
Chapter 66

As he got back to the graveyard, he noticed the heavy silence again weighing on him. He was never the type to prefer solitude but this city forced him to face its dangers alone. The graveyard was dark and only the sound of faint wind was there to let Surgit know that there was still life somewhere around. He climbed the stairs and went towards the chapel. As he got to the library underneath the chapel, he saw a small chest he hadn"t noticed before. He inspected it and found an item resembling a corkscrew. He inspected it using his insight and to his delight he heard its description "Blood gem workshop tool, use it to upgrade your weapons at the hunter"s workshop."

That was very convenient, as he had no idea where to find it. He climbed another flight of stairs and found himself inside the chapel. "Ahh, the hunter.. Alive and well, are ya? This here"s a safe place, stay as long as you like." The voice of the blind creature came from Surgit"s side. Surgit inspected the chapel with his eyes and couldn"t see any sign of the little girl or the old woman. "This is fishy… The man acts as if no one came around here." Surgit started thinking about the possibilities of the two people he"d sent here being lost. He didn"t have the time to think it through as the blind creature spoke again. "I know I shouldn"t be asking you this but… next time you"re out on a hunt, remember what I asked: If you find any sane survivors, tell"em to seek shelter at Oedon chapel. Cause there"s nothing to fear here… hehe..hee…hehe…"

- "Do you mean to tell me that no one had come here?" Asked Surgit, he was feeling rage building up in his chest.

- "No good hunter, if they were, wouldn"t you see them here and about? Safe and sound." Answered the blind man, confidently and simply.

- "I will go look for them and if I don"t find them, believe me, you"d better not be here."

- "I"m but a blind man good hunter. I wouldn"t even dare leave this place, let alone harm anybody." The blind man"s started shaking with fear. "I just want to offer people a safe haven…"

- "I"ll go look for them. I don"t know who to trust anymore in this city!" Cried out Surgit in frustration.

- "If you find any sane survivors, send them to Oedon Chapel will ya?" Shouted the blind man after him, as if taunting him.

Surgit left the chapel and went back to Central Yharnam. It was deserted and silent as he had left it. No sign of danger for any of the survivors, and no reason for them not to reach the chapel. He ran back towards the old lady"s house as it was the closest one on his way. He knocked at the door and he heard the old lady"s voice.

His relief to find her alive soon turned to anger: "Well whaddya know? a hunter who"s still checking on an old lady. Don"t you have work to do? I know of your safe place and I"m leaving to it shortly. Go slit some throats, get this mess done with!" Surgit didn"t reply and left the old lady to her occupation. He was relieved that she was still alive but at the same time irritated at her att.i.tude towards hunters. What did hunters do to this lady to deserve such adversity?

As he made his way towards the little girl"s house, he saw the silhouette of a person in the distance. It looked like trouble and Surgit took his saw and got ready for a fight. The silhouette soon became a body and Surgit saw that it was humanoid. The person wore a strange outfit. On the head, the person wore a plague doctor"s mask and a triangular hat. And the torso was covered in a black garb, ornamented with crow feathers. It looked like a moving, humanoid crow, an ominous sight to say the least. He then heard the lady crow"s voice before she fully manifested in front of him.

- "Oh, that hunter are ye? What"re you doing "ere?." The woman"s voice sounded old and tired.

- "Looking for a girl I sent to Oedon Chapel? Have you seen her? She wears a big white ribbon on her head. You can"t miss it."

- "Sending people outside on the night of the hunt are we?" the woman asked, as if reproaching Surgit.

- "She had no parents to take care of her. Staying at home wouldn"t be in her best interest wouldn"t you say?"

- "A hoonter must hoont, not save some distressed damsel or kid. Ye had to send her out and about… and tonight of all nights!" she shook her head as she finished her sentence.

- "What"s so special about tonight? Everyone seems to dread it. You seem to be a hunter too if my a.s.sumption is correct." He asked, he had hoped that the woman wouldn"t get frustrated at him and attack. Fighting Gascoigne was enough for a hunter versus hunter encounter.

- "We"re both hoonters yes, although our prey differs. Prepare yerself for the worst. There are no humans left… You"ve sent a little girl by herself into the streets…" She shook her crow head again then walked by him and kept on her way, paying Surgit no mind.

Surgit kept looking at the strange looking woman as she disappeared in the horizon. "What"s wrong with all of you in here? Everyone speaks in riddles. Can"t you just answer one question directly?!" He screamed at her and at all of Yharnam. He grew tired of the mysteries this city seemed to hold so dear, unwilling to share it with outsiders like him.

He made his way through the aqueducts and up towards the little girl"s house. As he reached the window, his heart skipped a beat when he saw that the lights at the window were turned off. He knocked at the window and screamed for the little girl; no answer. He stood there, his mind racing with ideas and possibilities. What could have happened to her? Did she get lost and found herself in a different place? That wasn"t actually possible as he knew Central Yharnam so well.

The only places he couldn"t visit were due to the fact that huge metallic gates barred the way. And he couldn"t think of a little girl forcing her way through them where he failed to do so. Then it hit him. The tunnel he decided not to explore on so many occasions because of that terrible noise. Could it be that the girl went through it anyways? He decided to head there and to explore it.

At the entrance he heard that noise again. It resembled grunts and snorts but more terrible. He walked slowly inside the tunnel and got ready for an attack at any moment. It was dark in there, even for his eyes and enhanced vision. He was walking on shallow water and he didn"t like the fact that his steps were loud enough for any enemy to hear and be alerted to his presence. He saw a figure in the distance. It was gigantic and resembled some kind of animal. As he approached it, trying to m.u.f.fle the sound of his steps as much as possible, he heard a terrible snarl. It resembled the sound of a pig being tortured.

The shape he had seen was actually a gigantic boar, and it was running his way at top speed. It rammed him and he felt his feet depart from the floor. As he landed on his back, he slid many paces away on the shallow water of the aqueduct. He was sent outside the tunnel by just one hit from that big abomination, and it was running towards him again. It was ten times bigger and larger than a normal boar. Its skin was gray and it looked decaying. Its muzzle exuded smoke and the thing looked furious.

Surgit stood up, the hit had stunned him a bit but it didn"t damage him too much. As the beast charged at him again, he jumped high, attempting to land behind it in order to land a visceral attack. He miscalculated the length of the monster and found himself on its back. The beast started jumping around, like a mad horse, trying to knock Surgit out of its back. The latter jumped again and landed just behind the boar as it was jumping and kicking. A lucky hit caught Surgit right in the face and he felt blood rushing out of his nose and mouth as he stumbled back, gasping for breath.

The pig turned around and faced him. It let out another scream and Surgit felt suffocated as the beast graced him with its putrid breath. He had his doubt about it being poisonous but as his nose and mouth were already filled with blood, Surgit didn"t really have time to think of the effect of the air he had just inhaled. He punched the beast as hard as he could in the head, sending its head wobbling to the left. Surgit immediately injected himself with a blood vial and felt his body rejuvenating.

He quickly stepped behind the beast and charged his attack. He hit the boar on the back as hard as he could. As it felt the hit, the pig stumbled on its knees and fell down on its stomach. Surgit used his beastly arm then and performed the most disgusting attack he ever had to perform. He inserted his arm through the boar"s a.n.u.s and crushed its intestines with his claws. The beast let out a terrible scream as it struggled to move, as if it would help with the pain or even stop it.

As Surgit pulled his arm out, he noticed that something was stuck in his hand. He was disgusted by it at first but as he saw what he had in his hand, he felt horrified. He was holding a bloodied ribbon. It was what used to be a white ribbon, identical to what the little girl wore on her head. "So she took the tunnel after all…" He thought as sorrow gripped his heart.