Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1242 Three Step Plan

Chapter 1242 Three Step Plan

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 11:17

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse No.234

One of the three low-level card apprentices that entered the warehouse was none other than the person that Laura, Joe, and his goons visited the sky-blossom city in search of. However, this did not stop Joe"s advisors from using that person in their plans to help Joe get on good terms with Aba Windsor.

Their plan had three simple steps, the first step was to find fault with three low-level card apprentices so that they get provoked and do something stupid like a verbal fight. The first step was crude as it would also cause Aba Windsor to be displeased with Joe as she was acquainted with these three low-level card apprentices. However, this step was an important step in their plan as this would spark an opinion about Joe in Aba"s mind.

The second step was to blow the little discord out of the proposition such that Joe can blame the three low-level card apprentices for sullying the honor of the Hill family and challenge them into a life-and-death duel while justifying his actions as a necessary action to protect the Hill family honor. The three low-level card apprentices will have no choice but to agree to the life-and-death duel as they will make sure of it.

And the last step was for Joe to use his fancy card set and higher realm to defeat the three low-level card apprentices but instead of killing them, Joe would spare their life showing his generosity and would use this opportunity to give out a warm and heartfelt speech about family, honor, and mercy. This way Joe would erase the little dissatisfaction that Aba had towards him and replace it with warm feelings depending upon how good and convincing Joe"s performance was. And since Joe had spared the lives of her acquaintances Aba might even feel like she owes Joe a favor because as Joe"s advisors, they would praise the generosity of their young master while hinting Aba that if the three card apprentices were not her acquaintances no matter how generous Joe was he would let them off the hook for their actions without any consequences.

This was the three-step plan that Joe"s advisors had come up with to help Joe get on the good side of Aba. Reading this plan in the text his advisors had sent him Joe was overjoyed as he liked the plan very much and thought it would definitely work. Especially the part of the plan where he would first come off as the bad guy in Aba"s eyes and then she soon realizes that he was the good guy and she had mistaken about him. Joe felt like this plan was a surefire way for him to make his way into Aba"s heart.

Now that Joe knew what he had to do he was waiting for the perfect moment to commence his plan. And that moment came soon enough when he saw the insane stats of the card that was supposed to be Laura"s fated ingredient. Joe was having a hard time believing that he was able to find such a card in the third-rate city of the southern region of all places. With the emotion already in place, Joe did not need to act to find faults with the low-level card apprentices to provoke them. He spoke his mind and the first step of his plan proceeded flawlessly. Though not all three of them fell for his provocation, it just took one of them for him to move to the second step of his plan. And one of them was dumb and hot-headed enough to walk into his trap and dig her own grave.

Before Joe could celebrate the successful compet.i.tion of the second step of his plan, something unexpected happened Aba used her family name to watch over the life-and-death duel between him and the feisty girl. Making sure that if either of the partic.i.p.ants of this life-and-death duel were to die, there would be no hard feelings, and the friends and relatives of the loser would be forsaking their right for revenge and vengeance. This did surprise Joe and his advisors as it showed that these three low-level card apprentices" relationship with Aba was more than that of mere acquaintances. Which was both good and bad for their plan. Therefore Joe and his goons decided to not drag this out and make Joe the good guy as soon as possible.

However mid-way through the plan looking at the b.u.mpy figure of the feisty girl, Joe was conflicted, he wanted to follow the plan he had in his mind but his p.e.n.i.s had a mind of its own it begged him that it wanted to be cuddled between the two huge mountains of the feisty girl. Joe steeled his mind and mentally disciplined his p.e.n.i.s, "No! No! Not today. We have bigger fish to fry."


While Joe was continuing to the third step of his plan having convinced his p.e.n.i.s, something rather odd occurred, the other two low-level card apprentices did not seem to care about his life-and-death duel with their friend and even dared to mock him for trying to protect his family"s honor. Joe wanted to challenge them to a life-and-death battle too but he did not as from the corner of his eyes he saw that Aba was very displeased with him and having already agreed with his advisors to not push his act any further Joe let this slide and proceeded with the plan. Asking the feisty girl to show him the venue for their duel.

"What is this place?" Joe asked the feisty girl having followed her into an adjacent warehouse. Everything was going as Joe and his goons planned. Yes, there were a few hiccups midway but Joe felt that he handled them pretty well. Joe was counting his chicks even before the eggs hatched as he had great confidence in his expensive card set.

"This is the testing area where I test the cards that I create, this should be a good place for us to have our duel."

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