
Chapter 63

At the end of the square where he"d met the giant he just killed, he saw some stairs leading down. He found himself in a room filled with empty jars. They looked like the ones that filled Oedon chapel but these ones were empty. This used to be a safe place, for a long time before the people who were here ran out of incense. He saw a door in the room and tried to open it. It was shut tight and Surgit didn"t manage to open the heavy door, despite all his strength. After pounding and kicking the door with frustration, he finally gave up and sat down to catch his breath.

He noticed a closed chest next to one of the jars and he went for it. As he opened it, he saw at its bottom a red gem. It looked like a snowflake that had blood veins in it. The veins were pale and the edges of the flakes were pointy and sharp. It looked beautiful and at the same time dangerous. After all, nothing in this city looked beautiful without having a horrific side to it. He remembered that he could use insight to inspect items and enemies so he inspected the gem. "Radial blood gemstone(1), infuse in weapons to strengthen certain aspects on them. Most radial gems have effects that bear upon physical attacks" In an inner voice, akin to a whisper, Surgit heard the description of the item he was holding. He put it in his pocket and decided to ask the doll for more information about it.

Back in front of the metallic gate, Surgit saw that the giant who was waiting for him had fallen asleep. He didn"t trust that anymore. Moreover, he knew that once he"d open the gate the giant would wake and come at him. So Surgit pulled the lever to open it and right after, used his gun to shoot the giant"s head through the metallic bars as the door open lifted. Enraged, the huge monster slammed his axe to the ground as an attempt to swat off the annoying thing that dared attack it. Noticing that it was Surgit, the pale giant stopped and waited for the gate to open. "So you are capable of thought after all" thought Surgit, regretful that his strategy didn"t work out.

As soon as the gate was half open, Surgit dashed from underneath it in order to surprise his foe and attack his legs. He found himself hugging the back of the great axe as the giant had antic.i.p.ated his move. He was propelled and slammed against the raising gate. His back ached and he felt himself breathless, losing consciousness.

In a split second he had to decide on his next move. If he fell down, he would meet an inevitable and painful death. Time slowed down for Surgit for a moment as he struggled to retain his consciousness. In a miraculous show of willpower, he use his legs to propel himself towards the giant as fast as he could. It was a suicide attempt but he had no other choice. He used his cleaver to slow his descent as he struck the giant"s chest with it.

The poor brute didn"t see the attack coming and howled as his entire torso was cut open. Surgit found himself immediately between the beast"s legs. He slashed at them as quickly as he could. He was surprised to find out that he could deal at least five quick slashes with his cleaver before the enemy could retaliate. The giant didn"t have time to retaliate though as his right leg gave way and he stumbled to his knee.

Surgit jumped on its back and used his cleaver to cut the beast"s back open, ripping his flesh and breaking his spine into little segments. The giant let out a terrible howl as it fell down to the floor. It was in pain and unable to move and Surgit observed its body, devoid of red blood. Only white liquid ran through it and that explained its pale skin. He decided to finish it by hacking its head off and walked back towards the chapel.

The street he left led nowhere. He couldn"t see any other way to access the upper part of the chapel. He was back at the square outside. He stood next to the well in the middle of the place. He still sensed something watching him, somewhere above the building. The event he experienced before was very unsettling. He didn"t know what grabbed him or why his blood just happened to explode out of his body. It was a painful experience. He used his insight in order to inspect what was stalking him from above the chapel. To his surprise, there was nothing. He was positive he felt a gigantic hand grab him and squeeze his body. He swore he had seen some kind of monstrous shape, but even his insight couldn"t perceive it.

He opened his eyes and went right, to the street opposite the chapel. The road led down towards a gigantic church where several man-beasts were stationed, patrolling the area. He looked around him but didn"t see any way which could lead him towards the upper-Cathedral Ward. He decided to get back to the chapel and think of another approach. The door to the right of the chapel either led up towards a closed gate or down towards a church.

He came back to the door where he and Karla got separated but there was no sign of her. She might have found a way to escalate the tower. She could also have faced some dangerous enemies and had to hide, or worse. He felt trapped, so he decided to wait until the two hours were up. He promised to wait for Karla at the chapel so he decided to deliver on his promise. "I might still take a little stroll down at Central Yharnam."

He decided to go and pay Iosefka a visit. Her vials were of great help to him. Besides, visiting her always calmed his nerves. Having a sane human being to talk to was refreshing. After all the hardships and beasts he encounters, he loved paying her a visit and hearing a melodious human voice from behind that door. He also thought of the lady who asked him about finding her a safe place. Oedon Chapel had ample incense to ward off beasts and that could help the old lady remain out of harm. He thought of the little girl who had lost both her parents. He didn"t know how to deliver the bad news to her.

As he made his way back underneath Oedon chapel, Surgit couldn"t help but think of the shady blind man or creature he encountered earlier. Could he be trusted? The place seemed safe enough but his presence gave Surgit an ominous feeling.

Maybe the blind man wouldn"t dare attack him since he"s a hunter but what about defenseless people who would come to the place seeking refuge? He was prepared to beg Iosefka to forget about her Hippocratic Oath and at least offer asylum to the people in Central Yharnam. The area was deserted as he had cleared it already from all the beasts that roamed its streets. He reached the clinic in no time and found himself knocking at the door, as usual. A woman"s voice was heard from behind the door:

- "Oh well, h.e.l.lo. You"re soon off to hunt I presume?"
