Best Ex-wife: President, Don't Count On Me

Chapter 1 You look so handsome!

Chapter 1 You look so handsome!

  One o"clock in the morning, Addiction Bar.

  Noisy musicanddazzling light, blended with the flavor of alcohol and the fragrance of enchanted perfume, wereproducing something alluring.

  Wen Nuan tossed aside the winegla.s.s she had just emptied, staggered to stand up, stroke the table with herhand and yelled at the barman loudly: "Get me your Top 1Male Prost.i.tute!"

  Awave of whistles was sounded from all round.

  A couple of lecherous guys gathered around unanimously, sizingher up rascally.

  "Beauty, follow me, I"ll buy you the most yummy yogurt!"

  "Beauty, let me! Me, for free!"

  "I"ll pay instead!"


  She casta dozy glance at them, one by one, and shook her head lightly.

  "You, too ugly!"

  "You, too obese!"

  You, too short!"

  "Get away! Get the f.u.c.k out of here! None of a pretty, just a bunch of defectives, get quickly out of my sight!"

  She waved loathly as if she wasdissipating flies.

  As soon as sitting back heavily, she was going to reach out for the winegla.s.s.

  But she found it was empty when lifting up her face for a sip.

  She got to yell again, "Where"s my wine? Give me! Where"s your Top 1Male Prost.i.tute? Get him here!"

  The barman trotted all the way to bring the wine to Wen Nuan, "Miss…"

  Wen Nuan picked up the winegla.s.s and gulped it down, without even having a look.


  She put the empty winegla.s.s heavily on the table, with her widel.u.s.trouseyes preciselylightingupon the cheeks of the barman, "you look rather pretty, but a little bit douchey!"

  The barman, with hisface flushed at thatmement,saidkindly,"Madam, you"re drunk. Please let me call you families to take you home. OK?"


  She lisped, waving to him.

  "I want Male Prost.i.tute!"

  "Asuper looker!"

  "With the best technique!"

  "Far better than Di Juehao!"

  "He would be ashamed to kill himself, when he saw my Male Prost.i.tute!"

  "Sweetie, see if I can?"

  The low voice came above the top of her head.She raised her neck, searched for a while and eventually got him-a man of macho.

  He was tall, burly and masculine, with a comely face.

  She couldn"t open eyes wide open any more. Nevertheless, she tried to look over him up and downonceagain.Finally, she nodded.

  "Not bad, have a health certificate?"

  The macho man smiled at her illicitly, "you"ll know after a check later."

  "All right, that"s you!"

  Wen Nuan, taking a hard strike on the table, staggeredto rise again, only to find unable to support herself. Then, she fell right into his arms. She gave a gentle pat on his chest, saying generously:"Let"s go, it"s on me!"

  There seemed to be a flash of light right in front of them.

  She reached out to fend offby instinct.

  As the young mistress of Di Family, she must be making headlines the next day, if photographed fooling around in the nightclub!

  But atthat moment, she didn"t care so much!

  f.u.c.k off!Why is it all right that Di Juehao teases those prost.i.tutes each day?

  She would have an affair this time!

  See who would be more professional to get the other cuckolded?


  If he got her one cuckold, she would get him a dozen!

  In the corner, leaning back on the sofa, Di Juehao held the thin neck of the goblet with his fair and long fingers, swung the vintage wine gently and watched the scene lazily and leisurely.

  Seeing Wen Nuan placeone of her arms around the man"s shoulder, Di Juehao curled his thin lips wordlessly, raised the wine, and took a shallow sip, casually but rather seductively.

  "You really want to let it be, brother?"Hao Shuai stretched out to push Di Juehao with his elbow lightly, "After all, she isyour newly-wed wife. You just married one month ago!"

  Di Juehao didn’t utter a single word. In spite of being cousin and growing up together since childhood, he had rarely confided in Hao Shuai.

  Hao Shuai gave him another push.

  "Honestly, I think she"s still good.So go and get her back before it"s too late!"

  Di Juehao stood up.

  Hao Shuai"s face got lit up, "you"ve come round?"

  "I"ll go and have a check."

  "Are you joking?"Hao Shuai stared at Di Juehao as if he were a demon. "You schemed against your own wife, and now you"re gonna watch it live?"

  "Brother, I didn"tthinkthat you were an absolute a.s.shole, even worse than me!"

  Without anyresponse, Di Juehao lifted his long legs and walked away.

  Hao Shuai hurried to follow behind joyfully.

  "Brother, why don"t…you just let me do it for you.‘Every miller draws water to his own mill.’So you might as well offer the perks to me - your brother, rather than a stranger. Besides,I don"t mind it at all, as long as you cover my face in the photos with mosaic…"

  Hao Shuai immediately shutup, when he foundthat Di Juehao just took a vicious glance at him.

  Following Di Juehao all the way to his exclusive elevator, Hao shuai came to figure it out when he took a look at the b.u.t.ton of floor Di Juehao pressed on. Then he gave a sneering laugh, pointing at Di Juehao, "There you are, and I know you are never so generous on such occasion! Take advantage of her while plotting against her. My brother, you"re truly an a.s.shole!"

  "Leave me alone!" said Di Juehao grimly.

  Hao Shuai put on a dubious smile right away and step out of the elevator, "Well, enjoy and have a great time, my brother!"

  At this very moment, the macho man took Wen Nuan in his arms. Theystepped out of the bar and went straight up to the suite on the top floor.

  Photos were taken from various angles all along the way.

  Wen Nuan was dazed, without any consciousness.

  At the flash, the macho man tightened his arms toget her even closer.

  As they reached up to the top floor, Wen Nuan pointed to the room one after another, "See, this, this and the whole building, all of them belong to DiFamily. Since that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Di Juehao should have an affair abroad, I"ll do unto him as he does unto me, here, right within his ownterritory. Super cool, isn"t it?"

  Without respondingto the women in his arm, the macho man opened the door with the key card. He paused for a moment purposely at the door, and then took her in.

  "Oh, I"m feeling sick! Waita moment!"

  Wen Nuan rushed to the bathroom immediately.

  The macho man backed swiftly out of the room, leavingthe door ajar. Di Juehao pushed open it and walked in.

  Aftera couple of minutes, Wen Nuan draggedherself out of the bathroom, feeling so weak and light-headed, even unable to find her toes.

  The world,enveloped indim light, is spinning.

  I"m hot!

  So hot!

  She felt as iflosing consciousness little by little, probably resulting fromtoo much wine, while she was too hot to even take a breath, as if something inside was blazing.

  She didn"t know that the "Fantasy" renderedby the barman was aphrodisiac and hallucinogenic. Now, catalyzed with alcohol, the wildness came to warm and ferment inside of her.

  She pulled her collar down a little bit, trying to cool off, when a drop of sweat ran down her fair and long neck.

  With her knees trembling and hands against the wall, she couldn"t even stand upright, when her breathing was shallow and fast.

  Ahand was laid on her arms.

  She clang tightly around the stunt body with her suppleness as if graspingat the last straw.Apiece of syllable flowedout between her lips: "Hmm…"


  Di Juehao gave a sarcastic laugh, withhispretty face lurkingagainstthe shadow of the lamp. Heturned to be a bloodthirsty shura in h.e.l.l right away.

  "Who I am? You Know?"

  His voice, deep and lowas it was, soundedparticularly s.e.xy in the dark.

  "Whoever you are, just give me more care!"

  Wen Nuan voice was soft and feeble, with a hint of seductive flavor. Her little mouth puckered up slightly served asa voiceless invitation.

  So h.o.r.n.y?

  Di Juehao, with a faint smile on his lips, kept this position for a short while.

  Wen Nuan looked up at him with her dreamy eyes, and reached out to feel the face, pretty but indifferernt.

  "Mr.Macho, you look very handsome! More handsome now!"

  Kind ofdouble vision appeared in front of her. Although she could not see clearly due to the dim light, she could feel that that he was a much tall, pretty s.e.xy man, with chiseled features.

  "Don"t worry about your pay.Justshow me your best!"

  Wen Nuan stretched out to put her arms around Di Juehao’stasty waist and pressed her rosy cheek slightly against his masculine chest, against which she eagerly rubbed up,for something more.

  "Can"t lose to that motherf.u.c.ker- Di Juehao!"

  Di Juehao’sface cloudedimmediately.

  Wen Nuan murmured some grievance softly, with herhot and rosy face rubbing against Di Juehao’schest, andher claws fumblingaround eagerly and randomly.

  "You never know what an a.s.shole he is! He is more than an a.s.shole. Obviously something is wrong with himself, but he should suspect me of playing a trick instead! Only once! Just once!"

  She p.r.i.c.ked the fair little finger.

  "How could I have happened to get pregnant?"

  "How could it be possible with his poor gene?His poor technique!"

  "Why must I stay at home to make his babies, whilehe enjoys the pleasure of hanging out with b.i.t.c.hes?"

  "I…I can"t make it by myself after all!"

  "You must work hard, Mr. Macho!"

  Wen Nuan looked up at Di Juehao with an innocent smile, as she naughtily painted circles one by one on hischest.

  "Let"s make a pair of twins today, so that I could have my quick revenge on that b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

  How dare sheis!

  Have thenerves to cheat onme!

  Make twins!

  Out of Di Juehao’sdeep black eyes burst an air of chill. He reached out to grab at Wen Nuan’schin firmly, withhis knuckles bulged with force.

  "Uh, it hurts…"

  In spite of her eyessuffused withtears, she tasted some unspeakable pleasure from the cool air as he touched her, which drove her to sway for getting more.

  Sweat in tiny beads burst through her fair skin. As a result, her white gauze skirt was completelysoaking, and her beautiful curves got a little bit highlighted.

  She just felt as if she had been scorched in the mid-summer sun, craving for an outlet to release the internal flame. That"s why she leaned more closer to him and subconsciously groaned for help:"Give me, and give me more..."

  "Defeat thatfive-second guy!"