Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Chapter 20

I sincerely, can’t understand this present situation. But, I also can’t refuse it. Moreover, how it happened and what’s happening, I am certainly able to say I’m a little puzzled.

I mean, with getting straight to the point, it can be said that I’m slightly distracted.

“K, Kijima-san, you ready for union…..”

She says, looking at me stark naked.

“Y, Yeah……”

And, I also nodded naked.

With me lying down on my back, extending over my thriving and excited p.e.n.i.s, Ogasawara Makoto drops her waist.

Bending her body, she places her left hand on her knee and turns her right under from her bottom. Her right hand fingers softly support the tip of my risen p.e.n.i.s. And then, the tip is allocated to her a.n.u.s.

She is indeed, now going to insert my p.e.n.i.s into her a.n.u.s. This means, we’re going to do a.n.a.l s.e.x.

Why has this happened? No, it was the plan from the start to train her as a personal meat toilet for s.e.xual gratification. Therefore, this existing state should be my desire point, too.

But, however, no matter how you look at it, isn’t it too sudden? Having finished the shopping mall training yesterday, and if I consider that her service ma.s.sage is finally entering an opening by today, would clearing a.n.a.l s.e.x and various other things be too sudden?

Ogasawara Makoto’s state from this morning was strange. But, with her head full of the service ma.s.sage, I thought it was caused by the fact she hardly got enough sleep.

In fact, there are shadows under her eyes.

Ogasawara Makoto said she struck an idea during cla.s.s, but at that time, when I came across her in the school building, it seems she had already intended to go into a.n.a.l s.e.x with me. No, I think she had already arrived at that conclusion as of yesterday.

Is this fine? Is it fine to steal her a.n.a.l virginity in such a way? No, I have a feeling it’s something different being taken away. If I see it from a third person point of view, isn’t it instead my side that’s having something taken?

Humph, ridiculous. What is it that’s being robbed of me? Besides, since I couldn’t find any reason to refuse her proposal, I only let her do as she likes this time. Not in the slightest way was I attacked.

“T, Then……we unite.”

“O, Ok……”

While her cheeks were dyed in a scarlet, Ogasawara Makoto stared at me with tense eyes. When I agreed to the question, her waist began to slowly sink.

One way or another, I tried to make an understanding and give myself a reason, but I still couldn’t grasp it. Did I make a very important mistake with anything, anywhere?


The morning of the next day I finished the shopping mall training, I prepared the items in my own room, humming.

“Kukuu, I will dumbfound her. I vividly can picture the b.i.t.c.h stunned, eyes opened wide.”

As I said that, I put my speedo in my bag. (1)

When she ma.s.sages me, I intend to daringly become naked in front of her. In other words, without covering up I’ll frankly change clothes for her.

Even I have shame. But, I won’t show it on my face.

Part of the thorough ma.s.sage is also to appeal that I don’t have any s.e.xual desires. And then, I’ll stagger Ogasawara Makoto by undressing, causing her to lose her calm judgement threefold.

But then, if my p.e.n.i.s erects, I’ll have no choice but to insist that it’s a physiology phenomenon. If it’s that fool, she should even believe in that envelope pushing explanation.

In addition, if I had to say, the p.e.n.i.s is better to be erected. And with that, I also won’t reveal a belch of shame, and expose everything confidently.

Naturally that would surprise her. But, I won’t even show an atom of unrest. If that happens, she’ll feel be bashful. And then, she’ll be thinking such things:

So far, I am feeling utterly embarra.s.sed. But, Kijima-san is different. I am really not just interested in the message from the bottom of my heart. I am a s.l.u.t.

Ogawara Makoto, who had reached at such a thought, will serve me with sincerity while looking down on herself.

“And then, I’ll also continue her training. I can’t forget to take the s.e.x toys.”

While my heart is throbbing, I stuffed the s.e.x toys in my bag.

She has begun her progress path as a meat toilet, but if I had to say, her form is still far from completion. Therefore, I’ll continue it at any time as she serves me, which brings her closer to her complete form.

With a bag filled with a speedo for the service ma.s.sage and s.e.x toys, I left my room triumphantly. I really didn’t expect that sort of thing in my wildest dreams.


Arrived at the high school, I went to the science room.

There wasn’t anyone inside, and I was informed by the silence that Ogasawara Makoto has yet to arrive.

I am worried that she might have studied ma.s.sages all night. And, had she overslept, it would be at her home.

I wait half an hour. The cell phone inside my uniform jacket vibrated.

It was an incoming email, and the sending owner was Ogasawara Makoto. And as expected, the according content said that she overslept.

To the email, I replied, ‘Since it isn’t necessary to be in a hurry, go to school slowly’ and left the science room.

If she got into a hurry accident, everything is ruined. Besides, I already a.s.sumed she gotten up late. I thought that such a possible was sufficient.

So, I decided to overlook this late rising.

I arrived at the cla.s.sroom and sat down on my seat. n.o.body is in the cla.s.sroom yet.

Because the science room training was called off, I didn’t know what to do with my time.

Since I couldn’t stand it, I decided to kill time by reading a book. By the way, it’s the original book work of Zombie Rion. I wasn’t able to watch most of the movie yesterday. Since the details in it had caught my eye, I intend to watch the movie after I read the original work.

Suddenly the next thing I knew, the cla.s.sroom was soon flooded with lively voices of students.

Crazily absorbed in reading the book, I didn’t seem to have noticed that time had pa.s.sed by.

I put the book away in the bag and prepared for cla.s.s. And then, I calmly waited for the start of homeroom.


The third cla.s.s period finished, and I left heading to the restroom. And when walking along a hallway, I discovered Ogasawara Makoto’s appearance in a somewhat remote point.

I promptly hide behind the locker shadow that contains cleaning utensils, and peeped at the situation.

“Mako-chan is also cute today, isn’t she? I mean, although it’s like she’s becoming prettier every day, is there some sort of secret procedure?”

“There isn’t. Since Makoto-chan’s foundation is excellent, she beams from putting up little effort. She is different from us.”

“Oh yes. Moreover, she’s calm, honest, gentle, and a thoughtful friend. It surely feels like she’s a flawless beauty, doesn’t it?”

Several schoolgirls circled around her, expressing forced smiles. That is an insincere smile. They aren’t smiling from the bottom of their hearts. I know that.

“But, what happened today? She’s more reserved than usual, and has shadows formed under her eyes? No way, did she already started to study extra hard for the examinations?”

“Ehh? The genius Makoto-chan, who even entered the ten digits in the school year? I don’t think she needs to overstrain herself so much.”

“Idiot! Her university aim is different from us. It is of course nationals, don’t you think? Amazing. Perhaps if I do my best, I might be able to go to the same university as Kijima-san. Wonderful!”

“Is Kijima-san of a j.a.panese beauty? Since once is fine, I’d like to be stared at by those long, slit eyes……” (2)

“That is super impossible for you. But, the fact that his manners are awfully nice, if you greet him he may answer.”

“I don’t have that courage to call out to him, now……”

“Ahh, I understand that……”

When Ogasawara Makoto, who reacted to the word Kijima, quickly opened her eyes and smiled. She looked at the school girls smiling in front.

Her face smiled as ever, but her eyes aren’t.

It appears it isn’t that different to the point when she was considered a mere toy, but I don’t feel she’s getting bullied.

Well, since her standard is docile in any place other than in front of me, she appears reticent. Moreover, since she appears adorable like an exquisite, produced doll, they would like to fondle her.

I want her to be reticent and quiet in front of me.

Shortly after several more girls join in where the conversation arises, it becomes livelier, and I couldn’t see Ogasawara Makoto in the center anymore.

Hearing that a commotion broke out, Tanaka forced her way in and settled the situation in an instant. As one would expect, the leader of the group is that person. She is skillful dealing with people.

If she’s there first of all, there wouldn’t be a problem. As I thought that, Ogasawara Makoto began to walk to the opposite bathroom


At after school, while having the bag I brought from the apartment, I went to the warehouse in high spirits. Additionally, I also ran somewhat faster and arrived at the warehouse earlier than usual.

What on earth kind of action will she go for? In any case, it must be enjoyable.

With opening the door and enter the warehouse, Ogasawara Makoto had already sat down on the sofa and was waiting. And when she noticed me, she stood up. Her expression tightened and stared at me with powerful eyes.

“Kijima-san, there is something I want you to take care of!”

Usually, her greeting are a energetically spring, “Thank you!”, but the very first thing she said opening her mouth, was to move the table in front of the sofa to the corner, and then move the cabinet to be put before the corner sofa.

I don’t know what’s intended, but hoping its good, I will take part in your plan.

I, who had moved the sofa, crossed my legs, took down my waist, and observed her behavior.

When she stared at me with cheeks dyed scarlet, she stood in front of the cabinet and bowed at me.

“Ahem, then, I think I’ll begin right away.”

She cleared her throat with a fist to her mouth, and lifted something from the floor I stooped myself. I saw something rather large, like a board wrapped in a cloth.

“Once upon a time, in a certain place, there was a Kijima-san named Kijima-san.”

With her narrative, the cloth which wrapped something like a board, gently fell down. Drawing paper appeared. The thing I thought was a board was drawing paper. In addition, strange things were drawn on it.

A flower? Or is it? Is it a carnivorous plant? It looks like those sorts of creepy plants that grow in in the ground. It is as though it’s h.e.l.l.

And, there is a purple whirlpool floating in the air. Is that perhaps the sun? Why is it purple?

Furthermore, there was something like a big green monster, along with gra.s.s bigger than the monster. And, an object similar to dead twigs stuck on a circle.

Perhaps, the dead twigs stuck onto a circle are a person. It is similar to a person a preschooler draws.

In other words, I discovered she must have catastrophic artistic taste.

“Kijima-san is Kijima-san very much so, and even if his cut through wherever, it was Kijima-san”

Ogasawara Makoto, who tells such a cryptic thing proudly, rolls up the drawing paper. Appeared was……well, it was as a unique picture very much to the first piece. (3)

“For such a Kijima-san, Ogasawara Makoto wanted to reply to his kindness.”

The drawing paper was rolled up again. And then, appeared an abstract drawing, which in a sense was artistic.

But that doesn’t matter, the pictures and words, I can’t find a particular common point.

“Ogasawara thought about it. She thought about it at night without sleeping, too. How can I heal Kijima-san fatigue……and.”

With the drawing paper rolled up even more, a h.e.l.lish picture was shown. The world seemed to be engulfed in flames, but what exactly was she trying to draw?

“Comparing the doc.u.ments borrowed from Kijima-san, she kept being troubled till dawn came. And then, she noticed she was lying on bed…….”

Looking discouraged, she rolled up the drawn paper.

Is it……a whale? Since water is being spouted like a fountain by the back, I thought it was a whale. But, the background looks like s.p.a.ce.

I don’t understand it at all, but if I examine it and view this b.i.t.c.h, it seems to be highly remarkable. It is an individual drawing that’s so abstract. Moreover, the color usage can’t be considered normal, but it’s awfully balanced.

“Due to a lack of sleep, she also slept during cla.s.s. And, since she wasn’t able to understand cla.s.s even if she got up midway, she drew a drawing and killed time……”

Her state was depressed even more. Ahh, the drawing is still unrelated with the narrative. The reason she drew was to merely kill time?

……This person, maintained top results at this school year. Is she a genius and a fool of a hair’s breadth, or is she closer to an idiot than a genius?

“And then, when the sixth school period was over, I had hit on an amazing thought! It is this!”

She rolled up the drawing paper. Appeared was something geometrical.

“Sorry, I don’t understand it at all. If possible, can you explain it orally?”

“Of course. I don’t even understand what this picture I drew is!” (4)


When I asked an explanation for this incomprehensible drawing, she released her hold from the drawing paper, puffed out her chest widely, and declared an absurd thing.

‘Even I don’t understand what I drew’, was my trouble trying to understand such a nonsense picture meaningless? Do I not seem like complete fool?

While making an irritated face, I glared at the idiot with scornful eyes.

‘Ehh, I mean……amen.”

Cheeks slightly dyed red, she closed her eyes with a fist placed against her mouth, and cleared her throat lightly. And then, when she opened her eyes and walked, she quietly sat down next to me.

Ogasawara Makoto, who sits down near in order to nestle close to me, looks at me in a twinkling side glance.

What I hoped and enthusiastically prepared for, died having triumphantly entered the warehouse.

“I, I have came up with a wonderful idea……”

“So what is this ‘wonderful idea’?”

Ogasawara Makoto stared at me with teary eyes, then directly extended her hand to mine. When I ask her again as I dodged the hand, Ogasawara Makoto, who looked to have gotten a little irritated, aimed both extended hands to mine.

“Oi, so what is the wonderful idea I heard!”

“Obediently let me grab your hand! There is also a limit to being a tsundere!”

She abruptly glared at me, but still sat clung to me. And, when she buried her face to my chest while complaining, she smelled it. .

What is this fellow saying! Also, I’m no tsundere! While a tsundere displays a hateful behavior, wouldn’t he actually be delighted with this b.i.t.c.h? I seriously loathe her.

When she wasn’t about to quit clinging onto me, I try to tear her off by force.

Then for a short while, we continued our fight on the sofa.

Whether she was finally satisfied after about twenty minutes had pa.s.sed, or she regained her state of mind, she poured hot water from a teapot… But for some reason, only one teacup was prepared. Even if I said nothing at the time, she’d also serve my share.

“Ogasawara, will you make my tea?”

I said so to Ogasawara Makoto, who stood in front of the pot. Due to fighting on the sofa, my throat is dry.

However, there isn’t a reply from her. On the contrary, she looked at me for an instant, and then invaded my face coldly.

What is this rebellious att.i.tude? Apparently, she has gotten

It seemed yesterday, I gave her a lot of whips at the shopping mall training. But afterwards, I carried her on my back and arrived on the way home. I didn’t have this in mind, but wouldn’t that situation became candy?

Or perhaps I should say what this situation is! For my expectations, I thought Ogasawara Makoto, who studied through the night, would have suggested she’ll like to immediately start the ma.s.sage as soon as I arrived at the warehouse.

Once around here, it’s good to whip with all my might and making her know something called her own position.


When I brace myself and turn my eyes while calling her name in a slight low tone, I heard something fell on the floor.

I see a white back. A back of Ogasawara Makoto, whose brewing tea with her back turned from me. She should be wearing her black uniform, but even so, her back is white.

When I lower my eyes, a uniform is dropped on the floor, which means, it’s the black sailor suit she wore.

Having no time to grasp what’s happened, something fell on the ground again.

A white bottom was turned back in sight. The black pleated skirt she wore till now was dropped onto the floor.

When I looked up once again, her displayed appearance was faced from me, naked.

Pardon? Why? Why naked? Why undress? Rather than if I gave the order, there wasn’t that sort of atmosphere in this situation.

To her sudden action of undressing and becoming naked, I couldn’t detect one connection.

This is bad: no matter how one puts it, due to this erratic action that went beyond breaking through, my thoughts didn’t circulate too well. Me, myself know the most, that this is my weakest point.

When I take my time working out a plan, and have prepared every numerous situation that will completely ruin the plan, my thoughts doesn’t catch up with the circ.u.mstance. In other words, the things I lack are called flexible thinking and adapting to the moment response.

That is why it’s necessary to use more than one plan, so I won’t be driven into a situation beyond what I expected, and be thoroughly prepared to the bitter end.

“In the doc.u.ments I borrowed from you, it had written that a man’s mind and body relaxes together when he So, I decided to make you e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e once before entering the ma.s.sage.”

Holding a teacup by the hand, she turned her face around, visibly burned red.

Wearing socks and shoes, she came over to my side naked, and then with her sitting on the sofa holding the teacup in hand, she blew on it. And then, she offered me the teacup.

“However, because you’re honest to a fault with the utmost seriousness, I directly though that you wouldn’t just allow such a ma.s.sage. I’m sure the training matter wouldn’t be flatly left alone.”

While hearing her words, I took the presented teacup.

Her face stares at me, burning red as ever. But, something like a doubtful light was lit in her eyes.

“Do you, have it? That, stick thing, you can impose practice on me……”

Her hand extended straight, and softly touched between my thighs.

“Even I know. You e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e here, yes? Furthermore, it’s a nicely, convenient stick shaped. That is……”

Tenderly stroking my crotch, it swells against my will.

“We should be united! That means, you e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. will relax both your mind and body, and in the process, this stick thing will be put in my bottom. Then, how is it! The b.u.t.tock ma.s.sage can be performed with the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n! How is this turn around, grand slam idea!”

Suddenly opened her burning, hot eyes, she lifted her opposite hand that rubbed my crotch, and made a clenched fist. And then, many times over, she nodded her head greatly.

Eh? What did this fellow say? I don’t follow the thing she said that well. ‘Union’, eh?

“I have never seen the real thing, but I have guaranteed knowledge taught by the sessions of physical education! As far as I’ve seen in the picture, didn’t it resemble the b.u.t.tock stick? Moreover, e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. is the liquid thing that gushes out, which I also learnt in health and physical education cla.s.s!”

“…..H, Heh, that’s right.”

To her insistence, I could only nod with my thoughts not smoothly circulating.

Not good, don’t abandon thinking. That is absolutely never a good thing. But, I’m still falling into an unforeseen situation, that’s something else entirely.

“Insert your stick in my b.u.t.tock, and actively do bowl training action! Moreover, yesterday has become hazy, but in the bottom, um, enema, removes wasteful intestinal products, and the practice improves beauty and health results! Put your stick in my b.u.t.tock, and when you e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e inside, don’t you think it can be performed at the same time!?”

“A, Ah, no, well……perhaps.”

To her unbroken insistence, I feel like I’m starting to get an understanding.

The thing she’s saying is something I was going to do sooner or later. So, I feel like there is no point refusing, but I’m not satisfied with that.

“And, if we simultaneously do this, I might produce breast milk!”

Saying so, she fetched a fake milking machine from the rear. Huh? Isn’t that my device? How did you get a hold of it? Did she really steal it again? Hm? No, wait, wait, I should have packed my bag with the fake milking machine this morning, in my room.

……did this fellow unexpectedly, bought it by mail order or something? While I didn’t know, did she own a fake milking machine?

“Also, I prepared in several of way. Thoroughly for the training! Since it’s an important matter, I will say it again.  I got ready for the training!”

Emphasizing the word training, she subsequently takes out tools, no, s.e.x toys from the back.

It is a pink rotor and a small cap-shaped thing. Moreover, there was a thing like a small suction.

Did this person, got addicted into masturbation more than I imagined? Receiving the training on the pretense of practice with a nonchalant look before me, is she saying that she spent all her time madly masturbating at home?

As one would expect, this is rather, no, considerably……a descend.

“Ahh, what are those disgusted eyes! I, I didn’t particularly bought them because it felt good! Followed your example, I developed possible practices that be shared in various ways!”

Just now, this fellow said she bought them. She did buy them after all.

Even though I imagined she saw through everything with my scornful eyes, she couldn’t hide her fret having made a desperate excuse.

Haha, why, no matter how much she glosses this over, it’s beyond late.

“It was never from feeling good!”

“……Then, it isn’t comfortable?”

“… is nice, but.”

When put in a retort to her, who vigorously raised her voice, she quickly averted her eyes and muttered in a low voice.

“I, Isn’t that unrelated now! P, Practice, practice! Let’s quickly begin the practice without nitpicking!”

“……O, Okay.”

Raised her voice exaggeratedly, and with the momentum of her clearly trying to make everything undefined, I was carelessly lured and nodded.

Is this fine? No, what she said agrees exactly with my purpose. Rather, because it was suggested by her, I should normally be pleased. This is none other than proof that the training is advancing smoothly.

But, the truth is, I’m not at all fully satisfied. While I’m ma.s.saged by her, I can impose training on her. So, I insert my p.e.n.i.s in her a.n.u.s, move it like an a.n.a.l stick to stimulate her bowls, and by e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. inside, the produced effects are similar to enema.

It is ideal training that I can’t place a complaint on. After all, it won’t derail from the ideal training conduct ma.s.sage, since I can accelerate making her a.n.u.s a v.a.g.i.n.a.

But, thinking about it generally, how did she arrive at such a conclusion? Although she should normally be led by my plan, her having thought up an ideal development by herself is discomforting.

The development is too convenient for me.

“Did I, say something strange?”

Putting her face directly to mine, she peered at my insecure face with hers flushed.

Something strange……yeah, everything is strange. There is nothing but uneasiness. But, since I can’t deviate from the practice, I cannot possibly say it’s strange.

It is the reason why I’m not satisfied. That is, the reason is because it feels as though I’m being completely psychologically derived by her.

Despite the development being convenient to me, it’s in a sense like I’m handled by her.

Is it beneficial? Should I even take it? There is no inconvenience. It is truly ideal. I also have no words to retort. Which is why, an alarm resounds in my brain.

“Kijima-san. I, I thought about it at my best, but is it no good?”

Tears collected in her eyes.

An alarm rings, but there isn’t a way to retreat. Because, if I refuse her suggestion, it also mean that I can’t insert my p.e.n.i.s inside at the near future. In which case, I can’t make her into a meat toilet.

“……No, I think it’s a wonderful suggestion.”

I had no choice but to answer so.

“T, Then that’s that, but there is one problem……”


She looked down shy, fidgeting as she intertwined the fingers of both hands in front of her chest.

After she had sat nude next to me, appealing, ‘I want you to insert your p.e.n.i.s in my a.n.u.s’ which would be an moment more than enough to be embarra.s.sed with,  what in the world is she feeling embarra.s.sed with now?

“U, Um…… my bottom hole, is dirty. This morning, even though I just cleaned it in the restroom……May I ask you to, check it?”

When said as such, she stood up, moved to the cabinet, opened its door and begun to hunt for something.

She had no problem finding the training tools kept in the cabinet, too. And then, she took out a slightly bigger test tube and pen light. They are the things always used in the science room to observe inside the a.n.u.s.

“O, Oi, lotion―”

“It is alright, it’ll enter even if I don’t use lotion, since I already finished the test―nuu”

Ogasawara Makoto, who bent forward with one hand on the cabinet, pushed out her b.u.t.tock towards me, and inserted the certain test tube that’s a milk bottle, inside her a.n.u.s.

She said she cleaned it, but she probably thoroughly played with it in the schoolhouse restroom. The a.n.u.s appears to be already loose.

“C, Check, please……”

Said while bawling breath, she moved right in front of me and handed the penlight. When I took the penlight, she turned her back from me, bent forward and pushed out her bottom.

The test tube was inserted in her a.n.u.s. Thus, the inside of her a.n.u.s laid bare by the test tube, was exposed in front of my eyes. When it’s this close, the inside is completely exposed to view even if I don’t irradiate it by the penlight.

“I, In the morning, I put in enema before leaving my house, and I took it out after I arrived at school. Then, I put in enema before the third cla.s.s period, took a cla.s.s with it in, and took it out at lunch break. And then, I put in enema on the spot, and before coming here, I took it out……”

To the content of her words told slightly stuttering, I wasn’t able to say anything back.

Although I didn’t order anything, was she voluntarily in agony with discharging on top of injecting it? Moreover, three times.

While tasting such pain in the movie theater, did she do the same thing by herself, on the next day?

“W, What? I, Is it dirty after all?”

A low, uneasy voice reaches my ear. In her vivid pink a.n.u.s, the depths revealed by the inserted test tube were truly beautiful.

“I, If it’s dirtily unusable, couldn’t it be subst.i.tuted this way?”

Filled with uneasiness by speechless me, both her hands turned from the b.u.t.tock and underneath the test tube within her a.n.u.s: in other words, a finger attached to right and left of her v.a.g.i.n.a, opened to its limit.

With her v.a.g.i.n.a opened, secretions endlessly dripped from the small hole.

She is advising I use her v.a.g.i.n.a as a subst.i.tute for her a.n.u.s. It is as though, she doesn’t even value herself one bit.

She already looks like a meat toilet.

“A, Ah…….no, I’ll use the practice performed so far.”

“I, It isn’t dirty?”

“I, It is fine. If it’s this clean, there would be no problems.”

Whether she is a virgin or a non-virgin, I don’t know and won’t check. But, she’s probably a virgin.

Of a virgin her, I intended for her to take use of the doc.u.ments. Under the claim as practice, she should use the taken means

With her appealing she wanted me to use her v.a.g.i.n.a as a subst.i.tute, because her a.n.u.s was dirty, my thinking is on the brink of collapsing.

This person, made a remark that went even further than the depiction of a meat toilet I had. Moreover, the difference is obvious with my command and her going it on herself.

Is Ogasawara Makoto saying that she is aware of that mean? Otherwise, such a remark wouldn’t have been b.u.t.ted in.

As my pride of a person, I cannot allow such a statement.

“I, It is fine. I have no problem either way, but I guess it isn’t the ma.s.sage when the a.n.u.s isn’t used.”

Ogasawara Makoto got up, pulled the test tube from her a.n.u.s, and laughed having watched me in relief in spite of breathing heavily.

I am aware that I’m broken to some extent. However, I’m also aware with saying that matter, I’m not truly broken when I can be self-conscious.

But, how about this person? Does she know herself how much she says is eccentric? Is she really convinced that is this a practice ma.s.sage, that she will then offer her virginity calmly? Or, is she so broken in comparison with me?

Swallowed my saliva, I desperately controlled the fear that welled up.

“T, Then, shall we begin?”

Said to me with a bashful, smiling face, she held out her right hand towards me.

“B, Before that, go to the bed. I, I am, ready………”

Evaded from her eyes, I caught her right hand wrist with my left, and uttered those words.

Looked at that sort of me, she lowered the ends of her eyebrows, appeared to be slightly sad, and began to walk towards the bed with a nod.

I wasn’t able to take her held our hand. My hand was trembling. I simply didn’t want her to know.


Now. I have no choice but to be serious now.

Having taken off my uniform and became stark-naked, I went towards Ogasawara Makoto, who waited as she sat on the bed, gripping her knees.

By me having finally came onto the bed, her despondent face about glistened with a smile upon it.

Don’t be overwhelmed. Don’t be scared. Don’t be afraid. If she’s broken, that’s also convenient for this. This beyond convenient development is necessary, too. It is needless to worry about the uneasiness.

“Begin. I won’t interfere. Show me what you had learned.”

Saying as such, I went up on the bed and just laid on my back.

“Y, Yes. I’ll do my best.”

Ogasawara Makoto, who answered along with my query, approached me lied down on all fours. And then, she raised her knee just beside me.

I, Is it fine…….that I also take the top?”

“Ah, you don’t need to make a confirmation with every detail. Do as you like.”

Her eyes swimming to my answer, she sat on me by a state that’s timidly. Her breathing was abnormally fast for nervousness. And, as for her whole body, it was dyed with a faint, pale pink like a full bloom cherry tree.

“C, Can I also, touch it?”

She got on my abdomen, and asked while staring at me with acc.u.mulated tears. She asks whether she can touch my p.e.n.i.s.

“I said it isn’t a problem doing as you like. Do as you want to do.”

When I reply as such, she rung her throat, turned her right hand to the back, and softly touched the tip of my p.e.n.i.s.

“S, Smooth. A, And, it’s squishy despite being stiff……”

With the fingertips’ touch, my p.e.n.i.s reacts with a twitch on its own. Having felt that, she widely opened her eyes, surprised, and then slipped out a laugh.

“It looks sort of like a separate creature.”

Having said that, she slowly raised her waist as she watched her right hand to my p.e.n.i.s, and stopped her posture once she was in a slouch. And then, while adjusting the p.e.n.i.s’ location by the attached hand, she squatted from there to drop her waist, and covered the tip with the a.n.u.s.

“K, Kijima-san, you prepared for union……”

“Y, yes……”

She started at me tensely as her cheeks were dyed a cinnabar red. When I approved her question, her waist swallowed my p.e.n.i.s.



When her waist shakes, my waist selfishly pops, too.

The feel of meat tightened my p.e.n.i.s as it undulates. It is very hot, and despite being tight, the slippery, slimy hole swallows my p.e.n.i.s easily.

It was a touch that’s way beyond imagination and pleasure.