Boy Scouts in Southern Waters

Chapter 41

By G. HARVEY RALPHSON, of the Black Bear Patrol

1.--Boy Scouts in Mexico; or, On Guard With Uncle Sam.

2.--Boy Scouts in the Ca.n.a.l Zone; or, The Plot Against Uncle Sam.

3.--Boy Scouts in the Philippines; or, The Key to the Treaty Box.

4.--Boy Scouts in the Northwest; or, Fighting Forest Fires.

5.--Boy Scouts in a Motor Boat; or, Adventures on the Columbia River.

6.--Boy Scouts in an Airship; or, The Warning from the Sky.

7.--Boy Scouts in a Submarine; or, Searching an Ocean Floor.

8.--Boy Scouts on Motorcycles; or, With the Flying Squadron.

9.--Boy Scouts Beyond the Arctic Circle; or, The Lost Expedition.

10.--Boy Scout Camera Club; or, The Confessions of a Photograph.

11.--Boy Scout Electricians; or, The Hidden Dynamo.

12.--Boy Scouts in California; or, The Flag on the Cliff.

13.--Boy Scouts on Hudson Bay; or, The Disappearing Fleet.

14.--Boy Scouts in Death Valley; or, The City in the Sky.

15.--Boy Scouts on the Open Plains; or, The Round-up not Ordered.

16.--Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; or, the Spanish Treasure Chest 17.--Boy Scouts in Belgium; or, Under Fire in Flanders 18.--Boy Scouts in the North Sea; or, the Mystery of U-13 19.--Boy Scouts under the Kaiser; or, the Uhlans in Peril 20.--Boy Scouts with the Cossacks; or, Poland Recaptured


By Andrew Carey Lincoln

I.--Motorcycle Chums in the Land of the Sky; or, Thrilling Adventures on the Carolina Border.

2.--Motorcycle Chums in New England; or, The Mount Holyoke Adventure.

3.--Motorcycle Chums on the Sante Fe Trail; or, The Key to the Treaty Box.

4.--Motorcycle Chums in Yellowstone Park; or, Lending a Helping Hand.

5.--Motorcycle Chums in the Adirondacks; or, The Search for the Lost Pacemaker.

6.--Motorcycle Chums Storm Bound; or, The Strange Adventures of a Road Chase.


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[Ill.u.s.tration: @THE YOUNG EXPLORER]



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[Ill.u.s.tration: @DOWN THE SLOPE]



The hero of this story is a young boy who, in order to a.s.sist his mother, works as a "breaker" in a coal mine. The book tells how coal miners work; their social condition; their hardships and privations.