Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1081 Project Kunti

Chapter 1081 Project Kunti

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 12:47

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Unknown Location

"Really, how will you achieve that?" Jill inquired as she, herself, was at wit"s end trying to figure out a way to surpa.s.s her physique.

"Simple, from what I have observed and what you disclosed about your physique I have gathered that it is after my physique. As long as I mask it, I think we will not have to worry about your Physique going berserk in my presence," I did not explain the entire process of what I was going to do as it involved making use of my Calamity Soul gem and other secrets.

"I see," Jill nodded hearing the boy"s explanation but she did not miss the boy had not overlooked the fact she might not have disclosed what her Physique was capable of entirely.

Jill could not help but raise her eyebrow over this even though she did not expect the boy to develop feelings for her she expected him to trust her by now. With everything that transpired between them and the fact that he broke her hymen, the boy would at least trust her words but it seems he was instead more cautious towards her. This came as a surprise to her and began to doubt her beauty.

"Jill, no offense, but you seem to be adjusting to this physique of yours too well for someone who was imprisoned in her own body as it sucked off a limp d.i.c.k corpse," I asked Jill because I felt that anybody else in Jill"s place would be traumatized and not be adapting to it so well and quickly. Either Jill"s will was stronger and more flexible than I thought or she knew something I did not know.

I do not expect Jill to answer me but I was trying to change the topic before she slowly led to the conversation to the point to where I would had to tell her about my physique.

"..." Jill glanced at the boy realizing that she could not depend on the fact that they got intimate to get the boy to speak about his secrets.

Jill was not stupid, she had read the description of her physique, and she knew better than anyone else what the Carnivorous womb physique was capable of when it found a suitable partner to mate with.

Hormonal Resonance and Hypnosis effects of her physique together could get her companion to turn into her permanent s.e.x slave if he were to be of lower or the same realm as her. But the boy who was clearly in a lower realm than her was able to escape both of these effects of her physique without breaking a sweat; rather he was able to drive the carnivorous womb almost to its limit and escape it in one piece.

Jill knew this much was to be expected from the partner chosen by her carnivorous womb. She has been in the presence of demiG.o.ds and they were not able to awaken her physique but the boy was able to. So it did not come as a surprise to Jill that the boy was successfully able to escape the hold of her physique. But this was the tipping point for her curiosity about the boy to turn into an obsession with the boy.

"Wyatt, you know my father is a researcher. He had been to an ancient ruin where he found a few pages of ancient literature. After deciphering the pages he learned some incredible things. Those pages happen to mention a girl named Kunti who was granted a miraculous physique by the G.o.ds. A physique that allowed her to give birth to the demiG.o.d children of the G.o.ds.

As a researcher, my father should have known better than to trust the validity of the ancient literature but he began to obsess with the idea of a physique that allowed a card apprentice to give birth to children in the demiG.o.d realm.

I don"t blame him because I can see an appeal to such a physique. If he were able to find a way to give this physique to every female card apprentice then he could have advanced humankind by hundreds and thousands of centuries. But then he let his obsession with it cross into madness and began human experimentation. n.o.body stopped him, instead, they put his experiment under high-level security clearance because for the world leaders what he promised was too good to pa.s.s on.

Fortunately, all horrible things have an end, during the final stage of the 7th trial experimentation my mother was the only test subject survive so far but she died right after giving birth to me," Jill disclosed her ugly past because she knew she could not get the boy to trust her without being truthful to him.

"I am sorry," I replied not knowing what to say as I did not expect Jill to suddenly unload her past on me out of nowhere. Even if I were prepared, what would be considered appropriate words to say to a person who just disclosed that their entire existence was the result of a horrible experiment? Besides, my mind was occupied by the name of the girl mentioned in Jill"s story, "Kunti."

Where have I heard this name? Soon Hive AI pointed out that I read this name in Sacred Hindu literature back on earth. Now the question was why an ancient ruin in this world had pages from Sacred Hindu literature. It was too soon for me to jump to a conclusion so I needed to gather more information about this.

"Don"t be, I am not ashamed of my past, rather I am proud of it.

My dad said that in his weakest moment he had lost his way by letting his obsession takeover but my first cries in this world were what awakened him from his obsession and put an end to his madness.

He said the moment I wrapped my tiny hands around his index finger he saw the horrible mistake he had made.

He said that if I was not born that day n.o.body would have been able to put an end to his madness."