Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1304 Soul Energy Constructs

Chapter 1304 Soul Energy Constructs

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- -/-

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Inter-realm city

A soul energy construct was a construct purely made of soul energy that exists only spiritually but not physically. They do not have soul pathways like everything else in the physical plane they were just of energy. They exist but never feel them physically however that was not the case spiritually. This was why I had the containers containing liquid soul energy transferred to my calamity soul gem and not my physical body.

Now imagine owning a weapon that can directly attack the enemy"s spirituality without the enemy detecting it. I felt that weapons made of soul energy constructs can make an incredible hidden weapon that can silence any target without leaving behind any trail. I got excited just imagining using the soul energy construct to directly attack the enemy"s ego gem and taking them out before they know what hit them.

I have not heard of these kinds of weapons in the card world but so I did not know their market value. However, I bet on them being incredibly rare and expensive therefore did not hesitate to get the devil merchant to create a few weapon-type soul energy constructs despite them costing me a fortune.

Now I was really starting to understand the points made by the demon merchants from the dark realm. Seeing how the demon merchants that were not native to the dark realm could easily make a killing by using the various features of the devil merchant code and the pricing difference in the two markets.

No wonder the demon merchants native to the dark realm jointly discriminated against the other demon merchants. It hasn"t been that long since I got introduced to demon merchant codex and devil merchant code but I had already figured out a few different ways to make millions of soul jades. I don"t see why the demon merchants that were not native to the dark realm complained about the devil merchant code being unfair and monopolized by demon merchants native to the dark realm.

Now that was insensitive on my part. I say so because if not for my knowledge of array formations, hefty seed money, Hive AI copying data from infinity library, etc I could never have been able to come up with various projects to earn millions of soul jades taking advantage of the various features of the devil merchant code and the pricing difference in the two markets.

I was not narcissistic and did not think that I was the first one to come up with the idea to farm liquid soul energy and rule power from the inter-realm city. I bet many demon merchants from the dark realm had already thought of that and have been doing that for ages.

This led to the supply of the liquid soul energy and rule power in the dark realm"s market outgrowing the demand for the liquid soul energy and rule power in the dark realm"s market causing the price of the liquid soul energy and rule power to decrease to record low totally eliminating the price difference in of liquid soul energy and rule power in the devil merchant market and the dark realm market.

When they could no longer make insanely high profits or even a minimum profit many demon merchants native to the dark realm stopped farming liquid soul energy and rule power in the inter-realm city. With this the supply and demand of liquid soul energy and rule power in the dark realm"s market were balanced.

So unless a demon merchant had very high-level soul energy and rule power gathering array formations that allowed them to collect an enormous volume of liquid soul energy and rule power at their disposal they could not make much profit by farming liquid soul energy and rule power in the inter-realm city and selling it in the dark realm.

I would be a fool to think that since the creation of the devil merchant code"s inter-realm city, none of the demon and devil merchants ever thought of using energy-gathering array formations to harvest liquid soul energy and rule power and sell them in their native realm taking advantage of the pricing difference in the two markets.

Many should have thought of that but only a few should have been able to achieve it because gathering the initial seed money and all the knowledge required for creating efficient energy-gathering array formations was not something everyone had. Just to gather either of these two things would take anyone years of hard work and acc.u.mulation. I was able to overcome all that thanks to my Hive AI and financial conditions. Otherwise, I too, like the young Redfoot, would have no choice but to sit next to the fountain in the sector ES0012 to train my spirituality and comprehend rules. Hoping that things would change once I got stronger.

Using the demon merchant codex to transfer the weapon-type soul energy constructs that I had the devil merchant code create to my calamity soul gem I decided to leave the inter-realm city planning to return to sector ES0012 after a day has pa.s.sed in card world to check on the pseudo-natural rule-power-gathering array formations and observe how much liquid rule power all three of the array formations had collected.

It was time I returned to my physical body because my work here in the inter-realm city was done for now. Soon I found myself back in the white tunnel and then felt an invisible force carry me out of the tunnel.

When I opened my eyes I saw my grimoire hovering in front of me and that my spiritual body had returned to my physical body, I was back in the physical plane in the Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Bloodette"s dungeon seal.

I checked the time only to learn that I had spent nearly 18 hours in the inter-realm city however I only felt like only spent nine to ten hours in the inter-realm city, as most of my spent was spent setting up the six energy-gathering array formations and while the time I spent in sector DS0909 was the less compared to the other two sectors apparently I spent the most time there because of the time difference. I.e the flow of time in sector DS0909 was ten times the flow of time in the card world.

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