Black Haired King

Chapter 11: Elder Sister"s Resolve

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Chapter 11: Elder Sister"s Resolve

「Elicia-sama, are you ok?」

「…..Yes, I"ve already skipped 2 days of cla.s.s, it"s about time to come out…」

It"s been 3 days since I received Redius" sword from Otou-sama. I was in such shock, from that day at noon to the very next day, and the next day after that, I took 2 full days of absence.

Clena explained the circ.u.mstances to the teachers, so it wasn"t really a problem, but anymore than 2 days will start to negatively affect my schooling.

In truth, I really want to go search for Redius" body and perform a funeral for him, but apparently he died in a forest, so his body has most likely already been eaten by Magic Beasts, or so I"ve been told. Otou-sama already disinherited Redius before he left, so it had nothing to do with him, or so the letter said. (tf, f.u.c.k this guy)

「Elicia-sama, we"ve arrived at the cla.s.sroom. I"ll take my leave here and wait with Kurena-san in the waiting room.」

While I was out of it, I guess we arrived at the cla.s.sroom door. After Mia said so, she departed. Attendants can only walk freely in the halls and within their master"s rooms. It"s a rule that, no matter your peerage, no one is allowed to bring their attendants into the cla.s.sroom.

「Fuu… Alright.」

Even though I still can"t recover from the news of Redius, If I continue to be this unhappy, I"m sure he"d get mad at me, so I pull myself together and enter the cla.s.sroom.

「……She came.」

「I wonder if that rumor is true?」

「You, go confirm with her.」

When I enter the cla.s.sroom, my other cla.s.smates start looking at me and whispering something. What"s this about? I try not to think about it and go to my seat. When I do so, 3 of the female cla.s.smates walk up to my seat as if they were waiting for that. If I remember correctly, all 3 of them are earls" maids.

「huh, Elicia-san, Are you fine already?」

「I really feel bad for you, your younger brother having died and all.」

「Even though it would have been ok not to force yourself to return to cla.s.s so soon.」

…..Is this a roundabout way to tell me not to come to cla.s.s? But, this kind of stuff is just a daily occurrence. It would be pointless to care about it.

「Yes, I"m fine already. Thank you for worrying.」

When I respond with a smile, the 3 of them get irritated and the atmosphere changes. I wonder why they have to be so hostile towards me, when I think like that…

「Which reminds me, your deceased younger brother was black-haired if I recall correctly」 (aw h.e.l.l nooo~ you picked the wrong ojou-sama to f.u.c.k with b.i.t.c.h)

「Oh my, how unpleasant. Isn"t that such a repulsive color?」

「If I"m not mistaken, Elicia-san also has another brother? Isn"t that good? That the one that died wasn"t him, but the black haired one. Even if he lived, he would have been useless anyways.」

The 3 of them start to laugh. What are these people even saying? It"s good that Redius died? There"s no meaning in him living anyways? Don"t spout such bulls.h.i.t. Do you even know how much Redius" existence has saved me?

In that household, in a different form from Redius, I was also isolated. The reason being, I was the only one from that household born with red hair.

Thanks to that, I was raised with care by everyone in the family. But that wasn"t in the form of family, but as a tool for the Glemond family to rise up. That was the only reason why I raised with such care.

The surrounding maids, my mother and father, even my brother treated me as some fragile vase that needed to be handled with care. When I was growing disgusted with such a lifestyle, Redius was born.

At that time, he was still small, so he probably didn"t know, but, even then, he touched me not as a tool, but as an elder sister, as family. That touched me deeply. (touched? held? words)

After that, because of mother, my relationship with Redius was kind of awkward, but for the final 3 years it was fun. Redius, who always avoided me, finally relied on me for once, so I was happy.

That"s why I swore to gain the power I needed to help Redius. It"s true that from the perspective of Redius who had black hair, someone with red hair like me should have been a target of hatred. Even then, I wanted to protect him…….. I wasn"t able to protect that promise though…

Even then, I won"t forgive anyone who insults my dead brother. I start releasing mana while standing up from my seat. The 3 who are surrounding me are trembling, but they"re probably still glaring at me.

「W-what? Do you have something to say to us, the family of a count?」

1 of the girls said so firmly, but her knees were trembling. Even amongst everyone in my grade, I should be one of the students with the greatest amount of mana, enough not to lose to any other colors.

「Please don"t say another word about Redius, or I will kill you.」


I release my mana while aiming at those 3. The 3 of them felt my killing intent and fell down on the spot, and then there was a sound as if something was leaking.

Then the teacher arrived, and there was an uproar. I was brought to the staffroom and was blamed with various questions. Apparently, when the maids from the earl"s household were released from my killing intent, they pa.s.sed out.

After that, for some reason, Prince William who heard about the story came running to the staff room, after hearing the details of the event, the teachers let me go.

I don"t know if it"s thanks to him, but I was only given 1 week of house arrest. But, that"s just right. I was given enough time to think about things alone.


Thanks to that, I was able to realize. I enjoyed every day I spent with Redius. I thought about Redius every day: Thinking about what to talk about with him the following day, what I could teach him to make him happy, I wondered if talking about magic was too painful. But he smiled at me! Many different feelings rose up.

…….Ah, I understand now. I was in love with Redius. That"s why I was so happy with any trivial conversation with him. It was painful when he didn"t come to my room, and I was happy whenever he smiled at me. I realized it only after he died……..

Redius, I…..I"ll become stronger in your stead, Redius. I"ll become stronger so that no one will insult you, Redius. After that, instead of you, I"ll become an adventurer and travel around the world. (author-revised content, previously it was "I"ll find whoever killed you, and I"ll kill them in your stead." )