
Chapter 49

The graveyard was filled with gigantic trees that blocked the sunlight from reaching the ground. It looked as though night had fallen and countless stars were illuminating the place. The graveyard was rectangular and large, around a hundred feet wide and three hundred feet long. In the middle of the area there was a statue of what appeared to be a man. The man had a beard that Surgit swore was made of tentacles. It looked like a G.o.d of some sort. A small wooden house could be seen at the left corner of the graveyard and, at the right corner, another flight of stairs took up towards a big metallic gate. The gate was closed and Surgit made towards it in order to inspect it.

He heard the strange noise again. It was coming from the direction of the wooden house. It was hard to see clearly in the darkness that enveloped the place despite his enhanced vision. As he approached it, he saw the silhouette of a man holding what appeared to be a weapon. He was hacking at something on the floor.

As Surgit got closer, he saw the man clearer. He wore a long black coat and a long white shall was wrapped around his neck and hung on his back. The man wore a black leather homburg on his head and black trousers. He had a gigantic axe in his right arm and a pistol hung from his holster. Once Surgit got a little closer, the man turned around and looked at him. He had white bandages on his eyes and he was sniffing the air.

The man then spoke "Beasts all over the shop. You"ll be one of them, sooner or later." He dashed towards Surgit and struck at him with his axe. Surgit barely had time to dodge the attack when another swing came his way. He blocked with his cleaver and was sent backwards by the impact of the attack.

A shot later and five bullets flew towards Surgit. One hit him in the right shoulder. Surgit, in pain, saw sparkles in the ground as the man dragged the axe and hit him with an uppercut that he blocked again with his cleaver. The impact of the attack left him open and the man shot him again with his shotgun. Surgit let out a painful scream as he felt the five bullets penetrate his chest. He could still move however and he jumped backwards to get some distance between him and the crazy old man. The gun lost power to the number of bullets it produced. Or perhaps Surgit"s skin was just too thick that it slowed down the bullets as they hit him.

He was puzzled with regards to the motive of the old man attacking him. He felt the pain in his body and the bullets were in the way, halting his breathing. But he was miraculously still moving. The man swung at him one more time and Surgit sidestepped to the right and attacked him too. With an agile jump, the man made some distance between the two of them and shot him again. Surgit was prepared to dodge it and ducked under the bullets. He dashed forward and tackled the man. As the bandaged man fumbled back, Surgit attacked with his saw and hit him in the chest. The damage wasn"t too great though and the old lunatic went on attacking as if nothing happened.

His attacks and movements were too fast. Surgit couldn"t see through all of them and had to either block or jump back to get away from him. He felt his strength failing him as the injuries he had suffered started weighing on him. The man surprised Surgit with a jump attack and a kick in the face. Stunned, Surgit saw the man"s axe miss him by a hair"s width then another swing hit him on the right shoulder. His cleaver fell to the ground and pain was blinding him. "The fool wants to fight with no vials," the voices whispered.

The axe was buried deep in his arm and he could barely keep his eyes open. The man kicked him again in the stomach but Surgit persevered and took the hit without flinching. He had to show those voices who"s boss. He wanted to at least inflict some damage on this surprise attacker.

He punched the man in the face and heard a cracking sound. The mad man spit a tooth and smiled at Surgit, revealing canine teeth. Blood poured down from the stranger"s mouth.The sight of blood excited Surgit and he attacked more fiercely. "Ooh what"s that smell… the sweet blood… it sings to me! It"s enough to make a man sick" The man spoke again in a whisper and elongated his axe. "A trick weapon! A hunter"s weapon!" Surgit was in shock, a hunter attacking him?

Surgit"s right arm was useless. Every movement he made was painful and breathing had become even more difficult. He was a terrible mess to behold. His vision became blurry and he knew he didn"t have much time. He would pa.s.s out and wake up next to the lamp in a few.

He hated how the fight would end. He was a fool for messing up with enemies, wasting too many vials in the process. If he could heal, he would still stand a chance against his enemy. The axe came crashing towards his head. "You can still move. Jump and dodge now!" ordered all the voices in unison. He jumped to the right as the axe hit the ground. Surgit almost lost consciousness once he landed on his injured shoulder. Five bullets penetrated his lower body and he bellowed in pain. The axe finally cut his body open and he felt himself fading from reality. "You fool!" echoed the voices in his head.

In his last breath, Surgit saw the man holding his axe in the air and slamming it again down on his body. "You sick creature. May your rest in peace. Umbasa." Those were the last words he heard.