Billion Of Pampering Only For You

Chapter 92: Guilty Conscience

Chapter 92: Guilty Conscience

     Thinking that he had just tasted the sweet taste, Yin Shaojie"s heart couldn"t help but feel restless. He couldn"t help but slightly touch her lips, but not as deep as before.

     Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao"s eyelashes moved, like a b.u.t.terfly waving its wings to fly. He was shocked, stiffly raised his head, moved away from her, turned over and lay on the other side of the bed, pretending to rest.

     Who knows, Mu Xiaoxiao did not wake up at all, her small hand grabbed his clothes, her head directly buried in his arms, and then continued to sleep.

     Yin Shaojie lowers his head to look at her sleeping face, his face was awkward, between laughter and tears.

     However, it"s good that she didn"t discover it.

     He reached out and hold her thin waist, bowed his head slightly, his sharp nose posted on her neck smelling her fragrance.

     What kind of shower gel this girl used usually? Her body smell is so good.


     The next day.

     When Mu Xiaoxiao woke up, she had a splitting headache and rolled on the bed uncomfortable.

     "My head hurts a lot... it"s so uncomfortable!"

     Her head seems to explode, making her in great pain, her eyes were covered with tears, which looked pitiful.

     Yin Shaojie walked over, held a cup in his hand. He clicks his"s tongue and walked over to the bed. His long arm picked her up.

     "Now you know that it is uncomfortable? Drink this, it will be much better."

     Mu Xiaoxiao obediently leaned on his arm, grab his hand and drank it. Then her little face wrinkled into a steamed bun. "It"s so hard to drink!"

     Yin Shaojie saw that she had finished drinking, then let go of her, he put the cup on the bedside table, and then stuff the lollipop into her mouth.

     The sweetness of strawberry replaces the bitterness, Mu Xiaoxiao"s expression started to relax.

     "Saved! I am most afraid of bitterness," she said, lying back on the bed with a lollipop in her mouth.

     Yin Shaojie looked at her. "Then go to sleep, I am leaving."

     Mu Xiaoxiao lay down for a while, the lollipop was finished, the medicine started taking effect, her head did not hurt so much, but her stomach screamed, so she had to get up and go out of the room while wearing slipper.

     "Jie, Jie, I am hungry..." She yelled like a child and walked into the living room.

     Yin Shaojie is sitting on the sofa with an Apple computer on his leg, his eyes fixed on the screen, his slender fingers flying on the keyboard, don"t know what he is doing.

     "I am hungry!" she repeated, walking over to his side and sitting on the couch.

     Yin Shaojie seems to have a secret,  he closed the computer and glanced at her. "Isn"t there something to eat on the table? Go get it yourself!"

     Mu Xiaoxiao pouted, "I don"t want to move..."

     The meaning is, ask him to help her.

     Yin Shaojie pushed her forehead with his finger with a disgusted face. He said, "Mu Xiaoxiao, why are you so lazy? First, brush your teeth and face, have breakfast after that."

     This young master has helped her buy breakfast, what more do you want?

     "But I am so hungry..." Mu Xiaoxiao wailing, grabbing his sleeves, stubbornly stick her head, acting spoiled.

     Yin Shaojie"s face had an unnatural blush. She approached him so close like this making he smelled her fragrant smell, he remembered the thief like things he had done last night.

     He has a guilty conscience and pushed her away. "Don"t stick on me, such a big person still act spoiled, go brush your teeth, do you still want this young master to serve you? Don"t dream, do it yourself!"
