Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories

Chapter 24

"Clever--" Matt broke out. "That"s the way reputations is made ... in the noos-papers. How"d we know he was robbin" his pardner?"

"Anyway, we"ve got the goods," Jim grinned. "Let"s look at "em again."

He a.s.sured himself that the door was locked and bolted, while Matt brought out the bundle in the bandana and opened it on the table.

"Ain"t they beauties, though!" Jim exclaimed at sight of the pearls; and for a time he had eyes only for them. "Accordin" to the experts, worth from fifty to seventy thousan" dollars."

"An" women like them things," Matt commented. "An" they"ll do everything to get "em--sell themselves, commit murder, anything."

"Just like you an" me."

"Not on your life," Matt retorted. "I"ll commit murder for "em, but not for their own sakes, but for the sake of what they"ll get me. That"s the difference. Women want the jools for themselves, an" I want the jools for the women an" such things they"ll get me."

"Lucky that men an" women don"t want the same things," Jim remarked.

"That"s what makes commerce," Matt agreed; "people wantin" different things."

In the middle of the afternoon Jim went out to buy food. While he was gone, Matt cleared the table of the jewels, wrapping them up as before and putting them under the pillow. Then he lighted the kerosene stove and started to boil water for the coffee. A few minutes later, Jim returned.

"Most surprising," he remarked. "Streets, an" stores, an" people just like they always was. Nothin" changed. An" me walkin" along through it all a millionnaire. n.o.body looked at me an" guessed it"

Matt grunted unsympathetically. He had little comprehension of the lighter whims and fancies of his partner"s imagination.

"Did you get a porterhouse?" he demanded.

"Sure, an" an inch thick. It"s a peach. Look at it."

He unwrapped the steak and held it up for the other"s inspection. Then he made the coffee and set the table, while Matt fried the steak.

"Don"t put on too much of them red peppers," Jim warned. "I ain"t used to your Mexican cookin". You always season too hot."

Matt grunted a laugh and went on with his cooking. Jim poured out the coffee, but first, into the nicked china cup, he emptied a powder he had carried in his vest pocket wrapped in a rice-paper. He had turned his back for the moment on his partner, but he did not dare to glance around at him. Matt placed a newspaper on the table, and on the newspaper set the hot frying pan. He cut the steak in half, and served Jim and himself.

"Eat her while she"s hot," he counselled, and with knife and fork set the example.

"She"s a dandy," was Jim"s judgment, after his first mouthful. "But I tell you one thing straight. I"m never goin" to visit you on that Arizona ranch, so you needn"t ask me."

"What"s the matter now?" Matt asked.

"The Mexican cookin" on your ranch"d be too much for me. If I"ve got blue blazes a-comin" in the next life, I"m not goin" to torment my insides in this one!"

He smiled, expelled his breath forcibly to cool his burning mouth, drank some coffee, and went on eating the steak.

"What do you think about the next life anyway, Matt?" he asked a little later, while secretly he wondered why the other had not yet touched his coffee.

"Ain"t no next life," Matt answered, pausing from the steak to take his first sip of coffee. "Nor heaven nor h.e.l.l, nor nothin". You get all that"s comin" right here in this life."

"An" afterward?" Jim queried out of his morbid curiosity, for he knew that he looked upon a man that was soon to die. "An" afterward?" he repeated.

"Did you ever see a man two weeks dead?" the other asked.

Jim shook his head.

"Well, I have. He was like this beefsteak you an" me is eatin". It was once steer cavortin" over the landscape. But now it"s just meat. That"s all, just meat. An" that"s what you an" me an" all people come to--meat."

Matt gulped down the whole cup of coffee, and refilled the cup.

"Are you scared to die?" he asked.

Jim shook his head. "What"s the use? I don"t die anyway. I pa.s.s on an"

live again--"

"To go stealin", an" lyin", an" snivellin" through another life, an" go on that way forever an" ever an" ever?" Matt sneered.

"Maybe I"ll improve," Jim suggested hopefully. "Maybe stealin" won"t be necessary in the life to come."

He ceased abruptly, and stared straight before him, a frightened expression on his face.

"What"s the matter!" Matt demanded.

"Nothin". I was just wonderin""--Jim returned to himself with an effort--"about this dyin", that was all."

But he could not shake off the fright that had startled him. It was as if an unseen thing of gloom had pa.s.sed him by, casting upon him the intangible shadow of its presence. He was aware of a feeling of foreboding. Something ominous was about to happen. Calamity hovered in the air. He gazed fixedly across the table at the other man. He could not understand. Was it that he had blundered and poisoned himself? No, Matt had the nicked cup, and he had certainly put the poison in the nicked cup.

It was all his own imagination, was his next thought. It had played him tricks before. Fool! Of course it was. Of course something was about to happen, but it was about to happen to Matt. Had not Matt drunk the whole cup of coffee?

Jim brightened up and finished his steak, sopping bread in the gravy when the meat was gone.

"When I was a kid--" he began, but broke off abruptly.

Again the unseen thing of gloom had fluttered, and his being was vibrant with premonition of impending misfortune. He felt a disruptive influence at work in the flesh of him, and in all his muscles there was a seeming that they were about to begin to twitch. He sat back suddenly, and as suddenly leaned forward with his elbows on the table. A tremor ran dimly through the muscles of his body. It was like the first rustling of leaves before the oncoming of wind. He clenched his teeth. It came again, a spasmodic tensing of his muscles. He knew panic at the revolt within his being. His muscles no longer recognized his mastery over them. Again they spasmodically tensed, despite the will of him, for he had willed that they should not tense. This was revolution within himself, this was anarchy; and the terror of impotence rushed up in him as his flesh gripped and seemed to seize him in a clutch, chills running up and down his back and sweat starting on his brow. He glanced about the room, and all the details of it smote him with a strange sense of familiarity. It was as though he had just returned from a long journey.

He looked across the table at his partner. Matt was watching him and smiling. An expression of horror spread over Jim"s face.

"Matt!" he screamed. "You ain"t doped me?"

Matt smiled and continued to watch him. In the paroxysm that followed, Jim did not become unconscious. His muscles tensed and twitched and knotted, hurting him and crushing him in their savage grip. And in the midst of it all, it came to him that Matt was acting queerly. He was traveling the same road. The smile had gone from his face, and there was on it an intense expression, as if he were listening to some inner tale of himself and trying to divine the message. Matt got up and walked across the room and back again, then sat down.

"You did this, Jim," he said quietly.

"But I didn"t think you"d try to fix _me_," Jim answered reproachfully.

"Oh, I fixed you all right," Matt said, with teeth close together and shivering body. "What did you give me?"


"Same as I gave you," Matt volunteered. "It"s some mess, ain"t it!"

"You"re lyin", Matt," Jim pleaded. "You ain"t doped me, have you?"