
Chapter 54 of !

Translator: ayszhang
Editor: Marcia

Chapter 54 of !

Love suffers long and is kind;

Love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;

Does not behave rudely, does not seek its own,

Is not provoked, thinks no evil;

Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.

–1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Xu Ping awoke from his slumber.

The sky outside the window was azure with bits of lazyclouds floating about, and he heard the distant din of primary schoolers duringphysical education cla.s.s. The sharp cries and giggles sounded gentle and faraway but also strangely energetic after being filtered by the many layers ofgla.s.s.

Xu Ping felt as though he had a wild, illusory dream,and he woke up disoriented, not sure of where he was or even what day it was.

A young nurse looked up from her magazine.

“Oh, you’re awake.”

She laid the magazine down and checked the drips.

Hugging the quilts, he slowly sat up.

“Where am I?”

“K City Hospital.”

K City? Xu Ping wondered. Why was he there?

After staying quiet for a long time, he asked sharply,“Where’s my brother?”

The nurse faltered and looked at him with a confusedexpression.

Xu Ping’s heart skipped a beat.

“My brother, he’s really tall and bulky…” He begangesturing in a panic. “He’s not that sharp, and he doesn’t like to talk…h-he…”

He was in such a panic that he began stuttering.

Pfft. The nurse couldn’t stifle hergiggle.

“The big dummy, right? He was brought in here alongwith you. Kept holding onto you calling “gege.” Don’t worry. The doctor gavehim a shot to calm him down. He’s sleeping next door.”

Just as the knot in his stomach settled, he became abit angry.

“H-how could you joke about that?!”

“Look at you,” the nurse said carelessly. “I was justplaying with you.”

She looked over and eyed Xu Ping’s expression, andthen she pursed her lips and rolled up her white sleeves. “Your brother waslike a raging bull that wouldn’t listen to anyone or let anyone near youwithout engaging in battle. Look, he gave me these bruises.”

After Xu Ping saw the blue marks on her arm, the angerat being teased quickly turned to ma.s.sive amounts of guilt.

“I’m sorry, my brother is–”

“It’s fine,” she interrupted him good-naturedly. “Doyou want see him? I’ll go get him for you.”

Xu Ping considered it and shook his head. “No, thanks.Let him sleep.”

He carefully lifted the bedding to get off the bed.

“What do you want to do?”

Xu Ping was a little slow. “Use the toilet?”

The nurse pulled out a urinal from under the bed.

“Here, let me help you.” And she went for Xu Ping’spants.

Surprised and embarra.s.sed, Xu Ping immediatelyretreated while blocking with his hands, his ears flushing bright red.

He was about to shout, “Don’t come closer!” whensomeone coughed from behind the nurse.

Putting on her work face, the nurse placed the urinaldown and left.

Blushing, Xu Ping redid his hospital pants and satback in the bed.

Two men had come in, the first one wearing and a white coat.

Holding a patient file in his hand, he eyed Xu Ping,smiled and turned around to talk to the man behind him who was in black.

The two spoke quickly, exchanging medical terms andEnglish words. Listening to them was like viewing flowers through fog.

He leaned back on the head board, took his time tob.u.t.ton his hospital gown and then flattened out the folds in his quilt.

There was a vase on the bedside table with bloomingpink carnations.

The sun was shining brightly, peeking in between theslits in the blinds while millions of dust motes danced in the rays.

Xu Ping listened carefully. Brrrrrriiing – the chime was ringing in a school some distanceaway, and all the kids rushed to the corridor and field from their cla.s.sroom,cheering and laughing, without a care in the world and full of spirit and hope.

Xu Ping felt strangely tranquil, maybe even relaxedand cheerful, as though a heavy burden had been lifted from his shouldersrelieving him of any more confusion and trouble.

He even felt like humming a light tune.

He reached and drew the blinds. Cars and pedestrianswere going to and fro along the street partly hidden by trees. He spotted ayoung couple kissing at the intersection, a housewife haggling with a streetvendor over peaches, and a yellow dog curled up under the shade in front of ashop, snoozing.

He heard the door closing with a quiet click andturned around. The doctor had left.

The remaining man was wearing a black knit turtleneckand black suit jacket and pants. He pulled out a chair and sat down beside thebed.

On his face were bruises that still had not faded. Hishair was short and clean, and the faint minty scent of shaving cream hungabout.

He didn’t speak first but instead tucked the quilts infor Xu Ping.

He appeared wealthy but quiet about it, and histemples were peppered with grey.

“h.e.l.lo,” he said. “Xu Ping.”
Xu Ping’s operation was scheduled for a Wednesday.

Huang Fan had long since flown back to New York.

The surgeon in charge, Dai, was specially hired byHuang Fan. Not yet forty years old, the man was exceptionally skilled. Dr. Daihad a strange personality and didn’t like to talk, and his hobby was fruitsculpture. Xu Ping had seen him carve a man’s face into an apple with incrediblespeed and then snap off its nose with one bite and munch away – quite creepy.

He Zhi came with his fiancée, Wei Ying, to visit himon the day of the surgery.

Xu Ping was trying to figure out the consent form withhis brother.

“Does it have to be my brother?”

“Do you have any other family members?”


“Then your brother must sign,” Dr. Dai answered tonelesslywhile filing his nails.

“In what world?” He Zhi demanded. “His brother’s sick.If it’s for the fees, I can sign for him.”

“Will you be responsible if he dies?” Dr. Dai asked.

After so many years in the criminal department, HeZhi’s temper had grown fiery, and his knuckles itched when someone dared tospeak to him like that. He wanted to gift the man with a faceful of blood, butWei Ying stopped him.

“Don’t worry, it’s not certain that he will die. Aslong as he isn’t pushed out of the operation room within half an hour, thechances of survival will double.”

“And what if he comes out within half an hour?” HeZhi’s face darkened as he asked.

“Then it means the cancer has spread to the rest of mybody, and there’s no way to excise it,” Xu Ping answered calmly.

Dr. Dai let out a few grunts as agreement.

He Zhi thought of Xu Ping’s old man, and his faceturned more sour.

“Well, there’s actually another possibility that’s moredangerous and that is, if the operation lasts longer than six hours, the bloodloss will be too much for the body.” As he explained he ma.s.saged his fingersone by one. “But with my skill, this will not happen under normalcirc.u.mstances.”

He glanced at the wall clock. “Hurry. The operationbegins in half an hour. I don’t want to be too worn out. I still have plansthis evening.”

He Zhi wanted nothing more than to strangle him thenand there.
He Zhi turned to Xu Ping. “How do you feel?”

Xu Ping smiled. “Pretty good.”

Seeing his childhood friend’s smile, He Zhi felt a sharppang, and tears threatened to overflow despite his steel-cold heart from manyyears of police work.

He tried his hardest to keep his lips shut.

It was Wei Ying who spoke next. “Xu Ping, focus onrecovery. Afterwards come attend our wedding.”

Xu Ping was surprised. “Isn’t it coming up soon?”

“We delayed it,” Wei Ying replied. “He Zhi has a bigcase on hand. My dad said work’s important, so we’ll get married after hecracks the case.”

He Zhi shot a glance her way and reached for her handbehind their backs.

And they shared a smile.

Xu Ping caught it but smiled back. “Okay.”

He beckoned to his brother. “Xiao-Zheng, come.”

He flipped to the last page of the booklet, pointed tothe signature line and stuck the pen in his brother’s hand.

“Write your name here.”

Xu Zheng had been in a fight with his brother over thepast couple of days. The reason was that Xu Ping didn’t wake him up as soon ashe came to, instead locking himself up in the room and yapping away with thatbad man.

Annoyed,he flung the pieces of paper around.

“Whatis this?”

Theroom became quiet. Even Dr. Dai stopped filing his nails.

All eyeswere on Xu Ping.

“A lifecontract,” Xu Ping said with a squinty smile. “After you sign this, my lifewill be yours.”

Overjoyed,Xu Zheng lunged forward and painstakingly wrote down his name.

Withoutlooking at it, Xu Ping pa.s.sed it to Dr. Dai.

Thedoctor took one look at it and found that the two characters were extremelyproper.

“Yourbrother doesn’t seem like an idiot if you just look at his writing, eh?”

Xu Pingdidn’t even look up. “My brother is a genius. It’s just that idiots can’t seeit.”
A vexed Dr. Dai grudgingly explained the surgicalprocedure and slammed the door as he left.

Thenurse began shooing people out.

He Zhiclasped Xu Ping’s shoulder. “We’ll all be waiting outside.” Instantly, his eyesreddened.

“Keepan eye on my brother,” Xu Ping mouthed.

He Zhinodded and mouthed back, “Don’t you worry.”

He Zhitugged on Xu Zheng’s arm, but the younger man wouldn’t let go of his brother.

Xu Pingrubbed the head that was glued to his shoulder and urged gently, “Xiao-Zheng, go out with Da-Zhi.”

XuZheng shook his head.

“Whereare you going, Gege? I go with you.”

Rubbinghis short hair, Xu Ping only chuckled.

Thesharp Wei Ying dragged He Zhi out so the brothers could share a private momenttogether.

Eventhe nurse was forced to put down her tray and leave under He Zhi’s glare.

Xu Pingcupped his brother’s face and planted kisses on his lips again and again.

Eyesshut, he held Xu Zheng tightly, and Xu Zheng hugged him just as tightly.

He puthis lips right by his brother’s ear.

“Xiao-Zheng, I’m going to tell you asecret,” he whispered. “I’m going to meet with someone very important verysoon. He is all-knowing and all-seeing. He manages the time of everyone in theworld. He can see every single thing every single person does, but n.o.body cansee him.”

XuZheng’s shoulders stiffened.

“Now,very soon someone will push me into a room with a red light outside. Xiao-Zheng, you must not be afraid. I’mgoing to meet that person. He is very strict but also very kind. I’m going tohave a talk with him, like two good friends.” He paused. “Xiao-Zheng, I need you to do a favour for me. I need to you sitoutside like a good boy. Don’t make noises, and don’t cause trouble. That personhas a very unpredictable temper. He hates noise and only likes quiet. I want toask him for something very important. It’s something so precious that all themoney in the world cannot buy it.”

XuZheng nodded solemnly, but his eyes showed his reluctance.

Smiling,Xu Ping kissed his brother on the forehead.

“Don’tworry. That person is the fairest and kindest person in the world,” he said.“Wait for me. I will be back very quickly.”
Dr. Dai personally walked Xu Ping into the operationroom.

Lyingon the gurney, Xu Ping said to He Zhi, “Don’t be stingy. If my brother getstired of waiting, buy him a popsicle to ease the boredom.”

He Zhiwas already very upset, and now he just wanted to beat someone up.

Xu Pingwaved to everyone with a smile.

A bunchof doctors and nurses accompanied him into the room.

Theoperating table was very cold. The surgical light switched on with a click and made Xu Ping shut his eyes.

Hequietly waited for the anaesthetic to take effect.

Dr. Daipulled down his blue medical mask and grinned, “Are you scared?”

Xu Pingthought about it but eventually shook his head.

“Oh?”Dr. Dai c.o.c.ked a brow.

“I diedonce. It didn’t feel scary, rather it was peaceful. I saw my deceased familymembers–”

“Scientificallyspeaking,” the doctor interrupted. “those are illusions caused by chemicalcomponents in your brain.”

Smiling,Xu Ping shook his head.

“I knowyou don’t believe it.”

“Believewhat? Your nonsense?”

Xu Pingturned to the man and stuck out a finger at his heart. “I can see, Dr. Dai, youhave a hole here. You’re missing someone.”

Thedoctor’s fingers trembled, his knife nearly slipping out.

Hefrowned and growled through gritted teeth, “Who told you?! Was it Huang Fan?!”

Xu Pingonly chuckled.

“Thata.s.shole!” spat Dr. Dai. “I’m doing such a big favour for him, and he f.u.c.kingbetrays my secret!”

“Hedidn’t say anything,” Xu Ping remarked lazily.

Thedoctor was in disbelief. “Then how did you find out?!”

“I cansee,” Xu Ping answered.

Dr. Daiwas left hanging.

“Thereis one thing I find strange. Judging by Huang Fan’s att.i.tude in the past, hewould have taken you to the States no matter what, so why did book a ticket forhimself after two hours with you in a room?” Then he asked Xu Ping, “So, whatdid you talk about?”

Xu Ping blinked at him. “What’s the name of the personyou miss?”

The doctor choked out of frustration. “Why the h.e.l.l doyou care who I miss?! No, wait! I don’t miss anyone!” He grabbed Xu Ping. “Tellme now, what did you discuss?”

“A secret for a secret,” Xu Ping shut his eyes andbreathed.

Then the drugs kicked in, and he was out.
August the following year, He Zhi and Wei Yingmarried.

The wedding was held at a church with some history inthe old part of town.

After surgery, chemotherapy and over half a year ofrehabilitation, Xu Ping was finally able to walk outside, but he was so weakthat he would pant after standing for a few minutes.

Wei Ying was dressed in a white wedding gown and wasdelivered to He Zhi by her dad.

The two stood before the altar, face to face, and HeZhi lifted up her veil.

The two smiled at each other.

“Mister He Zhi, in the name of the Holy Mother Mary,do you take Miss Wei Ying as your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“Miss Wei Ying, in the name of the Holy Mother Mary,do you take Mister He Zhi as your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.”

The priest asked the two to hold each other’s righthand.

“I, He Zhi, take you, Wei Ying, to be my lawfullywedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse,for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, and will love you and honouryou until death us do part.”

“I, Wei Ying, take you, He Zhi, to be my lawfullywedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, forworse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, and  will love you and honour you until death usdo part.”

“May the Lord in his goodness fill you both with hisblessings. In the name of the Holy Mother Mary, I now declare you–”

The priest was interrupted by a cry, and everybodylooked towards the source.

Police Chief Wei was bawling, and his wife wasscolding him. “It’s a day of happiness. What is wrong with you?!”

Chief Wei retorted through his tears, “What the h.e.l.lis wrong with me?! My d.a.m.n daughter is getting married, and I feel horrible!”He pointed at He Zhi. “I’m warning you, He Zhi! Don’t think you can do whateveryou like after taking Xiao-Ying! Ifyou dare mistreat her, then I-then I…” Then he started panting, hands claspedto his chest.

His secretary quickly helped him back into his seatand rubbed at his chest while getting out medicine from his pocket.

“Please don’t get worked up, Chief Wei. Exhale,inhale, exhale, inhale…”

The crowd went crazy, and the newlyweds jumped downfrom the altar, the ceremony far from their minds, to look after her old man (hisfather-in-law).

Xu Ping nudged his brother.

“Let’s go.”

His brother helped him to his feet.

The guests all rushed forward leaving the last fewrows nearly empty.

Xu Ping heard Wei Ying’s mother berating in a crackedvoice, “You d.a.m.n geezer don’t even know to talk properly! Look at you! Youtriggered your asthma! What kind of a father are you?!”

The chief then grumbled a retort, and the crowd burstout in guffaws.

Holding on to his brother, Xu Ping shuffled out of themain hall.

The corridors were dim, and the air smelled like oldfurniture.

Xu Ping suddenly stopped.

His brother turned to him.

“Laces came loose,” Xu Ping explained.

He was about to bend down, but his brother was aheadof him.

Around the corner of the corridor, the entrance to thechurch was wide open.

The sun burned bright in the August sky.

His brother straightened himself and grabbed his hand.

They shared a smile and stepped into the light.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ayszhang: And that brings us to the end of this story. Thanks so much for being with us this whole time. We are going to compile a PDF file as soon as possible. Look out for a post in the near future!

Announcement: I will be taking a break from posting (but I will be around to answer any questions and read your lovely comments ^^) and will be back with (hopefully two) new stories for you to enjoy in May! The reason for this is because I am graduating with my bachelor"s degree, and the last term is going to be a little bit hectic. I am also working hard to publish one of my translations of Korean literature in the Azalea journal, so that"s also keeping me busy XD 
Hope you will be back in May for the new stories! <>

In the meanwhile, I have an instagram account and am posting pretty travel pics! :) Follow me!

Brother - English Translation by is licensed under a .