Bu ni Mi wo Sasagete Hyaku to Yonen. Elf de Yarinaosu Musha Shugyou (WN)

Chapter 82

──The sun begins to release its rays onto the resting Earth, it is the time when the moon starts waning. (TLN: ──燦々と大地を照らしていた太陽が体を休め、代わりに月が淡い光を発する時間。)

There were almost no people due the path not being paved well, there was a person who hid behind the trees and plants.

The person was wore a black jacket as well as black pants, nevertheless this figure could be identified as a man because his face was exposed.

There was a stubbly beard, not sure if treatment on his face delayed, even if he had treated it──there were a number of large scars.

And, in his hand was a pretty large knife, a shabby knife that was grasped as if it were a sword.

Hiding in the darkness, along with glaring eyes, there was a person with a blade.

The ident.i.ty of this man was unknown, and for what purpose does this man hide behind trees and plants if I could see his figure, it could be understood at first sight.

This man, was a thief.

Rather than go by conventional labor to earn money, the person would rather attack a person weaker than oneself.

But we had confidence in our muscular prowess, the man had already killed a number of travellers, so there was a bounty. (TLN: それでも腕っ節には幾らかの自信があったし、既に何人もの旅人を殺めていたその男には、少なくは無い懸賞金がかけられていた。)

For a bounty, the person who performs evil deeds must be known, so it is never applied for a particular individual.

The bounty is on this man nevertheless, while it shows how careless this man is──at the same time, it also talks about how many evil deeds have been done.

「(….Chi, there are only small customers today)」

The one whose true motives muttered 「Customers」, of course is the traveller who was travelling through the darkness.

Naturally this man was confident in his muscular prowess. However, he was still hiding within the darkness waiting for an opportunity.

The appearance was seen many times, this man let go many travellers without being able to finish killing them. But, still wasn’t caught, this was an outcome of the odd carefulness of this man.

It’s always done at night. Hiding, sure of killing one person.

During such confusion, he kills the rest if there is more than one prey.

Escaping within a heartbeat once there was a counterattack, pursuing to death if they escaped.

These tactics are extremely despicable. But ironically, he’s been able to stay an evil person up until this day. (TLN: 何があろうと守ってきた戦法とも呼べぬ卑劣。)


「(Aa, it finally came.
These two travelling brats. I don’t expect any valuable things.
──But, I should be able to enjoy the woman.)」

Saying an evil deed, it seems like it isn’t long now.

In the eyes of the man who was thinking about vulgar things, there was a boy and girl who had a light as they walked down a dim road.

Judging from appearance, the girl was probably of Majin race. Although young, it was very bewitching, very intriguing・・・that appearance. (TLN: 見た目から察するに恐らく、少女の方は魔人。幼いながらも、どこか妖艶さを感じさせる、非常にそそる・・・容姿をしていた。)

After fully enjoying, I’ll sell her off to some slave dealer. (TLN: さんざ楽しんだ後は、どこぞの変態に売り飛ばせばいい。)

Although there is little income today, I found a good thing.

The man who was a thief set his eyes on the girl who was like a white rabbit, and licked his snakey tongue on his ugly lips.

Ascertaining the prey, waiting for time. Okay, it’s time. The way I always do it, the habit of man. (TLN: 獲物を見定め、ただ時を待つ。そう、それだけのことだ。何時もしている、男の癖。)

It was just that.

──But, it was just that, it was so funny that he wanted to laugh. (TLN: ──だが、その様を見る者がいれば、あまりにも滑稽で笑っていただろう。)

Watching with his night vision eyes, the man was evaluating his own vision. Hence it was called the road of the thief. (TLN: 夜目は利くほうだと、男は自分の視力を評価している。故に選んだ夜盗という道ではある。)

However, eyesight, doesn’t have any relationship with insight.

This man──before he knew it, the figure of the boy who was next to the girl had disappeared from his sight.

Besides the man, the boy that should have been next to the girl stood there.

Those pupils, were dyed with utter contempt.

The man noticed it, from the boy’s hand on his neck.

Instantaneous spine freezing, in addition, besides the girl should be 「The person to kill」and then noticed that the figure of the boy wasn’t there. (TLN: 瞬時に背筋が凍り、また、少女の傍にあるべき「殺す方」の少年の姿が無いことに気付く。)

And at the same time──perhaps, without being able to confirm the figure, it was noticed.

「Your bloodthirst is leaking out.
Or is this──that fun?」 (TLN: 殺気がだだ漏れているぞ。

Making even the soul freeze, the cold voice of the boy spoke to the man.

Depending on the voice alone it was beautiful, artistic even──fearful domination. (TLN: 美しいとすら感じてしまう声による、芸術的なまでの──恐怖による支配。)

Judging from appearance, he thought it was an easy job.

But, the man noticed. He who thought he was a predator, the reality was that the boy was in front of him, and the fact that it was the mouse who was supposed to be played with was now killing the cat.


Right away, the man was going to beg for his life.

However, his throat couldn’t move as if it were frozen.

Magical power emanated from the boy’s hand. It turned into a sword edge──more fear was felt.

「You should’ve tried hiding a little better.
──Aa, my interest cool down.」 (TLN: 隠れるのならばもう少しうまくやってはくれぬか。

I totally lost interest, to. To the voice of the boy who spoke these words, the man realized his fate.


Perhaps, for the first time in this man’s life, it was the quickest reaction.

Wait, help me.

The killing intent of the boy swelled. The pressure became violent, foreshadowing what was going to be done. The man who finally issued words for begging for his life──

With a familiar body reflected in his eyes, the figure of the boy stopped thinking.

Instead of a full mirror’s view of the whole body, it was recognized due to how long they had been together, and the neck was gone. (TLN: 全身像を鏡でなく見るのは初めてだが、長年付き添った故にそれと分かる自分の体には、首がなかった。)

Whether the body crumbled earlier, or──did the neck collapse earlier.

The man who thought he was a predator, had an all too disappointing finish in life.

….Maa, a funeral won’t be given. (TLN: ……まあ、弔いは必要あるまい。)

Looking at the body of the man falling down, I murmured my intent with eyes filled with contempt.

If the bloodthirst was only for me I wouldn’t kill you without discussion, but it’s a different story if it’s towards Cheryl.

Besides, those sticky vulgar eyes, was already a reason not to exchange any words.

….Thief cla.s.s, huh.

Looking at the man whose body was wrapped fully in black, I wondered if there were fellows like this in the country of elves──with a sigh.

Every person thinks of things, it’s more natural than speaking, somehow I feel lackl.u.s.ter and regret it. (TLN:  一人一人が物事を考え、行動する以上は当たり前といえば当たり前なのだが、なんとなく生彩を欠いたような気がして残念に思う。)

The face of the man who rolled, was lying down on the ground, he couldn’t ask. Just by looking at those long ears, this man was also an elf. (TLN: 転がった男の顔は、地面に伏せられていて、伺う事はできない。)

….Although there are many good people, there are a number of men like this one.

Although I wanted to enjoy the day of departure, it doesn’t seem possible.

There already was no more business, and I lost interest in the man, so I shifted my gaze to Cheryl who I had left.

Maybe because I had disappeared without saying anything, Cheryl seemed a bit upset. Fumu….even while reading the signs, you want me to teach you recovery magic concurrently.

There is no problem for Cheryl if this man was her partner, since the man could only struggle a little bit in my surprise attack.

Without sending a glance to the corpse, I emerged from the darkness.

「What’s this? Slava-kun, there was….」

「Iya it’s over. I was just meeting someone for a bit.
Next time I’ll tell you before disappearing.」

It was a little「Processing」that I finished, I rejoined Cheryl with an innocent look.

Of course there was a means to hold it off, so maybe the excuse was a bit miserable?

──Maa I handled to dirty work, in that sense it’s constant. (TLN: The dirty work was his meeting)


Cheryl who didn’t understand such word play, slightly blushed with puffed out cheeks.

It’s a good thing to be naive. Really, Cheryl still doesn’t need to know.

When taking a last glance at the dark──I began to walk expressionlessly.

In any case there’s a bad mood. If we camp for the night, we’ll camp in a more remote place.

Leaving Arufareia, the security couldn’t be maintained after all.

Even for elves, there are people like this.

But at the very least──if you have the mindset to kill, you should be ready to be killed, that sense of crisis is the thing you should embrace.

Checking my appearance, once more Cheryl lightened her steps, I had also begun walking.