Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 35: Waltz

Chapter 35: Waltz

Looking up at the middle-aged man, Lin Feng said this lightly.

What Lin Feng said was correct. From the beginning the man in black had been continuously trying to get Lin Feng to take out his supplies, yet he had never agreed to the terms.

“Are you trying to joke with me?”

Upon hearing Lin Feng, the man in black was furious.

In the entirety of Zhan Lang base, no one dared to speak against him apart from Wolf’s a.s.sistant and the two level 6 cultivators.

From the start, the man in black thought that Lin Feng would fear his level 5 cultivator’s strength and obediently hand over the goods in his apocalypse watch. He did not expect Lin Feng to play such a trick on him.

“You kidnapped my people, and now you’re asking for my supplies. Isn’t that a bit too much?”

Lin Feng was observing the man’s energy fluctuations, and couldn’t help but wonder this.

The man was obviously a level 5 cultivator, however the energy fluctuations in his body were not much higher than Lin Feng’s. According to their levels, he was one level above Lin Feng, however he felt that that may not be true.

Not only the middle-aged man, Lin Feng discovered that even the fluctuations of energy of the four people behind him couldn’t match up to his.

“Could it be that my energy fluctuations are much greater than cultivators of the same rank?”

Perplexed, Lin Feng could only give the credit to the chaos soul crystal.  That was because this soul crystal could change the physique of people, making the person surpa.s.s normal humans in certain areas.  It is said that the soul crystal was divided into levels, Lin Feng didn’t know what level his chaos soul crystal belonged to.

“Wolf wants something, yet no one is able to give it to him. Do not think that the supplies are completely safe in the apocalypse watch.  Let me tell you, I have at least 100 methods to make you obediently give up the supplies in your apocalypse watch.  ”

The middle-aged man was furious. He took out a long knife from his apocalypse watch and walked towards Lin Feng a step at a time.

“If you want to fight, then we shall fight. What’s the point of speaking such nonsense?”

Lin Feng took out the dark steel bayonet from his apocalypse watch. Although the opponent was a level 5 cultivator, Lin Feng felt that he was unable to fight well, and had made previous fighting plans.

If Lin Feng gave the supplies at the start, there was no guarantee of safety.  Furthermore the other party could even carry out a kidnapping, there was nothing that they couldn’t do.

From the beginning of the zombie horde, Wolf had organized the cultivators and common people to fight the horde. This left a good impression of Wolf on Lin Feng.  However in the end the apocalypse was still the apocalypse, the greed of human nature would no doubt be infinitely enlarged.

Regardless of any excuse, greed was still considered greed. Lin Feng was not willing to have much idle chat with these kind of people, when every so often there was no need to put up a memorial arch.

The man slashed horizontally towards Lin Feng’s chest, he didn’t dare to aim for his vital point.  If Lin Feng died, no one would be able to remove the goods from his apocalypse watch. If that were the case, the man had no way to explain it to Wolf if he returned.

Lin Feng was just a level 4 cultivator, as such the middle-aged man was not that worried.  The strength of this slash was only at 70%, he felt that this was enough strength.

This knife posture was very ordinary, and was not related to any style at all. Seeing this Lin Feng shook his head.

Despite the opponent being a level 5 cultivator, Lin Feng could not be negligent. Without thinking he raised to bayonet to block his chest.


He really was a level 5 cultivator. Lin Feng felt a tremendous force from the bayonet, and it shook him till even his mouth went numb.

The energy fluctuations of the middle-aged man was not much greater than Lin Feng’s, however this strength was absolutely not small.  After taking a step back, Lin Feng twisted his bayonet, and raised it to the man’s neck.

The middle-aged man was furious, he didn’t think that his strength was able to be received by a level 4 cultivator, even if he only used 70% of it.  Now upon seeing that Lin Feng was an active threat, he raised his knife with a shout and slashed down, wanting to cut Lin Feng’s bayonet.

His style did not change. Lin Feng changed his posture, lowering his head to completely avoid the middle-aged man, and slashing the bayonet towards the man’s waist.

He did not expect Lin Feng to be so quick. It was too fast for him to dodge, and he took the advantage to roll away. However he had not completely escaped the bayonet, as blood flowed from the wound on his waist.

“A dancer!”

Upon seeing Lin Feng’s movements, the man cried this out.

What Lin Feng didn’t know was that there were no styles in the apocalyptic world., Everyone fought with cuts, chops and other normal movements.  Styles did not exist in this world, however after entering the apocalypse, the world was changed.

In the cultivators, there was an extremely special cultivator called the dancer. The soul crystal of the dancer allowed them to waltz, and also allowed them to learn the style.  Cultivators called those who learned various styles the dancers, for their similarity to actual dancers.

The chances of a dancer appearing was very low. Even in a hundred cultivators it was very hard to find one dancer.  Furthermore the style of the dancer increased the strength of the cultivator greatly, even allowing them to defeat high-leveled cultivators.

Zhan Lang base has a dancer, which is the a.s.sistant of Wolf. Achieving cultivator level 6, the dancer’s fighting strength is on par with Wolf who is about to reach cultivator level 7. The fierceness of the dancer’s strength was very obvious.

Furthermore, dancers of higher ranks focus purely on the utilization of the styles, increasing their strength even further.  Every dancer fights for a major influence, the style in this apocalyptic world was too precious.

“Let’s kill this dancer together. ”

The man in black did not even think that the young man before him was a dancer, and had originally thought that Lin Feng was just an ordinary level 4 cultivator. The man in black had completely underestimated him.

If not for the kidnapping, discovering a dancer in the base would be an extremely shocking matter, causing a stir in the entire base. Afterwards Wolf would extend his arm, reserving an leadership spot for the dancer.

However now that he was the enemy, recruiting him was impossible. The man thought that this incident had left a bad mark on the other party.  With it being like this, it was best to kill Lin Feng before he could reach higher cultivator levels, as he would be a large threat to the base.

At present the man could not think of getting the supplies from Lin Feng, killing this dancer was the top priority.

“Come at me together, if today isn’t the day you die then it’s the day I live!”

Seeing the five of them rush over with their weapons, Lin Feng’s cracked his jaw together.
