Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1103 Events During The Act - 3

Chapter 1103 Events During The Act - 3

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 3:04

Location- Sky blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no. 234

In the warehouse, tensions were high, thanks to the award-winning act put forward by Anna and Ann.

Hearing Ann"s harsh words Susan broke down facing the reality that her young boss was dead. Aba too was having a hard time accepting her friend"s death. This feeling was new to her, she understood the concept of death but she never had experienced it in real life. Aba had lost her mother even before she knew her so accepting her mother"s death was not as difficult.

Ada decided to grieve for the loss of her friend along with Susan instead of waiting for Anna and Ann to decide when to take her life. So she guided Susan to the only bedroom in the warehouse to get some quietness.

Aba and Susan left without caring to hear what Asong had to say about what Ann just said. But before she could get to the point once again Anna interrupted Asong saying, "I gave my word to demiG.o.d Windsor to take care of his daughter, and I will uphold it.

And I also gave my word to Agatha that I will kill her precious princess if anything were to happen to Wyatt, and I plan to uphold it too."

Asong"s brows frowned not because she was interrupted by Anna again. If Asong let something as little as this get her worked up then she would not be fit for her job as a politician.

The reason she frowned was that Anna would not change her mind about killing Aba. Yes, Anna promised not to kill Aba for now but that changed nothing. Anna trying to kill Aba today or a week from now did not make a difference. After hearing the indifference in Anna"s voice Asong felt it was going to be near-impossible to change Anna"s mind about killing Aba.

But she had to try because the support of both the southern royal family and the demiG.o.d Windsor was important to her.

They say rich and influential friends help your career and they were correct. Asong was a fitting example of this, if not for the deciding vote from the Southern royal family Asong as a mortal could never hold a seat in the government. The Southern royal family"s support helped her where her family failed to.

Now that her health worries have been put to bed Asong had big plans for her career and for that the support of both the southern royal family and DemiG.o.d Windsor"s support was required.

DemiG.o.d Windsor might not be as powerful as the southern royal family but his influence was not any less than theirs thanks to his specialty. He had a lot of powerful connections who were not afraid of rubbing the southern royal family the wrong way.

With these two forces behind her, Asong felt that n.o.body could stop her ascend into the ranks of the government but now all that was starting to seem like a pipe dream seeing how Anna would not budge about killing Aba over a boy. This was typical of Anna but she had to convince her otherwise for the sake of world peace, "Are you guys sure you are going to make an enemy out of demiG.o.d Windsor for a– I hate to sound like an insensitive b.i.t.c.h but the circ.u.mstances call for it so I have to say it, a dead crush?"

Even though Anna was fully aware that all this was just an act, hearing Asong speak such words she could not help but take offense, "How dare you, you insensitive b.i.t.c.h? I know I have been very fickle when it comes to my partners but that was the past me, now it is different."

Seeing Anna aggressively lash out at her, Asong grinned in her mind for managing to replace Anna"s indifference with anger. As an angry Anna was a lot easier to manipulate than an indifferent Anna, "How is it different, Anna? Tell me."

Anna got worked up thinking how when she confessed her feelings to the boy he too did not believe her just like Asong, who did not believe her, "It is different, I don"t have to explain myself to you."

Seeing that her doubting the genuinity of Anna"s feelings for the boy caused Anna"s anger to grow, Asong decided to stick to it, "No, you have to explain to me, how this boy was any different from your past flings? you have to tell me."

Seeing that her past was causing even her closest friend to doubt her feelings for the boy, Anna felt it was not a surprise that the boy was having a hard time trusting her feelings for him. This realization caused Anna to grow angry at herself for being too fickle in the past and now it was affecting the only relationship cared about. Enraged at herself, Anna yelled, "Asong, I said I don"t have to explain myself to you."

Seeing her strategy was working Asong continued to poke Anna where it enraged her the most, "Why not? I am your best friend, I have the right to know. Just admit it, Anna, you haven"t changed one bit, you are as impulsive as back then and this boy is just another fling of yours."

Anna who was already angry at her past self for her questionable and lengthy track record of ex-boyfriends could not take any more of Asong repeatedly reminding her about her past affecting what she considered as her present and future, so she yelled in irritation, "Shut the f.u.c.k up Asong or I will, you don"t know me."

Seeing Anna start to make threats that she would never be able to hold up, Asong"s grin in her mind widened. Just a little bit more and she would have Anna"s mind hot enough to cast her thoughts as she desired, "I know you, Anna, I know you better than my parents know me. I have seen you at your best and worst. Threatening to kill a girl over a boy, is a new low even for you Anna."

Seeing Asong starting to stand on moral high ground and starting to judge her, Anna was immediately p.i.s.sed at Asong. Yes, she had fun in the past so what? That doesn"t mean anyone can judge her for that, or she could not spend her present and future with whom she wanted because of that, "Asong, you don"t know anything, just leave."

Seeing the opportunity Asong decided to land her final blow, "Yes, I don"t know Anna, I don"t know. How could I? You don"t tell me anything nowadays,"

Then, Asong got up and turned to leave, fully knowing that Anna was a sentimental fool and would not let her leave after hearing the words she just spoke.

Anna was okay with being called anything but a bad friend. Anna, who was worked up about her one-sided love, now felt bad realizing that with the pa.s.sing years she has been neglecting her friend. They were so out of touch that neither knew what was going on in the other"s life. So she decided to confess and confide in her friend once again like used in the past, "Fine, you want me to tell you, I will tell, Wyatt was not just another fling, he is the first man I ever loved. There it is, I said it. I am in love with a high schooler. Screw me for being in love with a high schooler."

Seeing Anna break emotionally, Asong felt her victory was imminent as long as she played her cards right, "Oh, honey, come here. I am sorry, I did not mean any of that. I just wanted you to talk to me like we used to."

Seeing Asong manipulate Anna Ann cussed Anna in her mind, "This simpleton, this works too."

But she did not immediately expose Asong"s game plan to Anna seeing how it was all working out to help set the narrative they wanted to set. So she jumped in, to have some fun,


"Ann, honey, you too come here,"

? "Big sis, Wyatt is my first love too."

"Ann, I dare you to say that one more time."

"He is my first love."

"Get your own lover."

"You two would have made Wyatt the luckiest man alive, shame he had to die so young."

*An hour later*

"So Anna you agree to forgive Agatha and not kill Aba."

"It will be hard but I will forgive them as long as they help find his and help me bring them to justice."

"Yes, don"t worry we will not spare any effort to find the organization and the hand behind the boy"s death. This is my promise to you."

Asong felt a sense of achievement thinking that she had achieved the impossible.

Anna was confused as to what just happened. What did I just agree to? Wasn"t all this an act? What is false, what is real?

Ann, gazing at the celebrating Asong and puzzled Anna, snickered, unable to escape feeling omniscient she thought, "Fools."