Boy Scouts in an Airship

Chapter 31

snarled the other. "There is no knowing what kind of property you light-fingered gentlemen will acquire."

"You"re a liar, Collins," Jackson said, coolly. "You know I never ran off the cattle which were missed. I believe you stole them!"

Collins advanced angrily toward the speaker, but one of his company drew him back.

"Cut it out!" he said. "There will be plenty of time later on."

"What are you going to do with us?" asked Jimmie.

"You"ll see!" Collins replied. "I wonder how you would like a game of chase-the-bullet? Similar to the one you gave me not long ago?"

"Like it fine," Jimmie grinned, "if it didn"t do me no more harm than it did you. Never touched you!"

"It may be different in your case," Collins threatened.

After consulting together in whispers for some moments, the men loaded Jimmie and Jackson into the crowded motor car and put on the reverse movement. In half an hour, the progress being slow, they came to the valley where the campfire was still burning. Here they all alighted.

Half a dozen Peruvian Indians of vicious appearance now came forward, and Collins gave them instructions in an undertone, after which the two captives were led away to the cavern in which Lyman had been sheltered up to the time of the arrival of the Nelson. One of the Indians remained outside while the others hastened away.

"Well," Jimmie said, as he looked gloomily at the discouraged Jackson, "what do you think of this? I"d like to push the face of that Collins person in so it would mix with the back curtain."

"We"re in for it!" moaned Jackson.

"Aw, what can they do to us?" demanded the little fellow.

"They can keep us here until we die of starvation," replied Jackson.

"I"ve had a turn with starvation, and know what it"s like."

Jimmie reached under his coat and brought out a can of beans.

"Here," he said, "get busy on this."

"They took mine away when they searched me for a gun," said Jackson.

"Buck up!" advised Jimmie. "We"ve got to figure out some way to give them the slip. What?"

"Yes, I suppose so!"

Jackson had counted on getting back to civilization without further difficulties, on the arrival of the Nelson, and now he was completely discouraged. Jimmie sat on the floor of the cavern and eyed him quizzically.

"Ned will come back after us," the little one said, presently. "You put your bloomin" trust in Ned, an" you"ll come a four-time winner out of the box. I know. I"ve been out with him before."

"But how will he ever find us here?" asked Jackson.

"How did he ever find Lyman?" demanded the boy. "You hush your kickin" an" leave it all to Ned. Guess he knows enough to get us out of this sink of iniquity! That boy eats "em alive!"

"I can"t see why they should keep us here," Jackson remarked, presently, prying off the top of the can of beans with his pocket knife. "Why don"t they go back to Asuncion and look after that cattle concession?"

"Because they"ve got some one there to look out for it for them,"

replied the boy. "They"re waitin" here for Ned to come back an" get us, if anybody should ask you," he went on, his cheerful smile not at all matching the serious import of his words. "This Collins person has cards up his sleeve, an" he wants to get hold of Ned.

He"s set his trap with us for bait."

"You"re a cheerful little cuss!" grinned Jackson, beginning to see the dangerous side of the situation. "And what are we going to do when Ned comes back? Let them soak him?"

"Not so you could notice it," was the reply. "When Ned comes back we"ll be out at the other end of that tunnel, an" he"ll swoop do in in the Nelson an" pick us up, an" we"ll be back in little old N. Y.

before you can say scat."

"But how can we--"

The entrance to the cavern was darkened for a moment and then the flashily-dressed form of Collins made its appearance.

"What"s that about getting back to little old N. Y.?" he asked.

"When do you start for Manhattan Island?"

"You heard, then?" asked Jackson.

"Of course."


"Well, we"ll see that you don"t get away until this Ned comes back after you. We need him in our business."

"He"ll land Lyman at Asuncion before you see him again," Jimmie said.

"Not a doubt of it," was the sullen reply, "but don"t you ever think we haven"t got people there who will look out for our interests.

Lyman won"t be at liberty long, and your Ned will come back here to get what"s coming to him."

"Is that so?" exclaimed the boy, putting on a bold front, but inwardly fearful that the situation was a tragic one.

Leaving the captives with this cheering (?) information, Collins went back to his companions, leaving the Indian still on guard. For a time the Indian stood stolidly in front of the cave, then, looking carefully about to see that he was not observed by his employers, he faced the opening and uttered one English word:


Jackson opened his eyes in amazement, but Jimmie saw an extended hand and sprang forward. The Indian"s right hand was extended toward the boy, palm up, the thumb and little finger meeting across the palm and crossed, the remaining fingers straight out.

"You mean, "Be prepared"?" Jimmie asked.

""Be prepared,"" repeated the other, like one rehearsing a lesson.

"Gee!" laughed the boy. "Here"s a Boy Scout lingerin" in little old Peru! Now wouldn"t that stop a clock?"

"You just wait a minute," Jackson said, hopefully. "I think I can talk with this chap a little in Spanish."

Then followed a great picking of words to match gestures, and gestures to explain words, during which the full salute of the Boy Scouts of America was often repeated by the Indian. Then Jackson said:

"He says that there were Boy Scouts down here six months ago, and that he guided them through the mountain to the headwaters of the Beni river. From there they went through to the valley of the Amazon in a boat--a steam launch."

Jimmie reached under his waistcoat collar and produced his Wolf badge, pointing to it with his finger inquiringly. The Indian shook his head.