Bishoujo wo Jouzu ni Nikubenki ni Suru Houhou

Chapter 29

With her cheeks dyed red as if they were on fire, Satonaka glared at me with hate-filled eyes full of anger and resentment.

Receiving her eyes directly without running or hiding, I sat on a chair with my feet crossed, placed my elbows on the desk while resting my jaw on my hands, and patiently watched the lewd revelry unfold before my eyes while smirking.

“A, Amazing! Even though it’s so tight, with this sliminess I can move in and out easily!”

Satonaka was naked and on all fours upon the table. Ogasawara Makoto, who was kneeling on her knees in front of her b.u.t.tocks, raised her voice in surprise while pulling and pushing the very thick test tube inside her a.n.u.s.

“Ahh, uu, M, Makoto-chann, th, that is so intenseee―don’t do thatt”

Satonaka, whose face reddened even more with the act, shook her neck while begging with her watery eyes.

“When I unplug and plug the test tube, the inside is stirring!”

Having ignored her plea, Ogasawara Makoto stuck the extra thick test tube to the base of her a.n.u.s, and when she looked into the test tube with shining eyes, she raised her voice in further admiration.

Even though I had told her not to hold back, she really didn’t. Ogasawara Makoto, you did a good job. As expected, it’s dangerous to take this fellow lightly.

“Ogasawara, Satonaka has gained a considerable amount of experience as my a.s.sistant. This person is equal to a veteran for you. Now listen, don’t hesitate. For you be reserved with an experience veteran, it isn’t recognized as respect, but as an insult.”

Stiffening my expression, I declared that to her.

“Y, Yes!”

When she heard my words, she answered with an earnest and lively expression, and then began to pull the very thick test tube inserted into her a.n.u.s in and out again.

“Ahh, e, even when I said don’ttt, kuunn, you do it so intenselyy―ahiii”

Satonaka’s bottom twitched intensely every time the test tube was put in, and then as her whole body dyed red, she began to spout a great deal of sweat.

If she yielded herself to the given pleasure, she’d climaxed. But does she hate being forced to climax by the junior? Instead, she was clenching her teeth, enduring while intensely shaking her head.

“A-amazing! If it were so deep inside me, I would already be so nervous! Satonaka-senpai is indeed amazing! I-I am a― chick! Tweet tweet!”

Having stopped pulling the test tube in and out, Ogasawara Makoto spoke to the seemingly tense Satonaka whose sweat rolled down her cheek, and then Ogasawara  stood up and began moving both her hands like a chick flapping.

It seemed like she was making a fool out of Satonaka no matter how you looked at it, but her expression itself was genuine.

“Huh!? Is it that even a chick can become a chicken if it works hard and trains, and when it lays an egg, another chick will be produced! And then redoing the training again from the beginning, senpai!?”

Ogasawara Makoto, who stopped flapping her hands, asked Satonaka, who was in a shocked state due to not being able to process her words.

When she was about to ask, her face was still burning red, and then instantly stared at me with a loss expression.

―Kijjima-san, what is this child talking about?

Her auburn eyes which stared me appeared to appeal that silently.

“Calm down, Ogasawara. Even if you were to become a chicken and lay an egg, that egg wouldn’t be you personally. That’s why your experience doesn’t disappear, so relax. Also, if a chick were to hatch from an egg you laid, that would mean you produced a disciple. Understood?”

“I, I see! As expected of Kijima-san!

When I answered in subst.i.tution for Satonaka loss, Ogasawara Makoto instantly dyed red, and looked at me while shivering with being deeply impressed.

To her question, I answered in quite the justified manner to appear disappointed, but I’m actually also like Satonaka who can’t understand her. No matter how I think about it, her thought circuit is really strange. I agree on how she would be confused.

But then again, with this being Satonaka and Ogasawara Makoto’s first meeting, I have a slight advantage. Moreover, by making Ogasawara Makoto confuse Satonaka, I was able to observe their behavior objectively, see through and a.n.a.lyze Ogasawara Makoto’s eccentric behavior, and handle her easily.

It is bad for Satonaka, but this situation has changed for the better that I had originally thought it would.

“Ogasawara, also fiddle with Satonaka-senpai’s c.l.i.toris and nipple. What kind of influence will stimulating the erogenous zone do the a.n.u.s? Observed the body of veteran Satonaka well.”

“Y, Yes!”

“Uuu……you are cruel, Kijima-san. Making her think anything is allowed when attaching a senpai……she doesn’t even seem to believe its bad……”

With Ogasawara Makoto replying to my words lively with a salute, Satonaka suddenly looks down, spilling a complaint.

Satonaka appears to be openly pouting with a displeased glare towards me, but she also appearsto like Ogasawara Makoto. When I quickly look at Ogasawara Makoto who has taken Satonaka, it doesn’t seem like the two have bad chemistry.

“Satonaka-senpai, do you produce breast milk?”

“Eh!? What did you suddenly say!?”

When Ogasawara Makoto lowered her hand from the salute, she turned around to face Satonaka with a brisk gesture and stern expression, and then drew out an unexpected question.

Satonaka became fl.u.s.tered. With not being able to get what she asked, she was nearly consumed in a whirlpool of confusion.

The pain of her confusion I moderately understand. But, I’m able to laugh with objectively watching it.

Apart from that, is Ogasawara Makoto still particular about breast milk?

“I want to produce it! Breast milk!”

“Eh!? It’s so important you’re saying it twice!?”

To Ogasawara Makoto, who clenches her hand in front of her chest, Satonaka breaks into a cold sweat with her eyes turning monochrome.

“I want to produce it! Breast milk!”

“I heard!? I understood when you said it once!?”

With Ogasawara Makoto making her appeal,’I want to produce breast milk’ twice, she ignores Satonaka’s retort as she’s naked in a dog position with her a.n.u.s still vividly shown by the extra thick test tube.

They’re not quite mesh with the discussion, but these guys are on the same wavelength.

“Do you produce it, Satonaka senpai? Breast milk~”

“U, Um, do I look like I have experienced pregnancy?”

“That is not a problem: I want to know have you or have you not produced breast milk?”

“Eh!? To say that isn’t a problem, do you even think pregnancy and breast milk is inseparable!?”

With Ogasawara Makoto shaking her head while throwing a sigh, Satonaka shrewdly retorted despite being confused.

I know since it was me who kept her occupied till now. Satonaka has now been cornered.

It normally wouldn’t be strange if she went berserk and socked her.

“Satonaka-senpai, your way of thinking is upside down. If it is impossible to produce breast milk necessary for a baby, you should take our breast milk which the baby has no need for. In which case, there is no need to become pregnant. Isn’t it?”

“Eh!? Huh!? My way of thinking is upside down? E, Excuse me, but I don’t know where you came up with I’m upside down! Moreover, I don’t believe you saying that breast milk which is unnecessary for the baby is what you say!”

To the words of Ogasawara Makoto, who were wide eyed having suddenly hit upon something, Satonaka retorted honestly while almost crying.

Satonaka, you will pollute your mind if you act too rashly.

“Ogasawara, if you’re worried whether veteran Satonaka can or cannot produce breast milk, you should squeeze out her milk. The problem will be solved with that.”

Judging that the spirit of Satonaka won’t last if I leave too much unattended, I added some a.s.sistance.

“I, I see! As expected of you!”

“T, That is a bit much……”

With Ogasawara Makoto looking back at me will a full on small, Satonaka glares at me while gripping with a sour expressing.

“T, Then……Satonaka-senpai! Excuse me!”

“K, Kjima-san, you savage!”

Ogasawara Makoto bows towards Satonaka, raises her face in excitement, and got on both her knees.

Without so much as escaping from on top of the table which she’s on all fours on, she glares at me with teary eyes.

“Although mine is a strong red, I think yours is a beautiful pink. Also very stiff……”

Standing next to naked her, she bends herself a little, extents both her hands, and pinches the pink teats on the point of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. And then with raising a voice of admiration while blushing, she began to play with the stiff nipples.

“Ahnnnn―Makoto-chan, it’s fine if you touch them, so please stop describing them!”

According to Satonaka, who raised her sweet voice, she entreated to Ogasawara Makoto with a voice that appears to cry while glancing at her.

Hmm, she appears to definitely feel pleasure with her nipple being fiddled, but it’s quite the different reaction from when I touched them. In other words, the sensitivity of hers changes with the person, and it looks like to be heavily mental influence.

Satonaka climaxes only with a whisper attack, physical pleasure, mental satisfaction with pleasure, and anything with a huge amount of shame.

‘Then, I’ll squeeze. One two, one two, one two, one two.”

She pulls both the nipples alternately with her fingers. Moreover, she doesn’t only pull them, she glides her finger to the tip of the nipple with the pull and lightly crushes it. She skillfully performs this in a series of movements alternately.

“Ah, ah, ah, ahh―ueeennn, you go and don’t go into so seriouslyyy”

And then with Satonaka giving a sweet moan whenever her nipple is pulled, and alongside her trembling waist, Satonaka shakes her head teary eyed while frequently looking at her.

“Ki, Kijima-san! Once I started squeezing, I did it quite firmly and quickly! Will this―perhaps produce milk?!”

“That is right, it might be produced; keep at it, Ogasawara.”

“Heeennn, It won’t come outttt”

Ogasawara Makoto, who looks at me with cold sweat streaming down her cheek, asked me while continuing to skillfully milk. When I answered the question, Satonaka retorted feebly.

“One two, one two, one two…….Hmm, it doesn’t seem to be coming out, yeah?”

Continuing to squeeze the two nipples in turn, she separates a finger from one. And then wiping the sweat that stood out with the back of that hand, she muttered in an absent voice while throwing a small sigh.

“I told you it wouldn’t come out……”

Satonaka spoke to her, but she doesn’t seem to listen. Pathetic……

“Uuu……M, Makoto-chan, um, so, although you really want it to come out……”

The milking suddenly stopped, and Satonaka, who heaved a sigh of relief, lowered the end of her eyebrows and looked at her apologetically.

Ho, does Satonaka want to produce breast milk? I see. Then a.s.sistance should be in order.

“Ogasawara, may I suggest sucking? It might come out if you do so.”

“Ha!? I see!”

I held out a helping hand to Ogasawara Makoto, who had strayed into a blind spot. Eyes opened wide to my sudden suggestion, Ogasawara Makoto intensely looked at Satonaka erected nipple as she touches her lips by the hand.

“Kijima-san! Don’t inspire this child with unnecessary things! This child will probably suck them! She really willll!”

Realizing this fellow was serious, Satonaka shout towards me while being on the verge of crying.

In my opinion, that’s quite the impertinent att.i.tude. She doesn’t show a bit of remorse.

“Ogasawara, when you suck using your mouth, twiddle the left nipple with your finger to simulate it. And with your open hand? Stimulate the c.l.i.toris with it.


When I had spoken my words attentively and she listened while nodding, she then looked at Satonaka, continuing to nod her head even more with stars in her eyes.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I am cheeky! Since I have had a change of heart, don’t inspire this child anymore with unnecessary thingssss!”

When Ogasawara Makoto’s gaze washed over Satonaka like a carnivorous animal having captured a herbivore, Satonaka shuddered and trembled while looking at me, desperately apologize. But, I splendidly ignored her.

She defied me several times in the warehouse. Moreover, she insulted me in front of the apartment. Reflect to the utmost, f.u.c.king idiot.

The development of Ogasawara Makoto and Satonaka’s relationship of harmonious messing around is strange. It was a nice miscalculation for me. I thought it would be more of a troublesome thing for me.

There is a beginning when this all happened with her. And, it’s also Satonaka’s fault. Because of what she suggested by herself, she has to clean up after it. She knows.

Returning home to my apartment, Satonaka glanced at Ogasawara Makoto who waited for me and abnormally liked her.

Also unusually, it seemed Ogasawara Makoto liked her when came into view. So from the moment we entered the front door and they saw each other, Satonaka had acknowledged her as a younger sister.


Arrived at the apartment with carrying Satonaka on my shoulders, I clicked my tongue as I look up at it.

The light of my room was turned on. That means she’s still in there.

Even if I say she’s an idiot, she’s the type to show a serious and faithful appearance at the most important of times. If possible, I wanted her to have gone home before I returned and unlocked the door.

But well, since I’m making Satonaka investigate the persona life of Ogasawara Shizuka, she will sooner or later notice Satonaka. It is much better for her to know this way.

The high school will also be closed tomorrow for a holiday, but Satonaka has to return home by then. And the earliest she can come back after that is during the evening four days from then. It would be fine to use those four days to win Ogasawara Makoto over.

However, I don’t think she can be so easily won over. I have not the slightest idea how she will see Satonaka. And with having no idea, working out a plan becomes difficult.

In which case, I have no choice but to skillfully work at Satonaka. So with me saying it is necessary to make those two meet today, it’s necessary.

“Satonaka, I have something important to say now. Hammer everything I say into your head without one missing word.”

“Eh? Uh, Uhuh. I’ll certainly memorize everything……”

Bringing her down from my back before entering the apartment, I decided to explain in detail about Ogasawara Makoto.

Having gotten off my back, her knees were still shaking, but she appears to have recovered if she holds onto me.

When I made sure she’s fine, I take out my wallet from my pants’ pocket as well as a single photo from inside there, and then held it out to her.

“Listen, I’ll be saying this first. Do not be deceived by her appearance. It is a painful experience with taking her lightly.”

“O, Okay. But she doesn’t bite, yeah?”

Satonaka took the photo which I held out and asked while looking up at me uneasily. I couldn’t answer the question immediately.

Whether or not she suddenly bites? If she bites, she accomplishes it quite calmly.

“That possibility can’t be denied, but I definitely don’t give her a chance to bite. So, you also don’t get too close carelessly. Try to always maintain a two meter radius.”

“…..Eh? Although I said it as a joke, does she really bite? What kind of child is she……”

Swallowing her saliva with a pale face, she held the picture in her hands and looks at it timidly. That moment, she stared at the picture wide eyed.


And then muttered while being absent minded.

This was only her first cla.s.s appearance.

“Satonaka, listen well: I was deceived by that person’s appearance, too. She seems like a pretty and neat girl, but the inside is a completely different story. It is better to think of an idiot comedian. No, it isn’t just an ordinary idiot. It is an idiot, idiot who invites trouble. Should I say even homicidal? Nevertheless, she does unexpected things. If you relax your guard for a moment, you will be swallowed by that guy’s pace in a second.”

Having listened to my story, Satonaka silently stares at the photo in utter amazement, and then shifted the picture seeming like she was confused. The moment I saw that, I felt my whole body bubble and quickly extended my hand toward the photo which she held.

But still staring at the picture, she suddenly dodged my hand without moving her gaze.

s.h.i.t, I of all people.

“S, Satonaka, return the picture and don’t say anything.”


Squinting her eyes, she stared at the picture with a stiff smile. The other photograph that I hid under the one I gave her.

“So this involuntarily taken picture of her adorable sleeping face was in your wallet, yeah?”

A blue vein rose her temple as she had a wicked smile.

“Y, You f.u.c.king idiot! No, it’s different! It was necessary in order to explain the difference when her eyes are closed and opened, that is all there is to it!”

It is a difference, a difference. To explain Ogasawara Makoto’s appearance to her, I just so happened to have it to show her the different of when she sleeping and awake. I don’t normally carry it.

“Haha, is that so? With that explanation, it is different, isn’t it?”

While glaring at me with disgusted eyes, she turned the picture of Ogasawara Makoto’s sleeping face towards me and waved it. This b.i.t.c.h doesn’t believe my explanation.

“Itttttt issssss diferentttttttt! I have even said it so many times!”

I tried to s.n.a.t.c.h the picture while saying so, but she already proved within the back alley of the arcade street that is impossible to steal a picture from her when she devotes herself to dodging.

“Then why don’t you explain the difference? I can’t say I’m convinced.”

“Then stop looking at me with those eyes, f.u.c.king idiot!”

“Sorry~. My eyes are naturally this way.”

“T, This b.i.t.c.h!”

In spite of being a dwarf, she’s looking completely down on me with her eyes, and then with the tone that makes me seem like an idiot, I felt a blue vein rise on my temple.

This b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Alright, I also have an idea if you’re so inclined.

“Are you jealous? Jealous because of this? In which case, let me show you. Look, this is the picture when Ogasawara Makoto had a test tube inserted into her a.n.u.s! This is a picture when she climax having her c.l.i.toris played with! I’m not finished there! If you want to be jealous, own up to it, f.u.c.king idiot!”

Pulling out pictures from my wallet while I keep talking, I threw them towards her.

Frickin’ looking down on me. I can’t allow it. I will never allow it.

“Heh, oh really~. However, there’s nothing particularly special about those pictures, though? Since I know you’ve been training her. The photo which you took her sleeping face was what got me mad the most. With that said, your love is coming through. You photographing the sheltered girl as if she were the apple of your eyes makes me irritated.”

Acting as if it’s nothing even if photos are thrown by me, she squatted down and began to pick up the photograph which was scattered on the ground.

b.a.s.t.a.r.d. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Even though she’s nothing more than a talentless meat toilet outlet which breaths heavily when a p.e.n.i.s is trusted inside her a.n.u.s.

Being so angry that it seemed like the  blood vessel in my head would break, I tried to consider how grave her punishment will be, but my thought circuit short stopped just before with anger.

Calm down, first calm down. And don’t get hot headed. It isn’t like me. I am evil and unjust; an aloof demon. That is me, but how did I get this upset?

“Huh? Eh? ……This.”

With trying to desperately compress my enraged angry, Satonaka suddenly stopped and picked up a scattered photo.

When I think what it was and take a peep, my heart blazed for a moment and then froze.

“C, Calm down Satonaka, listen to me well: I just had that picture by chance. Yes, that’s right, I intended to throw it away, but I had completely forgotten. I had no other intentions. I really didn’t.”

Cold sweat came out from my whole body. In addition, my knees almost shook by themselves.

“This is……you really aren’t honest……”

Saying that, she picked up the photo, which was her next to the school’s gate on the day of the middle school graduation ceremony. 

I did intend to throw it away and placed it in my wallet, and then I had completely forgotten. It is true, I did intend to throw it away. But since it was too trifle of a picture, I even forgot to throw it away.

“Kijima-san……id. i . ot.”

Drops dripped onto the ground. Shoulders delicately shaking, she stared at the back of the picture and smiled.

“Akira Satonaka, you aren’t weak. To have written such a message. Did you intend to hand it to me on the day of the graduation ceremony? Nevertheless, you couldn’t honestly hand it over and had it all this time? Ahaha, you’re hopeless……”

Laughing while crying, she stood up slowly as she pushed the photograph onto her chest like it was important, and buried her face into my chest when she got close.

“Please, don’t make me love you more than I do. I already love you to the very limit. And yet……id. i. ot.”

“Shutttt upppp, you’re being ridiculous, f.u.c.king idiot.”

She trembled with her face buried into my chest. I was going to throw it away and forgot it while it was in my wallet, but she won’t believe it even if I explain only that.

That already said, the big idiot established a misunderstanding herself.


Entered the apartment, we pa.s.sed through the hall and stepped into the elevator. Satonaka is abnormally happy next to me. She kept singing a hum to herself since a little while ago, which is very annoying.

Humph, well it’s fine, it seems she’ll grow more obedient to me with this misunderstanding. All part of my plan. I showed those photos on purpose. 

According to the script. Yeah, absolutely according to the script.

So to forget the events for the time being, I decided to currently convey information about Ogasawara Makoto to Satonaka.

What is particularly important is that Ogasawara Makoto and I are practicing ma.s.saging, and Satonaka was my a.s.sistant in my hometown. In other worse, she is a senior apprentice of Ogasawara Makoto, and I ordered her to completely play that out.

I thought she’ll grumble a little, but she accepted it readily with a full smile.

Fufu, with my skillful plan that used the tactic of showing her the photographs, I have successfully made her fall into my trap.

Fufufu, without knowing I showed her on purpose, she comically increased her obedience herself.

Kukukuku, with her having successfully fallen into my plan, it was fruitful having shown her the photo.

It was a performance, but it was naturally shown with skill.  It was a performance, but obviously, for it to be thoroughly performed, it has to then be shown naturally. It is quite difficult, but I accomplished it.

Fufu, I think of my myself awfully amazing. I am amazing.

“You showed the photo on purpose? Was it a trick? You are saying it went well?”

“Yes, well, I had successfully made her fall into my plan. Kukuku, this idiot is easily manageable―huh?”


I came back to my senses and glared at Satonaka. Having noticed my glance, she laughed while covering her lips the moment she saw me.

……Can I torment and confine this fellow until her mind breaks?



“I will seriously go berserk.”

“Alright~. My rebellious behavior towards you can’t be allowed. So, I will receive severe punishment.”

“Then it’s fine.”

Satonaka smiled to my answer.

“I will accept any kind of punishment contentedly……or rather, I would like to receive my punish me quickly, right now……”

Blushing, Satonaka looked up at me and personally rolled up her skirt. Endlessly going along her white thigh, secretions overflowed from her hairless v.a.g.i.n.a.

Humph, f.u.c.king heated b.i.t.c.h. Even if you cry this time, I won’t let you off.


The door of the elevator opened, and I placed a foot forward.


Satonaka moved forward after me, but raised a small scream. Turning around, I immediately extended out my hand and caught Satonaka falling forward.

Her knees were shaking the whole time in there. I thought she may fall, but she did after all.

So, I caught her. But even then, this fellow didn’t stop holding the photo to her chest like it was so important.

It is said there is no medicine for stupidity, but it’s true.

“Good grief, that’s why I said to hold on to me.”

“No. I don’t want to let go of the photo.”

“One hand is enough for a picture. You only have to grab onto me with one hand.

“No. There is no meaning if I don’t hold it with both.”

Tighten her expression, she shook her head. She does this rebellious att.i.tude in spite of saying she’s contentedly receive punishment. Did she even repent at all?

However, judging from her expression, she will never pull back when it’s related to the photo.

It is a waste of time to dispute such a topic.

“Fine, do as you like. But, prepare yourself, since I’m adding a punishment.”

“Eh? Kya!?”

Having thought it was futile to even say that, I carried Satonaka.

The room is just before us, and it’s easier and quicker this way. And her body is small, so her weight is also light.

“……I, I appreciate it.”

“You’re always silent. If you pay your regards, listen to my order, f.u.c.king idiot.”

“……Hehehehehe, yeah.”

Gave an embarra.s.sed grin to my complaint, she pushes the photograph to her chest as before, sets her head on my chest, and closes her eyes while laughing joyfully.

“I hear your heart beating.”

And then she muttered.

This fellow is useless. She has no regret.


Arrived at my room, I drop Satonaka and open the door lock. And then, I enter inside.


“Eh? What’s wrong!? Ah……what is that.”

The moment we nearly front door, I nearly screamed at the sight that came into view. Just barely.

One drawing stuck in front of the entrance. An eerie drawing drawn on paper was stuck on the wall by Scotch tape.

The sky was filled with dark clouds and miasma which swirled around the world. And then a huge, green, carnivorous object covered the earth.

Whether it was h.e.l.l or Satan, it can be in any case said that whoever drew this abstract picture is mysterious, and disturbed to the root, but even if I didn’t explain that, it would be understood at first glance.

However, why put this in the entrance hall? Is it a talisman?

“Y, Yes,  Satonaka, I felt also surprised, but I explained earlier that Ogasawara Makoto draws. How is it, do you somewhat understand? This is what I meant her actions go through my slanted predictions……Satonaka?”

Swallowed my saliva while breaking into a cold sweat, I spoke to her. But, she didn’t reply.

I thought she may have fainted after the unpleasant surprise, so I then looked to the side.

“O, Oi, were you that afraid you cried?”

Having come into view, I saw her crying while looking at the picture. As she bit her lower lip, her delicate shoulders shook.

“Yeah, that sort of child. Yeah……”

Muttered that, she dazedly walks towards the picture.

“This is definitely your mental scenery. When you spend a long time in a painful life, it brings about such a world. But, but……”

When she stood in front of the picture upon the wall, she touched and then lightly strokes it like she pitied it.

“An arrow of light break through the dark clouds and strikes the earth. Kijima-san is a direct and powerful light in every point, and you, the small flower, will be lighten up by that light. Yeah, ahahaha……if I do take Kijima-san now, this child, will die……”

She spoke those words calmly. I thought a strange weight came alongside with each one.

Stroking the picture for a while, she looked back and stared straight at me.

“I clearly understand the reason you said investigate. With removing the darkness of this child, it is no good only helping her heart, yeah? I am able to understand what that means regarding this child in particular. What can truly save this child is the essential power of me who was in a similar circ.u.mstance.”

To her words, I twisted my glance and frowned with clicking my tongue.

She again grandly misunderstood.

“You don’t deny it?”

“Shut up.”

Approaching me, she looks into my face and smiles. Having seen her askancely, I clicked my tongue again.

Humph, well it’s fine. Her misunderstanding the person is convenient in many ways. It won’t be necessary to expressly deny it.

“Trust me. I, Akira Satonaka, shall exchange my life to rescue this child. On that day you saved me……I shall help.”

“Suit yourself.”

Nodding greatly while she peered into my face, the idiot became fired up herself. Having retorted those words to her stupidity, I began to walk.

However, with there definitely being something I couldn’t handle, I stopped and turned back.

“You, a meat toilet have no right to spend your life doing what you want. Don’t selfishly put your life on stake. Listen, never speak of risking yourself again. You are conceited with your position as a meat toilet!”

Does she think her own life has value with her status? Well, isn’t that nice she is so graciously willing to exchange her own life all proud.

Don’t get carried away and conceited.

“…..You aren’t really honest.”

Having been in a blank state, she threw out a small sigh and rushed up towards me with bright eyes and a full smile.

I’m not honest? Don’t be joking with me. There wouldn’t be an honest human being with this much desire such as me.

Born a natural meat toilet, this fellow has no right to gleefully say she will do whatever she wants with her own life. It makes me laugh, really.


With crayons placed on the floor, drawings paper also was, too. As for the crayons, all the colors have considerably decreases.

No, the darker colors seemed to have decreased more, in a violent manner.

“Kijima-san! Welcome ba―”

With the door opened and having entered inside, Ogasawara Makoto noticed me coming home and stopped drawing a picture to look up at me. However, the moment her eyes turned behind me, she suddenly stopped moving as if time did.

“Huh? Who is, that person?”

Her eyes lost light. She muttered with her head tilted Her smile hardened and muttered with a tilted head.

“h.e.l.lo, nice to meet you. My name is Akira Satonaka. I am from the same hometown as Kijima-san―”

“S, Sorry. I, I, I will go home.”

Satonaka quickly stepped in front of me and tried to introduce herself to Ogasawara Makoto with a carefree smile.  But when she interrupted those words with a raised voice, she simply crammed all of the drawing set scattered on the floor, stood up without looking anywhere, and bolted.

When I look at Satonaka for a moment, she looked at me the and also winked.

Ogasawara Makoto, who bolted, planned to simply through me and Satonaka to escape.

Satonaka quickly backtracked. The sum it up, it a refined movement. She stepped back at the same speed of Ogasawara Makoto’s dash, and softly hugged her.

I thought that they collided. Ogasawara Makoto closes her eyes and stiffened her body, but the impact was not there. It was unforeseeable that she would step back at the same speed of her. Moreover, at the direct she would dash to. However, the movement of Satonaka seem to have perfectly merged with Ogasawara Makoto’s, to the extent of being several times faster.

“Okay~, you’re caught.”

Eventually, Satonaka caught her as easily as taking candy from a baby.

I was as speechless with her motor relaxed and flexible body as ever. Is she a cat?

“Please let go of me!”

“No. pe! I will not let go of such a cute child~.”

She tried to act violently, but when she lifted her hand up, Satonaka touches it and gently turns it away. She also twisted her waist the same way. The force was killed with her soft direction changing movement, and Ogasawara Makoto looked bewildered.

“Okay~, one turn~! If the dance is over, should you not bow?”

She gritted her teeth and raised her hand, but Satonaka also lightly moved that hand away, and also due to the force with the course being changed, she turned her around on the spot.

Having no idea what just happened, Ogasawara Makoto could do nothing but stare at Satonaka dumbfounded.

It is a ha.s.sle to get involved in with women trouble. Having thought that, I sat the chair when I walked towards my desk, crossed my legs and laid back.

Do whatever you want, idiots.

“h.e.l.lo, Ogasawara-chan. I am Akira Satonaka. I’m from the same hometown as Kijima-san. Because of that, I want you to be my friend. So, I offer this.”

Having become confused from being caught off guard, Satonaka kept talking to Ogasawara in an ostentatious way to not give her time to think, and then held out something taken from her coat pocket.

And when she opened her clenched hand, there was a brilliant, silver ring in her palm.

I remember that ring. I gave that to her. Being moody, I had somehow felt at the time I wanted to really give her one.

“This is the ring I got from Kijima-san. Three days before he disappeared, he suddenly came out and said,’I’m giving you this.’ Hehehe, would you like it? You jealous?”

Saying it boastfully, Satonaka took the hand of dumbstruck Ogasawara Makoto and made her take hold of it.

“You understand, right? How important this ring is, do you understand? I said I would give you this……”

Smiling, Satonaka muttered with a quick serious look. And then she stared at her with cold eyes.

“I am putting trust into you. Let go of this ring, and I will go mad. When I was heartbroken, wanted to cry, and when I was fed up with everything, this ring pushed me back every time. I said I will give this to you, so you don’t need to fret, yeah?”

To her words, Ogasawara Makoto at the same time quickly lost all the strength in her body.

“I can’t take, such an important thing……”

“Thank you. I thought you would say that. I was trouble of what I would do if you did not return it to me.”

She held out the silver ring on the palm of her hand. Satonaka immediately s.n.a.t.c.hed the ring, clenched it with both hands, and then placed it into her chest with throwing a relieved sigh.

“What did you intend to do if I didn’t?”

To Ogasawara Makoto’s word calmly spoken, Satonaka gave a stiff smile.

“To be honest, I wasn’t sure since I didn’t antic.i.p.ated it. In order to detain you, I thought I would exchange my most important thing to exchange a conversation. I only thought of that. Sorry for this sort of reply.”

Answered with her stiff smile, Satonaka’s knees bent. Ogasawara Makoto held her.

She calmly captured Ogasawara Makoto, but she also can barely walk. Supposing she bolted once again, it would be impossible for her to be stopped.

Her most important thing in order to win the person over. It isn’t a plan worked out precisely. It is a bluff; a bluff that confused an unwearable spirit.

“You are an honest person, aren’t you.”

“W, well. After a certain somebody suddenly disappeared, I wasn’t honest, bore a grudge against myself, and was continuously regretting……am I the most honest? Makoto-chan.”

To Satonaka, who was smiling with a pale face, Ogasawara Makoto breathed out a sigh. And then looked back at me with hugging Satonaka.

“Kijima-san, this person, is good.”

When said with a straight face, she brought her face near her head and smelt it.

“But this person, smells like the white liquid you let out. Moreover, it was let out about three times.” (1)

With her mutter, Satonaka shivered and her face twitched.

Ah, the smell. She smells if a bath wasn’t taken. However, for the number of times: are you a dog?

“Naturally. Listen carefully, Ogasawara. She was my a.s.sistant when I lived in my hometown, so that means this person is the same as a senior to you.”


“Today we met after a long time, and we practiced the ma.s.sage in the warehouse. After an interval of two years, Ogasawara, she more skill than you.”

Elbows placed on my desk, I smiled with my hands on my jaw, and Ogasawara Makoto, who couldn’t hide their astonishment, stared at me and Satonaka alternately, and then became pale

“A, Ahaha……is such an explanation okay?”

Satonaka glanced at me while being hugged by her, and muttered in an uneasy way,

Humph, frickin’ stupid. In this situation, it’s natural to be fairly frank. You shouldn’t have to feel guilty.

Satonaka has also learned a considerable amount of skill. To place that skill of hers into Ogasawara Makoto, it better to explain it frankly from the start.

If Ogasawara Makoto seems like she would complain about it, it would be fine to just abandon her then.


“Eh? Y, Yes!”

Satonaka reacted with raising her voice to the mumble.

“It is a honor! For your guidance and encouragement, please take care of me!”

“Y, Yes! It should be me who says treat me―ehhh!? You accept that explanation just now!?”

Satonaka should have been the one who caught her into the plan, but she is instead confused.

Which is why I said,’don’t take that person lightly.’

“Looking forward to your help! Satonaka-senpai!”

With her being confused to her words even more, Ogasawara Makoto pinioned her hands behind her back and pulled her.

“Wait just a minute! Wait just a minute! I didn’t hear! I didn’t hear this! What is this child! Why is she so strong!? Kijima-san! Wait a minute Kijima-sannnnn!”

“That is just fine, Ogasawara, have senpai Satonaka be a display model at once. Satonaka, become naked for now and have her put a test tube in your a.n.u.s. Show your junior what a trained a.n.u.s should look like.

“Eh!? What!? Eh!? Wait a min―”

She tried to resist, but Ogasawara Makoto overwhelmed her with her muscle strength. It appears she isn’t able to resist with her hands behind her back.

“Ogasawara, it isn’t necessary to hesitate with her being a senior. Since Satonaka is a senior who received all the training, you’re similar to a chick. It nothing but an insult being fuss about by you. If you understand, tear off her clothes to get her nude.”


“Ahhhhh! Ogre! Demon! Makoto-chan, calm down Makoto-channnn! Calm down and talk to me―noooooooooooooo!”

Her resistance was in vain, and in an instant Satonaka’s clothes were removed. She sat naked on the bed while covering her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with both arms, and was trembling and shivering as she turned paler by the second. Satonaka appealed to me for help with a teary expression.

Kuku, this is a punishment for looking down on me. Get toyed with to the utmost limit!

“Satonaka, showing you that photo was on purpose.”

“Are you still holding a grudge over that?! I understand! I believe you so stop this child already!”

“Ogasawara, go ahead.”


“…… Even though I said I believed you.”

As I ordered Ogasawara Makoto with a wide grin, Satonaka’s shoulders also dropped simultaneously. She probably already realized that escaping from this empty room and us was impossible.

As for what happens when you make me angry, it’ll be good to firmly pound it into your body.

“Ah, it’s amazing. Even without putting on lotion, it entered easily. But despite that, the clamping is great!”

“Unyaaaaaa! Please don’t put it in so suddenlyyyyyyy!”

Thus, this is how the revelry started.

Ah, and I showed that picture on purpose, really!


(1)(TLNY: I legit fell out of my chair reading this line. Please tell me I ain’t the one one!)