Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Chapter 24


Ogasawara Makoto, who was squatted down on the floor, placed both hands down and sat like a dog. And then, while looking up at me with a full smiling face, she barked again like a dog.

By the way, I didn’t give the order. On her own choice, this fellow is simply imitating a dog. Moreover, she seems to be really enjoying it.



Holding my hand in front of her, I gave the wait order. Then, Ogasawara Makoto, who lowered the ends of her eyebrows, raises a sad cry and stares at me with wet eyes.

After e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. in her a.n.u.s within the science room, her atmosphere has clearly changed. But, although I said that, she didn’t become a dog. This act started this morning since she had suddenly intruded in my room, and she was properly walking on both legs till yesterday,

With putting on a dog imitation, she has strangely become cheerful. But in spite of that, looks awfully composed. Or perhaps I should say she like her unreasonableness before, or perhaps overbearing, has subsided.

But, to have intruded in my rooms this way on a holiday, it is plenty overbearing.

“Listen, you may stay here. You may spend it how you like. You may take anything you want. So, don’t follow me. I have important business today.”

After I threw a grand sigh, I spoke to her, who’s squatted down on the floor looking up on me.


The end of her eyebrows drooped to don’t follow, she raised a sad cry.

Sigh, I only gave a sigh. It is fine if I ordered her to imitate a dog, but she let herself in and imitated a dog without permission; how am I to deal with this?

“Do you want to follow me that much?”

“Woof woof!”

“It is no good today.”


Refused by me, dog Ogasawara was despondent. I give up: even if I leave this fellow here and go out of the room now, she’ll surely follow.

Do I tie her up with rope? No, if she moves it’ll come off. It will be awful if I do a bad job.

That being the case, how about I tie and fasten on a collar? That is also no good. If she cuts through the collar, it’s worthless.

With that in hand, I have no choice other than to stay here by her will. Do I give her bait to leave? Feeding is the most effective way to make dogs obey.

Squatted down in place, I touched her cheek when I extended my right hand.

“Mmmm, mmmmm”

Rose a sadden cry, she smiles with my palm on her cheek. It doesn’t matter, but either this fellow is obsessed to the details with unexpected animal imitations, or she’s a high ranked weirdo.

“Is there something you want? Special? But, stay home properly.”

While tracing her cheeks with my thumb rubbing, I lightly comb up her black hair and touched her hidden ear by the fingers.

Ogasawara Makoto, whose cheeks dyed pink by my touch, leaned straightforward and buried her face to my chest. And then, she sniffs.

Letting her just do as she likes for a bit, she slowly begun to drop her face from my chest.

Her face arrives at my stomach, and not able to lower her face more with her squatted down posture, she got down on all fours, places her face between my crotch , and kissed it.

Even though I especially baited her, is this what she wants? Well, its fine, but.

It isn’t only her atmosphere that changed. After e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. in her a.n.u.s in the science room, she doesn’t show a frightened behavior. The f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o that also didn’t go so well began to rapidly improve.

Taking down my pants zipper while squatted, she took out my about to erected p.e.n.i.s. Then, with increasing antic.i.p.ation, she kissed the tip of my p.e.n.i.s. Only with a soft, wet touch my p.e.n.i.s suddenly rose.

Her face buried between my thighs, she lifts her eyes to the risen and flourishing c.o.c.k, and then sticks to the tip. And, when she makes kissing sounds, she separated her lips and puts out her tongue.

“Kuu, very good.”

The touch and pleasure of her raw body entwines around my c.o.c.k. When I utter a cry in pleasure, she looks up with upturned eyes that seem happy, and twists her tongue more.

If it’s practicing f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, it’s safe to let them do as she likes without making a move, but this time it isn’t training, it is feeding. Moreover, she silently doesn’t wish for indulging in her mouth, she would get me to stick my risen c.o.c.k into her a.n.u.s.

The a.n.u.s of hers is really good. As a result I desire, too, but I better first satisfy her to some extent.

As she’s crawls her tongue on my c.o.c.k, Ogasawara Makoto is wearing a black knitted dress. Incidentally, these are the clothes I gave. This is the weekend uniform.

When I rolled the knit dress, she twitched in reaction, and lowered her face shyly when looked up at me for an instant.

Naturally she’s naked in the dress.  So when I roll her dress, the one thing that’s hiding her is gone.

Her naked body becomes bare as I roll the dress.

Her bottom is a well-shaped circle. A narrow waist. A white back. And then, with the pull of gravity as a result of getting down on all fours, the b.r.e.a.s.t.s shake to her movements.

With her clothes that separate into top and bottom, such as the uniforms she always wears on her body, her skirt would cover her body even if I rolled the jacket and exposes her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. But, the dress loses its hidden value if rolled up. Very embarra.s.sed of it, she twists her body.

But, her movements look like she’s wagging her b.u.t.tock, which defiantly appears like a b.i.t.c.h seized with l.u.s.t.

Stoop myself somewhat and stretch out both hands to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, I pinch her nipples firmly by the tips of my fingers. And then, I twisted the teats slightly harder.


Shaking her waist, she swallowed the tip of the c.o.c.k in her mouth  with a signal.

With a sudden sensation of a meat sensation, my body unconsciously trembles.

Her mouth starts to heat up, but the best pleasure is with the chilly sensation of the moment she hooks onto me.

The little sweet sounds of water went throughout the room. Although she improved, she is still developing. But, thank G.o.d she doesn’t bruise me anymore with her teeth.

According to my order, she doesn’t swallow it forcibly; she inserted the tip of my c.o.c.k lightly, waves her neck, and skillfully wiggles the tongue in her mouth. Most of her improved skill is tongue usage. It is really comfortable.

Paying attention not to strike her teeth when swallowing, she intertwines the tongue while sticking to it as she pulls it out.

Away from the tongue movement, the pleasure to climax isn’t obtained from the little awkward neck movement. But, with my c.o.c.k erected to the limit, the wetting with saliva does its role for doing the action sufficiently.

“Ogasawara, that is now alright. Turn your b.u.t.t to me with being on all fours.”

Said that to her as my fingers played with her nipples, Ogasawara Makoto spits out my c.o.c.k from her mouth, and turned her b.u.t.tock hastily to me then and there.

Her well-shaped circle white bottom was exposed in front of me. With her a.n.u.s seen wiggling between two hills, genital secretions overflew from her b.u.t.tock that repeats to twitch over and over again. The c.l.i.toris is seen below, peeking its face subtly out of the pushed out skin.

“Are you listening? Stay home obediently. Food is in the refrigerator, and you may also use the bath to her like. The tools are in the closet. Use the articles and things you like freely.”

When I speak slapping her b.u.t.tock, she casts a brief side glance of the back to me, and turned to the front silently.


And then, answered quietly.

Even though this fellow seems discourages, she’s strangely rebellious here, but there is no need to scarcely burst if I wanted an answerer to my order. If she’s broken, she’ll never answer.


e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed twice in her a.n.u.s, I left the room when I wrapped her, who’s convulsing and about to faint, in a blanket.

The previous day of the shopping mall training, in other words after I began to be taken with her surprise attack, I did a large redecoration of my room. However, even though I say that it’s hardly anything, and the look isn’t very strange.

The place I hide the collected material doc.u.ments and information has changed. Essentially, I hide all the bad things from being found by her.

Thanks to that, having to check the materials by taking them out on by one in extremely troublesome, but since I don’t know when she’ll intrude, there is not helping it.

As for the information also saved in a PC, there is no problem, since it needs a pa.s.sword to read

Well, the PC is a treasure house of information, but I don’t have to worry that much. After all, this fellow is hopeless with machines.


I’m substantially past the appointed time because of Ogasawara Makoto. I’m not bother about leaving with training her, but I don’t feel nice about being late for an appointment I personally promised. Also rather than that, I’d hate that the plan I made by myself collapses.

The promised time is 10:a.m. It has already past 11:00 when I check my watch.

As expected, I shouldn’t have made two blows.

The waiting place is the next stations before the department store on the arcade street. The department store is famous to some degree, and there are also no similar department stores in the neighborhood. Additionally, it’s easy to know since it’s next to the station. So, I thought I didn’t have to worry being lost.

I enter the arcade with a trot, and go to the destination while dodging the crowd that increased quickly.

Lowered my speed as the department store’s signboard was seen in front, I moved to the corner of a brick pa.s.sage. And then, I put on a hat that I bought on with advancing slowly.

First, let’s wait and see. I’ll sight Satonaka at a distance, and come closer after watching the events.

Because I also think she’ll pour abuses and boos when she suddenly sees me, I won’t touch the front of the store by its atmosphere, and intended to move somewhere without people as I derive that by email.

Although it was the reason I contacted her, I will honestly say I think I’ll be a little disappointed if her tone, atmosphere, and her being  obedient to me as before. 

It will be a letdown, but the purpose is to use her as a trump card for intelligence. It doesn’t hurt if she’s submissive, but I wanted to see her eyes that flare at me ruefully.

While hiding myself in the crowded shop line, I approached the entrance of the department store slowly. Then feeling an uneasiness, I stopped and observe the environment.

The crowd comes and goes. While pa.s.sing through, I fleet among the young men. There is a group of middle scholars in uniforms, and a similar group of high school students. There is also a young man who put on plain clothes middle age man of a suited appearance, and all those people before were glancing at a point.

Ahead of the men’s view, is just around the entrance of the department store. Numerous of people stood from the place often used for waiting. One person jumps into my view.

The girl whose chestnut hair is done up behind. Light auburn eyes were as striking like her hair. She was rather short, but the balance was overall very good.

With a dark blue P coat, she has a red, green, and blue tartan skirt that stick out from the hem of her coat. It seems to be a uniform, but there isn’t a high school with that uniform here. No, I know that uniform. Of the high school I should’ve attended, it was the uniform for the distinguished preparatory school for higher educated: Private Integrity Mausoleum High School.

“Oi, Oi, it’s a lie…….”

Swallowed my saliva, I was confused with not being able to understand the situation.

That chestnut hair. Auburn eyes. It is no doubt Satonaka. But……

“Why is she a beautiful girl that’s equal to Ogasawara Makoto……”

No, she was surely somewhat one. But, she was overall kid-like, or rather, she was compact. In any case, she was plain.

However, the current her isn’t showy, too. She is a common high school student who is anywhere and everywhere, which is she’s rather plain.  Plain as before. But, the plainness was firing a pure atmosphere.

“Is there a reason for purity? I should know it the most…….”

She is too, too different from the Satonaka in my memory. But, when I’m ask how much she changed, her height grew and her chest became bigger, and she also become a little like an adult. There is only that much of a difference.

I fail to pile beautiful with her memory, but to say inconsistently is totally different.

“Look…yeah, her looks is different. She, her expression……”

All the men are looking at her equally, but n.o.body tries to approach. Her eyes and atmosphere.

Her eyes were gloomy and had a lose of light. However, I feel a strange force of her auburn eyes, and emitting something like that from a small body, creates a mood that’s hard to get close to.

In short, there isn’t a breach.



Suddenly called out from behind. I almost reflexively screamed. I just barely didn’t jump. (1)

When I looked back, there was a black polo shirt and a green hat. And, the young woman wearing a green ap.r.o.n, showed a troubled face.

“Who are you waiting for?”

The young woman asks gently. When I look around, I was hiding myself in the corner of an open garden coffee shop’s shrubbery.

Basically, I didn’t see Satonaka, but I was completely exposed to view for the visitors having coffee there; in other words, I was a plain suspicious individual.

The young lady standing in front, the salesclerk of the cafe, asked, “Who are you waiting for?” and without treating my as a creep with that questioning, was gently warning me.

The young woman stood in the front.

“I, I’m sorry, I will come to have coffee later.”

When I said that, I lowered my head and the salesclerk, who laughed with a smile, lowered her head.

“Thank you very much. Well then, I’ll be waiting.”

And put up her face, the salesclerk floated a business smile that glittered saying so.

I guess, I’ll have to buy coffee as takeout on the way back.

“Just a minute, just a minute.”

When I lowered my head to the salesclerk again, and began to walk, I heard a voice from the back, and then a chill ran up my back with a found touch.

Subsequently, I felt a metallic something on my wrist. When I narrowed my eyes, handcuffs were on my left wrist.

A chain extended from the cuffs to a slender wrist, and the handcuffs were also placed on it.

When I turned back timidly, a girl’s smile showed.

Chestnut hair and auburn eyes. And, the navy blue P coat with a rather low height.

Satonaka Akira approached behind me before I knew it.

“Y, Yo……”

Quickly raised my right hand and floating a fake smile, I pulled my left hand in the gap. But, the mental only made a clank and showed no sign of the cuffs coming off.


Lightly imitating me, she raised her left hand.

Absurd, this is impossible. For her to commit such a barbaric act. No, I understand her behavior if she resents me, but to put on handcuffs in public.

“Ah, ma’am~. Don’t be surprised with making such a blue face. This, are just toy handcuffs.”

While she laughed saying that, she puts up her right hand. According to her hand movement, my left hand makes a clank and also was forcibly lifted.

The salesclerk was stunned for a short while as she saw us. She would be. Anyone would be surprised when having witnessed handcuffs being placed on in broad daylight.

“This person is my boyfriend, and is a free spirit that hates being restrained~. He goes somewhere aimless if I don’t catch him. So, this was to capture him. “

Still smiling when she laughed, she calmly explained it to the salesclerk To the look that seemed to be composed, the dumbfounded clerk had begun to regain her mind state.

By the way, the handcuffs being a toy? Judging from the metallic feel of the material and weight, it’s clearly genuine.

“Ah, also, since I’m having coffee, a caramel Mocha for me. An American for this slender man, too. Thank you for you service~”

Her manner was quite brightly rash. Or rather, she seems like a dumb high scholar. The salesclerk who was overwhelmed with her light atmosphere, lowered her head, smiled with a heave sigh of relevant relief, and walked towards the shop.

Her manner. I realized this is a performance. But, it’s fundamentally different from her.

An alarm bell resounded in my brain. Resentment, anger, peevish, and bitterness: if those negative feelings were swirling, I understand the story. But, I feel neither that atmosphere nor sign or even a particle from all over her.

“At last, we finally met. Good grief, come on, don’t say nothing……”

A sweet smell gently through my nose. Next, a soft touch appeared.

When I lowered my eyes, she was clung to me.

“If you say wait, I’d wait forever even if we could never meet. But in the end, I waited even when you said nothing. However, may I say something? Why are you also such a tsundere……”

To the voice of her that reached my ears, a terrible chill ran up my back.

I didn’t understand it well, but I better escape from here. I better absolutely do so. My intuition is telling me that.

“W, which reminds me…….I had some important business……”

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll go together later. First let’s have coffee, okay? Master?”

I tried to get away, but since I was connected with the handcuffs, I couldn’t. But, my ‘run away’ instinct was crying out. Pulled by her, the brilliant smile wasn’t shown as before.

“It is impossible to run away. Kijima-san, would you never hurt a woman’s body? So, I placed handcuffs. This way, I’m hurt when it’s forcibly pulled. You can’t pull it, right? It would troublesome, wouldn’t it? Okay, have a coffee break with me obediently.”

Ensnared with what she said, she begun to walk briskly, and I followed, too.

She made her body as a material of threat. It is certainly an effective one to me. I think it’s outrageous to damage a female’s body.

If she originally had a wound, it’s fine. But, me hurting her is inexcusable. For the appearance of a girl, whom I thought was beautiful when I met her, it’s irresistibly fun to subject them into falling licentiously. It is impossible to satisfy my craving for domination with injuring.

Using such a threat idea for me. It is unbelievable that she’ll use such a plan.

“What on earth were you doing these two years?”

Walking while being pulled by Satonaka, I ask to her behind.

She stopped to my question, and then I saw her turned back to my with entire face imprinted with a child-like smile.

“I was just obeying your orders. ‘Have more shame. Resist if it’s unpleasant. Don’t lose sight of yourself. Don’t be washed away into the matter. What do you, who fell into a meat toilet, fear?’ “

A memory revives to her words.

I definitely said what she said in memory, but she has changed too much.


We sat down in a round table installed in the open garden, but because we were connected with handcuffs, we couldn’t sit in front of one another.

And then with that, she drank coffee in high spirits.

“Hey, Satonaka, you don’t have a grudge against me?”

“Pthuuu!? Cough, cough―h, huh!? Why would I have a grudge against you!?”

Spitted out her coffee vigorously, she glared at me while coughing.

Did she finally glare at me? This situation is completely different, however, the decided expectation she’ll glare at me reproachfully was proved accurate for now.

Placed a hand in my pocket, I drew a handkerchief and wiped it around her mouth. (2)

“It is good that you have become more confident, but don’t spit out coffee in front of public. If your character is poor, wouldn’t my created one be doubted?”

Smiled at my question, she lets me whip her mouth obediently.

It is important that she change. With the point where a woman’s character was disordered from the start, a corrupt heart and degenerate charm aren’t born there. Neat pretty manners are the usual, precisely because a pure and innocent woman writhing indecently makes a man stir with l.u.s.t.

“Hey, Kijima-san, let’s go to a place that can be just the two of us. Either a park or a deserted house. Although even here is fine now, I have no confidence to keep my voice in check…….”

She clung to me directly. Pressing her face down, I push her back.

Why is this person is in heat as soon as we meet? Ah, it is because I made her that way, which reminds me.

“Augh, y, you know, I wasn’t expecting it this time, so I’m particularly good, but……”

Pushed her back from grabbing her face, I heave a small sigh as of when objecting by those words.

It appears her memories as a meat toilet somehow remained. But, to ask on her own, it’s an aggressive action that isn’t like her.

“I, I am now student council president at Integrity Mausoleum~.”

“Pthuu!? Cough, cough―w, whatttt!?”

The moment when I was going to drink my coffee as I left her alone, I unintentionally spit out my coffee to her words.

“Well then master, your character is with one of  your meat toilet’s poor one, isn’t that right?”

“S, Shut up! It is because you suddenly said something outrageous!”

When I shouted at her while choking, Satonaka puts her hand in the P coat pocket, took out a handkerchief and wiped my lips. (3)

I brushed off her hand and scowled.

Student Council president of Integrity Mausoleum? Impossible. There are strict rules with running for that school’s president.

No, there are no official regulations: anyone can run. But, there are tacit rules.

Recommendations aren’t admitted. Only a person who has the intention of running for president by themselves has the right.

Only a person who maintains grades within the fifth place of the school year has the right to run.

Only the people who cleared these two rules can admit candidacy.

To give a personal introduction without being recommended isn’t a problem. Maintaining grades within fifth place of the school year, is one.

Since Satonaka got over the entrance examination for Integrity Mausoleum, it’s a matter of course that her grades are somewhat good. But, she must have worked quite hard to have taken the examination.

However, before I knew it, did she possible knock it out of the park with reaching the point of having her name entered in the top five people in the school?

If I was also let, I might have been able to enter. But, when it comes to maintaining fifth place of the grade, I honestly have no confidence.

In other words, she has surpa.s.sed me.

“I know what you’re thinking. I didn’t run and also maintained a fifth rank.”


Didn’t run and also maintained a fifth rank? What sort of thing is this?

“There is a rare tradition. There is a treasured child of the legendary Kijimas’, and I, who received a somewhat favorable treatment.”

“Legendary? Treasured child?”

“Yes, yes.”

I don’t understand what this is. Is it random words from her mouth? Wanting to surprise me, did she simply tell a lie?

Integrity Mausoleum isn’t so superficial. Traditions are also not changed by a bit. In respect for its tradition and formality, student council president precisely the school’s face. I had said that the people who are of the top five have the right to run, but Chairman is after all elected.

But, in order to receive several ways of favorable treatment to just be able to run for president, it’s a custom that the person struggling towards a prestigious university gets the qualification.

After all, with just having gotten the qualification to run for it, it’ll become a big weapon when taking a university examination.

“Somewhere, there was a girl of a fatherless.”


I casted my eyes in suspicion to Satonaka, who suddenly began to narrate, but she closed her eyes without caring, and stuck out her chest proudly.

“The mother worked franticly, and had collapsed from overworking. So not able to even pay for lunch costs, the girl became a target of bullying.”

“Oi, what is this you……”

I have no replies to her story. The girl of the fatherless family is you.

“Then, an ill-natured boy suddenly appeared. ‘I’ll pay your lunch expenses, because I want to make you a meat toilet’. He was really an absurd boy.”


Stop, please stop. Even if she called me absurd, I have no words to return. I was a kid, too. Please don’t dig up black history. (4)

Eyeing my chances on her, she certainly was the target of bullying. Not able to even pay her lunch expenses, the poor girl wore clothes that had holes. I thought that I might be able to train that fellow easily.

“The girl decided to follow. ‘I better to listen to this boy’, she more or less thought. And then when she noticed, the girl walked through an higher path that lead to a stage of full blossom.”

“…..’higher path that lead to the stage of full blossoms’, did you enjoyed the training that much? You certainly were obedient from the beginning.”

Those days, she seemed to have dead fish eyes. I wasn’t able to judge whether she was happy, but was it that fun?

“Are you an idiot? I was afraid at the start.”

“……that is a relief to hear.”

She glared at me with a side glance.

“ ‘I will complete a meat toilet only with my hands~!’ A certain somebody started to work a part-time job at the same time of having gone to middle school, didn’t they? In favor of paying my school expenses.”

“Y, Yes, I didn’t want to depend on my parents.”

Her mother collapsed, and because the hospital charges increased, she wasn’t able to even pay her school costs of middle school. In which case, I couldn’t do the training smoothly, so started a part-time job.

I never wanted to depend on my parents, and if that was the case, I had no choice but to do whatever myself.

No more: I even got carried away with having gotten a meat toilet. I was young in those days…

“You paid my school expenses diligently by making money with a lot of effort. You even made me student president. When I noticed, the guys who bullied me felt afraid.”

“No, it was so I could make you m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e in the entire student body meeting―”

“I’ll feel so good that I’d lose spirit.”

“…….Right, that’s fine.”

This fellow is unless. Shame, it was so you’ll be able to possess shame.

“Oh, I also had become steadily cute? Although they bullied me in the days of grade school, didn’t somebody a.s.siduously place a trap to smash them?”

“Yeah, because the other party were middle school students, they were all stupid and easy to smash.”

The men who followed her in middle school definitely increased. They may have left her alone, but there was a b.a.s.t.a.r.d who tried to manipulate her with somewhat forceful ways. While I worked a part-time job up to the training.

Something bad was attached after having smashed them.

“Hmm, who was hospitalized with having the tabled turn on them?”

“Shut up, I was also stupid……”

Come on, even if the other party was a middle schooler, I was one. Besides, the other guy basically formed a gang. The end game of my plan was naive, and I was returned a fitting subjugation.

……Yes, I remember my embarra.s.sment. I am able to now destroy without leaving any evidence.

“You may not know it, but there is a famous rumor that you have my back. You’ll start a fight and crush them for me. Moreover, it’s a rag to riches legend of a poor, fatherless family girl that was promoted poplar student council president.”

“……When did you know of that rumor?”

“Hmm, was it around the first summer?”


That sort of rumor was going around. If so, I can also agree that she was awfully obedient.

“With that, I am the student council president now. Furthermore, I have the cream of the croup approval rating for the spot among successive captains. Also, since I’m a transcendence beautiful girl, I also get confessed immensely everyday~.”

“…..You have quite a nice personality.”

“Is that sarcasm?”

“It would seem.”

A transcended beautiful girl of myself and whatnot. She certainly has accomplished growth to a beautiful girl that you rarely met. But, if she says so herself, she’s spoiled.

“Ehehe, then that’s fine.”

“What is it?”

“Hmm, I wanted to make you irritated.”

‘Wanted to make you irritated’. You have greatly succeeded at this point. I can’t help it when I’m talking with her.

“After all, I thought in several ways for these two years. Concerning the cause why you placed a label of failure to me. Since surely, you didn’t amuse yourself in those days, yeah?”

Slipped out a laugh, she had a bewitching smile on her whole face.

“Irritated you is interested in ma.s.saging, right? ‘Since this fellow irritated me. I want to make her yield.’ How is it? Am I now attractive? Do you have confidence to make me yield?”

Hearing her words, Ogasawara Makoto came into my head.

She’s strangely rebels while pretending docile, and yet her thoughts aren’t readable. Even though I keep being irritated with Ogasawara, I stick to her.

“ ‘With looking at her face, it may be as she’s saying’, are you thinking that? Hey? Is it true? Oh no, I read your thoughts somewhat. The legendary schemer is ruined with this, too.”

With a bewitching, flirtatious glance that’s disproportionate to her baby face, she sticks out her red between her wet pale pink lips.

She is trying to get me angry. The reason to get me angry is to start a fight.

Amusing. She really ended up accomplishing an amusing change. She seems to have grown up somewhat in these two years.

“……Are you picking a fight?”

I glared at Satonaka while bearing a laugh.

“Picking, picking. If I sing it, will you get mad? But, I know if it’s you, it will be a different with yielding me, isn’t that right?

With her composed expression that slipped out a laugh, she unfastens one b.u.t.ton of the P coat she wore while turning aggressive eyes to me.


Followed with me saying so, I stood up and she did, too.

“The important matter I called you for is postponed. I’ll make your confident face distort.”

“Hooray! I was given up on, but I have driven you!”

She jumped and still clung to my arm.

If it was her from the past, I would only convey my business and leave this place. But, the current her is different. I can’t imagine her appearance yield even if I torment her how much.

“Can you be used immediately?”

“If you’re the other party, it’s always common sense to clean the bottom.”

“Good answer. I currently don’t hate you.”

When I said that and began to walk, Satonaka clung to my arm, trembling. And then, she raised her breath while her cheeks were dyed red hot.

“What happened?”

“Y, You, you did something a little unexpected……”

Rubbing her thighs together, she looked up at me with wet eyes.

“I don’t think I ever heard you even say I like you a lot from you. You had said it slightly…….kya!”

“Huh? I said I like  you al ot? You idiot.”

She laughed embarra.s.sedly to my words, and said,”I mastered the tsundere language” which I don’t understand.

Who is the tsundere? Are your eyes bad?