
Chapter 93

Surgit divided the information he had and organized them by columns. On the one regarding the people he met, he wrote.

Iosefka: a healing church doctor who helped me overcome many difficulties, especially at the beginning of my journey. She saved my life and Karla"s too. I am eternally grateful for her a.s.sistance so far. I noticed a slight change in her att.i.tude after I reached Oedon Chapel. She seems more willing to help the sick while she refused to let anyone in before. I"ll take it as a good sign and keep an eye out for any infected in need of treatment in the future.

Oedon chapel dweller: a creepy man who dwells inside the chapel. His voice suggests his s.e.x but everything in his appearance shows that he"s far from human. He provides a safe place for people in need and even though I do not completely trust him, he hosted the old lady who seems to be safe and sound.

Old lady: ungrateful woman who seems to hate outsiders.

Alfred: a hunter who appears to derive from the healing church. His shawl perhaps shows that he belongs to the church. He"s kind and willing to share information with me despite the fact that I have nothing to give in return. Moreover, he helped me in the fight against the blood starved beast. He has my thanks and I will make sure to repay the debt one day.

Francis: the man who made my trip to Yharnam possible. He managed to become a hunter and has an agenda of his own. I"ll keep a close eye on him until I figure out his motives: Neither a friend nor a foe.

Karla: skilled fighter who doesn"t need blood ministration to overcome Yharnam"s atrocities. Although I won"t be sure about her chances against abominations like the cleric beast, I hope she"s doing alright by herself now, location: unknown.

The crow lady: a hunter who appears to be ruthless and skilled. She killed Paul in one strike while Karla had almost died to him. I need to be on my guard against her, motives: unknown.

Once he was done writing down the information he had about the people he had met, Surgit moved to the items in his possession. He then cla.s.sified them as key items to be stored in the dream for later use and consumables that he can keep in his possession when needed.

He found the fire papers that Alfred had given him before. He had completely forgotten about them. He also had extra weapons that could be useful as a way to immobilize fast enemies. He just had to have enough echoes to unlock them.

The rifle spear had been useful against the werewolves and the beast patients. He had a torch too and some antidotes. While for key items, he had the church hunter badge that allowed him to get more weapons and consumables from the messengers in the fountain. He also had the beckoning bell and the Pthumeru Chalice.

After cla.s.sifying his possessions, Surgit stood up, stored his notebook in a drawer among some old books and went to Gehrman. The old man opened his eyes as soon as Surgit stood in front of him.

- "Aha, you"re back. Did you get the chalice?" he asked.

- "Yes I did, I had to struggle to reach it, let alone get it from that terrible monster." Surgit held the chalice in front of Gehrman as if he held a trophy.

- "Very well, now you can perform a ritual at one of the altars outside in order to break the seal to the labyrinth. The doll will give you more guidelines on how to do so."

By then, Surgit knew that Gehrman wasn"t the type of person to speak too much. He nodded to him and prepared himself to leave. Gehrman however went on.

- "The healing church and the blood ministers who belong to it were once guardians of the hunters. In the times of the hunter… Ludwig" Gehrman seemed to have difficulties remembering names. "They worked, and forged weapons in their unique workshop. Today, most ministers don"t recall the hunters. But they have much to offer you. And so, heed the message of your forebears. Ascend to Oedon chapel."

- "Huh? What does that even mean?" exclaimed Surgit.

- "Ascend to Oedon chapel. From there, you will find the church workshop."

Gehrman immediately fell asleep and left Surgit wondering again. It was as if Gehrman enjoyed puzzling him and leaving him with more questions than answers. Surgit exited the workshop and walked towards the doll.

He asked her about the chalice"s function and she explained that he could use the sacrificial altars in order to access the sealed labyrinth of the G.o.ds. The chalice was the most important component used in unsealing them.

Surgit still needed to get his hands on ritual blood in order to do so. And he knew exactly where to go in order to find it. He had left a bowl full of it in the big church behind the clock tower in Old Yharnam.

The doll explained then that what appeared to Surgit as giant tombstones behind the workshop were in fact the sacrificial altars. Each stone gave access to one part of the labyrinth. Unlocking the seal required a chalice and the one he held gave him access to the first level of the labyrinth alone. All he needed to do in order to get to the others was to finish each dungeon and slay its guardian who resided in the darkest corner of the labyrinth.

Surgit was curious about exploring the tombs of the G.o.ds. He read about the tombs being the source of blood healing as scholars from Byrgenwerth had explored them before. This action led them to discover a holy medium that enabled blood ministration.

Gehrman spoke about blood ministers being above Oedon chapel. Surgit also wanted to go meet them. He still remembered the old man who allowed him to have another chance at life. He wondered if he could meet him there or if, along with the other ministers, they still lived there at all.

There was also the matter regarding Byrgenwerth. He was excited at the idea of leaving Yharnam and resuming his life, back at his native city. Paleblood was apparently the key to unlocking a pa.s.sage out of Yharnam and resuming his normal life, away from beasts and from the sickness that haunted his life for years.

He decided to go to Oedon chapel in order to check on Karla in there and find Alfred. He could provide him with enough information regarding Byrgenwerth. He also had to visit Iosefka and check on her before he went on his way towards Byrgenwerth and the church workshop.

The tombs of the G.o.ds could wait until he managed to find a way towards Byrgenwerth. At that moment, he felt that he had so many places to go to, but he had to remain focused on his objective. Deriving from it could lead to complications and stretch his stay in Yharnam for longer than expected.

He went towards the messenger and asked him to transport him towards Oedon chapel. The old lady still sat on her chair, frowning and talking under her nose. The dweller still asked Surgit to send sane people over if they ever needed as safe place to hide in. There was no sign of Karla.