Canada West

Chapter 13

=11. Can a man who has used his homestead right in the United States take a homestead in Canada?=


=12. If a British subject has taken out "citizen papers" in the United States how does he stand in Canada?=

He must be "repatriated," i.e., take out a certificate of naturalization, which can be done after three months" residence in Canada.

=13. What grains are raised in Central Canada?=

Wheat (winter and spring), oats, barley, flax, speltz, rye and other small grains, and corn is grown chiefly for silo purposes.

=14. How long does it take wheat to mature?=

The average time is from 100 to 118 days. This short time in accounted for by the long hours of sunlight which during the growing and ripening season, will average 16 hours a day.

=15. Can a man raise a crop on the first breaking of his land?=

Yes, but it is not well to use the land for any other purpose the first year than for raising garden vegetables, or perhaps a crop of flax, as it is necessarily rough on account of the heavy sod not having had time to rot and become workable. Good yields of oats have been reported on breaking.

=16. Is there plenty of hay available?=

In many parts there is sufficient wild hay meadow on government or vacant land, which may be rented at a very low rental, if you have not enough on your own farm. Experience has proven that timothy, brome, clover and other cultivated do well. Yields of brome have been reported from two to four tons per acre. Alfalfa under proper cultivation in many places gives successful yields.

=17. Do vegetables thrive and what kinds are grown?=

Potatoes, turnips, carrots, beets, onions, parsnips, cabbages, peas, beans, celery, pumpkins, tomatoes, squash, melons, etc., are unequalled anywhere.

=18. Can fruit be raised and what varieties?=

Small fruits grow wild. The cultivated are plums, cranberries, strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, currants. In British Columbia fruit growing of all kinds is carried on very extensively and successfully.

=19. About what time does seeding begin?=

As a rule farmers begin their seeding from the first to the fifteenth of April, sometimes continuing well into May. The average yield of all grains in Central Canada would be largely increased, did not some farmers unwisely do seeding until the middle of June.

=20. How is it for stock raising?=

The country has no equal. In many parts cattle and horses are not housed throughout the winter, and so nutritious are the wild that stock is marketed without having been fed any grain.

=21. In what way can I secure land in Central Canada?=

By homesteading, or purchasing from railway or land companies. The Dominion Government has no land for sale. The British Columbia Government sells land to actual settlers at low figures.

=22. Can I get a map or list of lands vacant and open to homestead entry?=

It has been found impracticable to keep a publication of that kind up to date, owing to the daily changes. An intending settler on reaching the district he selects should enquire of the Dominion Lands Agent what lands are vacant in that particular locality, finally narrowing down the enquiry to a township or two, diagrams of which, with the vacant lands marked, will be supplied free. A competent land guide can be had.

=23. How far are homestead lands from lines of railway?=

They vary, but at present the nearest will be from 15 to 20 miles.

Railways are being built into the new districts.

=24. In which districts are located the most and best available homesteads?=

The character of homestead wanted by the settler will decide this. Very few homesteads are vacant in the southern districts; towards the centre and north portions of the provinces, homesteads are plentiful. They comprise a territory in which wood for building purposes and fuel are plentiful.

=25. Is there any good land close to the Rocky Mountains?=

The nearer you approach the mountains the more hilly it becomes, and the elevation is too great for grain raising. Cattle and horses do well.

=26. If a man take his family there before he selects a homestead can he get temporary accommodation?=

At the following places the Government maintains Immigration halls with free temporary accommodation for those desiring such and supplying their own provisions. It is always better for the head of the family, or such member of it as may be ent.i.tled to homestead, to select and make entry for lands before moving family:

Biggar, Brandon, Calgary, Caster, Cereal, Edmonton, Edson, Emerson, Entwistle, Gravelburg, Herbert, Kerrobert, Lloydminster, Lethbridge, Moose Jaw, North Battleford, North Portal, Prince Albert, Regina, Saskatoon, Strathcona, South Battleford, Swift Current, Tisdale, Unity, Vegreville, Vermilion, Viking, Virden, Wainwright, Wilkie, Yonkers.

=27. Where must I make my homestead entry?=

At the Dominion Lands Office for the district.

=28. Can homestead lands he reserved for a minor?=

An agent of Dominion Lands may reserve a quarter-section for a minor over 17 years of age until he is 18, if his father, or other near relative live upon homestead or upon farming land owned, not less than 80 acres, within nine miles of reserved homestead. The minor must make entry in person within one month after becoming 18 years of age.

=29. Can a person borrow money on a homestead before receiving patent?=

No; contrary to Dominion Lands Act.

=30. Would the time I was away working for a neighbour, or on the railway, or other work count as time on my homestead?=

Only actual residence on your homestead will count, and you must reside on homestead six months in each of three years.

=31. Is it permissible to reside with brother, who has filed on adjoining land?=

A homesteader may reside with father, mother, son, daughter, brother, or sister on farming land owned solely by him or her, not less than 80 acres, or upon homestead entered for by him or her not more than nine miles from entrant"s homestead. Fifty acres of homestead must be brought under cultivation, instead of 30 acres, as is the case when there is direct residence.

=32. How shall I know what to do or where to go when I reach there?=

Make a careful study of this pamphlet and decide in a general way on the district in which you wish to settle. Then put yourself in communication with your nearest Canadian Government Agent, whose name appears on the second page of cover. At Winnipeg, and in the offices of any of the Dominion Lands Agents in Central Canada, are maps showing vacant lands.

Having decided on the district where you will make your home, the services of a competent land guide may be secured to a.s.sist in locating.

=33. What is the best way to get there?=

Write your nearest Canadian Government Agent for routes, and settlers"

low railway rate certificate good from the Canadian boundary to destination for pa.s.sengers and freight.

=34. How much baggage will I be allowed on the Canadian railways?=

150 pounds for each full ticket.