
Chapter 180

Publishedat 3rd of October 2019 05:55:07 PMChapter 180

Surgit explored the observatory . There were two floors and an atrium on top . Surgit climbed the stairs to the first floor . There was a large hole, recently created near the ceiling . Surgit"s monster had flung the hunter that welcomed them to Byrgenwerth through it . He looked at it, fascinated by the strength he possessed .

He feared losing himself to the monster, true . But he couldn"t stop thinking of the power he held . He only needed to activate it, let go of the rules, of the distinction between good and evil . What he"d seen so far in Yharnam proved that the world he was trapped in wasn"t a good one . Everything and everyone tried hard to kill him . There was no talking to mindless beasts, no reasoning with them .

The only truth in Yharnam was power .

He walked around the first floor of the observatory . It was a library, quite small for an inst.i.tution like Byrgenwerth . But then again, Surgit never would"ve imagined the academy to be this small . Books were stacked on dusty shelves . Spider webs covered most books . Moisture had infested the wooden shelves, consumed paper . Only a sc.r.a.p remained unharmed, with some words scribbled on them .

Surgit inspected the paper with his insight . It read: "When the red moon hangs low, the line between man and beast is blurred . And when the Great Ones descend, a womb will be blessed with child . "

"The line between man and beast is blurred," Surgit said aloud . "A womb will be blessed with child…"

Something about these two sentences attracted the hunter"s attention . He"s found an umbilical cord when he found his way into Gerhman"s old house . Perhaps the womb had already been blessed with child and the line between man and beast had already been blurred .

But where"s the red moon?

Advertis.e.m.e.ntSurgit turned away from the dust and moisture then headed for a big door on the first floor . No matter how many times he pushed, the door didn"t seem to budge .

"To think with all this power and strength, I should be able to break a door open . How ironic!"

He walked back downstairs . He needed a key to open the door, and it was bound to be hidden somewhere in the building . It was always like this with Yharnam . It throws difficult tasks your way but still offers you a way out . It wasn"t unfair, just stupidly difficult . He searched the ground floor of the observatory .

There were gla.s.s containers in which round objects floated in a dirty liquid . "n.o.body"s been to this place by the look of it," he thought as he moved closer to the containers . He didn"t have the chance to explore the place before . He was prisoner in his own body, while a much stronger version of himself obliterated all hostiles in the area .

White spheres floated in the dirty liquid . Surgit knelt near the container, observing the peculiar objects before him .

"What strange objects did Yharnamites study in here?" He tapped the gla.s.s, trying to get the spheres to move . The gla.s.s was too fragile to take a hit, even if it were but a tap, and stay intact . It broke and a nasty liquid spilled on the wooden floor . Surgit covered his nose then quickly backed away . It smelled like rotten eggs that were marinated in vinegar for a century .

Nasty, nasty smell!

The white sphere rolled on the ground . Some hit Surgit"s feet and stopped . When he looked down, he saw eyeb.a.l.l.s, perfectly preserved . They were bigger than most, but they hadn"t shriveled one bit .

"Ritual materials!" Surgit happily exclaimed . It didn"t even occur to him that he was happy because he found a bunch of organs, perfectly preserved in a shady place called an academy .

He looked around him . There were all manners of strange objects, either neatly stacked on a shelf or perfectly preserved in some nasty liquid . He could finally obtain more material to access the Chalice Dungeons . He hated the place but it allowed him to grow stronger . It was stuffy and gave him a claustrophobic feeling, but the gain was better than the pain .

He was busy collecting Bloodshot Eyeb.a.l.l.s, Arcane Hazes and Coldblood Flowers when a chest he hadn"t noticed before caught his eyes . He opened the chest to find a shining slime-like creature stored inside . It was placed atop a crimson cushion . An eye, embroidered in golden threads, could be seen below the slime .

Surgit picked the object then inspected it with his insight .

"Empty Phantasm Sh.e.l.l: Empty invertebrate sh.e.l.l that is said to be a familiar of a Great One . The Healing Church has discovered a great variety of invertebrates, or phantasms, as they are called . with slime still harbour arcane power, and can be rubbed on weapons to imbue them with their strength . "

Surgit rubbed the sh.e.l.l against his sword, nothing happened . He inspected the object again then realized he needed to infuse it with three quicksilver bullets . He took three bullets then placed them atop the slimy creature . The bullets dissolved inside the sh.e.l.l then it started glowing brightly . A silver liquid started dripping from it then splashed on the wooden floor .

There was a faint spark as the drop fell to the ground . It shone an icy white before it disappeared . Surgit rubbed the phantasm sh.e.l.l against his sword . The weapon glowed brightly . A mixture of white and silver auras coated the sword . A sound, akin to putting one"s ear against a seash.e.l.l, emanated from the aura that enveloped Surgit"s weapon .

"I need to test this on something," he said as he made for the door . He stopped in his tracks when he remembered his monstrous self, clearing the area .

"The ladder!" he thought then dashed upstairs . Near the library he had inspected, there was a ladder leading to the atrium . Surgit climbed the stairs, four at a time, then reached the ladder . He soon found himself in another study . There were no books this time, just Ritual Material . Serpentine stairs, at the right corner of the study, led to the atrium .

Surgit p.r.i.c.ked his ears, he"d heard some footsteps . He needed to confirm his suspicion . When he heard a faint clicking noise, Surgit dashed through the serpentine stairs . A creature with a gigantic fly head, was roaming about the atrium, oblivious to what had happened in the building below . Surgit swung his sword and cut the beast"s back . The silver and white aura penetrated the beast"s body . From the open wound, silver aura started spreading through the beast"s body, like rust consuming a forgotten sword .

The beast shrieked and flailed its arms around . The strange bones that protruded from its back moved about as well . One of them grazed Surgit"s arm . The hunter flinched then looked at his shoulder . "That"s a sharp bone!" He thought as he looked at the bleeding cut . "Lucky they can"t control them . "

Surgit slashed twice at the beast then watched erosion consume it . With a final thrust, Surgit finished the monster then walked away . The Phantasm Sh.e.l.l was pretty useful, but Surgit thought he could finish the monster in four attacks, even without the coating .

"It still helps limit their movement . Reduces the damage I can take . " He pocketed the item, shrugged then walked toward the ladder . A chest caught his eyes again . He remembered he still needed to find a key to open that large door downstairs . Lucky for him, it was inside the wooden box . He inspected the object with his insight . It had become second nature to him, to inspect every object in Yharnam with his third eye .

Lunarium Key: Key to the lunarium facing the lake on the second floor of Byrgenwerth College .

In his final years, Master Willem was fond of the lookout, and the rocking chair that he kept there for meditation . In the end, it is said, he left his secret with the lake .

The rocking chair! Surgit remembered seeing it when he touched the skull at the Great Cathedral . The man who sat there was Willem, he remembered that young man addressing him as such . Surgit climbed down the ladder then headed for the door . He wondered if he"d find the long lost master behind the door . Perhaps he"d be able to give him some answers .

He shook his head, dismissing this overly positive thought . If he needed answers in this city, he knew he"d have to find them himself . He put the key in the socket then turned it . A click, and the door was unlocked . Surgit hesitated to turn the k.n.o.b .
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What if Willem was really there?

The man who rallied so many devoted scholars and hunters must have been very powerful .

What if he"d also transformed into some hideous beast?

Surgit dreaded the idea of fighting some man with celestial powers . He"d had a bad time against that snake .

"Perhaps I"d go to the dungeons, get stronger," he said as he held the door k.n.o.b, unwilling to turn it .

"Ah what the h.e.l.l! What"s the worst that could happen? Die?"

He finally turned the k.n.o.b and pushed the door open .

A bright, full moon welcomed him to the open terrace . The lake below hugged the horizon, there was no end to it . In front of him, Surgit saw an old man on a rocking chair . He wore extravagant clothes and held a scepter in his right hand . The old man looked at the Lake, his back to the hunter .

Surgit approached the old man then stood before him, obstructing his view . The old man pointed his scepter forward then opened his mouth . The only sound that left was a low growl . The man"s skin was saggy and pale, too pale . His eyes were covered, giving him an even weirder look . He certainly looked like the Willem Surgit saw during his multiple visions .