
Chapter 204

The Upper Cathedral Ward was as eerie as Francis remembered it. This time, however, he didn"t have the blue elixir to slip past the enemies. Mist covered the area, hiding the bridge that linked toward the mansion Francis headed to. He saw two tall shapes heading toward him. They were twice Francis"s size, but the hunter didn"t feel threatened by their presence.

He met them halfway. One of the pale Church Doctors extended a hand toward him and growled. This one was holding a lamp from which eyes protruded. Francis knew what to do against him, for he met a similar enemy back in the Cathedral Ward.

Another Church Doctor stood behind the lamp wielding one. He held a long, thick cane Francis was all too familiar with. One hit would make his head turn and cause blood to flow from whichever spot the cane managed to pierce.

Francis took a deep breath and dashed forward. The can wielding doctor was first to reach him. He swung his cane and Francis retaliated with a well-place shot. The doctor fell to his knees, and Francis proceeded to eviscerate him.

However, Francis spotted bright, miniscule spheres heading his way. They looked like harmless fireflies, but Francis knew better. Nothing in Yharnam was harmless, especially when they left a bunch of eyes glued to a lamp.

He jumped away just in time to avoid the luminescent orbs. They collided with the bridge"s railings and exploded. Debris and large chunks of solid rock flew in all directions, adding dust to the already heavy mist.

Francis"s eyes widened as he saw the shadow of a church doctor emerge from the dust. The long cane whistled as it slashed the air, heading at breakneck speed toward the hunter. He ducked underneath the cane and shoulder bashed the church doctor. Francis felt as though he hit a wall.

He toppled backwards as the church doctor brought the cane downwards with full force. It hit Francis"s chest, sending him rolling backward on the cold cobble stones. He quickly searched for a blood vial and injected himself, right before more luminescent orbs flew his way. The orbs. .h.i.t the floor on which Francis stood seconds ago, causing more debris to fly around.

Francis grunted as he inserted his sword on his side. As it came out, thick blood dripped down the Chikage. Each drop would cause the cobble stones to sizzle. Francis ran toward the two church doctors. He dodged the luminescent orbs and slashed at the cane wielding hulk.

The doctor growled and tried to retaliate, but his arm wobbled, instead of shooting at lightning speed toward the old man. Francis shot toward the other doctor and kicked his lamp away. Then he thrust the Chikage inside the doctor"s stomach. Milky white liquid came pouring out as the hulk fell to his knees, growling as he did.

The bridge on which the old man stood was reduced to a sorry state. Two doctors lay near Francis"s feat, wheezing. Their eyes changed from clear white to blood red. Their growls became faint whimpers, until they succ.u.mbed to the poison that spread through their veins.

Francis knelt beside them and inspected their wounds. Milky white liquid still poured out. The old man frowned. "Paleblood... Could this be?"

He stood and looked ahead toward the mansion. Many small creatures crawled toward him. They looked like oversized slugs. They had strange body parts on their slimy bodies that looked like suctions cups. They emitted squishy sounds as they slowly made their way toward Francis.

"What terrible secrets had the church been hiding here all along?" Francis said out loud.

He decided to split from the group and search for the truth. After witnessing the dying hunter before, the old man"s fear of death surged out again. There was no other way around this nightmare but transcendence. He could hunt beasts and become as strong as the crow feathered hunters.

h.e.l.l, he could even become stronger, but to what end? He"d be reduced to hunting beasts for hundreds, or even thousands of years, only to meet his end at the hands of a hunter. They were all beasts, reduced to primal state where only the strong prevailed.

"I"ve run from a f.u.c.ked up world only to end up in another..." He t.i.ttered. His nervous laughter soon changed into a crazed one. He laughed to his heart"s content. His voice echoed through the empty Upper Cathedral Ward while the slugs slowly made their way toward him.

"I will not let this world turn me! I will find my way out of this nightmare, no matter the cost." He shot a cold look toward the slugs. "You little s.h.i.ts are the link between our world and the other. Where"s your mother I wonder?"

He thrust his sword inside him once more, coating it with his venomous blood. He danced around the slugs like a shadow. The Chikage hissed every time it cut the little creatures. Their flesh would sizzle and they"d start squirming and screeching. Soon, their slimy flesh withered until it cracked and turned to dust.

"If I hadn"t gone to Cainhurst, I wouldn"t have known about the Church and their dark experiments. I thought I had more time to research this world and its beasts, slowly grow stronger..." He shrugged. "I guess I"ll just have to risk it, as I always have."

He turned toward the mansion and hurried across the bridge. The main gate was closed, even though he"d kept it open the last time he was here. "It all comes back to the beginning, eh?" he said with a sardonic smile.

He looked for the back entrance until he found himself facing a Church Doctor carrying a flaming scythe. After he disposed of him, Francis proceeded to cutting the creature open and inspecting its organs.

"Transparent intestines and an inflated heart... Their blood has changed from red to a milky white color and thick texture," Francis said as he inspected the open corpse. "What could have caused all these changes? Blood corrupts the body, causes the drunken consumer to turn into a hideous beast. These ones, however..." He looked at the mansion. "No matter the secrets you think you"re hiding, I will find them. Mark my words, I will not let this world destroy me."

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