Best Ex-wife: President, Don't Count On Me

Chapter 23 It’s me

Chapter 23 It’s me

  Everyone rushed to the door, like a rising tide.

  Wen Xin looked around herself, except for Qiao Qiao, no one was left. Her face was sullen like a rainy day.

  She stepped back to one side, holding her elbows in her hands and waiting for a good show.

  She thought, hey, these fence-sitters, one day you have to come back to ask me!

  Wen Nuan also waited quietly, with a calm look.

  Fang Yu stretched her neck. "Or, let"s go and see?"

  Wen Nuan smiled gently: "No hurry!"

  She thought that since the a.s.sistant Xu was coming, he was the a.s.sistant to the presidentand naturally recognized the logo of SK, so let him come and find me!

  a.s.sistant Xu was surrounded by a large group of women.

  They all say that a woman’s mouth is equivalent to five hundred ducksand the mouths of these dozens of women...

  a.s.sistant Xu frowned impatiently. On his white face, there were a few cold expressions that the president often had.

  The people who had just rushed to askquestions immediately quieted down, and made a way for him.

  Because the president did not often show up, the most important people in this company was a.s.sistant Xu. No one dared to offend him.

  Even the cold and proud Wen Xin, when meeting him, also took the initiative to nod and greet, giving him some respect.

  a.s.sistant Xu walked along the lane that everyone had vacated for him. At a glance, he saw Wen Xin standing in the empty s.p.a.ce of the hall, nodding to her politely and coldly.

  When his gaze turned to Wen Nuan, the alienation immediately became polite and cautious.

  a.s.sistant Xu speeded up and walked straight toward Wen Nuan.

  There was a burst of shock in the eyes of everyone.

  They thought that this woman could get the special attention of a.s.sistant Xu.Who was she?

  Did she have a relationship with the president?

  a.s.sistant Xu stood in front of Wen Nuanand his eyes fell on her uniform logo. His face slightly pa.s.sed a trace of surprise, and then piled up a smile.

  "Excuse me, you are……"

  "This is my best friend, Wen Nuan!"

  Not waiting for Wen Nuan to openher mouth, the straightforward Fang Yu rushed to answer his question.

  "Ididn’t think that a.s.sistant Fang has a friend who works at SK. It"s really good!"

  a.s.sistant Xu praised her and turned his face to look at Wen Nuan. The smile on his face was more brilliant, and he could not wait to reach out.

  "Miss Wen, Nice to meet you!"

  Wen Nuan squinted and smiled, and reached out her hand to a.s.sistantXu, "Nice to meet you too!"

  Everyone jumped out of their skin.

  They never thought that the woman from the branch couldshake hands with a.s.sistantXu!

  And they two seemed to have a good chat!

  What a magic world?

  The stupid big round face immediately asked: "What is SK?"

  a.s.sistant Xu gave her a cold-eyed look. His face got down and cursed:

  “SKis the abbreviation of The Sovereign King, the international famous clothing brand that will cooperate with us. If you don’t even understand this, why would you like to apply for Daisy’s a.s.sistant?”

  "I, I..." The big round face was stuttering, and she was anxious to cry, "Before I come, I took time to recite it. I know it is called The Sovereign King. The translation is the Supreme King!"

  She thought:I just didn’t know its abbreviation SK, h.e.l.l!

  a.s.sistant Xu waved impatiently, "You can go back."

  "No, a.s.sistantXu, beg you to give me another chance, please, please..."

  The big round face still wanted to beg him shamelessly, but a.s.sistant Xu had ignoredher.

  a.s.sistant Xu turned around in the face of Wen Nuan. Making a 90-degree bow, he said quite sincerely:

  "Miss Wen, I am sorry, because this cooperation project is sobigthat it has not been disclosed to ordinary employees, and their understanding of SK is limited, please forgive me!"

  Wen Nuan still smiled politely, "Nothing!"

  The people came to realize that this woman was not from an unknown branch!

  The backerbehind her was the Supreme King!

  Everyone looked at Wen Nuan and their jaws dropped.

  Especially those people who had previously ridiculed herand their eyes had complicated emotions. They bowed their heads and wanted to dilute their sense of existence.

  Wen Xin was also shocked, but she did not show it obviously. She just arrogantly snored.

  She thought:Hey, how great is SK?

  At most, like Fang Yu, she isan inconspicuous designer a.s.sistant!

  It’s really terrible seeing her self-righteous look!

  a.s.sistant Xu had already reached out to Wen Nuan.

  "Miss Wen, please go inside! Our president has arrived. May I knowwhen Miss Daisy will arrive?"

  Wen Nuan smiled beautifully, making her eyes like a crescent moon "She is here!"

  She thought: I am just standing in front of you, why you donot see me?

  "Oh..." Wen Nuan’s smile made a.s.sistant Xu somewhat uncomfortable. "Excuse me. May I know Miss Daisy, she..."

  "I’m Daisy!"

  The authentic British accent, soft and sweet. It sounded so well!


  There was a sigh of noise around.

  a.s.sistant Xu’s face flashed an embarra.s.sedlook. He leaned over and bowed to Wen Nuan, “I’m sorry, Miss Wen, it’s my fault!”

  Obviously, he also regarded Wen Nuan as an a.s.sistant to Daisy.

  Wen Nuan did not care about it and waved her hand.

  "a.s.sistant Xu, you don"t have to blame yourself. It is said that those who don’t know are not guilty! In the foreign companies, everyone is used to calling the English name. So I also takeone with the flow. I did not explain my name clearly beforehand.I’m not blaming you!

  “I didn’texpect that the famous SK gold medal designer is so young, gentle and pleasing.It’s amazing!”

  a.s.sistant Xu sincerely praised. The smile on his face was also more sincere.

  He eagerly reached out again, "Miss Daisy, Thank you for coming! Let’s go to the office to take a break. Have a cup of coffee, please!"

  Wen Nuan noddedand her clear light eyes gently fell on the Wen Xin’s face.

  Wen Xin’s face was a little pale. It had never been so ugly.

  She gritted her teeth, and the sharp nails werealready deep into the palm.

  She had dreamed so much of surpa.s.sing Wen Nuan.

  When Wen Xin thought she had already beaten her sister, Wen Nuan suddenly came back!

  She worked hard to become the chief designer of DihaowhileWen Nuan had already easilybeen made into SK"s gold medal designer!

  What a shame!

  Wen Xin stubbornly kept her head up, and didn’t let the indifference on her face breakdown.

  Only she didn’t know that in the eyes of others, it was so ridiculous looking at her like this.

  Wen Nuan thought that this stubborn and proud sister really didn"t change at all.

  Wen Nuan sighed softly atthe bottom of her heart, and her eyes flicked away to scan the crowd.

  At this moment, those who had shamed her were looking at her eagerly.

  Wen Nuan lookedto a.s.sistant Xu, "I heard that Dihao wants to give me an a.s.sistant. These are all to apply for this position?"

  a.s.sistant Xu’s eyes pa.s.sed a hint of appreciation to her.

  He thought:I didn’texpect that the famous gold medal designer Miss Daisy was so kind. As soon as she arrived at the company, she was eager to work. She was so dedicated to work!

  He nodded immediately. "Yes, Miss Wen, our company’squalified designers are all here."

  "Then, can I decide who I want?"

  "Of course!"

  Wen Nuan’s eyes fell on the face of Fang Yu, and she winked at herquickly, with a bit of naughty taste.

  "Fang Yu, come over!"

  Fang Yu walked quickly to Wen Nuan.

  "Would you like me to introduce you to their situation? You are looking for the right person, from professional expertise to gossip, I know everything!"

  The face of those who often bullied Fang Yu immediately twisted into a bitter gourd.

  Wen Nuan patted Fang Yu’s backjokingly, “Don’t you want to apply for this a.s.sistant?”

  "Oh..." Fang Yu scratchedtheback of herhead awkwardly and then smiled calmly. “Wen Nuan, don’t worry. I will not beg you to open the back door for me. You are a gold medal designer, looking for an a.s.sistant designer, not a designer a.s.sistant. I know what I am!"

  Wen Nuan took a thoughtful look at Fang Yu, "If I give you a designer job, can you cope with it?"

  "Of course! I have helped others for so many years and I can do it quite good!" Fang Yu patted her chest to ensure that, "If I was not pressed by some people, I would have been a designer!"

  "Good!" Wen Nuan and Fang Yu had a high-five, "The a.s.sistant is you!"

  Fang Yu cleaned her ears. "What did you say?"

  Wen Nuan said word byword: "You are going to bemy a.s.sistant, aren’tyou?"

  "Yes! I want it so much!" Fang Yu cheered up buther smile immediatelydisappeared. She sneaked aside at a.s.sistant Xu, "But so blatantly walking the back door, okay?"

  Everyone was being abused by both of them. When they heard Fang Yu’s words, they felt more aggrieved and sent their aid to a.s.sistant Xu.

  They thought that this campaign had not yet begunand we were already fallen out. It was simply unfair!

  a.s.sistant Xu was also looking at Wen Nuanand didn’t know what to do.

  "Miss Wen, do you want to consider other candidates? After all, the a.s.sistant Fang has been working as an a.s.sistant and has no qualification for designers."

  Wen Nuan curledher lipsslightly. "When I choose an a.s.sistant, I don"t look at the qualifications. I only look at loyalty, Fang Yu, can you do it?"

  "I can!" Fang Yu immediately promised, "On the qualifications, I can"t compare with them, but on the loyalty to you, Ican be much better than them!"

  Wen Nuan looked to a.s.sistant Xuand firmly said: "Just her, no need to change!"

  a.s.sistant Xu nodded: "Okay, Miss Wen!"

  Wen Nuan turned to look at Fang Yu, "I have to go upstairs to see your bossnow, I will look for you later!"

  Fang Yu happily waved her hand: "Well!"

  When Wen Nuan and a.s.sistant Xu disappeared from the lift, Fang Yu immediately sweeped everyonearound proudly, especially Qiao Qiao’s ugly face. On Qiao Qiao’sface that seemed to have a p.o.o.p-like smell, Fang Yupaused for three seconds.

  "Oh, huh, I have bowed down and tightenedmy tailover the years. Now I finally can look up and walk sideways. It feels so cool!"

  The crowd immediately encircled her, saying beautiful words to her.

  "Fang Yu, Itwasmy faultin the past. I apologize to you!"

  "Sister Yu, I said that you are a potential person. Look, you are now in a good way. Please also take care of me in the future!"


  From the beginning to the end, Wen Xin had been left aside.

  When hadshe been treated like this?

  Wen Xin turnedaroundand was about to ask Qiao Qiao to leave, but didn’t see her figure.

  Look again!The one who was apologizing continuously in the face of Fang Yu was the brain-destroyed guy?

  She thought, hey! These guys were so blind!

  Wen Xin left away angrily.

  Upstairs, a.s.sistant Xu leaded Wen Nuan to the president"s office.

  "Miss Daisy, please sit down! I will make a cup of coffee for you!"

  Wen Nuan nodded and looked up at the president"s office. She thought, from the decoration of the room, he must be a low-key domineering man!

  Footsteps were getting close.

  The door of the president"s office was pushed open.

  Wen Nuan looked up. When she saw the figure that appeared at the door, she was immediately shocked...