Better To Forget Than To Meet Again

Chapter 8

The moment Wei Bojian was sat, Qin Qin couldn"t wait and asked immediately, "How is it going? Do you have any news?"

Today when asked out by him, she thought he must have gained the kid"s news. They made an appointment at 2 o"clock, but Qin Qin arrived there waiting since 12 o"clock.

"Yeah, I found him." Wei Bojian didn"t let her down. He nodded his head to confirm the news before he ordered the meal.

After the waiter left, Qin Qin asked several questions in a row, "Where is he? How is he now? Is he in a good condition?" 

"Don"t worry."

"How can I stop worrying?! I haven"t seen him since his birth. Now I finally have his news. And you tell me not to worry?" She a.s.sumed there was not a single mom in the world like her who could only know something about her kid through the others. Thinking of this, sad and bitter feelings arose within her heart. 

"Well." Wei Bojian sighed and pa.s.sed her a piece of note with an address on it.

"It"s a villa under Chao Sheng"s name. Your kid is here, and Chao Sheng has arranged for a nanny to take care of the kid."

"Then...what about the kid? Is he good?" She had been worrying about the kid since she knew Luo Qianyi fed the kid sleeping pills. And now she was just eager to know the real conditions of the kid.

Hearing the words, Wei Bojian hesitated, and it took him a while before he said, "Sorry, I didn"t see the kid. Chao Sheng protects him well. Normally, people can"t see the kid." It even took him a lot of efforts to get the address.

"Take it easy. Chao Sheng treats him well. My people report that he would accompany the kid at least two to three days a week. During the weekend, he would also allocate time to play with him. He values the kid more than you think." However, then chances for we to take the kid away would be rare.

The little note now was a ton weight in Qin Qin"s heart. She had the address recorded deeply in her head before she put it away.

"Thank you."

"No need for it." Wei Bojian touched her hair gently and replied like she was just a spoiled child. "I once said, as long as I can help, you can find me at any time. No need to say thanks to me."

"Oh, there"s another thing." Something came to Wei Bojian, "Your mother is the nanny Chao Sheng found to take care of the child. Maybe you can get help from her."

Speaking of her mother, Qin Qin"s smile stopped for a second.

When the police took her away, mother cut off their relations.h.i.+p one-sidedly immediately. At first, she though mom was just too angry at her. However, even though she wrote several letters to apologize, the letters were like little stones dropped into the sea. She didn"t receive any reply.

Before she got on the police car, she turned around but to see the hatred and disgust in mother"s eyes, which made her sad and chill.

"After all, blood is thicker than water. Even though you have done something wrong, she will forgive you in the end. What"s more, it"s not your fault. She will understand it."

Qin Qin smiled, "Em, mom is just just sharp-tongued with kind heart. Maybe, she already forgives me, but hesitates to find me and say it."

"Bojian, really thanks a lot."

"Not to mention it. I"m just willing to do it."