Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 62 – Gene Upgrade

Chapter 62 – Gene Upgrade

The 3rd cla.s.s mutated black panther beast soul was swallowed by Lin Feng. This was not like when he took the Green Core before, where a formidable energy entered his soul crystal.

After swallowing the beast soul, Lin Feng felt his body start to heat up, starting from his navel and gradually spreading to his limbs and his capillaries.

Lin Feng felt his blood start to boil, the same feeling he got when he activated the supermarket exchange system.

The blood in his veins started to become even hotter and Lin Feng could feel his blood vessels become strained and start to tremble and swell. The feeling was extremely uncomfortable, as if thousands of ants were inside of his veins, Lin Feng felt like there were pins and needles all over his body.

Then, Lin Feng’s veins started to become red, so red that he could see his blood flowing through his skin. Lin Feng’s heart began to beat violently, as if he had taken drugs, his heart rate surpa.s.sing 200 beats per minute.

The boiling blood in his body kept on flowing and flowing. If not for Lin Feng being a cultivator with a strong body, he would have burst open and died.

Lin Feng knows that the changes in his body will not harm him, and even if they hurt at the moment, the only thing that he can do is clench his teeth.

Along with the endless revolutions of blood in his body, Lin Feng felt that his own genes being rewritten, and could feel his body becoming lighter and more flexible.

10 minutes later, his blood vessels stopped swelling, his heartbeat returned to normal, and after careful observation, Lin Feng could feel the changes to his body.

Lin Feng’s lineage genes were upgraded, and Lin Feng clearly felt lighter and more flexible. He went into the supermarket exchange system to see his progression. His previous gene was the Shadow Wolf gene, and now with the mutated black panther 3rd cla.s.s beast soul, Lin Feng’s gene became the cla.s.s 2 Demon Shadow Wolf.

The benefits for Lin Feng were that his agility improved, the duration of his skills doubled, and that now he can activate the demon shadow wolf bloodline gene and boost his agility for 5 minutes.

He did not expect that the bloodline gene and the beast soul to have such effects.

For other cultivators, a beast soul will only increase the level of their cultivation. Lin Feng, who has the bloodline gene, is able to upgrade it using beast souls.

It was no wonder that mutated beasts with beast souls were superior to zombies in strength, and because of their mutations, mutated beasts were superior to zombies in skill level too. But when a normal person absorbs a beast soul only their cultivation rises, they don’t awaken any bloodline genes. Thus, ordinary cultivators absorbing beast souls is simply a waste.

Lin Feng is not the same though, with his bloodline gene, absorbing beast souls will result in the strengthening of his gene. Like having the right medicine, beast souls strengthen specific cultivators.

After the shadow wolf gene was promoted to cla.s.s 2, even if its powers are not activated, Lin Feng’s speed was much faster than normal, which is the benefit of bloodline genes for cultivators.

“Old Four, this time you go observe the Tian Heng mountain.”

In a villa in the Eastern Mountain Base, Commander Feng Yi spoke to a middle-aged man.  (TL: Dong Shan or Eastern Mountain Base)

“d.a.m.n, if not for their firearms, we would have conquered War Wolf Base already.” (Zhan Lang Base)

Old Four listening to Feng Yi, regretfully said.

(TL: old four, Feng 4, Feng Si)

The Eastern Mountain Base had attacked War Wolf Base, originally when they attacked War Wolf Base they saw victory in their grasp when the situation reversed.

War Wolf Base launched a missile. Originally it was known that the War Wolf Base had a missile, and Feng Yi planned to bring all the cultivators to a close combat melee and leave regular soldiers in the distance to shoot with lasers weapons. Then, even if the War Wolf Base launched its missile, it was nothing more than losing some non-elite soldiers outside the base. If he could sacrifice the lives of regular soldiers to be able to invade with his cultivators, it would be worth it, as in the apocalypse the lives of humans were worthless.

No one would have thought that the War Wolf Base would fire a missile at their own gate. Before the missile was fired, the War Wolf Base informed all the high-level cultivators to withdraw from the city wall, thus, the Eastern Mountain Base lost many cultivators. Even though most the cultivators were low level, it was still enough to make Feng Yi feel great pain for a long time.

After the missile strike, Feng Yi flew into a rage and personally lead many high-level cultivators to take the War Wolf Base. Since the War Wolf Base only had one missile and no heavy weaponry to slow down the cultivators.

What no one expected was that War Wolf himself would come to stop the Eastern Mountain Base and Feng Yi.

Early on Feng Yi let Feng Wu ( Feng 5, old 5) lead the troops to infiltrate War Wolf Base. Now he was trying to team up with Feng San and Feng Si (old 3 and old 4) to kill War Wolf, but when the three of them reached the War Wolf villa, War Wolf was waiting for them with a crystal energy heavy sniper rifle.

The original sniper rifle was not strong enough to injure a 7th cla.s.s cultivator, but the heavy sniper rifle in War Wolf’s hands used white crystals as the power source. This particular sniper rifle’s stored 10 white crystals in its power supply, in other words, it used ten white crystals worth of power per shot.

No one thought that War Wolf would have such a weapon. After the beginning of the apocalypse, many people had heard about these weapons, but few had actually seen them. Feng Wu was careless and was wounded by War Wolf.

War Wolf was then able to capture Feng Wu and then demanded that the Eastern Mountain Base retreat.

Seeing the heavy sniper rifle in War Wolf’s hands, Feng Yi and the others were afraid. Helplessly, they called for a retreat, as War Wolf held Feng Wu hostage and wanted them to retreat.

Unexpectedly, the bullets in War Wolf’s sniper rifle contained ‘mithril’ (秘银). The Eastern Mountain Base’s hospital did not have the ability to filter mithril out of the bloodstream. So in order to cure Feng Wu, helplessly, Feng Yi could only send people to the Tian Heng mountain range to find a ‘Mantuo’ (曼陀) blossom to be able to treat the mithril in Feng Wu’s blood.

“Do not talk about the past, right now we need to find a Mantuo blossom. We need to treat Wu Yatou.” (五丫头, Yatou, girl, maybe girly 5, or fifth lady )

Standing in the hall, Feng Yi spoke in a heavy tone.

Feng Wu was usually effeminate and annoying, and always called himself Wu Yatou, so everyone jokingly called him Wu Yatou. However, he is still a 7th cla.s.s cultivator and one of the 5 leaders of the Eastern Mountain Base so he could not be allowed to die.

Even if the Tian Heng mountain range was dangerous, if a 7th cla.s.s cultivator went the danger would be reduced.

Please comment on what you would prefer to see in future chapters for names and items. if war wolf doesn’t do it for you, maybe Zhan Lang really moves you. Everything is open to discussion, in fact discuss it here  and help decide terms and everything.

TL note: woooo. forshadowing.