
Chapter 39

Back at the fountain plaza, Surgit heard something he hadn"t before: the sound of music, faint and distant. "Who would play music here? It must be someone sane and capable of speech" He decided to investigate the source of the sound.

On the eastern side of the plaza stood a closed iron gate behind which the music emanated. Surgit walked towards the gate. He had first to climb some stairs in order to come at the same level as the big iron door. Next to the gate were other stairs leading to the Great Bridge. He"d come through here before with the two mercenaries. In their hurry to reach the Great Bridge, he hadn"t noticed the gate or the faint sound which emanated from the other side.

He was now careful and p.r.i.c.ked his ears to antic.i.p.ate any movement. He knew that attackers could ambush him at any time. He learned that the hard way. The gate was closed shut and he could see a lever which would unlock it from the other side. "Of course it has to be from the other side," he mumbled. "Have things ever been easy for me since I arrived here?" He then remembered how he brought that giant beast down from their first encounter and swallowed his tongue.

The music he heard was soothing to the ears. He wanted to get closer to its source. Hearing music amidst all this chaos and blood was a nice change of scenery for him. Since he arrived to Yharnam, all he had to deal with were deformed creatures and otherworldly monsters. If there was a sane person in this city who could provide him with a safe haven, if only for a few minutes, he"d welcome it with open arms.

The faint sound was suddenly replaced by loud growling. His body tensed and he looked around. The dogs in the kennels were trapped on the other side of the plaza. There was no way their snarling could reach him all the way to where he stood. He knew he wasn"t alone. Beyond the stairs which led to the Great Bridge was a small square. He then remembered the dogs and guards he and his previous allies had to deal with before.

He didn"t remember how many enemies there were though. Since he had the other two watching him, he was too absorbed in showing off his new powers. He hid behind a wall next to the stairs and took a minute look at the area. The square had a well in the middle, possibly providing water for the two houses which occupied the zone. The eastern girder of the bridge was as wide as a border wall. It was at least 20 feet tall and towered above the houses.

The architecture of the city still fascinated Surgit. He had to give credit to the craftsmanship with which it was built. St.u.r.dy brick walls allowed for strong structures to be erected while providing extra protection from natural hazards. For Yharnam, the brick walls provided extra protection against the beasts that roamed about.

From behind the house that connected to the Great Bridge, Surgit saw a dim light. It was approaching the square slowly but steadily. "It must be one of those guys carrying a torch," he thought. After a few seconds of stalking, three man-beasts came into his visual field. One of them was carrying a rifle. "Sniper!" he whispered. He hated those the most. The one carrying the torch had an axe on his other arm and a dog followed him closely.

He hated those dogs. He is a dog lover but the ones he encountered in Yharnam filled him with revulsion. He would pity them if it weren"t for their sharp fangs and their tendency to attack him the moment they caught his scent. And catch they did…

The moment the hound next to the torch carrying man-beast started barking, another two appeared from behind the house in the corner. The three deformed men stood alert, expecting something to come at them at any time. But Surgit didn"t make his presence known. Instead he quietly moved back down towards the fountain plaza. He knew where the stairs led him and he had no business going back there again. He had to go down instead of up.

He quietly moved between the trees next to the railings, leaving the dogs to bark at the wind. He suddenly heard a harsh caw and jumped back just in time to avoid a piercing attack. Three crows faced him. They were bigger than a normal crow. They were as large as a hound and they appeared to crawl instead of walk towards him. "What kind of grotesque monster are you?" He elongated his cleaver and brought it down on the one to his left.

Blood gushed out of its shattered head and the two others jumped at him. They made a very strange noise while trying to…. bite him? They were actually trying to bite him! He couldn"t believe how strange the creatures in Yharnam were! It was as if everyone had gone through some kind of trans.m.u.tation. With one swing from his cleaver, he managed to cut their bloated bellies open and spill their guts on the floor.

"First I had to deal with a werewolf. Then I see deformed men who, instead of kicking me out of their city, want to kill me just to show how much I"m not welcome here." He was walking towards the house of the laughing ladies while talking to himself. "Then there are those dogs, deformed, decaying but still alive and biting! But worst of all are these crows!" he was speaking loudly in the empty street. He no longer heard the dogs which barked at him earlier nor did he hear the women laughing and that should have alarmed him.

"I heard tales of crows imitating other birds" walks until they forgot their initial walk… but to see them crawling?! Well that"s a first!" he exclaimed. "And their bellies… Oh my! Their bellies! What have they eaten to have such bloated stom-"

He dodged to the right in the nick of time. A dog almost bit his left shoulder off. He quickly beheaded the poor creature which dared interrupt his monologue and looked behind him. Two more were running at him. He shot one and sent it flying back. He then smacked the other with his weapon as it jumped at him, showing its sharp fangs. "What are you trying to do?" he asked the dog which now squirmed on the ground. He planted his cleaver deep within its stomach and blood filled his eyes as it spurted out quickly. He wiped his bloodied face and looked at the dead creature with contempt. "Ruining my crazy monologue, that"s what!"