Boy Scouts in Southern Waters

Chapter 12

Jack at the wheel held a steady course and reached a hand toward the switchboard. His lips were tightly closed. Again the hail came across the tumbling waters, but no reply was made.

A shot rang out from the schooner. The boys could see the bullet ricochet from wave to wave and pa.s.s in front of the Fortuna.

Another shot was fired. Gla.s.s tinkled. Jack fell to the floor.



"Oh, Jack!" cried Tom, stooping over the boy lying upon the pilot house floor. "Oh, Jack, speak to me!"

Unguided by a hand at the wheel, the Fortuna fell off into the trough of the sea and began to roll broadside on. Another shot came from the schooner, but it went wild. The boys crowded about the form of their fallen chum and tried to lift him to his feet. Frank was the first to give attention to the boat.

"They"re gaining on us!" he cried. "Which switch controls the power?

Let"s get away from here before they kill us all!"

"Those levers in the center of the board," directed Harry, "govern the spark and fuel. Someone get the wheel. Steer due northwest for a while until we get straightened out!"

Frank whirled the spokes of the wheel rapidly and brought the Fortuna up to her course, while Harry quickly operated the switches that gave new impetus to the engines. Soon the Fortuna was cleaving the waves at full speed. Clouds of spray were thrown far aside as she mounted the crest, and every plunge into the trough brought a torrent of water over her bows. Her graceful lines offered little resistance to her progress. She leaped forward like a thing of life, rapidly leaving the schooner far astern.

Another shot was fired from the pursuer, but fell far astern of the flying motor boat. Apparently those aboard the sailing vessel realized the hopelessness of further effort, for they turned and headed back for the island so recently left by the boys.

No sooner had the Fortuna been put under full speed than, leaving Frank at the wheel, the others carried Jack into the cabin, where he was laid upon a bunk. Swiftly Tom tore away his jacket and shirt, exposing a chest with well-developed muscles standing out prominently. The strong, lithe figure of the boy gave striking evidence of the beneficial result of constant and well-directed physical exercise. Just now he lay limp and inert.

"Where is he hit?" queried Harry, appearing with restoratives from the medicine chest. "Is he bleeding much?" he continued.

"Funny thing, I can"t find any blood at all!" declared Tom. "It"s a peculiar thing, too, for if he was. .h.i.t hard enough to knock him down the bullet must have entered his body!"

"That"s a strange thing, isn"t it?" spoke up Arnold.

"Strange is no word for it!" Tom a.s.serted. "I"m just all at sea literally as well as figuratively. This is the strangest part of our queer experiences during the past few hours."

"Let"s get his clothes off and examine him closely," suggested Arnold.

"Maybe the bullet hit him from a ricochet."

"Wise little Scout!" commended Tom. "You"ve got a great head on those shoulders! I"m glad we brought you along."

Before he had ceased speaking, Tom had begun to divest Jack of his upper clothing. With the a.s.sistance of Harry and Arnold, he removed the jacket and shirt in a short time.

"There"s nothing here at all!" he cried in amazement.

"What"s that bruised looking place over his heart?" asked Harry. "Seems to me it is discolored somewhat there."

"Sure enough!" cried Arnold. "Give him first aid for drowning. That may start his heart action. He isn"t shot after all!"

"Hurray!" responded his chums in chorus, quickly putting into action the suggestion of Arnold. They worked quickly and effectively, their training standing them in good stead at this time.

Before many seconds had pa.s.sed, Jack opened his eyes, gasped weakly and then sat up on the edge of the bunk. Blinking his eyes, he put his hand over his heart. Arnold shouted for pure joy.

"Hurrah, Frank!" he cried up the companion-way, "Jack is coming to! What do you think of us for life-savers?"

"You can"t mean it!" incredulously protested Frank.

"Well we just do mean it and I for one am awful glad!"

"So are all of us glad!" declared Tom. "I was worried for a while. It looked as if you were going to stay out, Jack!"

The boys were capering about in glee over Jack"s recovery though his smile was still a trifle wan and drawn. Slowly, however, his strength returned. He accepted and drank with eagerness the cup of steaming coffee proffered by Arnold as a restorative.

"Thank you, Scout!" smiled Jack. You"re a master hand at the cooking!

What hit me? I felt quite a blow."

"You were shot," declared Harry. "The pirate schooner shot at us, you remember, and then they had to shoot you, but we can"t find any hole where the bullet went in. You"re only bruised."

"Ha!" exclaimed Jack. "I see it now! The bullet hit the automatic I had put in my breast pocket. I never carried it there before and don"t know why I should have put it there this time."

"Well, it"s a lucky thing you varied from your habit!"

"Let"s see if the bullet is in the pocket yet," Harry said.

A search of the jacket revealed a hole, in the outer cloth where the bullet had entered. Inside the pocket were the automatic and several slivers of lead, fragments of the shattered missile.

"Jack," Harry said with a shiver, as he grasped his chum"s hand, "that was a mighty close shave. I"m glad it terminated so well."

The silent grasp that Jack returned spoke louder than words of the bond of friendship that existed between the boys.

"Come, come," bustled Harry, "Jack will be getting hungry. Whose watch is it in the kitchenette? I was on last, I know!"

"Yes, you were!" declared Arnold in mock anger. "You are always just off duty when there"s work to do! We know you!"

It was decided that Harry must prepare supper, for the boys were all famished after their hard day"s work.

"You"ll have to check down a little if I cook!" a.s.serted Harry. "This isn"t a battleship, and the pirates are far astern."

"Good idea," Jack a.s.sented. "Check her down, Tom, and save fuel. After that Madero"s wasting of our gasoline, we"ll need all we have. He didn"t seem to care for expense a little bit!"

The suggestion was followed, and shortly the Fortuna was traveling at a more moderate gait, taking the seas easily without shipping water on her forward deck. Frank was enthusiastic over the arrangements, declaring that each feature was exactly as he would have wished for it himself.

The searchlight and cabin lights operated by the dynamo below decks were sources of pleasure.

Harry was soon busily engaged in preparing a bountiful supper for the boys who were ready to do ample justice to his skill in the kitchen.

Harry felt justly proud of his ability as did the others, who sat down to a supper of broiled Red Snapper with a mushroom sauce helped out by fried potatoes, hot baking powder biscuits and excellent coffee. Frank had opened a tin of marmalade which disappeared rapidly before the young appet.i.tes.

Frank had been relieved at the wheel by Arnold who loved to be entrusted with the management of the boat.