Boy Scouts in the Philippines

Chapter 36

Shifting for Himself

Sink or Swim

Slow and Sure

Store Boy, The

Strive and Succeed


Strong and Steady

Struggling Upward

Telegraph Boy, The

Tin Box, The

Tom, the Boot Black

Tony, the Tramp

Try and Trust

Wait and Hope

Walter Sherwood"s Probation

Wren Winter"s Triumph

Young Aerobat

Young Adventurer, The

Young Explorer

Young Miner

Young Musician

Young Outlaw

Young Salesman

WOODCRAFT _for_ Boy Scouts and Others

_By_ OWEN JONES _and_ MARCUS WOODMAN _With a Message to Boy Scouts _by_ SIR BADEN-POWELL, _Founder of the Boy Scouts" Movement_.

One of the essential requirements of the Boy Scout training is a Knowledge of Woodcraft. This necessitates a book embracing all the subjects and treating on all the topics that a thorough knowledge of Woodcraft implies.

This book thoroughly exhausts the subject. It imparts a comprehensive knowledge of woods from fungus growth to the most stately monarch of the forest: it treats of the habits and lairs of all the feathered and furry inhabitants of the woods. Shows how to trail wild animals; how to identify birds and beasts by their tracks, calls, etc. Tells how to forecast the weather, and in fact treats on every phase of nature with which a Boy Scout or any woodman or lover of nature should be familiar.

The authorship guarantees it"s authenticity and reliability.

Indispensable to "Boy Scouts" and others. Printed from large clear type on superior paper.

Embellished With Over 100 Thumb Nail Ill.u.s.trations Taken From Life

Oliver Optic Series

For a full generation the youth of America has been reading and re-reading "Oliver Optic." No genuine boy ever tires of this famous author who knew just what boys wanted and was always able to supply his wants.

All Aboard

Brave Old Salt

Boat Club, The

Fighting Joe

Haste and Waste

Hope and Have

In School and Out

Little by Little

Now or Never

Outward Bound

Poor and Proud

Rich and Humble

Sailor Boy, The

Soldier Boy, The

Try Again

Watch and Wait