Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1659 Buying The Rights

Chapter 1659 Buying The Rights

Date- -- / -- / ----

Time- -- / --

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Inter-Realm City, Sector DS0909, Central Area, Blight Brood Club

"Card World!" Wyatt exclaimed unable to control his surprise.

"Master Ezra, you heard of Card World?" Cuth Diya was surprised to see Wyatt had heard of an unknown realm.

"Who hasn"t heard of it? It is the realm that put an end to the reign of the "Ten Commandments" faction," Wyatt answered Cuth Diya. Mak Tul appeared surprised that he knew about the Ten Commandments.

"Master Ezra, I don"t know what relation you have with the "Ten Commandments" faction?" Mak Tul guessed that since the Chaos Dwarf knew the name of the faction that had been destroyed, erased, and forgotten from the pages of Dark Realm"s history, he or his ancestors must have had some connection with them.

"No, I do not have any connection to them. Some of my seniors and the faction had some unresolved grudges. Now that they are no more, it does not make sense to think about it," Wyatt said casually and this time he was not lying.

"I have heard that in their hay day the "Ten Commandments" did not like hearing no for an answer and Chaos Dwarvan Race did not like being ordered around, so the dispute between them was not surprising," Mak Tul nodded his head in understanding recalling the fight between "Ten Commandments" and the Chaos Dwarven Race.

"Cuth Diya, why did Devil Muth Diya choose Card World as the venue to forge your t.i.tle demon core? I heard that after the destruction of the "Ten Commandments" faction, the rights to the Card World were transferred to the devil merchant code. Unless Devil Muth Diya is planning to buy the rights to the card world from the devil merchant code," Wyatt was curious about what would prompt Muth Diya to get his son to forge his t.i.tle demon core in the Card World of all the realms in the myriad realms. Wyatt had his guess but he hoped that he was wrong.

"Master Ezra, my father is rich but he doesn"t have the wealth to pull something of this scale, the "Seven Princes of h.e.l.l" faction has bought the rights to the card world from the devil merchant code under the advis.e.m.e.nt of the founding Devil Belphegor," Cuth Diya revealed the big thing of their faction to an outsider without any form of caution.

This caused Mak Tul to frown. Regardless of Chaos Dwarf"s status, he was still an outsider. If it was someone else who had done this, Mak Tul would have executed them following the faction rules but Cuth Diya"s status was higher than his so he could only sit by and watch as he babbled.

Mak Tul could signal him to stop talking but knowing the temperament of a second-generation bully he knew regardless of what he did not only would he fail to stop Cuth Diya from talking about Card Word With Chaos Dwarf Ezra but also get on his wrong side. So he decided to do nothing and let the matter take its course.

"s.h.i.t," Wyatt cussed in his heart as the worst thing that he hoped would not happen had unfolded. Belphegor had bought the rights to the Card World from Devil merchant code with the help of the "Seven Princes of h.e.l.l."

Interestingly, the first demon merchant to discover the Card World and gain its rights from the Devil Merchant code sold the rights of the Card World to the "Ten Commandments" faction.

When Wyatt learned that whoever finds a realm owns the right to said realm, one of the first things he did was check who owned the rights to the card world in the devil merchant code. That was how he learned of the "Ten Commandments" faction, their destruction at the hands of Card Apprentices, and lastly that the rights to the card world were then transferred to the Devil Merchant Code since there was no native Devil/Demon core from Card World to claim the rights to the Card World.

Since Wyatt became the first demon merchant of the Card World he did try to claim back the rights of the Card World from the Devil merchant code. Unfortunately, the Devil Merchant Code demanded a substantial offering for the rights of the Card World.

Wyatt was not the one to give up so easily so he made an appeal with the Devil Merchant Code that he as the only demon merchant from the Card World was the rightful owner of the Devil Merchant Code"s inter-realm transportation rights to the Card World. Unfortunately, even though Devil Merchant Code caved the appeal was not a success.

Devil merchant code said that it would give a fifty percent discount to Wyatt to exchange the Card World"s rights from it only because he was the native demon merchant of the Card World and that this discount on the prices of inter-realm transportation rights to Card World will not be extended to any other demon/devil merchant except for the demon/devil merchant native to the Card World. Then it warned that no other concessions were possible.

Even with a 50 percent discount the offering required to exchange for the rights to the inter-realm travel to the Card World was astronomical for Wyatt to buy the inter-realm transportation rights to the Card World. This was just absurd. That was when Wyatt realized that the devil merchant code did this because it was not willing to give up on the hefty offering it received every time a demon or devil used its inter-realm transportation service to move back and forth between Card World and Dark Realm. Since it owned the rights it could quote any price following the rules it had set in place. This was one of the loopholes the Devil Merchant Code had created in its rules for itself to take advantage of.

So Wyatt could not help but wonder how much wealth the "Seven Princes of h.e.l.l" faction had ama.s.sed to be able to buy the inter-realm transportation rights to Card World.

"Don"t get me wrong, how sure is the "Seven Princes of h.e.l.l" faction to achieve what the "Ten Commandments" faction could not achieve, keeping in mind that the natives of the Card World are responsible for the destruction of the "Ten Commandments" faction?" Wyatt asked Cuth Diya.

Be it in terms of power or influence, the "Ten Commandments" faction outdid the "Seven Princes of h.e.l.l" faction in every way. So Wyatt could not help but wonder what gave the "Seven Princes of h.e.l.l" faction the confidence to achieve something that the "Ten Commandments" faction failed to achieve. They must have something up their sleeve to spend such a hefty money on procuring the Inter-realm transportation rights to the Card world. Belphegor must have used some trick to get the consent of other founding devils of the faction to do something as drastic as this.

"Devil Belphegor has been to the Card World recently and discovered that the natives of Card World also have taken a huge loss fending off the attack of the "Ten Commandments" faction and they have yet to recover from it. Therefore, it was deemed that it was the best opportunity for us to continue where the "Ten Commandments" faction stopped," Cuth Diya explained with details as if trying to impress Chaos Dwarf Ezra.

As for Mak Tul, he just kept a forced smile on his face knowing that Cuth Diya was willing to reveal the faction"s confidential information just to impress Chaos Dwarf Ezra. It was because he knew exactly what Cuth Diya was up to by doing this, that he could not bring himself to stop Cuth Diya. Also, he knew this information would be public soon anyway. So it did not matter that Chaos Dwarf knew it a little earlier than others. As for his forced smile, it was to help Cuth Diya convey to Ezra how important and confidential the information he was sharing with him was. Even without any prior preparation, Cuth Diya and Mak Tul were acting in sync to impress Erza.

Listening to what Cuth Diya said Wyatt immediately understood that the Belhpegor had made sure to suppress the information about him defeating his Worldhog incarnation and all the humiliation he put him through. Considering that there were no other devils left alive to act as witnesses it must not have been hard for him to suppress what transpired the last time one of his incarnations visited the Card world.

"I see, but I heard that the price for inter-realm transportation rights to Card World is very high. Considering the initial amount your faction would have to invest isn"t it a lot of risk to take?" Wyatt said shaking his head as if saying that the "Seven Princes of h.e.l.l" faction was making a mistake.

"That is where you have mistaken Master Ezra, Devil Bephegor had found a way to get the inter-realm transportation rights to the Card World for a 50 percent discount. This is one of the main reasons why the other founding devils agreed to make the card world their next target," Cuth Diya said excitedly, he felt good to show Ezra that he had underestimated their faction.