Best Ex-wife: President, Don't Count On Me

Chapter 11 The longest 5 seconds in history

Chapter 11 The longest 5 seconds in history

  Wen Nuan stretched out her hand to tidy her hair on the face and glimpsed at Di Juehao.She calmed down quickly.

  She started thinking:Di Juehao hadn’t run her over with the automobile in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau, which showed he didn’t lose his mind completelyand would not kill her.But, another concern occurred to her. What would Di Juehao do to torment her?

  Wen Nuan recalled the few contacts she had made with Ji Juehao, then a bad feeling rose inside.She tried so hard to controlher facial expressions buther lower lip turned white.

  Wen Nuan muttered to herself: “No, I couldn’t let off the b.a.s.t.a.r.d easily!”

  Wen Nuan leaned againstthe car window, looking out. Sheltered by her body, she handed into her handbag.

  Di Juehao drove Wen Nuan all the way out of the city, through the suburbs and finally 30 minutes later, they arrived at the bund in city A.

  Looking at thevast light yellow beachoutside the window, Wen Nuan couldn’t help herself smiling bitterly.

  They two had never had romance ever since they met and got married. However, when they divorced, they were at such a romantic place.

  But Wen Nuandidn’t think Di Juehao was to have romance with her here.

  She turned to Di Juehao,asking coldly : “What on earth do you want to do?”

  The anger was replaced by gloom and evil in Di Juehao’s handsome face.

  He liftedhis wicked lips, and reached out his hand to pushthe tangled hair away fromWen Nuan’s cheeks. His voice became even fainter and colder: “My dear ex-wife, do you know how long will 5 seconds be?”

  It was as expected!

  Wen Nuan’s hands trembled and her face turned pale.

  Di Juehao stared at Wen Nuan’s wan face, and his narrowlongeyes blickeddown gently, showing satisfaction.

  He was happythat the cold woman finally had a differentexpression other than indifference.

  It was too late for Wen Nuan to open the car’s door because Di Juehao had already locked it.

  Wen Nuan said to herself, what a b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

  Di Juehao slowly reached his hand to Wen Nuan’s dress, while enjoying the rapid changes in her facial expression.

  Just as Di Juehao"s finger fell on the collar of Wen Nuan’s dress, Wen Nuan suddenly struggled out, shouting, “Let me go!”


  With her struggle and roar, the dresswas torn from the neck to the waist, leaving a long split

  So impatient?

  Di Juehao glanced at Wen Nuan with a half smile. When he saw her porcelain white skin, his cold eyes softened.

  "Go away!" Wen Nuan shouted awkwardly, and she turned her back to the driver"s seat, protecting herself with one hand, with the other slipping her phone into the small box beside the pa.s.senger seat.

  Di Juehao’s eyes were half closed, burstingout the message of danger. He was like a leopard playing a waiting game. He suddenly stretched out his arms and wrapped his armsaround Wen Nuan’s waist. He pulled her overand caught her between the driver"s seat and his chest, with a purpose to make love with Wen Nuan.

  Unbridled aggressionwaslike a sudden storm, with no tender affection at all.

  Wen Nuan bit on the shoulder of Di Juehao so hard that she had the taste of blood.

  Stimulated by the pain on the shoulder, Di Juehao was much more aggressive to Wen Nuan.

  They entwinedtogether, like two fierce beasts, biting and injuring each other!

  Gradually, Wen Nuan’s body began to collapse, releasingher bite on Di Juehao’s shoulder.

  Her hair, wet with sweat,clung to her white forehead. And her little white face was no longer pale but flushing.


  Wen Nuan bit her lips so hard that she could stop herself making any voice like that, which made her embarra.s.sed and disgraced.

  Wen Nuan felt a deep sense of shame because her body was pleased by Di Juehao.

  Di Juehao’s handsomeface was full of mockeryand coldness. He went through her body hard and rough. He could not stop.

  After two hours, Di Juehao finally let go of WenNuan.

  WenNuan sank back weakly against the pa.s.senger seat like a broken doll. Her red dress had becomepieces already. She was in anextremely difficult position. Compared with the calm lookWen Nuan had demonstratedat the entranceof Civil Affairs Bureau in the morning, it was really a shock. One piece of her red dress which was lying beside the seat looked like a red exclamatory markthat was more like an irony!

  However, look at Di Juehao. Even his shirt didn’t haveany trace of mess. He looked so fresh and energetic.

  Di Juehao bent over and raisedhis eyebrows a little. On his lips there was satisfaction and provocation and he said: “You called me five seconds? Hmm?”

  “a.s.shole!” Wen Nuan turned her face coldly. She didn’t want say a word to this jerk any more.

  At the next second, Di Juehaoreached his hand tothe small box beside her seat.

  Suddenly, WenNuan widened her eyes. She saw Di Juehao took her phone out of the small box helplessly. Her rosy face became pale again.

  She didnot thought that he could notice that small box.


  “Hmm, good angle. Oh, the resultwas also good!” Di Juehao looked down at the video on her mobile phone. He seldom said so many words.

  “Give it back to me!”

  Wen Nuan screamed with a sharp humiliation which was getting onher nerves. She reached out to grab her phone regardless of the whole embarra.s.sment.

  Aloofness appeared in Di Juehao’ eyes. He threw the phone out of the window. “Whew!”


  The phone became disintegratedunder her eyes. Of course, the video was also gone.

  She had no evidence!

  Herhands on the windowstill was tremblingslightly. A pretty face became white as a sheet. The light in her eyes was extinguished bit by bit. It was like someone spilled a bucket of ice water onher head, which took her only hope away.

  But Di Juehao didn’t give her any chance to breathe. He opened the door,holding her soft body beside his strong waist,and then turned around to the beach.

  Wen Nuan began to be nervous, “What are you going to do? Di Juehao?”


  He just said one word, simple,cold and cruel.

  Wen Nuan began to struggle.

  She knew he would take revenge onher like this, but she didn’t know he could be such a totally a.s.shole to this degree.

  Conservative as she was, Wen Nuan was not soopen to do such a thing on the beach!

  “Let me go! Di Juehao! We have divorced! It’s against the law if you invade me again!”


  Di Juehao threw her on the beach without mercy and bent over her closely: “I am giving you another chance to collect the evidence!”


  “The vision is even wider here!”


  Her phone was broken like s.h.i.t. How could shecollect the evidence?

  It was so empty here. Even if she put an ant on the beach, he still could find it!

  He moved to the beach just in order to avoid that she had other tricks!

  Di Juehao, you have guts!

  Wen Nuan got mad like a lion. She scratched him in his chest. Suddenly, five clear streaks of blood appeared, which added some coquettishness and wildness to this handsome and s.e.xy man.

  Next, she scratched Di Juehao’s face directly

  Di Juehao raised his handand grabbed her wrist easily With a slight twist, WenNuan was turned overanddirectly fell tothe beach,her hands tied at the back.

  "Di Juehao, you such a..." But half of her face was trapped in the sand, and when she spoke, her mouth was full of sand. She had to stop the half sentence that she could not finish, turned her face away and shut her mouth.

  With a cold and gentle laugher Di Juehao grabbed her back hands withone hand, and lifted her ankle with the other.

  “No!” She thought in despair.

  Just like half dead fishon the beach. She was even unable tomake a sound.

  It was anotherfierce offensewithout pity, evenfiercereach time.

  Time seemedto be endless.

  Several times Wen Nuan felt that she was going to die, but the pleasure mixed with shame and pain pulled her back from the edge of coma.

  Di Juehao was like a ferocious beast, and nearly tore apart her bones.

  When he thought the punishment was enough, Di Juehao satisfactorily threw away Wen Nuan, like a satisfied leopard.

  In the end, Wen Nuan was carried into the car by Di Juehao.

  Not leaving her on the deserted beach was the last kindness of Di Juehao to his.e.x-wife.

  Wen Nuan did not look at him again. She looked out of the window with a pale face. The sand was stuck into her messy, sweaty hair, which made her look extremely awkward.

  Di Juehao started his car.Bugatti Veyron made a beautiful spin on the beach, leaving a place which was filled with ambiguity, and like a shining arrow, drove away quickly.

  Wen Nuan always maintained a motionless position, like an abandoned broken doll, without blinking her eyes.

  Di Juehao"s eyes gave her a glance, and suddenly a trace of impatience pa.s.sed through the bottom of his heart. Although he hated the bland and uninteresting woman, but he seemed to be not as happy as he had expected after his revenge for possession.


  With a low curse, Di Juehao looked out of the car without any glanceat the Wen Nuan.

  Bugatti Veyron stormed all the way back to the city.

  Looking at the noisy street in front of her, Wen Nuan’s indifferent eyes finally blinked. She wasn"t sure where Di Juehao would drop her off the car, but with her ragged appearance now, it was no wonder that tomorrow’s headline would be about her.

  With a self-mocking smile, Wen Nuan secretly squeezed the things in her hand. She took advantage of the fact that Di Juehao had just taken no notice of it and pulled it out of the crack in the back seat of the car.

  Di Juehao would never dream that the smashed mobile phone that she deliberately placed on the surface was meant for him, but this thing in the back seat of the car was the key and she deliberately concealed.

  Wen Nuan was wondering, Di Juehao, you will repay for what you have done to me and pay a heavy price for it!


  With a sharp brake, Bugatti Veyron, which had just turned the corner, was blocked by a car which was a piece of junk that running out of the ramp. The two car heads nearly collided, only a few centimeters apart.

  The air was filled with the smell of burning brake pads.