Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Chapter 14

The bath is good after all. Soaking in the hot bath, I relax my shoulders and breath out a big sigh.

After taking a shower, I promptly entered the bath and washed my face with the hot water.

As my stiff body loosens, my still and entangled thoughts also unwind. Because of that, I regained my composure quickly.

How much of my plan did she see through? That sort of thing was not worth worrying about.

Recall my original intentions. What started for me to decide her as my target?

It is a game. It is a game that I staked my life on. Whether Ogasawara Makoto falls into the abyss or I am ruined, it is a game where I’ll laugh no matter who falls.

I had nothing to lose from the start. Nevertheless, what in the world was I so impatient, surprised, and afraid of?

How ridiculous. To begin with, it’s strange I’m worried at this point of time. I’ll stick to my thinking no matter what actions she takes. That will be fine. That should be so.

When I switch on the a.n.a.l stick that I held in my right hand, the vibration sounds echo in the bathroom.

By leaving the a.n.a.l stick in the bathroom unnaturally, was she trying to induce my discomposure, or did she merely forget it?

Even that is nothing to worry about. The bathroom door opening slightly, and the bloodshot eyes that peeping through the gap, is also trivial.

No, to be honest, it’s scary. Because the bloodshot eyes looking here through the gap are quite creepy. It’s scarier than a third-rate horror movie.

Even though I know that the owner of those bloodshot eyes is Ogawara Makoto, eerie things are eerie.

“Ogasawara, I don’t think peeping on someone when they’re bathing is an admirable act though?”

While I stir the hot bathwater with the vibrating a.n.a.l stick, I call out towards the bloodshot eyes at the door.

Then with a clanking sound, the bloodshot eyes disappeared from the door gap.

“E, Eheheh, I wasn’t peaking. U, Um, it just looked like I forgot something. ……”

The door opened slowly. It’s obviously her standing there.

It doesn’t matter, but I guess I’ll have to let her look at me bathing. But I genuinely want her to stop looking through the door gap with bloodshot eyes. It might become a trauma and I won’t be able to bathe alone anymore.

“Is the thing you left behind, this?”

To her, who remained standing at the bathroom’s entrance, I wave the a.n.a.l stick. When she saw it, she fidgeted and turned her gaze away from me awkwardly.

“I, I am sorry. That, I took it selfishly. A, And, um……the reason I have it is, the, the independent practice―”

“You thrust this in your a.n.u.s and it felt good, right?

At my words, she looked at me with wide, open eyes, her face rapidly turning a cinnabar red.

By no means did she think I’d point this out so frankly. She must’ve believed that I would be misled into thinking she was voluntarily practicing just like before.

I a.s.sumed that this a.n.a.l stick was left in the bathroom deliberately.

Because of that, I was able to make a surprise attack on her.

Idiot, I can’t be rolled up in your pace forever. It is my turn from here on. No, you don’t have any turns from here on out. It will be my turn throughout.

“Ahh, noo, umm, you’re wrong.”

She quickly panicked. The end of the bath towel tucked by her b.r.e.a.s.t.s unravelled, and the bath towel gently fell down as a result.

Her naked body was revealed. I saw it many times over the sheer, black leotard, but this is the first time I’ve seen it in a state with nothing obstructing it.

I was dumbstruck. By her physical beauty that was lascivious and too obscene.

I honestly thought that it was absolutely beautiful.

Gazing at her naked body before my eyes in a daze, I quickly pulled myself together. She was too upset to even notice that the bath towel came off, and was running about in utter confusion while her big chest shook.

“Ogasawara, calm down, your bath towel came off.”

“Eh? Hiya? ―AH HIYA!”

After hearing me point it out, her eyes turned to dots as she looked at me and then she moved her eyes to her chest. And I thought she’d scream and hide her chest and nether region, but she raised both hands in a banzai pose instead.

She seems to be considerably confused.

And then she immediately squatted down and tried to pick up the bath towel, but she used too much force and fell backwards.

Because of that, her p.u.s.s.y and a.n.u.s were completely exposed.

I don’t think she has ever made an M-pose with this much s.e.x appeal before.

With a headache in addition to my stomach ache, I succ.u.mbed to the urge to submerge my whole head in the bath.

There was the sound of a ma.s.sive slam, and when I raise my head to look towards the sound, Ogasawara Makoto, who should have fallen down in an M-pose, had stood up again at some point, but had hit her head on the wall and fallen down once again.

Then with a thud, a naked Ogasawara Makoto had her bottom return to the floor like it was attached with gum. (1)

Seeing her with such an appearance, I remembered my discomfort.

Why did she need to be so panicked? Is it because I saw her naked? That may be part of it, but I don’t feel that’s all.

I lower my gaze and looked at the a.n.a.l stick in my right hand.

Is this it? Is this the cause? Perhaps, having the fact that she m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed pointed out caused her to fall into a panic? Then……

Then it wasn’t left deliberately, and she really forgot it? (2)

As I realized that, a sobbing voice reached in my ears.

When I turn my eyes to her again, Ogasawara Makoto, who was sitting like a girl with her bottom attached to the floor, was desperately trying to stand up while crying.

I thought we’ll begin the usual one person meeting review, but this situation is quite different.

“I’m, I’m going home……”

Muttering that, Ogasawara Makoto grabbed the bath towel that had fallen onto the floor, stood up vigorously and once again collided with the wall. Blown away to the opposite wall by the recoil, she crashes again. Then she loses her footing and falls down grandly, nailing the back of her head on the floor.

I reflexively frown at the heavy sound.

As opposed to me thinking she’d crouch down in sharp pain, she rose up immediately, bolted off, and crashed into a wall once again. Despite she falling down she promptly stood up, and then disappeared from my sight.

But I heard a crash. It seems like she crashed into a wall in my room and fell down.

She has completely lost control of herself. Anyone can see that this is a dangerous state.

“Well, well. It looks like the wind has changed directions..”

Muttering so, I wrapped a towel around my waist as I left the bath and rushed out the bathroom.


When I entered my room, a miserable sight spread out before me.

“M, My room……”

Although I said it was empty, there were still the minimal living essentials.

A microwave, refrigerator, cutting board, and kitchen knife for example. Along with various others. They were scattered everywhere.

It is a result of her crashing everywhere.

I don’t have that much attachment to this room, but even I felt dizzy at the disastrous sight.

And then holding her bath towel in her hand while completely naked, she was squatting down on the floor, trying to grab her belongings.

Looking at her, there doesn’t appear to be any particular injuries to be found.

I suddenly had a trivial thought about her being surprisingly st.u.r.dy.

Still shedding tears and trembling, with her mouth turned down at the corners, Ogasawara Makoto was silently getting ready to go home.

She probably intended to rush out of the room nude while carrying her belongings.

Or rather, it is more likely that she forgot she was completely naked.

“Ogasawara, calm down―”

“I am going home!”

When I call out, she raised her voice to drown out mine, and as she held her items without even turning to look at me, she just began to run off as I feared.

“Waitt, I said calm down!”

Ogasawara Makoto bolted and collided with the wall and I caught her from behind, forcibly pinning her in place.

“Please let go of me! I am going home!”

“I understand, it isn’t a problem that you’re leaving. But get dressed first. Kay? Now, will you settle down?”

She dropped the belongings she held, grasped the hand that pinned her in place and struggled.

“Even though I dressed up and came all the way here! Why do I always, always?!”

To the words of Ogasawara Makoto who continues to shed tears and act violently, I almost unintentionally agreed.

Really, you always, always cause me trouble. It is rather I, who want to complain, you f.u.c.king idiot.

“Look, you can head back home after you get dressed first, okay? Even without a change of clothes, you still have your uniform, right? Since it’s already dark outside, even not having underwear is fine. Besides, I’ll also  escort you home.”

Ogasawara Makoto reacted to my words with a flinch, and this time she ceased struggling and burst into genuine tears.

As I presumed, there’s no doubt now. She really had just forgotten the a.n.a.l stick. It was all just in my imagination. This person doesn’t have a scheme.

“Ogasawara, you may cry if you want to. When you settle down, can you change your clothes? And, did you have dinner yet? Because I’ll treat you to a meal as I escort you home. Kay?”

When I separate both my hands that tightly pinned her in place, I tried leave her while asking kindly.

She may be okay being naked, but I am not. Because I jumped out of the bathtub with just a towel wrapped around on my waist, my body has gotten chilly.

As for me who’s a bath enthusiast, I have to reenter the bath again.

“Do you, contempt me?”

Ogasawara Makoto who caught my hand as I turned  to leave, muttered a few words while looking down.

Contempt you? What now? That is natural. I am tired of your stupidity. But only my health and appearance is something else.

“Contempt? What’s the matter?”

I pretend ignorance while desperately enduring the desire to burst into laughter.

“T, Taking it out, without permission……u, um, the thing I did, alone.”

A low shaking voice arrived to my ear.

Now, now it is definitely official. I grasp everything here. Or perhaps I should say, because I had induced it to be so.

“I don’t mind it. I also said before. The ma.s.sage is accompany with a pleasant feeling. The whole body’s sensitivity for the erogenous zone also rises. So it is natural even if you want to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e. If you understand change your clothes. Since I’ll be taking a bath again.”

While speaking calmly, I separate her hand that caught my wrist gently, and turned around in order to re-enter the bath.

I am only saying this here, but if she still rushes out of the room, then she can do as she likes. However, she probably won’t run away. I am convinced in the signs I experienced shown with the matter.

I stopped while thinking that sort of thing, and checked back with a side glance. Ogasawara Makoto who hanged her head down over there, followed after me.

As I suspected. Ogasawara Makoto, who’s falling into a panic and current consciousness state muddled, doesn’t know what to do as of now. So by me being gentle, she’s exhausted all choices but to follow me.

“If you want to take a bath, you can enter first.”

When I side glanced to check behind without turning my head, Ogasawara Makoto stood still with her eyes downcast.

It will be a holiday tomorrow, and the sun is already setting. The terms are set if I look and think about it. If that’s the case, it isn’t bad timing to enter the new training.


I took another bath to re-heat my body, then I stepped out of the bathtub and head towards my room.

Dressed in her uniform, she sat down on the room floor with a thud. Carrying her belongings, she also seems to be done getting ready to return.

She said there wasn’t a change of clothes, but I wonder if she re-put on the underwear she had on till before she took a bath? No, she loves cleanliness, it’s unlikely she’ll once again put on the underwear she took off.

When it comes to that, it is more likely she isn’t wearing underwear right now. That’s even more convenient for me.

Even though I entered into the room, she wasn’t to move as she her head hanged sitting down on the floor. If the restraints burst into flames and don’t work, even if she goes for a bold action, then at that moment, I’ll put out this person’s fire once and for all.

Lately I had completely misunderstood the reins of her, but I can somehow fix it. For this lesson, I’ll have to advance the training even more carefully from now on.

In particular, it’s necessary to make her think I don’t hold affection towards her.


We headed to where there’s a family restaurant. While walking outside, as I led her by hand, I frequently worried about her skirt.

Did she not put on underwear after all? If that’s true, then if her skirt gets rolled up I’ll see her precious part. Of course I am anxious.

When we arrived at the family restaurant, we were lead to our appointed to a proper booth and ordered.

Ogasawara Makoto who sat facing me, still hanged her head as she said nothing. And I also said nothing to her.

It is fine as is. It isn’t necessary to say anything needless.

When we finished our meal and left the family restaurant, I led her by hand and went to the park.

After we wandered around a bit the time was nine in the afternoon. When checking the surroundings as we arrived, I found a couple on a bench beneath the outdoor lamp. There isn’t a person’s shadow beside that.

Chuckled inside my head, I detoured around the park and went into the forest.

Even though I said forest, it’s a trifle forest in the park’s corner. Most of the tree types are Oak, and because of that acorns fall onto the ground in ma.s.s. During the day children gather for that purpose, but that’s nothing to worry about if it’s at this time.

“Ogasawara, what will you do? Will you go home as it is?”

Stopping just before the forest, I looked back and spoke to her.

Ogasawara Makoto who grasped my hand tightly, holding items in one hand while downcast, still was not going to move.

Then after a few minutes, she shook her head.

“Do you, wanted to produce breast milk?”

As I set foot in the forest with leading her by hand, I spoke to the back,

There is no answer. But a reply isn’t necessary. Since she had proposed it anyways.

Through the dark forest, we walk relying on the outdoor lamp’s light to see.

In front of an outside lamp, where I checked at the park’s entrance some time ago, was a couple sitting on a bench side to side. In other words, if we advance as it is, we’ll be right behind of the bench.

Stopped at the front of the forest, I listened carefully.

I hear voices speaking. In addition, some l.u.s.ter was included. Apparently, it seems the couple sitting on the bench are also in midst of fun.

“Ogasawara, you hear that? People are close by.”

I looked over my shoulder, and whisper to Ogasawara Makoto, who stared down while grasping my hand.

When she raised her face slightly, she nodded with upturned eyes.

She has become quite modest. It would be a shock that I only knew about her masturbating.

“I also investigated on my own, and there seems to be a method to produce breast milk without even becoming pregnant. However, there seems to be quite the individual difference.”

Saying that, I took out a folded slip of paper from my jacket’s pocket, opened it, and showed it to her. And then without pa.s.sing it, I placed it folded again in my pocket.

Later on, I intended to create the doc.u.ments for how to get breast milk without becoming pregnant. Which is why, I don’t have them yet today.

What I just showed to her, was noncommittal paper that I brought from my room. When read, it’s easily known it’s entirely unrelated.

It is fiction when read.

In the forest, the only outside light are in front of the lamps. Even if the official doc.u.ments were shown in this sort of state, it would be readable.

But still, it was daring that I took out the doc.u.ments in other for her to a.s.sume I searched properly.

“It is a method to produce breast milk, and it appears to be effective and simple with just stimulating the teat. However, strictly speaking it isn’t breast milk, it seems to be called lactate. But well, it’s trivial if it comes out.”

Leaned myself forward, I speak close to her ear with a whisper. She listens to my words in silence.

It’s dark so that I can’t clearly see her expression, but I understand from feeling the atmosphere.

This fellow’s amount of stupidity caused me have hardships, but in this way, it’s an advantage that she’s easily led by the nose.

“However, with me saying that their is individual differences? For most people, it doesn’t seem come out with only stimulating the teat. So I explored a different method.”

When I said that and separate my mouth away from her ear, I put a hand on both of her shoulders and pushed them back. Thus, I force her back on the nearby tree.

She remains there without saying anything. She seems to agree to my story, but I also feel the mood and mind isn’t here.

Perhaps her thoughts aren’t directly working. Since I know that she, is her head full?

“I will stimulate the nipples either way, but to prompt female hormone secretion, I’ll also stimulate other erogenous zones at the same time. However, great shame appears necessary, too.”

Shame, hearing that word, she subtly trembles. The trembling transmitted to both my hands placed on her shoulders.

She finally showed a reaction like response. Do you hate it, or do you accept it?

“I, I am really sorry for only causing trouble. Although I also checked it, I don’t understand it well. So, since I don’t know the method, I have no choice but to entrust it to you. Please take care of me.”

Naturally it’s the accepted version.

I don’t have romantic feelings for her. It is crucial to make her think so, but it’s also useless to treat her coldly.

In short, I intend to be calm while also hoping to take charge. Because after all, it has been arranged we’ll a.s.sociate if breast milk comes out, and she must be hoping for it.

Well, it won’t come out.

“Shame, that is, the feeling of embarra.s.sment the brain stimulates, seems to have a big role in order to secrete large amounts of female hormones than usual. And―”

Grasping her right shoulder with my left hand as I press her on the tree’s back, I let my right hand creep into the inside of her skirt.


Surprised as expected, Ogasawara Makoto immediately tightened her thighs and raised a faint soundless scream.

Ignoring her when forcibly opening her thighs, I rush a hand inside. And then, my fingertips reached at the base of the crotch.

The feel of the viscosity resistant fluid and the soft meat felt weird on my fingertips. As I suspected, she didn’t put on underwear. Moreover, she’s already quite wet despite having took  a bath.

“U, Umm”

“Shh, don’t speak. Listen.”

As I restrained Ogasawara Makoto, who was about to raise her voice, I caress her v.a.g.i.n.a tract with a finger while it made a slimy and obscene water sounds.  

Trembling fearfully, she put both hands over her mouth in a desperate look, m.u.f.fling her voice.

She was surprised, but doesn’t seem to plan on resisting.

That confirmed, I decided to continuate the training.

Released my left hand that grabbed her shoulder, I lift her uniform. Her large bulges which were thereby, stood out by the outdoor lamp shining on them.

Contracting with the graceful posture and limbs, the pump b.r.e.a.s.t.s were shaped nicely. And the nipples that pointed on the top, were clearly erected.

Both the p.u.s.s.y becoming wet and the nipples erecting are because of my touch. But, I guess it’s possible her current state was since before having come here.

Since she didn’t have on underwear during eating at the family restaurant, she must have felt it.

By repeating the training, her mind and body have been developing steadily well.


When I pinch her right nipple with my left hand, she trembled and raised a small moan. Since she covered her mouth with both hands, the voice was m.u.f.fled.

The distance between the couple sitting on the bench and us, is estimated to about 6 or 5 meters. It would surely be noticed if she gave a moan at this distance. However, they’re also in the midst of fun over there. Why it may be true that they will notice, there is no need to say in what way.

I thought it through, but Ogasawara Makoto is a different story. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are exposed in such a place, and her p.u.s.s.y is teased while her nipple is played with. Even if she doesn’t want to be found, the large amount of mucus beginning to overflow from her v.a.g.i.n.a is against that.

Letting the fingers teasing her v.a.g.i.n.a slide, I search for the c.l.i.toris. Among the flood of mucus, I felt my fingertips get slightly caught. And at the same time, her body jumps remarkably large.

With my hand currently placed in her skirt, I can’t check by looking. However, with the feeling caught in my fingertips just now, it’s defiantly the cltoris.

If I just look at her convulsing without being able to put out a voice, I know that the stimulation is too strong. If not handled carefully, she may feel pain than pleasure.

Today is the first outside exposure training. There is no need to be too adventurous.

I decided to perform the c.l.i.toris development slowly and carefully later, so today she can c.u.m from the a.n.u.s as usual.

It is necessary above all else, because if I let it rub in, it will feel good.

When I separate my fingers from the c.l.i.toris, and thrust my hand even more into her skirt, I let my fingertips touch her a.n.u.s.

“Nn, haa, nnn”

Sweet moans leak out from the hand covering her mouth. Unlike with the c.l.i.toris, it looks like she obediently accepts the pleasure. As evidence, she pushes out her waist, since it become easier to play with the a.n.u.s.

“I only have two hands, Ogasawara. So help as well.”

Saying so, I separate my left hand that pinched the nipple and as grasped her right wrist. And then I tore it off from her lips.

Just the left hand will be enough to cover her mouth.

“Would you like to not be found by someone? I also don’t want to be found. Therefore, play with your nipple by yourself, too. For the sake of making you exude a ma.s.s of female hormones, it appears reaching an o.r.g.a.s.m is most effective. So as soon as possible, I want you to climax for me.”

While thrusting my right index and middle finger inside her a.n.u.s, I put my face close to her ear and whisper.

I hear the sound of her rough breathing and swallow saliva.

By me pressing her right fingers to her breast, she pinched the nipple. It is a silent agreement.

“Okay, go on. You won’t speak?”

After whispering, I began to move the two fingers thrust inside her a.n.u.s.

“Mnm!? Mhnm!?”

She shakes fearfully while pinches and rolls her nipple with a finger, she bends back shaking fearfully. Because her b.r.e.a.s.t.s sticks out, they were very easy to grope.  

It has been awhile since that I placed a finger into her a.n.u.s, but it seems to have developed more than expected.

The wiggling wall of meat stuck to my fingers, but in despite of that, the overflowing intestinal fluid raised the lubrication nature. Because of that, the contracting in and out pull in was comfortable even while tighten. Worthy of a second v.a.g.i.n.a developed for the sake of spitting out a man’s desire, it appears the supreme meat hole is complete.

“Kijima-sann―I, I, maa―kmuu”

Waist jumping, thighs stiffening, her body trembles. And while her stiffness begins to melt, I started to hear a rustling sound.

With my fingers pulled out my fingers from her a.n.u.s, I take a step back to observe her condition.

Ogasawara Makoto, who’s still covering her mouth with her left hand, is currently in a state leaning against the tree’s back, with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s exposed, and a harden nipple pinched in her right hand. And then sometimes her waist bounced.

Still covering her mouth by the left hand, she leaned on the back of the tree with her legs spread opened while letting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s be exposed, and the nipple which was pinched with her right hand fingers harden. And then occasionally, her waist bounced.

The said heard rustling sound came from her. The sound was water squirting out from within her skirt.

She who climaxed the first time outside, had p.i.s.sed her pants simultaneously. The urine that struck against the ground created a splash.

Don’t you hear some sort of water flowing? I heard such words from the bench.

“Ogasawara, the couple sitting on the bench seem to hear the sound of your urine. Can’t you stop it?”

When I ask her in a simple, but low tone, she waves her neck as she covered her mouth by the hand. Apparently, it doesn’t seem i’ll stop even if he want it to.

“As it is, they noticed. Let’s go back.”

“B, But―”

Grasping her hand, I forcibly pulled her out and began to walk.

I did not need to say how we were even found out, but because it was special, I thought I’ll try out something amusing.

Leading her by my hand, she still poured p.i.s.s while it made her waist twitch. As she became bowlegged because of that, I am accompanied by her pathetic unsteady walk.

The scene was quite laughable.

But I would say, with her a p.i.s.s leak on top of climaxing, and furthermore, running away while squirting urine. I was able to have the best memory possible with the first of outdoor exposure.