two daughters to the economic annual meeting of A City after hearing the only son Di Juehao of Di Family had come back from M Country Wen Zhongyong expected to connect with the richest family of the city by marriage

  Before the evening party, Wen Zhongyong muttered to his own daughter Wen Xin for a long time and gave her a bag secretly

  Wen Nuan, a girl who only cared about fashion design, did not pay much attention to her father and younger sister who behaved so mysteriously

  At the dinner party of the annual meeting, Wen Xin tried her best to attract Di Juehao, but failed . Luckily, Wen Zhongyong had bought over a waiter and asked him to add something in Di Juehao’s wine . Afterwards, the waiter took Di Juehao upstairs to have a rest

  Dressed as pretty as a flower, Wen Xin had already waited there with full confidence